Community journal clermont 020316

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COMMUNITY Editor: Richard Maloney,, 248-7134



Facts for Clermont’s ounce of prevention Did you know that Jan. 25 Jan. 31 was National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week? Let’s explore some facts about drugs and alcohol, and facts about our youth in Clermont County. Every two years Clermont County seventh- to 12th-graders participate in the Pride Survey, which asks specific questions about substance use/abuse behavior and attitudes about specific drugs and the risks they pose. The information below is from the most recent survey data released in 2014. » Fact: Most people who start smoking in their teens become regular smokers before they’re 18. » Fact: 89 percent of seventh- to 12th-graders in Cler-

mont County report no use of tobacco in the last 30 days and 80 percent have not used any tobacco prodMelissa E. ucts in the last Kaetzel-Cole year. » Is mariCOMMUNITY PRESS GUEST COLUMNIST juana addictive? Yes. The chances of becoming addicted to marijuana or any drug is different for each person. For marijuana, around 1 in 11 people who use it become addicted. Could you be that one? » Fact: 88 percent of 7-12 graders in Clermont County report no use of marijuana in the last 30 days and 83 percent

Work together to restore ‘Shining City on a Hill’ Ahh … morality. Since I was born during World War II, my moral training included a hearty dose of patriotism with religious rules and my parents’ insights. By late high school my questioning had reached an adolescent-type fever pitch. While I studied to be a teacher, the classes challenged us students to re-think the reasons for our moral decisions. We developed our own insights and guiding convictions. During these contentious political times, the nature of morality in economics has been questioned, debated and argued. This article looks at some ideas that influenced our Founding Fathers as they laid the foundations of our country’s civic morality and how those ideas affect the morality of our economic practices. When King George III originally received the Declaration of Independence, the inalienable rights were life, liberty and the pursuit of property. Happily, Thomas Jefferson later changed property to happiness. Some plausible reasons for the change: In Jefferson’s times, property assured one and one’s children could be independent and have some status. The patriots rejected the power of kings and nobles to tax and to demand property. A family’s future could be ruined. The Greek philosopher Epicures valued living so as to achieve peace of mind through courage, moderation and justice. In a letter to a friend, Jefferson said that he thought himself as an Epicurean, saying that happiness is the aim of life and virtue is its foundation Alexander Hamilton and other Founding Fathers believed people would work for social happiness, not just their own pleasure. Such happiness comes from citizens deciding to postpone their own gain for the common good. John Locke greatly influenced the Founders when he stressed that true liberty demands that a person think carefully about what is best before deciding what to do: he is in control of himself. Adam Smith, the champion of free trade and marketplace economics wrote “The Theory

of Moral Sentiments.” He said, “How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently Bonita some princiKoenigsknecht ples in his nature, which COMMUNITY PRESS GUEST COLUMNIST interest him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it.” In 1776 Smith wrote “The Wealth of Nations” in which he encouraged an open market and free trade without limits from kings and ministers. He said that an invisible hand would control the market so that everyone prospered. In the film Wall Street, the main character says, “Greed is good. Greed works.” And so it does, for those who are not guided by the invisible hand that requires honest thought about what brings true peace of mind. Our nation was begun by persons who followed the ideal that citizens would put the general good before their own desires for money and power. The invisible hand does not seem to be working right now. Could our country need guidance by laws, regulations and social programs to bring about the ideals that motivated the Founding Fathers to believe that a Republic like ours can work? Maybe we need a reminder to rejoice when we work for the common good. Those who have the power to make laws, regulations and social programs need to work together to encourage all of our citizens to consider the ideals of the Founding Fathers for our Republic. They wanted a nation in which different talents, personalities and strengths work together as each per sincerely strives for a dynamic society which can be the “shining city on a hill” for the world. Bonita Koenigsknecht is a resident of Mount Washington. She is retired from teaching, most recently fourth-grade at Guardian Angels School from 1989-2010. She leads water exercises at ME Lyons YMCA.


A publication of

have not used marijuana in the last year. » Fact: drinking and driving can add up to tragic endings. In the U.S., about 5,000 people under the age of 21 die each year from injuries caused by underage drinking, more than 40 percent in car crashes » Fact: more than 4 in 10 people who begin drinking before age 15 eventually become alcoholics » Fact: 83 percent of seventh- to 12th-graders in Clermont County report no use of alcohol in the last 30 days and 68 percent have not used alcohol in the last year. » Fact: Since 2003, prescription pain medications like Vicodin and OxyContin have been involved in more over-

dose deaths than heroin and cocaine combined. » Fact: 95 percent of seventh- to 12th-graders in Clermont County report no use of prescription drugs in the last 30 days and 91 percent have not used any prescription drugs in the last year. » Fact: 98 percent of seventh- to 12th-graders in Clermont County report no use of heroin in the last year. » Fact: 80 percent of seventh- to 12th-graders in Clermont County have not used any illicit drugs in the last year. » Fact: The majority of students in Clermont County do not use tobacco, drugs, or alcohol. Be the majority! If you want to help be a partner in preventing drug

abuse in Clermont County come and join the Coalition for a Drug Free Clermont County every second Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m. at the offices of Clermont County Mental Health and Recovery Board 2337 Clermont Center Drive Batavia. Check us out on, or contact Mary Wolff, coalition coordinator, at 735-8143 for more information. If you or a loved one has a problem with drugs, alcohol, or gambling please call the Clermont Recovery Center a division of Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services at 735-8100. Melissa E. Kaetzel-Cole is prevention specialist/counselor, Clermont Recovery Center.

