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Northwest Press


August 11, 2010

Wet basement needs professional look


Summer readers

State Rep. Robert Mecklenborg (R–30th District), along with Kim Fender, executive director of the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, met at the Green Township Branch Library to congratulate several of the nearly 30,000 children and teens throughout Hamilton County who participated in this year’s Summer Reading Program. Pictured from the left are Simeon Cox, Fender, Mecklenborg, Hannah Cox, Chuyun Liang, and McKenzie Dailey.

Movies, dining, events and more ADVERTISEMENT

Wet weather may bring basement dampness or leaks. The cause may be poor drainage, poorly maintained gutters and downspouts not draining properly or draining into damaged underground piping. Excessive moisture may lead to mold, impairing the indoor air quality of the home. Water can enter at the basement floor, through cracks in the walls or plumbing leaks. Extreme signs of water seepage in the foundation wall located near exterior underground downspout piping are probably an indication the underground piping is not functional. Excessive ground water along the foundation may also cause structural foundation problems. Strange musty odors in the basement can be from mold or bacteria. Testing for mold should be completed by certified indoor air quality inspector, not by a waterproofing contractor. Some of the older types of underground piping are vitrified clay tile or asphalt impregnated paper pipe. These types of piping have a limited life. The corrugated plastic pipe may crush, blocking water flow. Bulk water typically does not leak through a concrete


Michael Montgomery Community Press guest columnist

foundation wall, unless there is a crack. Concrete foundation walls with cracks may only require an injection with structural or

polyurethane epoxy. This is usually inexpensive and completed from the interior of the basement (about $350 per crack). The installation of an interior and exterior waterproofing system may be excessive, unnecessary and expensive (about $20,000). If these cracks are due to moisture intrusion near steel reinforcing rods inside the foundation walls, the steel rods may rust, expanding the steel, causing foundation cracks with reddish-brown rust stains emanating below the crack. This type of crack should be fully injected with structural epoxy. It is more common that hollow concrete block foundation walls leak. The dampness builds up inside the hollow concrete blocks, which manifests as stains


and mold. The exterior waterproofing system is the best method of repair, but is more costly. Some of the waterproofing contractors tell homeowners that the exterior system removes the pressure against the foundation wall. This may reduce the pressure, but does not eliminate it. A contractor installing a fiberglass reinforced panel over a crack will direct the water to an under-slab drain, but they hide the condition of the foundation wall behind the crack and susceptible to mold growth behind the panel. Mold growth is also susceptible behind the panels. If basement leaks are seen coming up through the basement slab or along the joint between the basement slab and foundation wall, an interior under-slab drain line may be the best solution. Storm water under the basement slab may cause the basement slab to heave. We suggest calling a professional engineer to diagnose the source of the leaks. Michael Montgomery, who lives in Monfort Heights, of Buyers Protection Group is a licensed engineer in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. His website is www. ADVERTISEMENT

Hundreds of People Cash In at the Covington Roadshow Yesterday

By Jason Delong

Treasure Hunters Roadshow STAFF WRITER

Gold and Silver pour into yesterdays Roadshow due to highest prices in 40 years.

Yesterday at the Radisson, hundreds lined up to cash antiques, collectibles, gold and jewelry in at the Roadshow. The free event is in Covington all week buying gold, silver antiques and collectibles.

“It is unbelievable, I brought in some old coins that had been in a little cigar box for years and some old herringbone necklaces and in less than fifteen minutes I left with a check for $712.37.â€? One visitor I spoke with yesterday said “It’s unbelievable, I brought in some old coins that had been in a little cigar box for years and some old herringbone necklaces and in less than ÂżIWHHQ PLQXWHV , OHIW ZLWK D FKHFN IRU $712.37. That stuff has been in my jewelry box and dresser for at least 20 years.â€? Another gentlemen brought an old Fender guitar his father bought

$ERYH ‡ $ FRXSOH ZDLWV ZLWK DQWLFLSDWLRQ ZKLOH 5RDGVKRZ H[SHUW H[DPLQHV WKHLU DQWLTXHV DQG JROG LWHPV 7KH 5RDGVKRZ LV DW WKH Radisson WKLV ZHHN \HDUV DJR Âł'DG KDG OHVV WKDQ ÂżIW\ bucks in that guitar.â€? The Roadshow expert that assisted him, made a few phone calls and a Veterinarian in Seattle, Washington bought the guitar for $5700.00. The seller continued, “I got another $150.00 for a broken

