The Real Estate Book - PDX

Page 12

CREATE A DOG FRIENDLY YARD LAWN AND PET HAPPY Any dog owner has likely seen parts of their new garden dug up by their four-legged family member, or their freshly laid sod become Spot’s outdoor toilet. Reach out to your landscaping professional to get some tips on creating a yard you and your dog will enjoy, but here are some tips to get started.

CONSIDER YOUR DOG’S NEEDS Each dog – senior, puppy, small, big, active breed or not-so-much – has different needs. Is your dog a water hound? Maybe you should include a splash pool or water fountain. Got a digger? Get a sand pit that will keep your dog entertained, the mess contained and the garden protected.

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Does your dog love to run the perimeter of your yard? Design your yard with his path in mind. Does she have dog friends next door? Maybe an eye-level hole in the fence would keep her from barking. Jot down everything your dog needs from your family yard, then help your landscaper map everything out accordingly.

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