Citizenmatters 24mar2012 Jpnagar edition

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Citizen Matters JP Nagar-BTM-Jayanagar

Wish you Happy Ugadi

No. 3/119, 9th Main, 3rd Block, Jayanagar

Local news like no one else does


waiver of 43 LAKHS PENALTY

Residents request, BESCOM COOPERATES Page 10

So why did lawyers really go on strike? 11

SUMMER CAMP SPECIAL 16 Special features and listings


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Vol-4 Issue-04

24Mar - 6Apr 2012

Citizen Matters Vol-4 Issue-04, 24Mar - 6Apr 2012 KARENG/2009/28904. Published & printed by Meera K for Oorvani Media Pvt Ltd. Printed at Lavanya Mudrana, 19, 15th cross, Vidyapeeta Circle, BSK I Stage, Bangalore 560060 Place of publication Oorvani Media, 165, I cross, I block, Kmgla, Bangalore 560034. Editor Subramaniam Vincent.

Treating Keratoconus without surgery What is Keratoconus? Keratoconus is a progressive condition affecting the cornea of the eye. The cornea is the clear window at the front of the eye. The precise shape of the cornea’s curve allows it to act as a lens, projecting an image into the eye. The cornea is made up of bundles of protein called ‘collagen’. These bundles are normally held tightly together by chemical links between the collagen strands. This ensures that the shape of the cornea is constant. In a keratoconic cornea, the normal chemical links between collagen strands are deficient, causing the cornea to be unusually elastic. The pressure inside the eye then pushes the cornea into a distorted, conical shape. This spoils the quality of the image projected into the eye, and the vision becomes progressively blurred. Keratoconus affects about 1 in 7000 people.

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How is keratoconus treated? Glasses may be sufficient in the early stages of keratoconus, but contact lenses are needed when the cornea becomes so misshapen that glasses are no longer effective in correcting vision. Although soft contact lenses can sometimes be used, contact lenses for keratoconus are usually ‘hard’ gaspermeable lenses. Hard lenses are not always comfortable and may only be worn for a limited number of hours each day. In some cases, the corneal shape becomes too distorted even for contact lenses to help. Also, scarring may develop, causing vision to become clouded. At this stage, a corneal

transplant is usually needed. Corneal transplantation is a major surgery and carries significant risks. The transplant stops the keratoconus progressing and provides a clear window into the eye. However, the shape of the cornea is usually far from perfect. Some people will see adequately with glasses after corneal transplantation, but most will still need contact lenses to see well. Corneal transplants do not last forever and the procedure may have to be repeated every 15 year or so. Keratoconus is a progressive condition affecting the cornea which assumes a distorted, conical shape. This causes vision to become progressively blurred. Corneal collagen cross linking with riboflavin (C3-R) is the only non-surgical treatment that is proven to prevent the progression of keratoconus, and it may even be able to reverse the condition to some extent.

Is there a treatment? Corneal Collagen Cross linking with Riboflavin (C3-R) is the only nonsurgical treatment that is proven to prevent the progression of keratoconus, and it may even be able to reverse the condition to some extent. How does C3-R help? This treatment encourages the formation of normal chemical links between the collagen protein strands in the cornea. This makes the cornea more rigid and will stop the keratoconus from progressing in 97% of the cases. The treatment can even cause the keratoconus to reverse to some extent. C3-R may prevent the need for contact lenses if performed early on. Even

where contact lenses are already needed, C3-R can eliminate the need for corneal transplantation. No other treatment for keratoconus can offer this; C3-R is unique. Current evidence is that the effects of treatment are permanent. Who is suitable for C3-R ? Anyone with progressive keratoconus is potentially suitable. Patients with very advanced keratoconus or whose vision is already spoiled by scarring will usually not be good candidates for the procedure. The earlier the treatment is done, the better, but C3-R can still be beneficial decades after keratoconus has begun to develop. To find out how you might benefit from corneal collagen cross linking with riboflavin (C3R), contact our Cornea Specialist at Shekar Nethralaya. How is C3-R keratoconus treatment performed ? C3-R keratoconus treatment is a safe, painless procedure with minimal discomfort afterwards; maybe a slight feeling of grittiness for the first 24 hours. The treatment involves absorbing riboflavin eye-drops into the cornea and then bathing the surface of the eye in a very specific wavelength of light. The combination of the light and riboflavin causes chemical bonds to form within the cornea, increasing its rigidity and stability. The whole process is a walk in-walk out procedure that takes about two hours. After the procedure, a protective soft contact lens is worn for about 48 hours, and eye drops need to be used four times daily for five days and then twice daily for the next four weeks.

Dr Vidyashankar G K Senior Consultant at Shekar Nethralaya Expert in LASIK and Cataract

633, 100 feet Ring Road JP Nagar 3rd Phase, Bengaluru - 560078 Tel: 08026593210 fax: 08041209197 Ph:9980562020

Cosmetic dentistry? Whom and what to look for? An attractive smile makes a person more appealing, it boosts your confidence level, makes you feel g ood on the inside as well as outside, breaks barriers and makes you more approachable. However this does not always come naturally, it has to be acquired or honed at times. While smiling comes naturally, how attractive that smile is and how often or spontaneously you smile, depends on how comfortable you are with your mouth. While we all wish we were born with a great set of teeth, this is not always the case-so whom do you turn to for help – Your Cosmetic Dentist !! Choosing a cosmetic dentist can be a great first step to creating that wonderful smile you’ve always wanted and dreamed of. BUT WAIT..Do not go to the first dentist down the street – take time to look around. With every dentist out there claiming that they perform cosmetic dentistry, it’s difficult to discern who is right for you. Here are some things to think about when choosing the person who will give you that great smile !! 1. Level of Post-Graduate Dental Education-Minimal amounts of cosmetic dentistry are taught by dental colleges at graduate level. Make sure to look at the post-graduate credentials when choosing your cosmetic dentist. What membership affiliations do they have? Do they update themselves with continuing dental education? 2. Is it their focus? Are they experienced in this line of work? - Look for a dentist who has made cosmetic dentistry a focus in their practice. Obviously, the more cases a dentist has done, the more likely she/he

can deliver consistent results.

