C I T E E xe c u t ive Co m mit tee
2019-2021 District Executive Committee Election Results The Call for Nominations for the 2019-2021 Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) Executive Committee has officially closed. All positions have been acclaimed and will be ratified at the next Annual General Meeting. The 2019-2021 Executive Committee will also include Edward Soldo, Past President and Jen Malzer, District Director (elected in 2018 for a three year term).
PRESIDENT (ACCLAIMED) Julia Salvini, P.Eng. President, Salvini Consulting, Kitchener, ON Vice President, 2017-2019 CITE Executive Southwestern Ontario Section Professional Background I am a long-standing member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers and have spent my career working predominantly in the consulting side of the business, but also a few years in the public sector in Ontario. I’ve served in many capacities with ITE including Past President of the Toronto Section (2002 to 2010), the Transportation Planning Council Executive (2010 to 2015) and most recently with the District Executive as Secretary Treasurer and as Vice President since 2015. I am an active volunteer in my community. Goals and Objectives as President Since joining ITE as a new graduate, I have found the organization to be my first choice for technical resources and for networking both locally and more broadly. I have fond memories of workshops, AGMs and my first ITE Annual Meeting in Las Vegas. There was always so much good information to take in and discussion to participate in. I still find myself relying on ITE manuals and reaching out to ITE contacts in my daily work and, of course, looking forward to our annual CITE conference in Ottawa.
CITE remains a relevant part of my daily work and I hope to continue the good efforts of those who have gone before me in ensuring that our organization continues to be relevant to you and your work. Our Training Committee continues to explore opportunities to provide access to good practices across the country. Our Technical Liaison Committee is now even more focused on coordinating our technical efforts with other organizations like the Transportation Association of Canada and ITE International. excite is supporting our emerging professionals and our student chapters are growing and doing amazing things as they prepare themselves to enter the work force. In the fall, we plan to gather our Board of Directors to revisit our Strategic Plan and set the direction for the organization for the coming years. Please reach out to your representatives on the Board and the incoming District Executive to talk to us about what CITE means for you and where our priorities should be. As I help lead the organization over the next two years, I hope to hear from you about what transportation means to you so that we may together advance the good work of our profession and continue to be relevant. You can reach me with your ideas at jsalvini@cite7.org. Thank you for your support.