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b.1958, Alkmaar, The Netherlands Lives in Alkmaar, The Netherlands

“The worth of an artwork is primarily determined by its quality and strength to affect the inner world of the beholder rather than the qualities and the characteristics of the work itself. I see my paintings as archetypical images, as universal ‘icons’ that are, for the most part, unhooked from the limitations of the spirit of the age and culture. They invite the onlooker to experience the psychic power with which the image is charged. This interactive effect of the spirituality of the imagination is the deepest motivation for my being an artist.”

Herman Smorenburg, a renowned Dutch realist artist, is highly regarded for his exceptional skill and distinctive style. Following his art studies in Amsterdam, he immersed himself in the classical technique of glazing over a monochrome underground painting, which has become a defining characteristic of his work. His mastery of this technique allows him to create stunning color effects and delicate interplays of light and shadow.

Smorenburg’s art is infused with a sense of the mythical and the visionary, often showcasing landscapes that evoke a bygone era. Architectural elements feature prominently, adding to the atmosphere of his compositions. Within his dreamlike realms, one can find predominantly female figures, inviting viewers to step into these ethereal landscapes and experience the profound stillness and tranquility that define Smorenburg’s artistic vision.

In his minimalist compositions, the horizon acts as a guiding line, imbuing his photographs with a sense of infinite space. The sea often takes center stage as a significant subject in his art. However, his latest works have taken a more abstract turn, incorporating a plastician approach to their creation. This evolution in style adds depth and complexity to Soujol Benedetti ’s portfolio, offering viewers a captivating and thought-provoking visual experience. Some notable exhibitions where his work has been featured include:

2023: “Contemporary Art in Rome” at Rossocinabro Gallery in Rome, Italy.

2022: “WERE ARE REVERSAL” at MUSA International Art Space - Palazzo Pisani-Revedin “ROSSINI” in Venice, Italy.

2021: “CAMARGUE” exhibition in Arles, France.

2017: “The magic of blue” at the Festival Voie Off in Arles, France.

2017: “Between Earth and Sky” with Optim ‘Art at the House of Contemporary Arts of Avignon in Avignon, France.

These exhibitions have provided Jean-Paul Soujol Benedetti with a platform to share his artistic vision and engage with audiences, contributing to his growing recognition and acclaim in the art world.