Higher View Business - Issue 5

Page 78



By Tony Raunic, Partner - Hunt & Hunt 作者:托尼·罗尼奇, Hunt & Hunt 律师事务所合伙人


PROPERTY PERKS AND PITFALLS Are Australian assets in your current or planned investment strategy? If so you need to be aware of changes in the Australian foreign investment rules, writes Hunt & Hunt partner Tony Raunic. 澳大利亚资产是否是您当前或未来投资策略中的目标?如果是的话,您需 要了解澳大利亚外商投资规定中一些渐行渐近的变化。Hunt & Hunt律师 事务所合伙人托尼·罗尼奇为你细细道来。


ith a very stable economy, a favourable exchange rate and a new Free Trade Agreement, Australia is more than ever a popular destination for Chinese foreign investment. A booming property market, cultural connections and large numbers of Chinese students have fostered a preference for investment in Australian real estate. But the flood of Chinese investment in Australian property assets has prompted an Australian Government review of the regulation of foreign investment. The review, together with changes under the recent Free Trade Agreement, will see some Chinese investment become easier, while restrictions in some areas will remain the same or be tightened. Chinese foreign investment will continue to be welcomed by Australia, however, investors need to be aware of the recent changes when making investment decisions.


According to Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB), in the 2013/14 financial year foreign investment in Australian assets was valued at A$167.4 billion and included Chinese investment in Australian assets valued 78 | HIGH ER VIEW BUSIN E S S

at A$27.6 billion. Behind the US, Australia is the 借着稳定的经济、优惠的汇率以及新签的 number one target for Chinese foreign 《自由贸易协定》,澳大利亚作为中国对外 investment. While there is a heavy weighting 投资热土的受欢迎程度前所未见。风生水起的地 towards commercial real estate (about 50%), 产市场、枝附叶连的文化纽带以及数量庞大的中 Chinese investors also targeted infrastructure, 国留学生带动了澳大利亚房地产市场的投资 leisure and retail, mining and energy projects. 热潮。 In terms of commercial real estate, 但是,正是这种地产投资热潮开始促使澳大 accounting firm KPMG reported that an 利亚政府重视审视其外商投资制度。此次审查连 overwhelming 72% of Chinese investments in 同新签《自由贸易协定》所推动一系列变化将会 Australia targeted assets in New South Wales, 让中国投资者在澳的投资更为便利,同时某些产 with 13% in Victoria and 12% in Queensland. In 业领域的限制仍将维持现状或收紧。中国投资者 fact, investment in Australian commercial real 依然受到澳大利亚的欢迎,但投资者在做出投资 estate by Chinese interests almost quadrupled 决定之时还需深入了解这些即将迎来的变化。 from 2013 to 2014! Chinese investment in Australian property 澳大利亚的外国投资市场 will continue to increase, spurred on by the 根据澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会(FIRB)的 passage of the China and Australia Free Trade 统计,在2013-2014财年期间,对各种澳大利亚 Agreement (ChAFTA) through the Australian 资产的外商投资总额达到1674亿澳元,其中包 Parliament, and the devaluation of the Yuan 括来自中国的276亿澳元的总投资。除却美国之 coupled with the strong US Dollar and the weak 外,澳大利亚是中国投资者眼中的头号投资目 Australian Dollar drawing Chinese investment 标。虽然中国投资者的重心开始向商业地产 out of the US and into Australia. (大约占到50%的比重)转移,但他们的投资目 The southern Australian State of Victoria has 标还包括各种基础设施、休闲和零售、采矿和能 seen several Chinese backed development 源项目。 proposals in recent times including Australian 在商业地产方面,毕马威会计事务所 Education City - a small city replete with (KPMG)报告称72%的中国在澳资产投资均落 skyscrapers, higher education facilities and 户新南威尔士州,另外的13%和12%则分别落户 residential property in East Werribee, on the 维多利亚州和昆士兰州。实际上,2013年至 rapidly expanding Western fringes of the 2014年期间,中国投资者在澳大利亚开展的商


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