Ciem catalogue of services

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Catalogue of services



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SERVICES PROVIDED BY COMPANIES HOSTED AT CIEM Mobile services Web services Energy Efficiency e-Health Nanobiotechnology Communication and Corporate image CONSULTANCY SERVICES AT CIEM

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CIEM l Catalogue of services

INTRODUCTION The Business Incubator Center at the Digital Mile (CIEM) is an incubator of the City Council of Zaragoza managed by the company INIT in a Public-Private Partnership, with the objective of creating entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. Currently, 21 companies and more than 20 freelance professionals are working there. The goal of CIEM is to contribute with value added and innovation to the society and to every company and entrepreneur hosted there. It has three areas of action: information and communication technologies (ICT's), energy efficiency and environmental sectors, and social innovation linked to technology. One of the objectives of the Business Incubation Center (CIEM) is to reach the maturity of the business projects that the center hosts, contributing to reinforce its commitment for those leading sectors and securing their sustainable growth as well as producing quality jobs. The publication of the CIEM Catalogue of Services aims to offer a supporting service to this global initiative. It is an updated inventory of services offered by each entrepreneur included in the CIEM community. Any individual or company that wishes and/or needs an specific service –that is according to the above mentioned working lines- can use this publication to check whether or not CIEM is offering what they need. All services included in this catalogue have been drafted by companies or by independent people, offering a good quality and specialisation in their professional sphere. Confidence in entrepreneurs is essential for strengthening the economy of every city.


Services provided by companies hosted at CIEM


CIEM l Catalogue of services

SERVICES Mobile services Mobile applications Development of multi-platform mobile applications Development of applications exclusively for Android//iOS/Blackberry/ Windows Phone Consultancy for developing applications Mobile applications integrated into business management software Advisory services on OLDP

Mobile marketing Mobile marketing Campaigns Positioning in market's applications

Software for Management Development of customised software for management Development of software for management based on free software Development and implementation of professional software for SME's Software for management of big companies and public administrations ERP. Design, consultancy and implementation CRM. Design, consultancy and implementation BI. Design, consultancy and implementation System's integration and interoperability Development of software for e commerce (buying and selling) Incorporation of software for sales to computer platforms of logistics and management Global solutions applied to telemedicine Advice on OLDP


CIEM l Catalogue of services

SERVICES Web services Web design Turn-key web design Self-managed web design Creation of web pages using wordpress Creation of web pages using joomla Creation of web pages using HTML/ HTML5

Online marketing Online marketing Online market research Online advertising campaigns Online dissemination strategies Positioning in browser. SEM/SEO Training courses

E-learning Web utilities Solutions for e-commerce Software design and development for access to visual contents in the Internet Web applications Online management information platforms Online applications for previsualization of products in 3D Creation of configurators for online products Development of sectoral browsers Adaptation of websites to systems for managing contents Hosting Ecological hosting Advisory services on OLDP

Development of e-learning platforms Management of e-learning platforms Global solutions for educational environments Mobile e-learning


CIEM l Catalogue of services

SERVICES Energy efficiency Energy consultancy Optimization of energy consumption Externalisation of energy management Full energy solutions Energy certificates for installations Energy certificates of existing buildings Certificates for companies Introduction of renewable energy Training in energy management for entrepreneurs

E-Health Monitoring of drugs Monitoring of drugs for human and veterinarian use Monitoring of health products Monitoring of cosmetics Clinical tests Auditing

Interoperability Connectivity solutions between medical devices and mobile devices (Android, iOS, Windows) Integration of existing devices in sanitary platforms (medical centers, insurance companies...) and digital health services (hospitals, residences, primary health centres ) Profitability of turnkey projects of medical devices Multi-disciplinary services based on current technologies (Bluetooth, WiFi, USB ) and emerging technologies (ZigBee, ANT, NFC, 6LoWPAN ) R&D&i consultancy of medical standards, interoperability and new technologies applied to biomedical engineering and e-Health Integration of medical image (product line MIO and own developments) Interoperability between third party information systems

Platforms and e-Health environment Web 2.0 Technology for collaboration (MEDTING platform) Clinical management tools Development of customised software solutions for Healthcare Information technologies' consultancy for Healthcare


