The cyber bullying

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The cyber bullying...

A new gener at ion of bullying

I f you ar e vict im of cyber bullying

1. Tell a per son you t r ust . 2. Don’t delet e of f ensive messages or email 3. Save t he messages on your mobile phone and pr int t he emails 4. Never r eply t o t he messages 5. Go t o t he police if you r eceive t hr eat ening messages or t hink you ar ein physical danger .

Lot of St ar s wer e vict ims of bullying or cyber -bullying... Rober t Pat t inson, Tom Cr uise, Kat e Winslet , Demi Lovat o, Selena Gomez and a lot of St ar wer e vict ims of bullying but t he bullies didn’t win !!

By Lisa

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