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Being a joint conference between ITE Canada and CARSP, the technical program offered a unique opportunity for attendees to cross-polinate and delve into new topics.


Over 120 presentations were offered in the blended technical sessions covering many transportation and road safety topics. Several curated panels as well as presentation + panel discussion sessions were organized on topics such as procurement, speed management, technology and road safety, and more. Delegates also had the chance to participate in workshops such as Mobility for Ageing Populations and Embedding Equity in Transportation Planning and Design. A small poster session also offered an alternate way of engaging with up and coming research in the field. Finally, two Thought Leader Sessions were led by our Platinum sponsors ATS Traffic (on Next Generation Traffic Management & Analytics) and Urban Systems (on Growing Active Transportation in Rural and Urban Communities in Canada).

See the full list of sessions, presentations, and speakers on the conference website or in the print program here

Thank you to all speakers for sharing your knowledge!

Presentation Files

Presentations are available for registered attendees to download through the event app, PheedLoop Go, accessible from a web browser on your computer at pheedloop.com/

ITECARSP2023. If the presentation you’re looking for isn’t uploaded, contact info@itecanada.org.

*for registered attendees only