REDD+ politics in the media : a case study from Brazil

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REDD+ politics in the media: a case study from Brazil   17

Subnational-level state and bureaucratic actors 2% Business corporations and trade unions 4%

Indigenous organisations 2%

Intergovernamental organisations and bodies 8%

National-level state and bureaucratic actors 38%

International NGO or ENGO 14%

National/international research centre 14%

Domestic NGO or ENGO 18%

Figure 6.  Organisational representation of policy actors Note: This figure represents a simplified version of the data discussed in more disaggregated form in the text.

No outlook 0% Pessimistic 17%

Neutral 27%

Optimistic 56%

Figure 7.  Actors’ assessment of the future prospects of REDD+, as expressed to the media

are those who express the view that REDD+ schemes and policies are likely to have mainly negative outcomes. These results show that, generally, actors perceive REDD+ as a positive mechanism for reducing emissions in Brazil. Of course, the main actors

driving the REDD+ discourse in the Brazilian media are also those that have greatest interest in REDD+ implementation, whether as nationallevel representatives (government-related actors) or leaders of national ENGOs engaged in developing subnational projects. Therefore, the predominance of optimistic views is not surprising.

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