Cigar & Spirits Magazine: Mar/Apr 2020 Issue

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publisher’s note Partnerships We are very excited to have two of the most iconic actors from one of the most iconic television shows in history featured in this issue. Mr. Bryan Cranston and Mr. Aaron Paul. They famously portrayed infamous drug dealers in the landmark show Breaking Bad. Somehow, you wanted to see these superhero–bad guys win. Recently, I had the opportunity to sit with them on a sunny afternoon in Los Angeles. We shared Don Lino Africa Kifaru cigars made by the Miami Cigar & Company from Nestor Miranda and we sipped some of the finest Mezcal I’ve have had in my years in the spirit industry–their new brand is Dos Hombres. As we sat and sipped on our mezcal and smoked our cigars, we talked about how they were co-stars together for years on a show, and now have become business partners in this new venture. This really got me to thinking about what my Publisher’s Note would be for this issue. I reflected back to them, how they worked on one project and now another as partners, and how their relationship somehow brought them back together. As we know, cigars and spirits are much more than just the cigars we smoke and the drinks we drink. As connoisseurs, we all know that it’s mostly about the relationships, the bonding, the lifelong relationships, and how it establishes the story of our lives. It prompted me to ask myself a question: What is it that makes a relationship? More importantly, a lifelong relationship, a real friendship or even a partnership…I think as ladies and gentlemen of Cigar & Spirits Magazine, our relationships are the most important aspects of our lives. What does it take to make it work? Whether it be within a marriage, or a business partnership–our relationships with colleagues, teammates, family members, sons and daughters, or moms and dads–it takes some simple and not so simple things to make a lifelong relationship with someone you care for and love.

Time Much like perfecting any skill or art form, whether it be learning how to roll a cigar, distill a spirit, body build, or build a company– you must first of all put in the time. Time is the most valuable thing you can give someone. We all have a limited amount of time in our lives and it’s so precious. It has the highest currency we may ever trade or give. In order to build a strong relationship, like building a strong body, you must put in the time.

Communication You must communicate in your relationships whether it be with a friend, partner, husband or wife. You must both be good communicators. Expressing your feelings, your dreams, your expectations and goals is important. You are sharing a portion of your life within this relationship, and it’s important to be transparent and let the other person know what it is you want from the relationship.

Honesty You must be honest with the people you love–even if the truth hurts. At least they will always know who you are and where you stand.




Loyalty If you’ve read my past Publisher’s Notes, you’ll know I speak a lot about loyalty and could probably write a book on it. But loyalty and feeling safe in a relationship is imperative, and knowing that you’re willing to fight and compromise for the relationship is equally important.

Compromise Every person has their own opinions and ways of doing things, and that’s ok. We should all embrace each other’s opinions and ways because this is what makes the world go round. There will always be disagreements in every relationship, and it’s ok to agree to disagree. You may know you’re right, but it’s ok to let the other person win. It’s not because you know who’s right or wrong, but mostly because you value the relationship more than any disagreement.

Unconditional Love No matter what–always show others unconditional love in any relationship. At the end of the day–we’re all human–we may do things at times that hurt, we may say things we don’t always mean to say, and we for sure all make mistakes. We only get this one beautiful life together to share in our story. Life is short–so fall in love with every relationship you may have, and give to them while expecting nothing back. Each of us should show unconditional love, no matter what happens in life. We need to work through and fight for relationships because no relationship is easy. By deciding to show unconditional love, you will always hold the most important relationships to you in your heart. So raise your glass, take a puff off your cigar, and let us give cheer for the relationships we have in our lives. And with God’s blessing, may we have lifelong friendships and love with all the partners in our lives.


Lincoln B. Salazar Publisher & CEO

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