1586635808 1401401929 person

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Upper smile,1 ,2 “Uptightness,”1 Verbal communication, nonverbal elements in,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 Video-tape recorder, use in studying and interpreting nonverbal communication,1 Walking,1 in dejection,1 hands on hips,1 in happiness,1 meditative, head down, slow-paced,1 pacing,1 rapid gait with swinging arms,1 scuffling, hands in pockets,1 self-satisfied,1 “setting the pace,”1 strutting,1 “Whew” sound,1 Whistling, variety of feelings expressed by,1 Wiener, Norbert,1 Women child-parent relationship,1 courtship gestures,1 crossed-legs position,1 ,2 defensive gestures,1 hair-grooming gesture,1 hands-to-chest gesture,1

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