Women CineMakers, Special Edition

Page 245

Women Cinemakers

baby and a woman's face, and shooting soldiers with the woman's face, and your interpretation of the woman's emotions will change. The same with music. The same pictures with different music will be perceived differently. So before i start editing i choose the music and the music dictates the rhythm of the edit. Another interesting work that we would like to introduce to our readers is entitled Doubting Thomas and it's inspired by a Caravaggio's painting and we have deeply appreciated the way you mix historical references to contemporary approach, to unveil the resonance between art from a past age and the issues of our unstable contemporary age: how do you consider this aspect of your practice? In particular, how do you see the relationship between past and present playing within your artistic research? I'm constantly referring to the past, especially to the art history, in my projects. First of all, it's a kind of inheritance we’ve received, and can't ignore its existence. All our understanding of the world, contexts, analogies and symbols comes from it. We can't behave as if we are blank canvas, as if we’re coming from nowhere. Everything we are is a continuation, development and progression of our past and history. I love playing with that as well. I like taking some known images and changing them according to the modern

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