3. Before and after photos- This one is important. During your initial consultation, ask to see cases he/she has already done. Make sure that the dentist you are selecting has copious photography of their work. Before and after pictures are essential for evaluating the level of performance you can expect from that dentists’ work.

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Clinics that are ISO certified are on par with International standards in all fields and hence the smarter choice for your treatment. Dentists who will go the extra mile to provide a better facility,are more likely to show the same precision in your work too as they apparently care about standards. 6. Are you comfortable with the dentist? It is important that you get a sense of honesty and have a high level of communication with the dentist that you choose. They need to understand your needs & you will be spending some time with the dentist , so if you get a bad feeling, it might be best to move on.

During the consultation a dentist may explain to you “ideal” treatment and a variety of other options. 4. Other patients-Testimonials on a website are great, even better is for the dentist to have patients that you could call and discuss how their experience went. Other patients sometimes give you a better idea of what to expect before, during and after treatment. The dentist should be proud to give you a list of his “raving fans” to call or email. 5. Technology and Office Standards-

For comprehensive dental care solutions, contact:

Sandhya Ramanujam

Have a look around the office. This is your opportunity to see the equipment, ask questions about available technology and procedures, and check out the sterilization areas.

Clinical Director and Owner - Perfect 32, Consultant at Fortis Hospitals Consultant-Dental Legal Advisor & Auditor Clinical Director of International Certification Training programs in Dental Implants, Dental Law and Rehabilitative & Aesthetic Dentistry

Perfect 32 “Green Arch” 45/A, 1st Floor, 1st Main (Next to Parkview Hotel), J.P Nagar 3rd Phase, Bangalore Ph: 40989896, 40981767, 9880027728. email:

7. Expect treatment options- During the consultation a dentist may explain to you “ideal” treatment and a variety of other options. Options are important because ultimately you are responsible for your own decisions. 8. Don’t always look for the cheapest deal – As humans we always try to get a bargain. It is a well known fact that ‘you get what you pay for’. Give yourself sufficient importance that if you are seeking expertise and quality, you should be willing to pay for it too. An experienced dentist will charge for his expertise, trying to skimp will result in loss of quality… this is a once in a lifetime investment-you might as well go for something that will provide you satisfaction... and more often than not the Best does not come Cheap!!


Keep the sparkle in your smile The Dental Care and Implant Centre Dr.Sandhya Ramanujam D.D.S (USA), B.D.S India),C.B.M.(USA), P.G.D.M.L.E (India), Fellowship in Implantology (USA)

jayanagar jp nagar & BTM

Mayflower scripts a waste management success story

Garbage is now a resource for residents of Mayflower block in Brigade Millennium apartment in JP Nagar. With our Zero Waste initiative, we are getting revenue instead of paying for garbage clearance. The initiative started in 2008, but was not successful because of low response from residents. Earlier we had a common chute facility to push down waste. Today segregated waste is collected door-to-door from all 220 flats, and we have closed the chute. The Zero Waste Management team charted out a plan last December, and started a trial of segregation-atsource (at household level) on 15th December. This

We have been trying to get apartments to be zero waste through campaigns. Initially there is resistance, but Mayflower has managed waste satisfactorily. They only generate small quantities of waste now. - Environment Engineer, BBMP (did not want to be named)

Zero Waste Management Team: (from left) Sharanappa S, Gayatri Gopalkrishnan, Swarupa Daithankar, Prakash P. Pic: Sanjeev Daithankar

was done in steps - giving residents plastic bags to put segregated waste, educating residents/ housekeeping staff etc. Waste is segregated into wet, dry Citizen (recyclable) and Reports non-recyclable waste. Wet waste is again segregated into two types one edible by cattle and the other for compost. For two weeks, resident volunteers went along with housekeeping staff in the mornings to check if households were disposing properly segregated waste. Next, we replaced the plastic bags with common bins. Collection of recyclable dry waste increased, and it is being sold. Of the wet waste, cattle food goes

Housekeeping staff with segregated waste (from left): Prakash P, Manjunath, B Nagappa, M Mutthappa, Nagaraj N, M Mangala, M Sarsamma, G Chitra. Pic: Sanjeev Daithankar

Lessons learnt The original ‘Blue Drum Dry Waste Campaign’ was launched in Mayflower in November 2008. The association placed blue drums on every floor, near the garbage chute. Residents were requested to segregate their garbage. The usage of the blue drum was voluntary. Not being stringently enforced, large volumes of dry waste articles still went down the chute. Later in 2010, a composting pilot was started - about 500 kg of wet waste was successfully composted in about 60 days. However, the residents remained unconvinced and worried about the harmful effects of composting, the fear of smell and disease-causing insects and impact of chute closing. -Extracted from an article by Vinita in 2010

to a cowshed and the rest goes to a nearby school named Gurukul, which has a compost pit. We will soon start using this compost for gardening. The rejected non-biodegradable waste only comes to 2-3 bags per day. Earlier we had to pay a private contractor Rs 6,000 per month to remove garbage. BBMP Environment Engineer of Arekere inspected our system in February and is very happy with our efforts. Since our garbage is now less, we have discontinued the garbage contractor’s service, and BBMP is collecting it free of cost. Inputs from Zero Waste Management team, Mayflower block, Brigade Millennium apartments.

