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to Follow

ITE Young Leaders to Follow highlights younger ITE members making an impact in ITE and in their profession and introduces these members to the greater ITE Community. The Young Leaders to Follow Class of 2023 proudly includes three Canadians:

Ian A. Roth


Souzan Saadat


KGS Group



Interior Section Urban Systems

Greater Vancouver Section WSP Canada

Outstanding Student Chapter Award Student Chapter Momentum Award ofUniversity Manitoba ofUniversity Waterloo

The University of Manitoba ITE Student Chapter held six meetings in 2022-2023, covering topics such as sustainable transportation, transit planning, traffic signals, railway engineering, and road safety. They hosted networking events, promoted leadership development, engaged in K-12 STEM outreach, and participated in technical paper competitions.

Dr. Michel Van Aerde Memorial Transportation Scholarship

Excellence in a doctorate-level transportation program

Kaushan is a seasoned engineer with a background in transportation planning and engineering. He holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science, both in Civil Engineering, from the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in the transportation engineering program at the Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. His Ph.D. work develops transit level of service measures, which take into account the concerns of both operators and passengers.

The University of Waterloo student chapter was the first student chapter formed in Canada in 1974. The student chapter revived its activities in 2022-2023. They have a very active Executive Committee and 110 members. They have been successful in attracting a significant number of planning students, consistent with the priorities of ITE. They have recently hosted a major joint event with McMaster University and York University.

University of Calgary