CIEM l Catalogue of services

SERVICES Nanobiotechnology

Physical and chemical analysis of materials Size and distribution of particles´sizes (DLS, TEM, SEM) Morphological analysis of particles (TEM, SEM) Determination of surface charge (zeta potential) Chemical/structural composition (EDX, elementary analysis, ICP-MS, FTIR, XPS, RMN-1H, TGA) Internal properties of materials (SQUID, UV-vis, Fluorometer)

Services on biological analysis

Immunological surveys • Differentiation of dendritic cells • Induction of coagulation by leucocytes • Proliferation of leucocytes test • Production of nitric oxide • Test on chemotaxis • Test on gliophagia • Mielosuppression • Test on inflammation: production of cytosines • Surveys on immunosuppression (live) Hematological surveys • Interaction with plasma proteins • Activation of the complement • Survey on coagulation Efficiency

Surveys on biocompatibility • Aggregation and balance in biological environments • Surveys on sterilisation • Surveys on toxicity • Determination of lethal doses (live) • Bio-distribution


CIEM l Catalogue of services

SERVICES Communication and corporate image Press and Communication Creation of contents in communication and documentation Drafting press releases and information sheets Drafting customised information sheets and advertising reports Editing publications Management of contents

Design of files, catalogues and computer graphics

Adequacy and Communication through premises Communication and adequacy of the corporate image at professional premises (offices, retail, facades) Optimisation of ergonomics at workplaces in order to improve productivity Optimisation of customers experience at the sales' point in order to improve profitability Processing of planning permissions, business licenses, municipal regulations, accessibility, etc

Adaptation of commercial information to the corporate image Drafting information files on products/ services/companies Design and preparation of catalogues Management of complex information for users/clients Design and edition of 2D and 3D animation

Design of corporate image Graphic design Logo Design Creation of corporate identity Brand registration in Internet Turn-key projects

Social Media Management Creation of profiles and management of corporate image in social networks Management of contents in social networks Specific advertising campaigns in social networks Training in social media


CIEM consultancy services


CIEM l Catalogue of services

CIEM consultancy services

Management of Human Resources Human Resources selection process Talent’s hunting Elaboration of job description and job identification Design and creation of high-performance teams

Innovation and improvement of business performance: business modeling and business analysis Definition of a business model and analysis on how to improve it Identification of strategic and competitive advantages Flow graphs and evaluation of processes Strategic positioning and definition of roadmaps Renovation and updating the business/ product model

On line incubation* Creative working sessions focusing on specific areas of the company Use of facilities Co-working sessions to improve networking capabilities Access to co-working and network facilities of Spanish INIT centers Participation in activities organised by CIEM Immersion for managers

* All the services are included in the product


CIEM l Catalogue of services

CIEM consultancy services Immersion courses for managers** Definition of the objectives Customised course design to reach the objective of the company Collective working session on the goals established by the client/company • Work on creativity, innovation, venture, lateral thinking, relaxation and coherence of the proposals Individual working sessions • Individual work in a co-operation environment (co-working) Immersion courses for managers can be developed at CIEM or in combination with any of Init innovation centers in Spain, according to the preferences and adaptation of the the strategic lines of the client and the designed directions

Open innovation* Presentation of a challenging case to CIEM community of entrepreneurs (possibilities for diversification, needs for developing specific tools, problem solving) Coordination of the team of entrepreneurs in order to resolve the challenging case Permanent advice on the innovation process and implementation

* All the services are included in the product ** All the services are included according to designed directions


CIEM l Catalogue of services

ASK FOR A SERVICE: To ask for a service of the CIEM catalogue,please visit the website: : / catalogodeservicios/ send an email to or make a phone call to 876 440 500. Once your request has been received, we will find the company able to give the most adequate solution. After that, you will receive a technical description of the project and a budget with the best entrepreneurship quality D.O. CIEM. If you need a multidisciplinary team for your project, CIEM can coordinate it.

“You do not need to know how to improve, you only need to know that you want to improve”

CIEM Avenida de la Autonomía nº 7 50003, Zaragoza. Tlf: 876 440 500 Julia Julve: CIEM:




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