t id b its CITE has a strong partnership with the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC). One of our key contributions to TAC's technical projects is participation on a number of TAC councils and committees through CITE Appointees. In this edition of TAC Tidbits, our appointees share updates about their committees from the Spring 2021 TAC Technical Meetings held virtually.
CHIEF ENGINEERS PANEL Julia Salvini, P.Eng., FITE President, Salvini Consulting & President, CITE As usual, the Chief Engineers Panel provided a great opportunity to connect with Provincial and Municipal leadership across the country as well and leaders from other partner organizations. A few key highlights: • TAC plans to continue with virtual spring Council and Committee meetings and in-person meetings at their fall conference going forward after the virtual 2021 conference • Other partner organizations are proceeding much like CITE, looking at how we carry virtual event offerings into the future when in-person events are possible • A new edition of the MUTCDC is imminent (now available for purchase through the TAC bookstore) • Discussion around the need for “shovel worthy” versus “shovel ready” projects to attract infrastructure spending
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Carlos Pérez, PMP, M.Sc., P.Eng Municipal Transportation Lead, CTQ Consultants Ltd. The Workforce Development Council guides TAC to develop a skilled, diverse and inclusive interdisciplinary workforce for Canada’s transportation sector. At the Spring Technical Meeting, the Council discussed a few emerging topics and hosted a presentation on diversity and inclusiveness in transportation organizations. Over the next few months, the various Council committees will concentrate on the following key, exciting areas: • Education: transportation-related programs and curricula, student awareness of transportation careers and involvement in TAC, • Professional Development: young professional awareness and continuing education for technical and knowledge transfer skills, and • Human resources: employee recruitment and hiring and employee retention and engagement.