1 minute read


in California, USA

“After working many years as a graphic designer, I started painting landscapes in oils. Taking workshops with various local artists, I painted plein air for about ten years. Currently, I work primarily in the studio. My work is tending more toward realism now. The new work I’m doing now is part of a concept I started exploring a few years ago. I call it Crop Series and the only criterion is that each painting has a frame(s) in a frame. The internal windows contain the most realistic treatment with more detail. All other areas are abstracted in some way. I’m pulling from my graphic design, drawing, plein air, and realism experience for this project.”

As a full-time artist, Terry is constantly exploring new ideas and methods in painting. He falls outside the confines of any particular artistic movement or period, but was significantly influenced by historic artists such as Syd Mead, Frank Frazetta, Richard Diebenkorn. His approach is twofold: “Even though I continually strive for more expressiveness in my work, I also prefer, proportions and perspective to be relatively accurate; then the application of paint can be more playful.”