March 13, 2017

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MonDAY, March 13, 2017

Truth Conquers All Since 1969

Vol 50, No. 11

Faculty at CLC face threat of losing jobs over new requirements Robert Biegalski News Editor

The College of Lake County is implementing a requirement that all adjunct faculty who teach transfer courses, 16 teachers in all, will need a master’s degree in order to continue teaching in the fall of 2017. Their classes would be given to someone else who does have a master’s degree if they do not obtain one by Sept. 1, 2017. According to CLC, this change is being implemented in accordance with the Higher Learning Commission, or HLC, the accreditation body of the college. CLC is interpreting the revised guidelines for accreditation from the HLC document in a way that would require all faculty to have a master’s degree. “In the document, it says the primary means by which faculty members are determined to be eligible or qualified to teach these classes is through credentials, like a master’s degree,” said Dr. Michael Flack, CLC Music Department Chair. “But later in the document, it states that if someone doesn’t have a master’s degree, they are still eligible to teach the classes if they have tested experience, which can be used in place of the degree as a means of showing they are qualified to teach the course.” However, CLC is not applying the tested experience clause of the HLC statement. “I think the administration’s point of view is that the part of the document that says you have to have a master’s degree is new,” Flack said. “That requirement is stricter under the new guidelines set forth under the Higher

Learning Commission. I think their point of view is that that’s the standard. “Other colleges are starting to follow that stricter standard and our issue is that they’re ignoring the part of the document that says you can use this tested experience as a substitute for a degree. “It’s not a matter of interpreting the document, it’s a matter of them ignoring a whole part of the document,” said Flack. “There are three specifics paragraphs that seem to give a clear pathway to adjuncts with just a bachelor’s to not only continue, but to be hired as new hires,” said John Mose, CLC music instructor. According to Mose, the administration is anchoring itself to the one paragraph which states faculty should have master’s degrees. “They’re placing all the blame on the Higher Learning Commission,” said Flack. Except, CLC is actively ignoring the sections of the very same document issued by the HLC which clearly illustrates that proper experience carries the same weight as a degree would. The school’s attorneys are looking at the statement to determine the language. “It’s still in flux,” Mose said. It could still go either way. It’s hard to develop the criteria for tested experience.” Every department in the school would have to determine the details of what qualifies as tested experience. “The provost said it’s kind of a slippery slope,” Mose explained. “I get the difficulty, but it’s not supposed to be easy. You’re here for the students, shouldn’t that be your priority? Not making your job easier because it’s a

John Mose delivers his defense before a meeting of the CLC board. Photo Coutesy of CLC FTPACK

slippery slope.” Mose, whose position is in jeopardy because of the new guidelines, has decades of music experience, having played trombone with big-name acts from Tony Bennett to Frank Valli. He plays the trombone professionally. Mose was recruited by the College of Lake County in 2008. Not only does Mose have decades of experience playing, he also has decades of experience teaching, having started in 1978. “I’ve been teaching forever in part-time capacities because I’m a professional player,” Mose said. Mose also started a company, Music Education Services, employing 20 teachers and teaching over 3000 students. He sold the company about 15 years ago. It is now worth $2.3 million. Music Education Services began providing group lessons similar to other band programs, but it was an outside company rather than a public school. The

company then branched out into instrument rentals. Mose is still regularly performing in several groups in the Chicagoland area. Such tested experience is allowing faculty at other colleges to continue teaching without discrepency over accrediton, according to Flack. “Why are we holding such a strict standard here? Why aren’t we allowing people to teach classes that are experienced in the fields in which they’re teaching?,” Flack questioned. “We’re all being accredited by the same institution and it’s not a problem at other schools, so why are they doing that here?” Mose has a lot of support from students and the community. “They really love him, they want to keep him because he’s done such a good job,” Flack said. Flack advocates for real-world experiences over high-level education. Through experience, instructors can provide knowledge

for students otherwise not taught in textbooks. They also may help students establish connections after they graduate. “These people can open doors because they’ve done it themselves,” Flack said. “I don’t think earning a master’s degree necessarily makes someone a better teacher than someone who has been out actually doing the work in the real world,” Flack said. “Having more education may help you be more informed about a subject, but it doesn’t mean that you are going to be a good teacher.” When the Chronicle asked for comment from CLC, the president suggested talking to the provost. The provost asked for emailed questions, which were sent 10 a.m. March 9. A response had not been received as of the March 9 evening production deadline. When the comments are received, the Chronicle will include them in subsequent coverage.



Page 2 | Monday, March 13, 2017

CLC students oppose Trump’s transgender bathroom guidelines Adam Ciuris Staff Reporter

The Trump administration announced Feb. 22 that it would no longer support Barack Obama’s guidelines regarding transgender access to locker rooms and bathrooms in public schools. Rather than making the decision at the federal level, as Obama had done, Donald Trump and his colleagues prefer that this issue be dealt with on the state level. This caused controversy

across the country and among students at the College of Lake County. CLC student Collin Welch feels ambivalent on the issue. “As long as you aren’t forcing your beliefs on me, you can do whatever you want,” Welch said. Trump’s reasoning was that previous policy was doing exactly that-- forcing beliefs on individuals. However, there is a lot of support for the LGBTQ+ community among the student population at CLC.


