t ra ining com m i t te e u p d ate
2018-2019 Training Calendar The Training Committee has selected the following four topics for training sessions this year: 1. Canadian Capacity Guide (CCG) Methodology with PTV Vistro Software 2. Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming 2018 3. Complete Streets 4. Bicycle facilities design To date, a Bicycle Facilities Design Workshop was held in Dartmouth on May 25, 2018, as part of the Atlantic Canada Active Transportation Summit and workshops about the Canadian Capacity Guide (CCG) Methodology with PTV Vistro Software were held as part of the CITE Annual Conference in Edmonton on June 3 and in Toronto on July 9 and 10. Upcoming training is planned for: Date July 2018
July 25 Complete Streets (REGISTRATION OPEN) September 2018 TBD Canadian Capacity Guide Methodology with PTV Vistro Software TBD Bicycle Facilities Design October 2018 TBD Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming October 23 Complete Streets November 2018 TBD Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming
Location Surrey Vancouver Kitchener/Waterloo Saskatoon, Victoria, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary Ottawa
TBD 2019
Bicycle Facilities Design
Halifax, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto area, Hamilton Regina
Week of Feb 4
Complete Streets
Visit the CITE Event Calendar (cite7.org/events) to register for open training sessions and for more information as details are released. We would like to hear what topics are of interest to you and where you would like to see training. Please send us a message at training_committee@cite7.org.