6 CITIZEN MATTERS 24Mar - 6Apr 2012 Vol-4 Issue-04

Her story, her words

local matters

Laxmi Murthy is the daughter of Vimala Murthy, writer and Citizen Matters caught up with Laxmi Murthy, excerpts. great grand daughter of Amba Bai, former headmistress How did the book Our Pictures, Our Words happen? of Vani Vilas High school. She has been associated with women’s activism for nearly three decades years now. I have been associated with the women’s movement since Laxmi, 49, a resident of Jayanagar 1st block, early 80s. Rajashri (co-author) and I were has recently co-authored a book – “Our approached by Zubaan Publishers to write Nimma Pictures, Our Words.” The book records the the book. The idea was to make these posters neighbour history of women’s movement in India more accessible to the newer and younger through posters. She is a consulting editor audience. with Himal Southasian and loves to shape the writings of What inspires you to write? the young generation. For me, writing is something I won’t even think about before doing. I feel uncomfortable if I don’t write. You come from a family of women who stood their ground and made a mark. How has it shaped you? It has shaped me pretty well. I did not really have to fight to do what I wanted. Of course struggle is there as patriarchy is everywhere. Not that things are so smooth. You do have to struggle. Nothing is handed to you on a platter. But I have seen a lot of struggle with my two – three generation. But not only were the women supportive, my father was also supportive in shaping me. He helped me do things that were otherwise reserved for men. Anisha Nair

More Bengalureans sign up for Organic Terrace Gardening 50-year-old Kala is an engineer by profession. She likes gardening in her spare time. She wants to protect her garden from pests and she wants to do this the ‘organic way.’ She found a perfect place to learn this at the Organic Terrace Gardening (OTG) workshop held at Vittal Mallya Scientific Research Foundation (VMSRF), in BTM Layout II stage, on 10th March. VMSRF is an organisation dedicated to biotechnology research to generate newer products and processes in the fields of healthcare and agriculture. Around 20-30 people between the age group of 8 to 62 years participated in the event. They were people from all fields - students to engineers and businessmen. Dr B Narayan Vishwanath, freelance consultant on organic farming, terrace gardening, landscaping and bio fertilisers, gave an insight on organic terrace gardening, how to grow, what can be grown, how to take care of it, what material is required etc. The participants were taken to the foundation’s terrace gardens and explained about pests, weeds and more.

Anisha Nair

check outs

Planning a birthday party?

Birthdays are not anymore a simple affair with a bunch of friends, cake, balloons and candles. Today, childrens’ birthday bashes can be quite a fancy event with everything from bouncing castles to magic shows, all managed by professionals. Hotels/party halls have tie ups with event management companies for the décor and theme of the party though it is optional. “The basic décor starts at Rs 3000, magic show at Rs 2,500, tattooing at Rs 1,500 and caricature at Rs 2,500”, says Srinivas N, an event manager. “My five year old son is always excited to go to a birthday party just for the games and return gifts. It’s a new concept, but kids enjoy a lot”, says Padmaja Vinod, 33, a housewife. Here are a few of the venues where your child’s birthday party can be celebrated: Pai Viceroy, which houses an

exclusive party hall, is a good choice. It can accommodate around 200 people. Food is as per your choice, you can choose from the menu. It would work out to about Rs 350 (inclusive of taxes) per person. You can go for buffet lunch or dinner. Pai Viceroy offers only vegetarian food. They have south Indian, north Indian and Chinese cuisines. They also have tie ups with a few event management companies. Kandi Tree in Jayanagar 4th block is another hotel with a banquet hall. It can accommodate about 150 people and this place offers Indian and Asian cuisines. They offer a wide range of dishes for the buffet lunch and dinner and charge Rs 350 (inclusive of taxes) per person. You can optionally use the service of the associated event management firms. Suvee Boutique Hotel in Banashankari 3rd stage has a huge hall which can accommodate 300

people. They have Indian and Continental cuisines. It is priced at Rs 350 per person for a vegetarian meal and Rs 450 for a non vegetarian meal. Jalpan restaurant at Jayanagar 7th block is an excellent place for birthday parties. It can accomodate around 100 to 150 people. It offers Indian and Italian cuisines at Rs 330 per person. They have both lunch and dinner buffet (unlimited). They have tie ups with Shotimeevents, an event management company. Pai Viceroy: #1504, 16th Cross, 9th Main, Jayanagar 3 Block. Ph 9485184810 Kandi Tree: 8th B Main, 4th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore. Ph: 9902300300 Suvee Boutique hotel: #304 100ft Ring Road, Near Devegowda Petrol Bunk, 4th Phase 7th Block, Banashankari 3RD Stage. Ph: 9341223410 Jalpan: 539/49 9th Cross 7th Block West Of Kanakpura Road, Opp Nethradham Hospital, Jayanagar. Ph 26761992

Nagashree Gururaj Pic:

8 CITIZEN MATTERS 24Mar - 6Apr 2012 Vol-4 Issue-04

Check outs

‘Art connects with the soul directly’ “After studies, all I want to do is dance,” says Rohini Prabhath, 19, from Gandhi Bazaar, who is learning Kathak at Abhinava School of Dance for the past 12 years. The dance school is founded by internationally acclaimed Kathak and Bharathanatyam dancers, Nirupama Rajendra, 41 and T D Rajendra, 44. The Abhinava schools of dance along with Abhinava Dance Company are initiatives of Abhinava Arts Center, a non-profit trust based in Basavanagudi. Both Nirupama and Rajendra have been trained in Kathak and Bharathanatyam by renowned gurus and have been performing for more than two decades now. The duo has been awarded with prestigious Natya Mayuri and Natya Praveena respectively in 1998. It was a dance tour in the United Kindom, that seeded the idea to start a forum to help Indian culture reach out to the millions, through a way they both knew the best, dance. Subsequently they co-founded Abhinava Arts Center in 1994. The dancing duo- Rajendra and Nirupama. Pic: Deepthi M S

Rajendra and Nirupama at their dance studio, where classes are conducted. Pic: Deepthi M S

The performance wing of the arts center is Abhinava Dance Company (ADC), a name which most people recognise in the international circuits. ADC has carved an niche in the art of composing dance sequences based on required themes for corporates.

As a part of Abhinava Arts Center, Abhinava School of Dance conducts training classes for Kathak and Bharathanatyam. “We have been fortunate to have been associated with dance for so long, we want others to experience it too. It is more enjoyable when knowledge is shared”, says Rajendra, explaining purpose of starting a dance school. They train around 200 students coming from various parts of Bangalore, with age groups ranging from 7 to 45 years. “Art connects with the soul directly, it goes beyond religion, beyond the geographical boundaries. It connects at a deeper level,” says Nirupama, speaking of their experiences with western audiences.

Deepthi M S

Vol-4 Issue-04 24Mar - 6Apr 2012 CITIZEN MATTERS 9


Left to right: Anand Mangalam, Pradeep Nagaraj, Sunita K S. Pic: Abhishek Angad. Cover Credits: Pic: Abhishek Angad.

