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Inter-American Center of Tax Administration Tax Administration Specialized Course Objective: The basic purpose of this course is to provide tax administration officials and the public in general, specialized knowledge on all relevant aspects of the essential and support functions that must be fulfilled by the tax administration, as well as those most current issues that involve a more direct action with the taxpayers and society in general. Language: Spanish. Participants: Intended for tax administrations officials of the CIAT member countries, as well as the public in general working in the area of taxation or interested therein. Registration fee: Officials of Tax Administrations of CIAT Member Countries: US$325.00 Other: US$425.00 Duration: 23 weeks (approx.). Content: the course is composed of the following lessons: Lesson 1. The Role of the Tax Administrator as Adviser In The Political Sphere. Lesson 2. The Tax Administration’s Capacity, Social Acceptance of the Tax, Normative Design. Lesson 3. Conceptual Aspects of the Tax Administration. Lesson 4. General Considerations of Organizational Design: General And Organizational Structure Aspects. Lesson 5. The Substantive Processes of the Tax Administration: Collection. Lesson 6. The Substantive Processes of the Tax Administration: Taxpayer Assistance. Lesson 7. The Substantive Processes of the Tax Administration: Examination. Lesson 8. The Substantive Processes of the Tax Administration: Assessment. Lesson 9. The Substantive Processes of the Tax Administration: Administrative Appeals. Lesson 10. The Substantive Processes of the Tax Administration: Enforced Collection. Lesson 11. The Support Processes of the Tax Administration. Lesson 12. Human Resources Management Lesson 13. Planning and Control in the Tax Administration. Lesson 14. The Tax Administration and Its Role in the Promotion of Ethics and Corporate Responsibility.

Training Management

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