Chronogram October 2017

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ARIES (March 20-April 19) Uranus in your sign the past seven years has pushed, pulled, stretched and tweaked who you are. The energy of this transit has been so revved and at times stressful that you’ve had few experiences to appreciate some of the more revolutionary qualities that it’s bestowed on you. This month, however, you get a point of contact and a moment of truth. Someone, something ,or the world itself, meets you on your own level and reflects back what you’ve attained or become. The missing experience that you acquire will reveal something of your true potential, what can happen when what you have to offer is met consciously by a circumstance where you’re actually received. You might wonder how you can set your life up to create more of these experiences, or have it be this way all the time. That is indeed the quest, and because you’ll engage this desire as a conscious mission, you have something to aspire to. Meanwhile, you may be getting the message that you don’t have to push yourself, or anyone else, quite as hard as you have in the past. You have an influence. People notice you, though they don’t always know how to respond, and it will help if you find ways to make it easier for them. It will help if you show your appreciation ongoing for anyone who even vaguely recognizes who you are.

TAURUS (April 19-May 20) You are evolving from one of the most creative times in recent memory to one of the most productive. The key to being dependably prolific is constantly shifting your routines. It’s easy and indeed a kind of temptation to respond to the chaos of the world by locking down work patterns, and personal habits, and enforcing them with rigor. However, you need space to maneuver, and the flexibility to do what you need to do when the time and place are appropriate. One benefit of this will be the ongoing exercise of inventing approaches to your work that are adapted to your latest situation. As a Taurus, you like things predictable, stable, and easy to follow. Yet this has a way of trapping your energy,and keeping you caught in mental ruts that run opposite to what is actually productive. You need some element of waking up every day and wondering what you both want and need to do. That may come down to the freedom to continually adjust your approach, if the tasks themselves are committed in advance. Through a process of experimentation, you will discover new methods of efficiency, or at least keep your mind fresh and alert from the need to rethink things. What you do calls for a creative approach, which is always comprised of approximately equal parts part discipline and originality.

GEMINI (May 20-June 21) You may feel like the world is not ready for what you have to offer. But is the world ever ready for something new, or does it automatically despise everything from the Eiffel Tower to chocolate ice cream, until they suddenly emerge as wildly popular? You have all the talent and discipline you need. You’re riding a creative wave, as planets gather in Libra, your gloriously alive fifth house of art, fun, and risks. The thing you need to work is the theatrical angle: that is, the showmanship to captivate your audience. To do that, focus your talent for telling a good story, remembering that even documentaries have a touch of fiction to them. Conjure your public image using your mercurial skill of relating to others. Remember that public recognition and financial reward for your work are two different things, and that each side of that equation is on its own terms. The only recognition you need at the moments is from partners, clients, and financial backers. Your most important success is the satisfaction of knowing that you do what you do for its own sake, rather than for any reward in the future. One litmus test is whether you would do it for no money. That’s not the goal, of course, but it’s an indicator of whether you’re doing something that’s truly in harmony with who you are.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) You’re moving into a position of leadership with your tribe or family. The way you’re doing this is by exercising your prerogative to do what you want to do, and need to do, regardless of what others may think. The practical effect is to guide others to do the same thing, by essentially granting them permission to freely be themselves. One might think that this would lead to a kind of anarchy, though it’s more likely to release potential as you and the people around you discover new ways to relate and cocreate. Another part of your role is to lead the successful aspects of these experiments into more formalized arrangements. If the emphasis of motivation is on desire rather than necessity, you’ll have an idea who really wants to be there. This is especially vital for you, as both Mercury and Jupiter have moved into the most passionate and adventurous angle of your solar chart, Scorpio. You will be drawn in the direction that’s right for you, even as seemingly more practical concerns try to get your attention. Keep leaning into the direction of what actually matters to you rather than seeming necessary. You will still pay your bills. If you do only what is practical, you’ll still pay the bills, though at considerable expense to your soul. Thankfully, you can cross that off your list of things to ponder. 108 PLANET WAVES CHRONOGRAM 10/17

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