CH@TROOM Jan. 28 question Who will be President of the United States one year from today? Why will he or she have won?

“One year from today we will be hailing the almighty and magnificent President Trump. I am not saying I agree with this choice, but yet again it will be a matter of the majority of the population voting against the greater evil rather than for the best choice. I truly long for an election where we can in good conscience vote for the right candidate with passion and belief that he or she is the best and correct choice for the highest office in our society. Trump simply has too much momentum, media presence and too many faithful followers to be stopped. He is saying the things that too many of us feel need to be said, and which the other hopefuls are too PC to state. On the campaign side he doesn’t require huge donations and is therefore beholden to none of the special interests.” M.J.F.

“I think it will be Ted Cruz. Most of America will finally wake up and realize that health care isn’t a right it is a privilege, that Christianity is the national religion, diplomacy is weak and bombing is strong and good, woman should cede decisions about their bodies and reproductive health to wealthy, white evangelical males, and every citizens duty is to be armed with an open carry weapon of his or her choice. “I can relate very well to his populist story of attending common Ivy League schools, marrying a common Goldman Sach’s executive and taking a job where you grind your place of employment to a standstill. “For all these democratic and patriotic reasons I see him coming out on top next year.” C.S.

“One year from today, you arrive home excited because you met with your boss today and he said due to increase in business, he was promoting you to manage the new employees. A nice raise comes with the job. The HR manager informs you your health insurance is going down in price because of increased competition. “Then you think back , a year earlier the country felt like it was rapidly suffocating, No good jobs, increased health insurance premiums and a navy suffering through a Third World

THIS WEEK’S QUESTION There are proposals in the Ohio legislature to eliminate “pay to play” fees for school extracurricular activities (athletic and non-athletic). Is this a good idea? Why or why not? Every week we ask readers a question they can reply to via email. Send your answers to rmaloney@ with Ch@troom in the subject line.

country holding guns to their heads on their own ship. “Your choice, America.”


“Right now Democrat Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the favorites for their parties. I think the Democratic nominee has that 47 percent of voters (Romney’s claim of those not paying taxes and/or on entitlements) in their hip pocket. Trump seems to have captured the American voters’ disappointment with current leadership. He seems to have what the frustration fueled masses are looking for i.e. a change or the next Ronald Reagan. I think that voter frustration will ‘trump’ Hillary’s very questionable track record. I hope Trump chooses wisely his VP, cabinet and advisors. He scares me, but I am naively optimistic he can right the ship. I look forward to their debates next fall as it could get ugly. Go Figure!” T.D.T.

Jan. 7 question What is the best way to handle the Syrian refugee situation?

“I read the readers replies about the potential arrival of Syrian refugees into the U.S. I have a Koran and have read it twice. Americans do not have a clue about what an influx of Muslims into this country will cause in the short as well as the long run! “The book depicts the hatred for all those who have not accepted Islam. Those who are not Muslims deserve death. Any Muslim that believes what the Koran preaches is a potential threat! The following is a reply to a young man who had an article in the Cincinnati Enquirer He never received it because what I perceived as being an email address was a Facebook address. I am not on Facebook. “’I read your article in this

7700 Service Center Drive, West Chester, Ohio, 45069 phone: 248-8600 email: web site:

morning’s Enquirer and the first thing that entered my mind was: Have you taken the time to read the Koran? Ask yourself why isn’t the country bringing in Christian refugees? Is it because Obama favors Muslims because he was raised as one. Multiculturalism does not work! Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, stated as much because of the influx of Muslim refugees into her country. The masses have caused assimilation problems.’ “England and France have the same problems with Muslim refugees. Many Muslims like Christians don’t read their Korans or Bibles and don’t go to a Mosque or church. Muslims that do go to a particular Mosque could be radicalized to commit jihad. Jim Hanson who is a part of counter terrorism (Center for Security Policy executive vice president) stated on O’Reilly’s hour that out of 100 mosques in the U.S. that were monitored 80 were preaching jihad. “The more Muslims that take shelter here and become citizens will add to the caliphate that is the head of the snake! There will be more mosques and minarets and the calls to prayers five times a day. Schools will be affected big time! And with a liberal supreme court Sharia law could be passed and men would be able to beat their wives and all that the book allows Muslim men to do. Women would be wearing burqas in public. Is this what you want to see in this country? “If you read the Koran you will see that it is based on the Biblical old testament. The narrative is twisted to bring about a faith that depicts Jesus as a prophet and not the son of God. Christians and Jews deserve death because they have not accepted Islam as the one true religion. No one knows who created the words of the Koran. Muhammad was illiterate and lived in and out of a cave because he probably had some mental issues. Would God send down Gabriel to give this man the words that depict death to all that don’t believe in Islam? I don’t think so! “SURA 47 - Muhammad: When ye encounter the infidels, strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them and of the rest make fast the fetters. Infidels deserve death! That includes you and me. The word infidel is mentioned 203 times in my Koran. American’s are illiterate relative to Islam and many like yourself are jumping on the bandwagon to bring them here!”

Community Journal Editor Richard Maloney, 248-7134 Office hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday See page A2 for additional contact information.


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