Residents survive BESCOM penalty shock, get it reversed Last month, around 400 residents under BESCOM’s S6 subdivision, JP Nagar, were in for a shock. Their bill reflected a penalty ranging from Rs 4000 to Rs 1.1 lakhs. Upon enquiry, they found out that the penalty was for not entering into an agreement with BESCOM at the time of shifting into LT3 consumer category. The overall penalty charges amounted to around Rs 43 lakhs. In May 2010, there was a major shifting of electricity installations from residential (LT2) to commercial (LT3) in the S6 subdivision of BESCOM. The department had earlier penalised residents who used to run their homes for commercial purposes such as paying guest houses, but had LT2 installations. Soon all residents changed their connection to LT3. Since then the electricity bill has reflected LT3 connection and commercial charges. Residents say they were not told about the agreement. Pradeep Nagaraja, 28, owner of a house in BTM layout who was penalised Rs 1 Lakh says, “the hitch was that in

the process of conversion from LT2 to LT3, there was a minor paperwork, of getting into an agreement at BESCOM for using LT3 connection. But it was not informed to us.” According to the process, there should be a notice sent stating the need for the agreement by registered post or by hand or should be stuck on the resident’s gates or walls, which should be clearly visible. But there was no notice. Neither was the connection cut off within three months, as specified by the KPTCL guidelines. Pradeep actively started looking for the solutions. It was during a customer interaction meeting when Anand Mangalam, part of the Indian Against Corruption group came to know that around 400 families had been affected due to this Back Billing Charges for no fault of theirs. Since there was no loss of revenue to BESCOM and it was more of a procedural lapse both on part of BESCOM and customer, he felt that a huge penalty was not justified and therefore they collectively approached the senior

10 CITIZEN MATTERS 24Mar - 6Apr 2012 Vol-4 Issue-04

BESCOM reacts positively BESCOM in a reply to the residents query, has asked the residents to log the complaints with the 24X7 helpline at 22873333 or email bescomcomplaints@gmail. com for faster and efficient response. The email also says “unless your complaint gets a docket number, it is out of our radar and hence left to the discretion of the local officer.” management of BESCOM. BESCOM MD P Mannivannan directed Superintendent Engineer (SE), South, Nagarjuna to re-verify the case. Nagarjuna’s internal investigations also proved there was no malafide intentions from the consumer side. Anand Mangalam says, “We got a stay on Back Billing Charges (BBC) within eight hours of e-mail sent to BESCOM-MD. We also received a prompt reply stating that SE, South has been assigned to investigate and reply within eight days. In ten days, I got a mail from MD BESCOM office approving the reversal of BBC. The consumers were extremely impressed by the agility and prompt response from BESCOM.” The residents however still await the formal response (hard copy) from BESCOM. C P Manjunath, Assistant Executive Engineer Electric, S6 , SubDivison, JP Nagar says, “we have prepared the drafts and just waiting for the internal communication to get the notice circulated among our employees and affected residents concerned.”

Abhishek Angad

Why lawyers locked down Bengaluru’s courts Just before pausing their twoweek agitation, lawyers of Karnataka have complained to the Chief Justice of India seeking action against Chief Justice of Karnataka - Vikramjit Sen - citing illegal acts against them.

cm special

Chief Justice of Karnataka. CJ has been demanding recall of the boycott before any action.

The lawyers are angry over the fact that none of the four High Court judges advised the Principal City Civil Judge and Sessions Judge to lodge a complaint after March 2nd Illustration: Sridhar C R. incident. Also, on a query made At the time of article going by an advocate to a judge of High Court, the court replied that ‘there was not to press lawyers decided to enough material to lodge a complaint call off the strike for few days when Home Minister against the police or the media’. It appears that the responses from higher judiciary have made lawyers feel left out. B T Venkatesh, advocate at the Karnataka High Court and Executive Director of Reach Law says that the police have not been registering cases lodged by lawyers. He adds that lawyers have pointed this out to the Chief Justice. “He seems not to have heard the same. He does not take any suo motu action”, says Venkatesh. Judges failed to lodge complaints, senior judges advised junior colleagues not to lodge complaints though cops abused 20 plus judges and beat one. Therefore we have complained to Chief Justice Of India and will continue our strike”, says Venkatesh.

for State R Ashoka ordered to transfer DCP(Central) G Ramesh and ACP K N Jitendranath. However, they are also demanding the resignation of R Ashoka. Also, a report submitted by DGP(CID) RK Dutta to home secretary stated that procedures were not followed during lathicharge on advocates on march 2nd. Lawyers say it is a wait-andwatch mode for some days and look forward for the government to take further action.

Lawyers who have boycotted civil, sessions and magistrate courts since March 2nd, tried filing a writ petition seeking action. But the case was not listed by the

Venkatesh further adds, “Everyday we are in the CJ’s court begging him to take some action but the judge treats us virtually like scum. He tells us to withdraw the boycott before any action. What boycott has to do with a public interest litigation?” The lawyers have demanded that law minister and home minister resign, action to be taken against the police officers who were in-charge on March 2nd, including state Director General and Inspector General (DG&IG) of Police Shanker Bidari and Bengaluru Commissioner of Police B G Jyotiprakash Mirji, and against some media personnel for provoking the outrage.

Serious questions Aditya Sondhi, 37, another lawyer based in Bangalore is taking a different position from the majority even as he is critical at the treatment meted out to the lawyers. “I do not support the strike”, says Sondhi, but adds that he wants the full picture to be presented to the citizens.

“We have been only hearing about instances of some abuse by lawyers and there are some photographs as well. But there was violence against innocent lawyers too. One has to get the entire picture and people should know the kind of violence perpetrated against innocent lawyers who were not involved in any kind of violence.” Sondhi is an advocate at High Court of Karnataka and the Supreme Court of India.

Abhishek Angad

Above: Aditya Sondhi, pic: Abhishek Angad, Left: B T Venkatesh. Pic courtesy: Venkatesh. A hurt lawyer. Pic courtesy: Harish Prabhu.

