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Following key touch points were observed from images received: Indoors, colleagues, tables, chairs, handbag, laptop/PC, smartphone, mouse, cupboard, Whatsapp, emails, walk, cab, metro.

These elements were then treated as triggers, methots, and models to generate new ideas. This process included looking at touchpoints from a different perspective. In the end, the following ideas were derived:


Indoors Windows of revelation to enlighten people about the stories of spendings in relation to the planet and self-health...

Cupboard Virtual cupboard with compartments of wellused, unused and shareable possessions.

Mouse A mouse is operated on dual axes quadrants. Can user’s expenses and their relation with joy be plotted on quadrants to communicate clearly?

Table Things on tables are a good metaphor for possessions the more organized it’s the decluttered the table will look.

Chairs Assign chairs to expenses on the scale of their importance for you. Eg. Superior, subordinate.

Laptop/PC Linking virtual cupboard with the link to donate, rental, selling and exchange sites.

Figure 9: The different ideas that were formulated to tackle the generated research question being tabulated and evaluated in an idea evaluation matrix. Reference section: 13.