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Global Reach Updates

Thank you for partnering with our friends and fields in Global Reach. Your prayers and gifts help sustain and encourage them as they minister to communities and the downtrodden in their parts of the world. Please celebrate the following updates from some of the Global Reach fields. These updates are provided by various staff from the fields of ministry.

Dominican Republic

Pastor Evelyn Jimenez from the El Mango Limpio Village reports that the Kilometer 20 church plant has a great start! They are picking up strength with outreach as they continue ministering to the needs of their local community. They have partnered with other churches, Nuevo Inicio Church (New Initiative Church of God) and Cristo es mi Esperanza Church (Christ is my Hope) to serve together. The partnership outreach is called “First God.” In this effort, they brought an evangelist to share God’s Word to the village. They also prepared and served rice and chicken for everyone. Others served by providing hair services as an outreach ministry. Pray for Pastor Brigida who has tumors in her colon. They have operated but her wound has not healed properly, and she is very sick on bedrest for several months.


Ministry has been difficult in many ways throughout 2021 but God has been merciful. He has provided many opportunities to reach village communities despite the hardships created through the pandemic. The pictures at the right are just a sample of some of the fruit we can praise God for. Some highlights from 2021 ministry are: 195 professions of faith, 103 baptisms, 872 students in 19 schools and 155 in Boys/Girls Hostel. 82,800 patients treated at Bogra Christian Hospital (BCH) and Khanjanpur Medical Clinic with 5,725 operations. 1,875 families received Covid relief, 990 blankets were distributed in northwest region and hardware was provided for 17 clean water wells.


2022 began with a very big transition as Pastor John Thumma retired from Gamerco to take more time to focus on his own studies, being with Miss Toni, and to continue his ministry at Hooghan Nizhoni. With his retirement, Jacob and Haley Day have assumed the titles of co-pastors at Gamerco. In their first week as co-pastors, the sanctuary furnace broke. After making a few phone calls to different local companies and trying to figure things out on their own, they were able to arrange for furnace replacement with much help from Pastor Thumma. Gamerco has been doing a penny war and are hoping to try a live/silent auction on Facebook along with donations from the congregation to help raise the $7,000 needed to replace the furnace. Thankfully, winter hasn’t been too cold in the SW and until it is fixed, they have been relying on a supplemental heater and blankets to keep warm on Sundays. The Days say they won’t let a little cold stop them from worshipping and praising His name! They have a busy year to look forward to with church events and visiting teams. Pray that they can bring the lost to Christ and glorify God through it all.


Tierra de Adoracion (Land of Worship Church) in Argentina is getting together with churches from different cities to hold worship together with the theme “One Body” as their main focus. It is a reminder that though we are from different denominations, we can still come together and learn from each other and know that we are of one body in Christ Jesus. Pray for the worship service gatherings as they meet on Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week. Pray for the continuation of the radio hosting program of Christian Education and for their youth as they develop into leadership roles.

Chile Outreach

Esperanza Viva (Living Hope) in Chile is now in a new place of worship. Friendship Community (ERC) has decided to partner with them to help them have a more stable weekly gathering. They are using space within another church building. The Chile church is very thankful for this partnership and the prayers offered for them.


One of Katie Crabtree’s students ran up to her on the playground and told her with concern in her voice that our new student doesn’t know about Jesus! (Keep in mind that this student didn’t know about Jesus herself before starting at ICS last school year.) Katie told her that this student is in the right place then because she has new friends who can tell her all about Him. The student’s eyes lit up as she ran off, enthusiastic to share all that she knows about Jesus with her new friend. In addition to what Katie can teach this new student about Jesus, it is so meaningful to hear it from other kids their own age in a natural setting as it comes up while they play. Pray that these types of interactions would continue to happen as kids are eager to share with one another about the truth.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support in reaching the lost across the globe. It is making a difference for eternity. Below is a table which provides some 2021year end summary statistics for CGGC Global Reach fields.