Vol-4 Issue-04 24Mar - 6Apr 2012 CITIZEN MATTERS 11

Summer camp listings: pg16

for your Info

Tips to select a tennis racquet inches), lighter and slightly longer racquets. Advanced players usually want more control and they can generate their own power. They could use smaller head sizes (85-98 square inches), and also heavier and shorter racquets.

If you are planning to initiate your child or yourself into tennis this summer, then this guide will help you decide on a racquet. Keep two factors in mind - level of play and understanding different parts of a racquet. Most people come under one of three categories. Beginners, intermediate or advanced. People starting off in tennis are obviously beginners. Racquets will differ for each category. Beginners tend to hit with less power and swing. They tend to do be better with oversized heads (107+ square

Whereas intermediate players tend to take a blend of features. Midsize heads (95-105 sq inches) and lighter racquets give them maneuverability and control. Understanding racquets Head size: Oversized racquets give more power and more surface area to strike. Smaller head size racquets give less power, but more control. Weight: Heavier racquets give more power and transmit less vibration to the hands. Lighter racquets are easier to swing or maneuver. Length: 27 inches is the standard length. Longer racquets give you better reach on ground strokes, and

Understanding your racquet’s head size (the ball striking surface), racquet weight, length, string tension, and grip are important. more power. On the other hand, control and maneuverability is less. String tension: Higher tension strings give you more spin and control. Lower tension strings reduce vibration and give you more power. Grip: Neither too small a grip (thin handle) nor too broad a grip (handle too fat) work. Ask a coach to show you how to select racquet handles with the right grip. Take your coach’s help, experiment with a few racquets and then decide. News Desk Information for this article was obtained from several tennis education websites and Wikipedia.

How to help your doctor understand your problem Doctors have a busy schedule, and if you proactively provide them with information about your health, rather than have them fish it out of you, so much the better. Here are some tips:

Does the fever comes only in evening, is it high grade or low grade. Are any of the glands enlarged, is there any history of infection, is it associated with any rashes, is it recurrent?

Be specific about what brings you to doctor. Explain the symptoms, mention duration of symptoms, any precipitating factor that you think has brought it up, if chronic then for how long it has been persisting. A few examples...

Ensure you share past history of any disease, allergies or reaction to any drugs. Do not forget to inform about family history of diabetes / hypertension/ heart disease/ cancers, any surgeries

o Pain in the abdomen: site of pain, whether acute or chronic, whether it shifts from where it started from, or radiates to another region, whether aggravated by or relieved by meals / vomiting/ change of posture, or pressure, whether first episode, or have there been previous episodes. o Fever: Whether it is continuous, or follows any particular pattern.

Sample Electronic Medical Records. Pic: Wikimedia Commons.

have a document which summarises your medical history, and reports of investigations in a health matters chronological order. You need Col (Retd.) Dr Mukul Saxena to update it following every medical consultation. undergone, or history of sudden Those who are tech savvy should death especially amongst siblings save their medical records digitally. or parents. Electronic Medical records (EMR) are What goes into your medical record? also a way of maintaining medical records. These are usually password While it is best to maintain a file of protected, and when required all the documents, it helps if you printouts can be taken. Vol-4 Issue-04 24Mar - 6Apr 2012 CITIZEN MATTERS 15

Bangalore’s own interactive newsmagazine

Citizen Matters EDITORS

Subramaniam Vincent Meera K Padmalatha Ravi JOURNALISM TEAM Navya P K Deepthi M S Anisha Nair Abhishek Angad MKTG/CIRCULATION Raghavendra 98455 06477 Satvik Koushik 9886754908 ADVT SALES Ramachandran P 9901 685368 Design/Production Shivakeshava M ©Oorvani Media Pvt Ltd. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the permission of the publisher. Ph: 080 — 41737584 Longer versions of all articles are available online., feedback@

Errata: *The blurb in Dr Mukul Saxena’s last column had incorrect wording. It should have read “Cough and cold does not necessarily need antibiotics. You cannot buy them over the counter without consulting your doctor. Here are some truths about antibiotics that you did not know.” ** The addresses in the Salads for the calories counter in you article was incorrect. Here are the correct addresses. Nature Nest: 26/1, 27th cross, Yediyur, Opp Bajaj Showroom, Jayanagar, 6th block. Ph: 9008264641 Pure and Natural: 260/79, 2nd Main, Jayanagar 7th Block. Ph: 26633304

Summer Camp Listings ART & Science Radiate Art summer camp: Painting on canvas, emboss art, glass painting, madhubani painting, Start:1st Apr - 30th, 8.30am, Mon-Sun, All age groups, Fees-2000 J.P. Nagar 7th phase, near Brigade Millennium, Ph: 9902046419 Email: J.P. Nagar 7th phase, near Brigade Millenium. Shemrock First Step preschool & daycare: Theme base activities, field day out, grand carnival, amazing races & personality development, 2-20 Apr, 23 Apr- 1st may, Mon-Fri, 10am-1pm, Age 2-10 From 1st Std, #730, Near Brigade Millennium. JP Nagar 7th phase- Ph: 9686200112/ 2525, Kavacha Summer camp: Sports, Skating. Starts: 1st Apr- May end, 6.30am-8.30am, 4.30pm- 6.30pm Monsat, Age-Mon-sat, Fees: 1000, #6th main, dollors colony, 4th phase JP Nagar, Ph: 9844358688,