Hannah Strassburger Graphic Designer

Cody Dufresne


Graphics by Hannah Strassburger

lessening risk and increasing privacy. In general, LGBTQ+ organizations condemned Trump’s revocation of what they see as Obama’s progressive measures. Most people take for granted the ability to enter the bathroom that feels natural without discrimination. While the guidelines were already being challenged in the courts, some think that the has taken aggressive steps to take


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Peter Anders, Michael Crisantos, Kyle Dalton, Jacob Devers, Nayely Estrada Flores, Cassie Garcia, Maria Garcia, Jason Gómez, Kim Jimenez, Ariel Notterman, Abbey Osborn, Peter Ralston, Demi Richter, Rhonda Sutton, Shea Walters

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Editorial Policy The Chronicle staff is responsible for all material printed within its pages every issue. The views expressed in the Chronicle are not necessarily that of the Chronicle Staff or the administration at the College of Lake County. The Chronicle reserves the right to refuse publication of any ad that endorses bigotry or prejudice of any kind. For more information on policy or placement, please contact the Chronicle at (847)-543-2057 or at

John Kupetz Adviser

away rights from the transgender population. This issue still has ongoing legal challenges, and the courts will most likely have the final say. If you would like to show your support for the college’s transgender population, visit the LGBTQ+ Resource Center to learn more about the cause and community, or join the PRIDE Alliance, which meets on Monday afternoons from 2:30 to 3:30 P.M. in the Multipurpose Room.

Ryan Haass

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CLC student Ben Hawkinson believes that the previous policy should be upheld for the sake of students’ rights. . “The very existence of Title IX speaks to the long-standing requirement for federal guidance on the topic of sex-based discrimination,” Hawkinson said. Others believe there should be gender-neutral bathrooms as a third option for the general public. However, that creates an exclusionary dynamic where those who can access the current male and female areas can freely access the third area, but not vice versa. Despite this, it could be a viable solution. The situation is so complicated that it might even be ideal. Miguel Jaimes explained what he thinks CLC should do. “I think that we should have stalls for everything anyways, like for sinks and stuff too,” Jaimes said. “That way privacy wouldn’t be an issue at all,” Jaimes said. This would mean that anything you’d do in the bathroom would be hidden,

Opinion Editor

Robert Biegalski

Diana Panuncial

News Editor

Managing Editor

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Page 3 | Monday, March 13, 2017

Seven candidates compete for two CLC trustee seats Robert Biegalski News Editor

The Board of Trustees at the College of Lake County held a candidates forum, sponsored by the CLC Student Government Association, or SGA, on Monday, Feb. 27, 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. . on the Grayslake Campus near Cafe Willow. The Board of Trustees currently has two open seats, with seven candidates in the running. The Board election takes place Tuesday, April 4. Another forum will occur Tuesday, March 14 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Lakeshore campus in Waukegan. Trustees serve six-year terms and the positions up for election are currently held by Jeanne Goshgarian and Lynda Paul.

The candidates are: Matt Stanton, Gerri Songer, Julie Shroka, Michele Vaughn, James Mitchell, Loretta Dorn, and Catherine Finger. The candidates responded to six questions, one from the moderator, Carlos Catalan, former SGA vice president, and five from the audience. The questions addressed topics including CLC’s three campuses receiving n eces s ar y resources and support, the voices of groups not represented by the board, and the university center. Many of the responses focused on financial concerns. With regards to the question on CLC’s three campuses, the candidates agreed that they would need to focus on balancing revenue for all three sites.

Julie Shroka suggested the use of alternative revenue streams and partnering with corporations to help students find jobs. “We’re doing all this building on the Lakeshore campus which is great for our students,” Shroka said. “We need to use those buildings for some naming rights, look at our policies there, get some corporations to give us naming rights and we can maybe raise funds that way.” Several of the candidates also suggested working with state representatives to help ensure CLC receives the funding it needs in order to support all three locations. When responding to the question regarding diversity, the candidates all agreed that support

for underrepresented groups is important. Michelle Va u g h n proposed a plan to target diverse groups through marketing. “We have to be targeting those students intentionally, at the higher level to make sure that they know, even if no one ever tells me that I can go to college, the College of Lake County believes in me,” Vaughn said. There was a clear message from all of the candidates that responding to the needs of the diverse population at the College of Lake County is crucial to the success of the school. The candidates also spoke of their support for the University Center of Lake County. Several of them suggested lobbying the state

for more funding f o r multi-organization institutions like the University Center. There was also discussion of making improvements to marketing the University Center so that its existence and purpose are more widely known and understood. The candidates also briefly discussed their roles in the CLC community, describing the groups they are involved in and the events they have attended. Videos of the Candidate Forum are available online on the CLC Federation of Teachers Political Action Committee Yo u Tu b e c h a n n e l . Additional information about each of the candidates is available at

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Page 4 | Monday, March 13, 2017

Career workshop prepares students for interviews Jason Gomez Staff Reporter

It is very common for someone to be nervous about going to interviews if they don’t have experience. People often struggle with finding the right things to say, due to the uncertainty of what questions will be asked. They may also worry about what to wear, how to ask questions, and other essential things to know when going to on an interview. On Thursday, March 2, Carolyn Serdar, a career service specialist, held a career workshop at College of Lake County on interviews to help anyone willing to learn tips on how to ace an interview and leave an outstanding impression. Some students had stories about missed opportunities, while others attended because they have yet to experience an interview and some, simply because of an extra credit chance. Regardless of the reason, the workshop aimed to discuss key points that would help students most. Generally, people think that the whole process of an

interview begins at the actual location. However, the interview actually begins as soon as the person gets a call back. . It’s not the end of the world if a call-back is missed, as long as the call is returned as soon as possible with an eager tone so that it sounds like the applicant is very much still interested in the job. There were two mannequins on display to serve as examples of what to wear to the occasion. Men should always be cleanly shaven, or if they have beards, well groomed. A crisp button-up should be worn, and clothing should be free of any wrinkles, so the potential employee doesn’t appear as though they just rolled out of bed. Ties are good accessories that add on a good look and while suits are a good idea, it really depends on what job the interview is for. Dress shoes should always be worn-- no recreational shoes whatsoever. Socks should always be a dark color, preferably black, and men should steer clear of white because it stands out.

