1 minute read


b.1989, New York, NY, USA

Lives in New York, NY, USA

“As a queer artist, my work represents the healthy and unhealthy ways I’ve sought to cope with trauma and PTSD using visual metaphors.”

Clare has recently shown work at Hussle Lab, in Brooklyn; and “Bohemia” at Van Der Plas Gallery in New York.

Susanne Lyoubi-Burk, hailing from Germany, is a self-taught artist who has been passionately exploring experimental photography since 2017. She is an esteemed member of Kunst Stuttgart International e.V., an art association based in Stuttgart, Germany. With her unique perspective and artistic vision, Susanne delves into innovative techniques and approaches within the realm of photography, constantly pushing the boundaries of the medium. Through her creative endeavors, she seeks to challenge conventions and evoke thought-provoking responses from viewers. Susanne’s dedication to her craft and her continuous exploration of the art form make her a notable presence in the contemporary photography scene.