t i d b i ts
CITE has a strong partnership with the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC). One of our key contributions to TAC's technical projects is participation on a number of TAC councils and committees through CITE Appointees. In this edition of TAC Tidbits, our appointees share updates about their committees from the Fall 2021 TAC Technical Meetings held virtually.
CHIEF ENGINEERS PANEL Julia Salvini, P.Eng., FITE President, Salvini Consulting & Past President, CITE At its Fall 2021 meeting, the Chief Engineers Panel had some discussion on meetings, vaccines and lowered speed limits, among other things. Highlights include: • The need to strike a balance between providing access to meetings for those who cannot travel and making it attractive for people to attend in person • TAC has been engaging with an academic roundtable including educators and students • Many of the incoming chairs of councils and committees are CITE members; thanks for all you are doing! • Several jurisdictions are considering and piloting reduced speed limits in residential area with a wide range of feedback The 2022 TAC Conference and Exhibition has been set for October 2–5 in Edmonton. Its theme will be “Changing Ways for our Changing Climate”.
TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL Bidoura Khondaker, PhD., P.Eng., PTOE Senior Transportation Engineer, Calgary Transit, City of Calgary TAC’s Technology Council met on November 16 and focused on its commitment to the innovative, efficient, and effective integration of technology across the transportation sector. Key highlights are: • A new Technology Achievement Award has been created the aim of which is to recognize initiatives that demonstrate excellence in the use of advanced technologies to address road, highway or urban transportation challenges. The Technology Achievement Award review panel volunteers were drawn from ITS Committee, Digital Applications Committee and CAV Task Force. • With the creation of two new committees; Digital Applications Committee and the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Committee, associated Chairs of both committees has been appointed. • In the Fall council meeting, two projects were presented. Dr. Jeannette Montufar presented on “Developing Highly - Qualified Personnel for Road Authorities” where many key insights were presented based on the gap and solution analysis in the era of Connected and Automated Vehicles. The other presentation was from Canadian Centre for Cyber Security on “Cyber Security and Transportation Sector Initiatives.”