For women, pantsuits and dresses should be at appropriate lengths. Jewelry is fine as long as it is not flashy and over the top. Earrings should always be reserved, and small in size. Makeup is one of the trends that has grown over recent years and while many people have amazing skills, it is advisable that the person uses skin tone shades and nothing too exaggerated. Shoes are a very broad topic. Usually, high heels or flats are worn to go along with the attire. One of the women in the workshop asked, “Opentoe or closed?” . What if the person going in for the interview doesn’t own anything that looks professional? Thrift stores provide a good source of clothes if the person is on a budget, while another option could be asking a friend or relative to borrow something to wear for that day. Getting to the interview ten to fifteen minutes early allows for the person to gather their thoughts and to make a trip to the bathroom to make any quick adjustment, but in order to get a head start on questions that

might be asked, it is a good idea to research the job’s mission statement online in order to know what the employers are looking for. In doing so, the applicant will be ready to confidently state why they are the right person for the position and that brought the workshop into the topic of confidence. Handshakes are often overlooked, but they can make all the difference. A proper handshake is firm, but not painful and aggressive, nor is it weak and limp. A firm handshake is a sign of confidence and respect. Posture is extremely important as well. Sitting straight is always the proper posture when sitting down. Hand movement may be inevitable, but too much of it can be distracting. Direct eye contact is significant but can also lead to unintentional staring which could be a bad thing, so it’s okay to also glance around from time to time. The voice should always be full of confidence, not loud and demanding, not soft and shy or monotonous. If there is a question that is asked that makes the interviewee uncomfortable, such as one regarding race, reli-

gion family status or nationality, it is suggested that the response be calm and that they ask for the relevance of the question to the position. It is perfectly fine not to answer a question if it is communicated appropriately to the person on the other side. When the interview is drawing to a close, it is always important to thank the person for their time. Asking follow-up questions lets the interviewer know that the potential employee is sincerely interested in the job. Some people are naturally good at interviews, while some find them intimidating. The important thing is that everyone can learn to be confident when presenting themselves for a desired job. Ryan Truong, a student who attended the workshop at the recommendation of his professor, said the workshop was worth his time. “Before the workshop, I did not really have any experience for jobs,” Truong said. “I was like a blank paper, but this has been very beneficial and now I know how to act and what to expect.”

Symposium empowers women to stay true to identity Demi Richter Staff Reporter

The 5th Annual Women’s Empowerment Symposium at CLC was held on Sat. March 4. The event was presented by Sister 2 Sister, a community-led organization which seeks to empower women of all ages through social unity, academic excellence, leadership and support. The Symposium began at 9 A.M. with a continental breakfast and meet and greet. The welcoming address was presented by CLC’s Dean of Student Life, Teresa Aguinaldo. Aguinaldo gave a powerful speech addressing issues facing many women today, including the importance of finishing education and not being afraid to ask for help. “Don’t let pride get in the way of your success,” Aguinaldo said.

“Often, women who are struggling the most refuse help from others. I ask them to accept help. We will always need help and, in turn, can help others.” After the opening remarks, a “Where Are They Now?” panel took place featuring former CLC students who have gone on to lead successful lives after graduating. These speakers included Dr. Myra Gayton-Morales, Assistant Dean for Academic Services & Programs; Mrs. Tiffany Peppers, Executive Director JIC Community Development Corp; Mrs. Roberta E. Jeter, Registered Dental Hygienist; and Ms. Christa Sanchez-Bice, Educational Talent Search Representative. The symposium featured several workshops aimed to inspire and empower women to reach their full potential through self-exploration.

Dr. Sharon SandersFunnye and Mrs. Joanna Bradford, co-authors of the book “Her Voice- Loving and Mentoring Yourself” offered advice to those in attendance. The central message of their workshop was to teach women to not let others define them. Bradford and SandersFunnye want to teach women the art of becoming who you want to be. “It’s important to keep what you do separate from who you really are,” Sanders-Funnye said. “Often times, when women are asked to describe themselves, it is common to explain just what we do-not who we really are.” Another Workshop featured at the Symposium, “Women in STEM” (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) was led by LaMar Black, Manager of CLC’s Career and Job

Placement Centers Business & Industry Department. This panel discussed STEM career options and various STEM programs that exist at CLC as well as the challenges that exist in these occupations. “Several women shared personal stories of triumph and struggle while pursuing occupations such as engineering, and what they endured and were subject to from this male-dominated field,” Black said. “In presenting this topic to a group of women it was obvious that there was a strong gender bias that was embedded within the culture that held or discouraged a lot of females from excelling in these fields.” Also featured was a workshop titled “Empower Yourself through Wellness” led by Dr. Francis Ardito, Professor of CLC’s Health and Wellness Promotion. This workshop focused on

not only physical wellness, but emphasized the importance of emotional, spiritual and financial wellness as well. Women of all ages gathered in Cafe Willow for lunch and to discuss the day’s events. After a morning of self-reflection and education each woman shared what most profoundly affected her. The day ended with a free Success Starter Boutique presented by the Alpha Kappa Alpha & Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. The boutique featured new and gently used dress clothes, jewelry purses, shoes, outerwear and other accessories donated by the sororities. The goal of the boutique was to provide women with the resources needed for dressing in the professional world.



