CUTEheart 1st Workshop brochure

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on Health Services Research: From data to practice workshop partners:

O Workshop pretende promover a discussão em torno da integração da evidência científica nas políticas e decisões na área da Saúde através de casos práticos de estudos que utilizam dados de saúde em registos, de estudos efetividade comparativa e de difusão de tecnologia saúde. Contará para isso com a presença de experts de renome nacional e internacional em investigação em serviços de saúde e áreas afins, da academia, decisores e practitioners com experiência neste campo. Este evento científico decorre no âmbito do projecto “CuteHeart - Comparative use of technologies for coronary heart disease” da responsabilidade das Universidades de Lisboa e Porto e da Harvard Medical School, integrado no Harvard Medical School - Portugal Program in translational research and information. Destina-se a profissionais, estudantes e investigadores nas áreas de investigação em serviços de saúde.

This scientific event will bring together academics and government officials from Portugal, and researches from the United States and Europe. The workshop will focus on the integration of scientific evidence into clinical and health policy decision-making through case studies of pratical uses of registry data, comparative effectiveness research, and health technology diffusion. The workshop is organized via an international partnership between the Harvard Medical School and the Faculties of Medicine from the Universities of Lisbon and Porto in Portugal funded by the Harvard Medical School - Portugal Program in Translational Research and Information. The overarching goal of the workshop is to discuss contemporary, practical issue in health services research.

Programa/ Program

9h00 Registration 9h30 - 9h45 Welcome

José Pereira Miguel, Institute of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, PT Sharon-Lise Normand, Harvard Medical School, USA Altamiro Costa-Pereira, Center for Health Technologies and Services Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, PT

9h45 - 11h00 First Session

Moderator: Sharon-Lise Normand, Harvard Medical School, USA

Monitoring Safety for cardiovascular devices: Challenges and opportunities of claim data and registry data Frederic Resnic, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, USA

International comparison of acute myocardial infarction health care: US versus Sweden Alan Berger, University of Minnesota, USA

Local/Venue Auditório do Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM) Lisboa Auditorium of the Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM), Lisbon

11h00 - 11h30 Coffee Break 11h30 - 13h00 Second Session Moderator: António Vaz Carneiro, Cochrane Portugal

Policy lessons learned from health administrative datasets: Improving mental care Marcela Horvitz-Lennon, RAND Corp. and University of Pittsburgh Medical School, USA

Early stage HTA examples, informing health policy in oncology Wim van Harten, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Netherlands

Establishing causality with big health data: Some problems and solutions Jeremy Wyatt, Leeds University, United Kingdom

13h00 - 14h30 Lunch 14h30 - 16h00 Round Table: Health Services Research: From data to research an policy President: Fernando Leal da Costa, Secretary of State, Ministry of Health (MS) Moderator: José Pereira Miguel, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, PT Sharon-Lise Normand, Harvard Medical School, USA Henrique Martins, President, Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde, MS

José Mendes Ribeiro, Grupo Técnico Informação no Sistema na Saúde, MS Paulo Nogueira, Direção Geral da Saúde, MS Carlos Dias, Instituto Nacional de Saúde, MS

Inscrição/Registration As inscrições são gratuitas (mas obrigatórias) e poderão ser efetuadas online aqui. O almoço está incluído na inscrição. Registration is free (but mandatory) at (link). Lunch is included with registration.

16h00 - 16h30 Coffee Break


16h30 - 17h00 Third Session

Website: Email: Tel: (+351 225 513 622)

Moderator: Armando Teixeira Pinto, School of Public Health of the University of Sydney, Australia

Analytical approaches for characterizing the diffusion of new medical technologies Sharon-Lise Normand, Harvard Medical School,USA

Effectiveness of health care technologies for coronary heart disease management in Portugal Carlos Costa, School of Public Health, Portugal

17h30 - 17h46 Conclusions and closing session Moderator: Armando Teixeira Pinto, School of Public Health of the University of Sydney, Australia José Pereira Miguel, Institute of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, PT Sharon-Lise Normand, Harvard Medical School,USA Altamiro Costa-Pereira, Center for Health Technologies and Services Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, PT

palestrantes convidados/ invited speakers

alan berger Dr. Alan Berger is an interventional cardiologist and an Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota. He obtained his Masters in Public Health in Epidemiology at the University of Minnesota after completing his residency in Boston, MA, his fellowship at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, and his interventional cardiology fellowship at Yale University in New Haven, CT. Dr. Berger has worked at the University of Minnesota for the past 14 years. His area of research is cardiovascular outcomes in elderly AMI patients, which has also been a focus of his clinical interest.

Altamiro Costa-pereira

carlos costa

Dr. Altamiro Costa Pereira graduated in Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Porto, Portugal, in 1883. Dr. Costa Pereira also completed several post-graduate courses at the universities of Johns Hopkins, USA, McGill, Canada, Nijmegen, Netherlands and Dundee, Scotland. He earned his PhD degree from the University of Dundee, in 1993. Dr. Costa Pereira is director of the doctoral program in Clinical and Health Services Research, at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto financed by the Fundação para Ciência e a Tecnologia. He has over 140 publications, indexed by the ISI, mainly in the areas of epidemiology, medical informatics and clinical research. Dr. Costa Pereira participated in more than 50 national and international panels and evaluating commissions, being, since 1999, regularly invited by the European Commission as an expert in information technologies applied to healthcare. He is the Director of the Department of Health Information and Decision Sciences, since 2011, also coordinates the Center for Health Technologies and Services Research (CINTESIS), since 2004. Since 2013 he is a member of the Scientific Board of the University of Porto.