Shri Sai Mind Care

Near GNR Kalyana Mantapa, 18th main,

Jayanagar 4T block, Bangalore

Abacus Vedic Maths Handwriting Calligraphy Phonics Music

Languages Rangoli Drawing Arts & Crafts Chess Tution

Memory Techniques Dance Mehendi class Chocolate making

Mobile: 93797 63375 Summer camp starting 5th April

Time Kids: Drawing, painting, music, dance, aerobic, indoor toy play, storytelling; Starts: 9th Apr- May end, 9.30a.m to 12.30p.m, Age-1.5-8, 17th main, JP Nagar 2nd phase, Ph:65681711 Just 4 u summer camp: Drawing. Painting, dance, shlokas; Starts: apr- 7th, 9.30a.m to 12.00p.m, 313, BTM 2nd stage, Bannerghatta road, Ph: 26687473, 9874787260 Kidz N Brainz: Art & craft, accountancy, abacus & vedic maths; Starts Apr 1st week, 9.30am – 11.30am, Age: 1st std, 1157, 5th cross, 6th A main, Mico layout BTM 2nd stage, Ph:9845049119 Handwriting programme: Handwriting with vocabulary improvement, Drawing. Guaranteed improvement, Start: 1st Apr- 25, 9.30a.m to 12.30p.m Mon-Fri, Fees: 2000, BTM 2nd stage Ph: 9845799896. Fevicryal art & craft camp: Art & Craft, Music & movements, field trips, Start: 5-29 Apr, 9.30am-1.30pm Mon-Fri Fees: 2300-2900, 7th main, BTM 2nd stage Ph: 9902815643, 26680441.E mail: r2w.btmlayout@ Global Art summer camp in arts&crafts: Global Art is conducting Art and Crafts classes for children 5-15 yrs, JP Nagar 1st Phase. HELP YOUR CHILD MEET CREATIVITY. Registrations begins 24th March. More details: Call Preetha @9620234312

Summer camp karate classes: Karate, stick training, 8.30am-10am, Mon-sat, Age groups: above 5year, Fees: 500, JP Nagar Bannerghatta road, ; Ph: 9343727928,

Indian art & dance: Revisit epic Ramayana. age, 3-6, Science innovaton lab age: 7+, 6-19 Apr; Workshop in calligraphy age: 8+, 6-21 Apr; Fusion fun camp Age: 3+, 2-13may Start: 6-29 Apr, 9.30a.m to 12.30p.m, Mon-Fri Fees: 2300-2900, BTM Layout 2nd stage Ph: 26782703, 9880956343.

Kids Home: Dance, music, drawing, craft, fort making, painting, without gas cooking. Puppet shows, puppet making; Starts: 2nd week Apr Mon-Fri Age-From 3years; 367, Delmia circle, 5th phase JP Nagar, Ph: 66815301

Summer Carnival: Magic school, dance, picnic day, cultural programme, stage show. Start: 9th-29 apr & 7th -27th may 10am-1pm, Mon-Fri, Age groups: 2-14 Fees: 2300-2900, Little Millennium, # 477, 40th cross, 9th main 5th block Jayanagar, Ph: 22444888, 9845063940.

UC Mas mental arithmetic system and curve: Abacus, Handwriting improvement. Starts: 16th Apr 9.30am11.30am Mon-Fri Age-4.5-13, Fees:2000, AV Education Society, J.P Nagar 5th Phase, Ph: 9901077668, 9901077668

Helping hands: classes for under performers, Starts: May 1st, 18th main19th A cross JP Nagar 5th Phase. Ph: 9880647825

16 CITIZEN MATTERS 24Mar - 6Apr 2012 Vol-4 Issue-04

Continued in pg 18>>

HEALTH & Nutrition SRINIVASA DENTAL CARE CENTRE Dr. VISHWAS # 383, 8th main, 7th cross, Mico Layout, BTM 2nd stage, Bangalore- 76. Ph:41201345, 9845195605. Multi specialist Dental clinic & Implant Centre. CHILDRENS DENTAL CLINIC DR. NERAJA RAJU Consultant Pedodontist. For appointment : 9845195605, 41201345. Address: # 383, 8th main, 7th cross, Mico Layout, BTM 2nd stage, Bangalore-76

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Come summer, come camps

While summer classes are de rigueur today, the last few years have seen a gradual shift from the art and craft classes to exploring wilderness and hands-on science. There are established players like Rangashankara that specialise in arts and theatre, and conducting classes for nearly eight years which are still popular with parents and children. Uma Bharath, mother of a 10-yearold daughter who is attending Rangashankara classes, believes that workshops which are rooted in the Indian context or are truly multicultural, will help improve her child’s understanding of her own country or another’s.

doing some small craft project to take home. Many neighbourhood play schools like Eurokids and Geniekids offer this option.

Many of the classes still give your child an option to just chill out, practice sketching and painting and

Newer startups like Cloud Mentor, an incubation platform for the future inventors and architects,

<<Continued from pg 16

Summer Camp Listings Art House workshops Discover Bengaluru through sketching: Starts 1st April Discover Bengaluru through art. Using pencil, charcoal, Ink and sketch book, explore interior space, atmosphere, light and the human figure, while learning basic drawing skills. Also Art of Water colour, Painting from Nature in Oil colour, Wood Cut workshop, Mural workshop. Ph:98863 94195, 98861 53297. Summer Fun @ Eurokids: Story time, creative time, Music & movement etc, Age: 3-10, Bloom #165, 5th Cross, 16th Main, MCHS layout BTM 2nd stage, Ph: 8453340248 Euro kids summer camp: Creativity story telling, music & movement, indoor & outdoor games, puppet waterplay, start: 2nd Apr - 26th. 9.30a.m to 12.30p.m. class strength- 15. Fees: 2800. K.R Layout, Opp. Inchar Sathya Ganapathy Devastana Trust. Ph: 26782544, 8453340248. Age groups: 3-10 email: raju.sunderraju@ Global Art workshop: Global Art is conducting a free workshop on creativity for children 5-15 yrs on April 13th (Friday) at Basavanagudi, near National College. Registration closes 10th April. More details: Call Preetha @9620234312. Summer Camp at Ninos Pre School: Arts & Crafts, Story Telling, Pot Painting, Drawing, Water Painting, Music & Movement, Public Speaking, 2years to 5 years (10am to 1pm) 5 years and above (9.30am to 1.30pm),Fees Rs. 2000 # 570, 2nd Main, 2nd Stage , Behind Shoppers Stop BTM Layout , Bangalore 560076, 91 80 40917477, Ph: 9845579609

Continued in pg 21>>

are offering interesting courses like Magic engineering and music science. There are camps that introduce children to concepts of robotics, understanding the innards of a car, applying mathematics to real life, the engineering behind gadgets etc. Continued in pg 19>>