Page 5 | Monday, March 13, 2017

Job growth lowers enrollment at CLC Peter Ralston Staff Reporter

Since 2012, the unemployment rate has dropped from 8.3 percent to 4.9 percent. This current rate is considered healthy, as it means less people require a college degree to obtain a job. Patrick Peyer, Dean of

Enrollment Services at the College of Lake County, explained the effect of unemployment on community colleges. “Community colleges have throughout the decades seen increased enrollment during times of economic hardship, such as the 2008 recession,” Peyer said. Because of the huge drop in unemployment since

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2012, most community colleges are teaching fewer students, as more individuals are finding jobs instead of returning to school. “Only three out of the 48 community colleges in Illinois have seen increased enrollment recently,” Peyer said. Albeit, this drop in enrollment has been mostly small and steady. According to the official CLC headcount report, there has been a 0.6 percent drop in total number of students and a 0.7 percent drop in credit hours compared to the 2016 Spring semester. That same report also showed a 1.5 percent drop in student enrollment and a 1.2 percent drop in credit hours from the 2015 to 2016 fall semesters. This is certainly related to the dropping unemployment

rate. Despite this common trend, Peyer and others in the administration have been working hard on keeping this drop in enrollment to a minimum. During the last two years Peyer has been working here, CLC has been reaching out to all twentytwo high schools in Lake County through High School Alliance, a quarterly meeting with CLC president Dr. Weber and the superintendents of the high schools. Peyer has also invited all the high school counselors individually to see the new spaces at CLC and improve communication. Likewise, the college has changed methods of recruiting at high schools by focusing on the specific needs addressed by the counselors. For example, Waukegan

High School would require CLC’s services and help f ar more than Lake Forest High School. CLC’s recruiters go to each school eight times throughout the year, and no longer set up tables in lobbies. This change in strategy is part of Peyer’s effort to “improve public relations and provide better and more consistent messages.” Thus why it is so important to advertise the new renovations the school has undergone. Peyer and the rest of the CLC administration can’t prevent decreasing enrollment due to lower unemployment rates, but they can still remain active in doing their part to maintain a healthy number of enrolled students.

Tuition increases Diana Panuncial Managing Editor

The College of Lake County Board of Trustees voted to raise tuition by $3 per credit hour at their Feb. 28 meeting, to be effective in the upcoming fall semester of 2017. In Feb. 2016, the board previously approved a $6 increase to tuition, but stated that it was subject to change in Dec. 2016. Lack of state funding has pushed the Board to make this difficult decision. Instead of CLC’s in-district tuition being $112, it will now be $115. Comprehensive fees will remain at $23 per credit hour. Now, students are looking to pay $138 per credit hour for the fiscal year beginning July 1. CLC President Jerry Weber sent an email to faculty and staff regarding the increased rates on Feb. 28 as well, explaining that the increased rates are due to investments and improvements to existing programs such as New Student Orientation and tutoring programs. CLC is also working to improve its relationship

with incoming high school students, offering them dual credit programs. For existing students, the increased tuition strengthens the college’s relationships with other institutions for transferring. It seems that the increased tuition is to better improve the student’s path to success, but some students have speculations. “3 dollars is not that much,” said one student, Arthur Sifuentes. “I don’t think about stuff like that.” “As long as the money is going to something that will be beneficial for students in the end, 3 dollars shouldn’t matter,” said another student, John. One student, who chose to remain anonymous, said that he is not sure of CLC’s intentions: “3 dollars times how many students go here? That adds up to a lot of money. CLC can put it somewhere helpful for students, but what’s going to stop them from using the money for greedy purposes? They might bring the cost back down, but… why would they, since they’re already getting the money they need?”


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Same ingredients and price of the sub or club without the bread.


Medium rare choice roast beef, mayo, lettuce & tomato. Fresh housemade tuna, mixed with celery, onions, and our tasty sauce, sliced cucumber, lettuce & tomato. (My tuna rocks! Sprouts* optional) Fresh sliced turkey breast, lettuce, tomato & mayo. The original (Sprouts* optional)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Ham & cheese Roast beef Tuna salad Turkey breast Salami, capicola, cheese Double provolone


The original Italian sub with genoa salami, provolone, capicola, onion, lettuce, tomato, & a real tasty Italian vinaigrette. (Hot peppers by request)


Layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians only, Sprouts* optional)


Bacon, lettuce, tomato & mayo! (My B.L.T. rocks)

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$3 for fall 2017

ok, so my subs really aren't gourmet and we're not french either. my subs just taste a little better, that's all! I wanted to call it jimmy john's tasty sandwiches, but my mom told me to stick with gourmet. Regardless of what she thinks, freaky fast is where it's at. I hope you love 'em as much as i do! peace!

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★ sides ★


★ Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie ★ Extra load of meat ★ Extra cheese or extra avocado spread



(subs & clubs only)

Onion, lettuce, tomato, mayo, sliced cucumber, hot peppers, dijon, Jimmy Mustard, yellow mustard, oil & vinegar, oregano, sprouts*

#7 SMOKED HAM CLUB 1/4 pound of real wood smoked ham, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato & mayo!


