2 minute read

CGGC 2022 Triennial Conference Sessions

July 25-27, 2022

University of Findlay Campus, Findlay, OH

Winebrenner Theological Seminary Building

THEME: Reimagine

SPEAKER: Brad Brisco

Registration now open at www.CGGC.org at $95 per person

For more information see www.CGGC.org.

All persons in the CGGC have an open invitation to attend the 2022 Triennial Conference July 25-27, 2022. The theme for the event is Reimagine and the Keynote speaker for the event will be Brad Brisco. Brad Brisco is Director of Bivocational Church Planting for the North American Mission Board and is with Send Institute. He has authored a book titled “Rethink” which describes “9 Paradigm Shifts for Activating the Church: Rethinking the Nature of the Church, the Mission, the Missio Dei, the Culture, Vocation, APEST, Leadership, Discipleship and Evangelism and Scorecards” (a download of the book is available at www.CGGC.org). Brad will use these topics to stimulate discussion around the idea of how we “do church” in the days ahead of us. How can we understand and reach our culture? How do we prepare to live as disciples? How do we “rethink” what we understand to be the ministry and work of the church? How do we affirm our beliefs and “reimagine” the best way to communicate this to others? While business sessions will consume a small portion of our time together, most of the time will be open to all who desire to learn how our churches can be more effective and relevant to those in our communities. Come and “Reimagine” the future of your church. Bring someone along!! Live-streaming is available for those who are unable to attend.