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b.1957, Switzerland

Lives in Switzerland

Self-taught artist, Patrick Egger was trained as a forester, later becoming a teacher, until the 60s, when he settled in La Creusaz that painting became his calling. After experimenting with charcoal and pastels, he ultimately turned to acrylic painting, which suited his highly intuitive approach to art. His main focus is figurative landscapes, ranging from realistic to hyperrealistic. Through his artworks, one can sense an unceasing quest for sensations tied to the beauty of places. Moved by contrasting atmospheres, he enjoys juxtaposing the tranquility of the mountains with the ruggedness of the alpine environment. Contrastes Acrylic on canvas 80 x 60 cm

b. Hong Kong Lives in San Francisco ,CA, USA

Fong Fai studied art at the Hong Kong Academy of Art, becoming one of Hong Kong’s leading artists. He established Fong’s Art Gallery and taught at the Oriental Arts Institute in Hong Kong. His works were exhibited in Asia, Australia, and North America, including San Francisco and Hawaii, where he fell in love with the United States and decided to settle there.

Fong Fai’s abstract art combines calligraphy brushwork with a fusion of Eastern and Western influences. He now resides in San Francisco, drawing inspiration from his surroundings.