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Expanding Horizons Five Most Action Plans

Communication plays a pivotal role in driving the marketing process of any business organization. Companies those having developed their strong brand identity stand to leverage the respect of customers, positive brand perception, and higher recall value.

The branding efforts work in the long term to increase brand value through the series of branding activities conducted. Business organizations have identified the importance and need for branding activities. A consistent brand-building process helps in stronger brand identity creation and attracts better customer inquiries and sales conversions. Let’s identify five effective brand-building strategies that are preferred by branding organizations.


Plan 1: Go All-Round Digital

We are in the modern age of digital technologies, where almost 90 percent of people use smartphones and social media. Hence branding the company offerings on digital media is most necessary. This plan implements all the digital mediums systematically and regularly.

•Complete communication is planned to highlight the products and their USPs in a smart and engaging series of branding activities.

• Developing a modern responsive and e-commerceenabled website.

•Regular branding campaigns to be run on the various social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram the WhatsApp.

•YouTube videos made from the customer perspective focusing on product attributes in interesting stories enacted by impressive actors.

•SMS campaigns to be conducted

Plan 2: Balanced Media Mix

When the brand consultants identify that the client organization has its products or services catering to a vast multi-segment target audience, then they apply the smart option of implementing a media mix. This involves a proportionate weightage given to each medium that ensures a steady and rhythmic brand exposure to the target audience. It includes a golden combination of different media verticals of digital, direct branding, mass media, captive media, and electronic media, respectively. The objective is to reach out to a wider volume of audience, which is spread and exposed to different mediums. This will offer the possibility of …

• Reaching customers active in every media

• Reaching and reaffirming the brand message to the customer covered in more than two mediums

• Justifying the budget of the client organization in reaching out to a diverse and wider customer base.

• Empowers the branding analysts to review the branding efforts with respect to the efficacy of the mediums in parameters of exposure, reach, responses, inquiry generation, and sales conversion.

Plan 3: Creating the Niche

This branding is based exclusively on the brand positioning strategy. The branding company plans out the complete product qualities and virtues that need to be communicated systematically. The company research in detail to pinpoint the target audience and plan the branding activities.

It includes designing communication with focused strategies and targeting the end clients effectively. The sector-wise plan comprises the target customers, their circles of business communication, and areas of commercial relevance.

The captive mediums of specific events and exhibitions connect properly and logically to the niche target audience. Industrial roadshows rightly spread the branding efforts to make the entire exercise effective, thereby increasing customer engagement, feedback, inquiries, and closer to the deals too.

Plan 4: The POP way

This branding strategy can be implemented with fixed client budgets. The branding of the company products is exclusively done in the contact points of the purchase, giving it the name Point-Of-Purchase (POP). The logic is to communicate promptly exactly at the point where the customer picks up the product that is to be purchased. The display shelves in supermarkets, malls, variety stores, etc.

The POP branding has the power to change the customer’s decision to opt for this branded product where the display shines out. The POP branding displays include shelf popups, electronic display boards, Handing danglers and banners, Colourful branding umbrellas, or even the full-size cut-out of the product.

Plan 5: Mass Reach

The branding strategy here aims to convey the brand to a maximum number of the target audience in the fastest possible ways.

Print Media : Advertisements in Newspapers and magazines reach out to many readers in one effort. The effort helps in spreading brand awareness swiftly.

Electronic Media : TV and Radio commercials, talk shows, and interviews, aid in increasing the brand’s popularity and are known to generate decent inquiries too.

Outdoor Advertising : Hoardings in the prominent locations of the buzziest traffic squares, market areas, airport entry/exit gates, seating lobby, and bus panels.

Focused Digital Promotions : The marketing efforts in the SEO, Google AdWords, and Google AdSense through organic and paid campaigns have a massive reach across the globe through various customized branding activities.

Gearing toward Intelligent Business

The brand-building process is a long-term series of planned and consistent efforts which has a far-reaching impact. Like growing a big tree, it needs efforts regularly to nurture by proper conditioning and taking care. Initially, the growth could be slower, but it steadily develops its identity and a striking memory in the customers and the industry as well.

As it gets counted as one of the prominent brands in the industry, the impact is visible through the rise in business associations, the surge in sales figures, and the loyal following of customers even during tough, uncertain scenarios.

- Kedar Borgaonkar

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