Choice roast beef, smoked ham, provolone cheese, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato & mayo.


Genoa salami, Italian capicola, smoked ham, and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo & our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (Order it with hot peppers)


A full 1/4 pound of medium rare roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato & mayo.


Sliced turkey breast, real wood smoked ham, provolone, and tons of lettuce, tomato & mayo! (A very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!)

★ Soda Pop ★ Real potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle

My club sandwiches have twice the meat or cheese, try it on my fresh baked thick sliced 7-grain bread or my famous homemade French bread! Tell us when you order!

Sprouts* optional Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato and mayo!


#13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB ® Double provolone, real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (Try it on my 7-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is really yummy! Sprouts* optional)


Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato & mayo. An American classic!


THE J.J. GARGANTUAN® The original gutbuhstuh! Genoa salami, sliced smoked ham, capicola, roast beef, turkey & provolone, jammed into one of our homemade French buns, then smothered with onions, mayo, lettuce, tomato & our homemade Italian vinaigrette.

The same as our #3 Totally Tuna except this one has a lot more. Housemade tuna salad, provolone, sliced cucumber, lettuce & tomato. (Sprouts* optional)


Sliced turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club)

#17 ULTIMATE PORKER™ Real wood smoked ham and bacon with lettuce, tomato & mayo! (This one rocks!)





Page 6 | Monday, March 13, 2017

Jessica Chiarella invites students to speculate fiction Shea Walter Staff Reporter

Author Jessica Chiarella held a reading and workshop for her debut novel, “And Again,” at the College of Lake County on March 9. The workshop lasted from 3 to 4:15 p.m. and then at 7 p.m., Chiarella read from her debut novel. “And Again” features three main characters whose memories are transferred into their new, genetically perfect bodies. They no longer have any illnesses, but these new found bodies create issues in their personal lives. Kirkus Reviews wrote about Chiarella’s novel, “Chiarella’s engaging

writing creates so many haunting moments that readers will find themselves moving quickly through the story, as well as awaiting her next work. This is a novel about what it means to be human, with all the flaws and vulnerabilities that implies, and whether we can ever truly begin again.” Chiarella grew up in the Chicago area, and holds an M.A. in writing and publishing from DePaul University as well as an M.F.A. in creative writing from the University of California, Riverside. She grew up as a librarian’s daughter, and gives credit to her childhood for her desire to become a writer. Robin Kacel, CLC English instructor, was crucial in

setting up the event. “We are especially happy to welcome Jessica to CLC because she grew up in the Chicago area and went to DePaul University,” Kacel said. “She is a generous writer who connects with followers through her blog, Facebook and Twitter as well as sustains a busy schedule of readings at book stores, libraries and schools.” The workshop and reading were for anyone who is interested writing. Some classes received extra credit for attending. This was a great experience for readers and writers to come together and share ideas and learn from a more experienced writer.

“Reading the first chapter gives you an immediate feeling for the surreal quality of the characters’ situations which compels you to read on,” Kacel said. “This combination of science fiction, fantasy, and magic realism make up a genre called ‘speculative fiction.’ Jessica [talked] about the genre at her workshop on Thursday afternoon.” The workshop and reading were a great way for Chiarella to promote her acclaimed novel as well as connect with the CLC community. The workshop was part of an ongoing Reading Series at the College of Lake County. “The Reading Series is a tradition at CLC,” Kacel explained. “Each year we

bring one or two professional writers to campus for a reading of their work and an opportunity to work with a small group of students in a workshop setting. The events are open to the general public and a wide range of writers looking for inspiration and helpful insights are often in attendance. The readings also compliment the Creative Writing class taught here at CLC by demonstrating the results of persevering in the world of publishing.” “Observing a writer read her work aloud can be an exciting experience. Like a dancer, singer, actor or violinist, the writer breathes life into the words and her creative process unfolds before the audience’s eyes.”

Art festival showcases artistic outlets for veterans Kimberly Jimenez Staff Reporter

The College of Lake County hosted the Veterans Creative Arts Festival on March 2. The free event lasted from 1 to 4 P.M. and showcased the creative accomplishments of local Veterans. The Veterans Creative Arts Festival is the culmination of music, creative writing, art, dance, and drama completed by our local Veterans who have been treated in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) national health care system. Veterans begin at regional festivals, such as the one hosted at CLC, and those who win first place in their category can then advance to the national competition, where they will compete with others from VA facilities across the nation. The VA Medical Centers incorporate creative arts into their therapy programs to further rehabilitation for both inpatients and outpatients. The annual event and competition recognizes the progress and recovery veterans have made through this type of therapy and raises the visibility of their creative achievements af-

ter disease, disability, or life crisis. The art festival was presented by the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center, the regional center where veterans receive therapy located in North Chicago, and the Student Veterans Club at CLC. Through assisting in the organization this event, the club demonstrated their desire to support our local Veterans. Their mission is to facilitate communication and interaction among veterans and to promote veterans helping other veterans-- informing each other of benefits that often go unrecognized or unnoticed. At the festival, approximately 75 Veterans submitted their work in visual art categories ranging from painting, drawing, photography, mixed media, model building, and much more. 17 Veterans submitted their original written work in the poetry and short story categories. Also at the event, 23 acts were performed in music, dance, and drama in the A Wing Auditorium. Angela Walker gave a rock vocal performance of Bruce Springsteen’s

