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The pandemic has already changed the way we do business, and we’ve gotten used to hearing about new COVID cases all over the world. Most companies have allowed their employees to continue working from home. Virtual meetings have become the need of the hour and with the help of virtual meetings and conference calls, it is possible to manage business operations and ensure customer satisfaction. Also read, 3 ways technology is supporting business continuity during COVID-19 pandemic As millions of employees are working from their homes, productivity has become one of the biggest concern for businesses. Virtual meetings are now no more just the "wave of the future" but an indispensable part of business operations. Considering certain factors are crucial to making sure that the virtual meetings are effective and secured.Here are five tips for holding effective virtual meetings:

Set A Meeting Schedule: With the help of technology and reliable virtual meeting apps and software, such as Microsoft Teams, it is possible to have an online meeting remotely. People are conducting online business meetings but it is important to set a flexible meeting schedule to avoid predictive delays. Define Codes of Conduct: When it comes to conducting or hosting virtual meetings, you should always keep your working hours and time zones in mind. Always share the meeting agenda ahead of the time and track the time spent in the meetings so that team members are aware of where they are and adjust their time wherever needed. Start Meeting 5 Minutes Early: If you want to have stress-free virtual meetings, it is advised to start meeting at least 5 minutes early. This will help you save a lot of productive time instead of wasting it over testing connectivity, preparing key points to discuss, sharing ideas, and so on. If you start your meeting late from the set time, it may disturb the schedule of other team members who might be waiting for their client calls or busy with other prior tasks. Assign a Rotating Scribe for Note Taking: If you have many meetings scheduled this month, it is the time to make your meetings more effective while improving your virtual meeting skills. You can assign a rotation scribe for note-taking in order to keep all the things fresh, and everyone participating. Honor the Meeting Purpose: Apart from starting on time and considering code of conduct in a virtual meeting, it is important for every team member to honor the meeting purpose and keep tangents on point. Accountability and communication are key to holding successful virtual meetings.


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