Come summer come camps << Continued from pg 18 Some parents do use summer to help their child catch up on academics or brush up their math skills. For them, there are classes like Helping hands which holds classes for the under performers, UC Mas which teaches mental arithmetics with the help of abacus. Kidz N Brainz which teaches vedic maths and accountancy. There are some who like to use the opportunity to get the children learn shlokas and stories from the Puranas in the absence of grandparents in today’s nuclear families. Just 4 u summer camp

teaches shlokas to the children. Summer is also a great time for kids to get out in the open especially if parents are willing to send them to outside-the-city camps. Gerry Martin’s nature camps have been popular with parents for many years. Frolic Boonies holds outdoor camps that include mountaineering, river rafting and other such adventure sports. Nivedita from Frolic Boonies summer camp says, “we make sure we have a combination of adventure, fun and wildlife related activities that all kids will enjoy. Some of the attractions are Stream fishing, Bamboo rafting and bird watching this time.” If you are not comfortable sending your child to the wilderness, they

can always use the summertime to focus on sports. Chinmaya Sports Academy, YISA, Bangalore Tennis Academy, BTM Roller Skating Club and Horse Riding Stables, train in sports like cricket, skating, football, horse riding, tennis and basketball. BUFC specialises in football coaching summer camps for both boys and girls. Then there are some who don’t believe in subscribing to summer camps at all. Urgita Lolla, a mother of nine and eleven year old children, is absolutely against children getting up early morning during vacations. She says, “I prefer children should get up late and be lazy for that particular period. I rather they be allowed to do whatever they can do at home by providing something with the money I would spend on summer camps.”

Anisha Nair

Vol-4 Issue-04 24Mar - 6Apr 2012 CITIZEN MATTERS 19

see & do


“Swarayatra” by Ved Shety and Anagha Hindlekar. RSVP No. 98865 99675. Friday, 30th March, 2012 at 6.30 pm. T Bangalore International Centre,TERI Complex, 4th Main, 2nd Cross, Domlur II Stage Annual Children’s Music Competition, 2012 Nadasurabhi will conduct Carnatic Vocal Music Competition for children between ages 8 and 15 on 19 May. Last Date for registrations will be 10 May or once the 25 places are filled up whichever is earlier.,, Ph: 25539368 or 9880964283 19 May Saturday at Indian Heritage Academy Hall, 6th Block, Near Police Station, Koramangala FREE Cleft Lip Surgery, donation of Artificial limbs. Medical camp conducted by Ladies Circle Mahaveer Jain Hospital, 30-31 March


Boy with a Suitcase A production of Ranga Shankara, Bangalore and Schnawwl Theater, Mannheim Apr 17 to 20, 7.30 p.m & Apr 21, 11am, Ranga Shankara

1 Sun Jugaari Cross Kannada, 115 mins (also at 3.30 pm) 3 Tue to 6 Fri Afsana English, 120 mins 7 Sat 8 Sun Bombay Talkies English, 100 mins (also at 3.30 pm on Sun) Rangashankara JP Nagar Aanmaiyo Aanmai By Marappachi, a theatre group based in Chennai. Directed by Mangai, the play is 90 minutes long and in Tamil. 3-5 pm 31 Mar, Saturday, UTC, Miller’s Road. Entry is free and all are welcome.

Oota from your Thota Sessions on Waste Management/Composting, Urban farming, vegetable gardening and terrace garden design. exhibition cum sale of seeds, saplings, gardening tools and accessories, compost bins and organic food items. “Bhumika Hall”, #37, 17th Cross, Between 4th and 6th Main, Malleswaram Sun 25 Mar 10 am To 4.30 pm

Ranga Shankara Plays 24 Sat Copenhagen English, 120 mins 25 Sun Bikhre Bimb Hindi, 70 mins (also at 3.30 pm) 27 Tue The Great Galata 10 short plays in English, Kannada and Hindi, 120 mins 28 Wed to 30 Fri Naa Tukaram Alla Kannada, 150 mins 31 Sat Prameelarjuniyam Kannada, 120 mins 20 CITIZEN MATTERS 24Mar - 6Apr 2012 Vol-4 Issue-04

Seminars Take Control ‘Out’ of Your Life Jack Canfield an American motivational speaker, live workshop and seminar in Bangalore, India Christ University Auditorium, Hosur Road, Bangalore | Sat 14 Apr ‘12, 04:00 pm To 08:00 pm CAREER GUIDANCE SEMINAR For Pre-university students to make them aware of the career opportunities in science, arts and commerce streams . Last date for registration March 31st. For details contact: Annapurna Murthy on 9845058349 Sunday 8th April 2012, 9am to 6pm, JP NAGAR CLUB, #43/p1, 19th “A”main, 3rd cross, J.P.Nagar II Phase, Bangalore-560078. Workshops Scrabble Workshop - “Playing Professional Scrabble” Age: Above 9yrs Materials for the scrabble workshop will all be available at the venue. Please connect and REGISTER @8762462302. Conducted by: Satish Srinivasan JUST BOOKS 3RD BLOCK KORAMANGALA, Tue 17 Apr, 10:30 am To Sat 21 Apr ‘12. 12:30 pm PETS Volunteer for our best friends 150 four legged friends waiting for a dip in the water Organised by Precious Paws Foundation. Donate food/shampoos/gloves & help in bathing them. 31 Mar, 12 pm-3pm, Maruthy Animal Charitable Trust Sy. No. 185, Kodathi Village, Sarjapur Road, Ph: 97425 43510 Homeless puppies for adoption Celebrate pet month. Pet accessories, pet show 12-4 pm Sunday 25 Mar, Counter Culture, Whitefield Ph: 97425 43510