“On a Bright Sunny Day” by Ellliot Abelson Photo by Diana Panuncial

“Pink Cadillac,” Richard Simmons recreated a drum circle with volunteers from the audience, and Andrew McClendon did a bass cover of the song “Always With You, Always With Me.” The festival concluded with the rock group Windy City Wailers’ performance of “Proud Mary.” Joseph Bochantin, Veterans Student Services Coordinator and organizer of the event, said what he enjoyed most about the Creative Arts Festival was collaborating with the Student Veterans Club and the relationship that was built between them and the local veterans. “To see my veterans put smiles on people’s faces, you just saw that it built a deeper camaraderie

through the club members themselves,” Bochantin said. Five different media outlets came to interview the Cpt. James A. Lovell Center and CLC, and all interviews were done by the Student Veterans Club’s executive committee. Bochantin said he merely pointed the club in the right direction and helped them overcome some hurdles, but that they deserve most of the credit for working the event. He is also really looking forward to reading the articles in which the club got a chance to talk about the event and seeing them receive the recognition they deserve. According to Bochantin, this event brought CLC into a “better, deeper rela-

tionship” with its community and its veterans. Gold medal winners of this event will participate in the National Veterans Creative Arts Competition in Buffalo, New York. This was the Department of Veterans Affairs 10th annual Creative Arts Festival and the 2nd year CLC has collaborated with the Lovell Federal Health Care Center on this event. Last year’s Creative Arts Festival was the Lovell FHCC’s most successful. It was the first time their participants won nationally. Two gold medal winners were sent to nationals and 13 participants won medals in silver and bronze. Coordinators from Lovell’s Recreational Therapy Department attribute this victory to CLC, saying that the change in venue caused the performers to step up their game. When asked whether CLC will host this event again next year, Marisol Guzman, Veterans Associate at CLC replied, “We sure hope so.” “Everybody left here very happy with the way CLC treated them,” Bochantin said. He is optimistic that CLC will continue to host this event in the future.



Page 7 | Monday, March 13, 2017

Islamic awareness week celebrates Malcolm X Ryan Haass Sports Editor

The College of Lake County’s Muslim Student Association put together a string of events to honor Islam Awareness Week between Feb. 27 and March 3. The largest of the events, “The Legacy of Malcolm X,” took place on March 1. Azfar Uddin, who serves as imām and resident scholar at Islamic Foundation North, gave an informative lecture on the life of Malcolm X. In doing so, he often quoted or referenced Malcolm’s autobiography and another biography, “On the Side of my People,” by Louis DeCaro. Ultimately, Uddin broke the life of Malcolm X into four distinct catego-

ries: Malcolm Little, Detroit Red, Malcolm X, and Malcolm’s spiritual renaissance following his Hajj-- the pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims aspire to make during their lifetime. By breaking the famous civil rights leader’s life into these categories, the audience was able to see how Malcolm transformed from a “violent racist,” as Uddin referred to him, to an advocate for peace. He was traumatized by seeing his father’s hardly identifiable corpse following his murder by white men and watching his house burn down as the firefighters stood idly next to the burning building. It is easy to understand why Malcolm was an angry, prejudiced man during his youth. Once Malcolm came

out of prison, he became involved with the Nation of Islam, an extremist group whose name is misleading, as the group doesn’t follow major tenets of Islam. Sadly, his time with the Nation of Islam is often that which people characterize his legacy with. However, following Malcolm’s Hajj, he rejected the Nation of Islam’s practices and teachings. Once Malcolm had made this shift of ideology, he focused on institutional racism, rather than viewing the issue of racism as only black versus white. This shift is, unfortunately, often ignored in most primary school curriculums. Uddin pointed out that in a conversation with some of his own students, many had no knowledge of Malcolm

X, and the rest had learned of him as only a violent extremist. Though the event was explicitly about the life of Malcolm X, the underlying messages of the lecture were evident

to all those in attendance: during these turbulent times, we need students to take the lead in fighting for an America that is well informed and accepting of others.


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Page 8 | Monday, March 13, 2017

MSA promotes tolerance, battles misunderstanding Rhonda Sutton Staff Reporter

The College of Lake County’s Muslim Student Association’s mission is to promote understanding of the Islamic culture and traditional practices from various countries in the Middle East. MSA held several events during Muslim awareness week to help bridge the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims. In an interview with Sehr Shaikh, President of MSA, Shaikh said it is important to raise awareness about Muslims because people can have the wrong perception. “I want people to know and understand Muslims are peaceful, tolerant, and very open-minded as we interact with everyday people,” Shaikh said. Sehr Shaikh is a student at CLUB studying Biological Science and a focus on medicine. Although her parents were born in Pakistan, she was born in the United States. Being a Muslim-American, she knows how important it is for Muslims to feel welcomed and comfortable with who they are. “I want other Muslim students to know they have a

place where they can come and be comfortable standing up for themselves, you don’t have to hide or feel ashamed. All students are welcome, especially Muslims, “ Shaikh said. During Islamic Awareness Week, several events took place including Coffee and Tea Day on student street. Baklava and tea were served to participants as they came up to ask questions. Questions ranged from “What is a Muslim?” to “What is wrong with your religion?” and “Why is there so much hate towards your religion?” The very simple answer is, Islam is a religion that can be misunderstood if a person is not properly informed. A Muslim is someone who practices Islam. Islam means surrender to God (Allah), and anyone who surrenders to God is a Muslim. The message of Islam is essentially one God, who is merciful, mighty, and acknowledges other prophets have preached the same message to their people like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Muslims believe the Quran is the word of God revealed to the prophet Muhammad.