Our International Collectors Association members are looking for the following types of items. ‡ &2,16 Any and all coins dated 1964 and before. This includes all silver and gold coins, dollars, half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies. All conditions wanted! ‡ *2/' 6,/9(5 -(:(/5< 35,&(6 $7 <($5 +,*+6 IRU SODWLQXP JROG and silver during this event. Broken Jewelry, dental gold, old coins, pocket watches, .UXJJHUDQGV *ROG %DUV &DQDGLDQ 0DSOH /HDIV *ROG 6LOYHU 3ODWLQXP GLDPRQGV UXELHV sapphires and all types of stones, metals, etc. Rings, bracelets, necklaces, all others including EURNHQ MHZHOU\ (DUO\ FRVWXPH MHZHOU\ ZDQWHG ‡ :$7&+(6 32&.(7 :$7&+(6 5ROH[ 7LIIDQ\ +XEORW 2PHJD &KRSDUG &DUWLHU 3KLOLSSH (EHO :DOWKDP 6ZDWFK &KRSDUG (OJLQ %XQQ 6SHFLDO 5DLOURDG +DPLOWRQ DOO others. ‡ 72<6 75$,16 '2//6 All types of toys made before 1965 including: Hot Wheels, 7RQND %XGG\ / 6PLWK 0LOOHU 1\OLQW 5RERWV EDWWHU\ WR\V 0LFNH\ 0RXVH DOO RWKHU WR\V 7UDLQ VHWV DOO JDXJHV DFFHVVRULHV LQGLYLGXDO FDUV 0DUNOLQ $PHULFDQ )O\HU /LRQHO +DIQHU DOO RWKHU WUDLQV %DUELH 'ROOV *, -RH 6KLUOH\ 7HPSOH &KDUDFWHUV *HUPDQ DOO PDNHUV accepted. ‡ 0,/,7$5< ,7(06 6:25'6 &LYLO 5HYROXWLRQDU\ ::, ::,, etc. Items of interest include swords, badges, clothes, photos, medals, knives, gear, letters, etc. ‡ $'9(57,6,1* ,7(06 0HWDO and Porcelain signs, gas companies, beer and liquor makers, automobile, implements, etc.



necklace and an old class ring, it’s not everyday someone brings six thousand dollars to town with your name on it.� Jeff Parsons, President of the Treasure Hunters Roadshow commented, “Lots of people have

items that they know are valuable but jewelry and gold or silver coins add up YHU\ TXLFNO\ , MXVW ÂżQLVKHG ZRUNLQJ just don’t know where to sell them. Old toys, trains, swords, guitars, with a gentleman that had an old class ring, two bracelets, pocket watches and handful of or just about “If you go to the silver dollars,‌ anything old his check was for is valuable to Roadshow, you can over $650.00. I collectors. These cash-in your items for would say that there collectors are willing to pay top dollar. Roadshow were well over 100 people in here big money for yesterday that sold those items they representatives will are looking for.â€? be available to assess their scrap gold.â€? One gentleman This week’s holding his check Roadshow is and purchase your the place to get items at the Radisson for over $1250.00 in the lobby of the connected with event yesterday those collectors. through Friday in had this comment, The process is Covington.â€? “I am so happy I free and anyone decided to come to can brings items down to the event. If the Roadshow the Roadshow. I saw the newspaper H[SHUWV ÂżQG LWHPV WKHLU FROOHFWRUV DUH ad for the event and brought in an old interested in, offers will be made to German sword I brought back from purchase those items. About 80% of World War II and some old coins and the guests that attend the show end up here is my check. What a great thing selling one or more items at the event. for our community. I am heading Antiques and collectibles are home now to see what else I have not the only items the Roadshow is they might be interested in.â€? The Roadshow continues today buying. “Gold and silver markets are soaring.â€? says Archie Davis, a starting at 9am. The event is free and Roadshow representative. “Broken no appointment is needed. The Roadshow continues in Covington every day through Friday!

August 9th - 13th

Monday - Thursday: 9AM - 6PM and Friday: 9AM - 4PM



Top Five Items To Bring

Go d l Gol ry Co d el w ins e J Silver

Coins Sterlin et g Pock s Silver he c t Wa

668 West 5th Street, Covington, KY 41011

Directions: (859) 491-1200 Show Info: (217) 523-4225 WE BUY 10¢ & 12¢ COMIC BOOKS!

Quality Prices paid for ÂśVDQG ÂśV (UD (OHFWULF DQG $FRXVWLF Guitars

Gold and Coin Prices High, Cash In Now

“It’s a modern day gold rush,� said Treasure Hunters Roadshow Jeff Parsons. Gold is now trading near 40 year highs, and you can cash in at the Treasure Hunters Roadshow. All types of gold are wanted, including gold coins, .UXJHUUDQGV 0DSOH /HDIV and other gold bars, etc. All gold jewelry, including broken jewelry is accepted. Anything gold and silver is wanted.

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