Summer Camp Listings <<Continued from pg 18 Summer Camp at NaVaRaSa: Theatre, Puppetry, Djembe (drums), Calligraphy, arts & crafts, contemporary dance. 4 week long sessions in April. Call 9980072665 or mail navarasa., #1016, 2nd Floor (Above Sichuan) 80Feet Road, Koramangala 1st Block Natyalaya Summer camp workshop: Dance, Music, Fitness, art classes etc, 2nd Apr to 28 Apr, 30th Apr to 26th May, 10.30am to 2 pm, Age 4-14 Fees :5000, At JP Nagar & Jayanagar, Ph: 26581888,9243378678 Cloud Mentor Summer Calendar:Age 6 to 9: Travel & Magic Engineering, Kitchen & Music Science, Gadget Engineering & Toys, Kitchen & City Science. Age 10 - 14, 15+: Module: Financial Engineering, Kitchen Science, Camera Mechanics, Travel & Automotive Science. Duration - 15 days / module. 4 batches over April and May. cloudmentor@,, Nikhil Gumbhir, +91 97421 43244, #596, 2nd Cross, 3rd Block, Koramangala Rangashankara AHA Summer Express: A slew of new workshops this time -- Music by Bombay Jayashri, Acting by Kapila Venu, Filmmaking by Jaaga Media Centre, Visual Arts by Shilo Shiv Suleman, Theatre workshops by Anurupa Roy, Shaili Sathyu and Hamsa Moily. Registrations open, write to 9 Apr to 6th May, Rangashankara, JP Nagar

SPORTS & OUTDOOR Special Summer camp Karate: Karate. , Age groups: 5+, Kitturu Rani Stadium, 3rd block Jayanagar, Ph: 9880352165.E mail: Frolic Boonies Adventure holidays in Nilgiris: Wilderness survival skill training, Nature trails, reptile handling, safari, Sky watching, Aero modeling, carnival. Safe holiday experience for children: Location - Mudumalai. For 8 years to 17 years. Ph: 9900087611/ 9448476888. Bangalore Mountaineering Club: Horse Riding, Summer camp for Kids at Nagarhole, Treks to Narayangiri, Maribetta, Makkalidurga, Kabbaladurga, Tadiyandmol, Rangaswamy Betta, Kumara Parvata, Antargange, Revanasiddheshwara Betta, Kuntibetta, Sharavathi Valley, Mutatti, Ramnagaram etc. Scuba Diving and Island trip at Goa., Ph:9902027262 Chinmaya Sports Academy & Summer Camp: Skating, cricket, basketball, football; 2 Apr-2 May. 7am–6pm Mon-sun ; Age- 4-16 , Fees-1500, #20/1, Somasundarapalya, 2nd Sector, HSR Layout, I play I learn school. Ph:9886461664, 8892200101 Horse Riding Stables: Apr 2-27, Apr 30May 25, JP nagar 7th Phase Opp to Brigade Millenium,Ph: 9611352885


Football Summer Coaching Camp: U10, U12 and 14-16, Boys and Girls. Coaching camp will be conducted by Chitra Gangadharan SAI football Coach, Ramakrishna Rao, Retd ITI Coach and Kamal B. Contact 9448308225 or at BUFC ground between 5pm-7pm. 2 April to 30 May, BUFC ground Basavanagudi near National College. Yisa Summer Camp: Yoga, dance, clay modeling, drawing, painting, etc, and Sports - cricket, basketball, swimming etc. 5th Apr to 15th May, Age : 5 -16, Mahatma childrens home, 8th main , 9th Cross, JP Nagar Karnataka State Billiards Association Summer Camps. At KSBA, Vasanthnagar | Thu 1 Mar, 4:30 pm-Thu 31 May. 04:30 pm Gerry Martin’s wildlife workshops. Workshops and camps at a farmhouse at Sarjapur Road, and other fun- filled outings at Western Ghats and wildlife sanctuaries. The camps start from 29-30 March, 3-4 May, 10-11 May & 2425 May. Ph:9886169698. Society for Promotion of Adventure & Nature Awareness: trekking and camping trips, nature oriented leadership camps. Ph: 9845188991. BTM Roller Skating Club: Skating, the camp starts from 9th Apr- 3rd May & 7th May- 31st May, 7am-9am, 3pm-5pm, Address: BTM 2nd stage, Ph: 9945175788, 9611018988 This listing is a free service from Citizen Matters.

last word

Why I go camp hunting What shall he do this summer? That’s the question I have been asking myself now that March hits the midway mark. The temptation is to answer, ‘nothing.’ But who am I kidding? I am not strong enough to withstand the now near compulsory pressure of having to enrol the tyke in a ‘Summer Camp.’

These days not fixing up a summer camp is almost like denying your child an important developmental milestone. Doing nothing is no longer an option, almost up there in the banned list as sleeping late. Even if you are a parent who subscribes to that philosophy of doing nothing and argue that this is what you did and you turned out fine, let me warn that you will soon realise the perils of that Go rafting, play with cousins, do nothing situation. This Pic courtesy: Hippocampus, Meera K, Frolic will happen Boonies when junior does nothing at all the whole day except a) watch television nonstop b) read books and colour every available scrap of empty paper c) romp around with cousins and friends in the hot sun d) Ask you every five minutes what he should do now. Option A is now considered almost a crime in Mommy world. Even it means that you can do chores in peace, the moment you turn on that TV, your inner good mommy will invariably force you to turn it off after some time. As for Option B, it is always good but needs to be clubbed with some sort of physical activity or else mommy guilt about the child’s lack of physical dexterity, agility is sure to eat you up. Option C is redundant in today’s world as cousins and friends are all busy with their own summer camps. As for Option D, all mothers want to avoid it so let’s not even go there. Summer camps are to the holidays what gold is to an Indian wedding. The bride may never end up wearing the jhumkas and gold chains that everyone’s gifted her but it’s the done thing anyway. Likewise, your child may not imbibe much in two weeks, may not even like going every morning but for many parents, it’s the done thing anyway. Honestly, camps are a chance to pay someone else to

engage your kid gainfully for a few hours and buy you some time that’s guilt and activity free. Chances are that two or three weeks won’t teach your junior swimming, shloka or science but like we all tell ourselves, at least it will be a start. And perhaps it is a start, confessionS of a second time mom says a friend who conducts Reshmi Chakraborty popular craft classes for kids in my neighbourhood. As a kid, her mother sent her for different craft classes (not against her wish, she clarifies) and today she attributes her skill in that field to those. So whether it is horseriding or aeromodelling, free time for yourself or active time for your kid, let you child take up something that he truly enjoys. And if that happens to be “doing nothing” at home, so be it, though my prayers of patience (and wide eyed admiration) are with you. Meanwhile excuse me while I go camp hunting.

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