Cinema Technology Magazine - March 2019

Page 74


Adam on... the theory behind the flavour As a technology title, readers may

sugar and for the daring, salt-and-

expect projectors deconstructed

sugar flavours, Joe & Seph’s has

and examined, but perhaps not the

reinvented the snack completely.

inner workings of popcorn. What of

How do they come up with all these

the methodology behind flavour?

flavours? Adam laughed. “Usually it

the cinema market, Adam explained,

“This is called ‘food sequencing’

starts with Dad rummaging in the

but there has been a positioning war with other popcorn

and basically there are a few bits to

kitchen at home at 3am. We come

suppliers, who occupy the retail market, the kind of popcorn

this,” said Adam, “People don’t like

in at a more sensible hour and find

to have with your lunch, for example.

remained constant; people may not have been booking holidays but they still went to the movies. They have no real competitors in

A family affair — the driving forces behind the Joe & Seph’s popcorn

eating food and getting everything

samples on our desks. The flavours

“Our space is different. It’s not easy, it’s difficult to make

at the same time. We want flavours

to start with were all down to his

the product the way we make it,” Adam went on. “We’ve

one by one. For example, caramel,

palate. More recently we have got

done a lot of work with cinemas on this. We have produced

pepper and chili flavour popcorn

to a point where people are offering

a lot of data analysis and our findings demonstrate to

contains those three but you get

their products for us to try. Marmite

cinemas that they will make extra revenue on special items

them in the order of caramel first,

flavour is divisive, of course, but it’s

like luxury popcorn.“

then pepper, and finally chili. How

going down well. We’ve also just

it’s done is a trade secret I’m afraid,

created the world’s first alcoholic

but it’s less about the equipment

popcorn for a bar in London which

Joe & Seph’s enterprising instincts don’t stop at a rainbow of

and more about the timings, the

wanted us to do something fun for

flavours, they also offer advent calendars, dipping sauces,

processes and the temperatures.”

the summer. It’s a gin bar and they

Marketing support, too

subscription services, online ordering, export to 18 territories

The flavour choice has grown to

asked if we could make it work in

and so on. I admitted to Adam I couldn’t think of another

a mouth-watering number: Pina

popcorn. Dad found a bottle of gin

company that has diversified so well given the static nature

Colada, Cheese on Toast, Truffle Oil

in the kitchen and spent the

of popcorn as a product. What’s next on the horizon?

and Orange Marmalade being just

afternoon working on it.” Is there a

Adam wouldn’t be drawn on specifics but he hinted

a few. How is the selection made for

strategy to it? “We do a lot of shows

that 2019 contained new products, new flavours and lots of

cinemas? Is it based on a few key

and we sample food at exhibitions,

new initiatives. “It’s really exciting and we will continue to

flavours? “We tend to offer some

that’s a good way to test the market.

grow our brand into other spaces.”

best sellers that we know will do

We’ve done focus groups too, but

For Adam and his hard-working family, their kernel of

well,” exlained Adam, “and we will

the thing that really influences a

an idea really has exploded into a booming popcorn

work with exhibitors over time to

flavour is whether people will part

empire, with a multitude of flavours appealing to everybody,

expand the selection.” From salt,

with money for it.”

coming from a business emulated by nobody, and all in a cinema near you. 7 4


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