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“I create art in order to fulfill two opposing needs: to withdraw from the mundane tasks of daily life and commune with a higher realm, and to connect with the strange and beautiful nature of the world around me. In both these acts, I encounter myself. My work explores the ephemeral and the instantaneous: the immediate magic of now that disappears just as quickly as it arrives. None of these moments will ever return. I create to embrace the uncertainty of this moment, just before it changes into something else. Like waves or clouds, there’s a liquidity to living, an ongoing process of connection and change that I try to capture in its many different shapes and forms.” Soul and Spirit Polaroid 600 Film double exposure impression on metallic paper 100 x100 cm

Isabel Herrera captures a dreamlike truth in her images. Driven by the enchantment of instant photography, she is celebrated for her ethereal Polaroid photographs and surreal compositions created through Polaroid emulsion lifts on diverse fabrics and metals. Her work emanates a simultaneous sense of stillness and impending action—a depiction of unspoken words, impending gestures, and the anticipation of transformative moments that echo the balanced harmony found in nature’s cycles. Isabel holds a BA in Psychology from the College of William and Mary. As a mother raising a daughter with autism, Isabel intimately understands life’s uncertainties, which often find expression in her art. She explains, “My daughter is my teacher and my guide. Embracing the uncertainty of our shared future is a natural part of our journey. Change is inevitable, but it creates space for personal growth.” Herrera’s artistry captures the elusive beauty of truth and invites contemplation of life’s interconnected mysteries. Her work serves as a reminder of the profound harmony present in both the seen and unseen world.