On Tuesday, Feb. 28, Student Street hosted an event called Hijab Day, in which members handed out colorful scarves to students. The participation level was surprising. The event had to end early because all the scarves were passed out to people curious about Islam and who wanted to show support. “Sometimes there can be a negative connotations about hijabs, from people who just don’t understand. When a woman wears a hijab, it’s not a sign of oppression, it is the opposite,” Shaikh said. “Hijab is a veil that covers the hair. Hair is considered really beautiful, so by covering it, you are making people focus on your personality and character. It is the best form of modesty and worship. “Furthermore, Islamically, no one is supposed to be forced to dress any type of way”. Shaikh said. Most people become committed to Islam by their own free will. You choose when you are ready.” Shaikh shared that growing up, she was not forced to wear a scarf. “As I grew in my faith, so did my understanding,” Shaikh said. “I understood wearing my hijab was a form of worship. I also

The legacy of Malcolm X was one of the events sponsored by the MSA Photo courtesy of Rhonda Sutton

CLC student tries on hijab

Photo courtesy of Rhonda Sutton

understood the honor and pride associated with being Muslim.” During Hijab Day, women tried on the scarves. There were also scarves for men. In many Islamic countries there are different names for the type of scarves men wear. “Different cultures have different names. The closest translation I can think of would be an Arabic word sounding like ‘Hatha’,” said Taha Tayyati, co-president of MSA. He explained it’s difficult to spell because the characters are different in Arabic than in English. On Wednesday, MSA launched a viewing of “The Legacy of Malcolm X” at A011 Auditorium. A local imam talked about the history of combating negative storms. The lecture talked about Malcolm X’s life experiences in four stages. The first two stages, Malcolm Little and Detroit Red, were names Malcolm X was associated with during the early stages of his life. They referenced a period when Malcolm X was involved in criminal activity and drugs. The Malcolm X stage was when he was released from jail and join a highly controversial group known as The Nation of Islam

(NOI). He eventually disassociated himself from NOI. Thus, leading to the final stage, when he converted to mainstream Islam and completed the Hajj to Mecca. Tayyati said he really loved the lecture and was fascinated with how the topic linked black history with Islamic awareness week. “We have shared experiences of both groups dealing with threats of violence, prejudice, and disenfranchisement,” Tayyati said. “These are common experiences both communities share. And depicting the good that Malcolm X brought to both communities was cool.” Other events held during last week included the Open Day of Mosque at Islamic North Foundation in Libertyville. Students and teachers had the opportunity to tour the mosque, participate in open discussions and ask questions with an Imam. They also had the opportunity to observe the prayer service. MSA is planning to continue to have events that foster awareness, increase community involvement, and boost membership. A prayer room has been designated for Muslims to conduct salt (daily prayers) in a quiet location, convenient for preparing to pray.




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Page 10 | Monday, March 13, 2017

Good Luck on Midterms

The College Brain Classes Homework

11 12 1 2 10 3 9 4 8 7 6 5

Crying about Homework Work Fun... Maybe

Graphic by sydney seeber

Which Bathroom?

By Hannah Strassburger

By Hannah Strassburger

Getting Hired as a Professor

By Hannah Strassburger

Wow! what a resume! You’ve cured cancer, solved global warming, and won a nobel prize?! Yes, Sir, I have.

The law’s the law, I guess...

The law’s the law, I guess... It’d truly be an honor to have you here at CLC. Now tell me, do you have a Master’s Degree in your field?

No sir, I do not.

uh...... wrong bathroom.

The Caveman Work Ethic

uh...... wrong bathroom.

How dare you?! Get. Out.

By Jacob Devers

*eye twitches*



Page 11 | Monday, March 13, 2017

PTK study night a collaborative environment Diana Panuncial Managing Editor

Midterms can be stressful for everyone, but student organization Phi Theta Kappa joined together with Pride Alliance and hosted an open study night on Thursday, March 2. “Every year, PTK has to do one fundraising event,” said Adam Fritzhall, PTK member and Co-Vice President of Public Relations at the College of Lake County. “We weren’t really sure of what we were going to do, so I came up with this idea to have a study night.” The organization held a bake sale and raffles in order to raise money, but Fritzhall also wanted to facilitate other features of the study night. “We didn’t want it to just be another study night,”

Fritzhall said. “It has different dimensions to it.” The study night offered help from writing tutors Fritzhall, Ryan Haass, and Pia Lenon, as well as scholarship workshops held by Bernard Kondenar, Student Trustee and PTK member. “I wanted the study night to be an opportunity for students to sit in a collaborative environment,” Fritzhall said. “They can interact with each other, and be in charge of seeking out different resources available at CLC.” Many students are unaware of the resources available for them at CLC. Resources such as the Writing Center and Math Center are open all year round. Different workshops are also held in order to help students with

study habits, test-taking, and even some of the technology that CLC has to offer. “Events like these are helpful by showing students that there are other individuals that care about their education,” Fritzhall said. “The student isn’t alone in their education. I wanted this study night to be a chance for them to come here and see that there are many resources, and we can point them out to different organizations and programs to get help.” Kondenar’s scholarship workshops were helpful to students as well. Students who were unaware of scholarship resources available were able to visit Kondenar for consulting. “Many students miss out on opportunities to get scholarships because