Dr. Carlos Costa has a background in Economics. He later carried out a post-graduate course in Hospital Management followed by his doctoral in Public Health with specialization in Health Management. The PhD research focused in effectiveness and efficiency of hospital inpatient provision. Furthermore, his areas of research and interest cover health care financing, health economic evaluation and health information systems among others. Dr. Costa is currently assistant professor at the School of Public Health in Portugal. He teaches several courses related to management and performance, patient classification systems and financial analysis of health organizations. Dr. Costa is also responsible for developing the first methodology to introduce public dissemination concerning hospital inpatient effectiveness and rankings in Portugal, for overall provision and for some group of diseases.

frederic resnic

jeremy wyatt

Jose pereira miguel

Dr. Frederic Resnic, MD MSc serves as the Chairman of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Lahey Clinic Medical Center, a teaching affiliate of Tufts University School of Medicine. Beyond his clinical training in cardiovascular medicine, Dr. Resnic holds degrees in engineering from Duke University, and Medical Informatics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is an active clinical interventional cardiologist, participating in the development and evaluation of numerous cardiovascular devices used for a variety of cardiac conditions. Dr. Resnic has led NIH and FDA funded research programs exploring the automated surveillance of medical device and medication safety as well as automated quality surveillance for hospital and physician performance. Dr. Resnic has published over 70 articles and book chapters related to the quality and safety of medical procedures and devices.

Dr. Jeremy Wyatt trained in medicine in Oxford and London Universities, obtaining his MRCP in 1983. He later carried out his doctoral and post doc training at London University (National Heart & Lung Institute) and Stanford. Dr. Wyatt was appointed Leadership Chair in eHealth Research at the University of Leeds (UK) in 2012 to set up a new program of research and training in digital healthcare. He is a Clinical Adviser on new information & communication technologies to the Royal College of Physicians in London and a member of the WHO mHealth Technical Advisory Group. Dr. Jeremy Wyatt set up the Institute for Digital Healthcare in Warwick University in 2010, the Dundee Health Informatics & eHealth Research Centre 2005-10 and the NICE R&D program 2003-5. He is visiting professor in several European universities and served as Academic Adviser on knowledge management to the National Health Service. He was involved in the McMaster meeting in June 1992, which established the global Cochrane Collaboration.

Dr. José Pereira Miguel is the Chair Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health and Head of the Institute of Preventive Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, Portugal. From 2001 to 2014 he worked for the Portuguese Health Ministry as Director General of Health at the Directorate General of Health, High Commissioner of Health, and as the National Coordinator of the “Portuguese National Health Plan 2004-2010” – the national strategy of health. Since 2006 Dr. Pereira Miguel has also been President of the National Public Health Institute. Moreover, since 1998, he was a Delegate of Portugal to several groups and committees of the European Union and the World Health Organization, and since 2013 he became head of the Research Institute of Environmental Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon and CEO of the Consortium LisbonLiving+ (Healthy life and active ageing). He has over 200 publications, mainly in the fields of cardiovascular epidemiology and prevention, epidemiology, preventive medicine and public health. Dr. Pereira Miguel has been awarded the Gold medal for distinguished services of the Portuguese Ministry of Health in 2008 and the National award for “Sustainable Health” in 2012.

marcela horvitz-lennon

Sharon-lise T. Normand

wim h. van harten

Dr. Marcela Horvitz-Lennon is a Physician Scientist at RAND since September 2010. She is also a member of the medical staff at the Veterans Health Administration and adjunct faculty at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School. Previous affiliations include the Chilean Ministry of Health and the Department of Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School. She conducts mental health services and policy research, with a main focus on adults with schizophrenia and other severe mental illnesses, including in those who are homeless. She has served and continues to serve as principal investigator or co-investigator of NIMH and other federally-funded research. Dr. Horvitz-Lennon earned her MD in Santiago, Chile, and completed her psychiatric residency training at the University of Maryland Medical School and a fellowship in Community Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical School. She earned a Masters degree in Public Health at Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health.

Dr. Sharon-Lise T. Normand, PhD, is a professor of health care policy (biostatistics) in the Department of Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School and in the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard School of Public Health. Her research focuses on the development of statistical methods for health services research. She has developed a line of research on methods for the analysis of patterns of treatment and quality of care in cardiovascular disease and mental disorders. Dr. Normand earned her BSc and MSc degrees in statistics from the University of Western Ontario and her PhD in biostatistics from the University of Toronto. She is a fellow of the American Statistical Association, a fellow of the American College of Cardiology, and an Associate Member of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. She serves on task forces for the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons; and is currently a member of the Committee on Aerospace Medicine and the Medicine of Extreme Environments; and the Committee on Future Directions for the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports.

Dr. Wim H. van Harten spent 7 years after his graduation as M.D. in tropical medicine. On returning from Cameroon, Africa he decided to focus on public health and health administration. He obtained a degree in community medicine while working as a chief medical advisor of a major health insurance company (1986-1992). As a chief executive officer in rehabilitation hospital "Het Roessingh" (1992-2001) in Enschede, he finished his Ph.D. on quality management (1997). In June 2001 he started as a member of the executive board of the National Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Since 2001 he is part-time professor on the chair "Quality Management of Health Care Technology" at the School of Management and Governance, University of Twente, the Netherlands. His publications are in the field of needs assessment, outcome measurement & management, methodology and results of research into the effects of Quality management.

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