they just don’t apply at all, and they preemptively disqualify themselves,” Kondenar said. “At one point, I was guilty of this myself, until I won a couple [of scholarships] that were much more competitive than I knew about when I applied. “PTK and talking with other students who have or who are going through the process (of scholarships) themselves is also extremely helpful.” “Having PA and PTK working together broadens the audience of people who can come,” Fritzhall said. “This facilitates different people who are in LGBTQ+ and are not in LGBTQ+ to come together and ask questions to understand each other’s cultures indirectly. It gets students to open themselves up as individuals in

an educational, supportive environment.” “PA is really easy to work with. It’s full of friendly and easygoing people,” Fritzhall said. “What I was attracted to most was the fact that PA is really underrepresented at CLC. Not a lot of people know about it. PTK is a big thing at every community college; PA is much smaller. So it really helps build a united, collaborative environment that reaches more students.” “I want students to know that they can take initiative in their own learning-- that learning does not always have to be boring,” Fritzhall said. “The study night was an opportunity for these individual students to really build a community in support for each other’s goals.”



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Page 12 | Monday, March 13, 2017

“We cannot succeed when half of us are held back.” -Malala Yousafzai

Graphic by Hannah Strassburger

Politics fuel women in quest for equality Jenn Arias

Features Editor

In 1987, the United States Congress declared March as National Women’s History Month. Historically, the President gives a Proclamation to honor the achievements of American Women and encourage future progress. The College of Lake County is choosing to highlight women as well, with several on campus events to support and inspire them, including the STEM event for girls and the Sister 2 Sister empowering women symposium. CLC faculty members are inspiring action as well. They are stressing the awareness and importance of political activism, and consider it their duty to break the stereotypes and bust through the inequalities women continue to face. The defunding of Planned Parenthood was one of the many reasons some women were marching on Jan. 21. Others marched to protest Trump’s election. Cathy Colton, CLC English instructor, was only one of the many participants in the March on Washington this past January. According to Colton, the new presidency was the fire behind the gas of women burning for equality. “The number of people out protesting is huge,” said Colton. “I don’t think this country has had demonstrations this big since the 1960s’

anti-Vietnam War and Civil Rights protests. Whether it’s the millions who attended Women’s Marches, the demonstrations at airports across the country the weekend that the executive order travel ban was signed, the immigrant/refugee support rallies, people are pumped up.” Former CLC teacher, Mary Ann Bretzlauf, who also participated in Washington, explained that her involvement stemmed from the disappointment in the Presidential Election. “I had a sense of profound disappointment when Trump was elected,” said Bretzlauf. “Participating publicly with others to show my resistance to his dishonesty and racism made me feel I could still affect some positive change. I was astounded at the number of people and the variety of signs addressing troubling issues with this administration. It was exhilarating, enlivening, and exhausting – all at the same time. I was proud to have a voice, made more significant by the number of marchers, whereas on November 9th I felt so ashamed that America could have elected Trump.” Colton, sensing this would be an incredible historic event, packed in a car with some friends and drove to Washington D.C., each of them sporting their pink hats. “There was a friendly sense of camaraderie as we

stood in line at Starbucks or for the bathroom in some place along the Ohio or Pennsylvania Turnpikes. Often we’d look out the window and see a car full of pink hats near us and honk and wave,” Colton said. Colton and Bretzlauf both found themselves inspired and empowered by the sheer number of participants and the range of the issues they protested. It wasn’t just an event for women, but for all of those who have been pushed into a corner and told they were not as good as another race, gender, religion, or ethnicity. They felt extremely honored to have participated in turning the first wheel of change. Colton also mentioned the impact of marching—for historical reasons, but also to stand in solidarity, creating a united front on these crucial issues. “It asserts that there is solidarity,” said Colton, “that there are many people in support of the cause. Especially since our new president is very concerned about his popularity and numbers of people who voted for him, attended his inauguration, etc., showing large numbers of people in support of positions different from his is important. There is also a long history of marching and rallying for social change. It’s a supremely American way to get collective views

across.” Bretzlauf was taken aback by the peacefulness of the marchers and the clear comradery which sprung up due to standing together. She explained that it was “validating” to see so many people turn out who share her same views. She encourages students to take notice and become active politically. “First, register to vote!” Bretzlauf said. “Then, vote in every election--local and national--after investigating the candidates. Look around you for examples of strength and wisdom. Do the things that feed your energy, like protesting, but be prepared to persist. Persist and resist.” While participating in the March and protesting is a major way to promote change and combat inequality, there are many things to be done on a smaller or local level that will still make an impact. Colton invites students to visit the Women’s March Facebook page to view suggestions for getting involved and to “choose an issue that’s most important to you to focus on.” “There are ways to get involved just a little or a lot: demonstrating, through social media, letter writing,” said Colton. “There’s something for everyone, regardless of how much or how little time you have, or how whether you

feel comfortable taking to the street or would prefer to write to legislators and join social media campaigns from home. I’m happy to help out organizing something if there’s student interest.” As far as combating fear and injustice under the new presidency, Colton encourages women to be open and start a dialogue about how to handle these issues when they arise. We must band together or everything will fall apart. “There is power in numbers,” said Colton. “We won’t be able to stop everything we don’t like from happening, but we can make our voices heard, we can get support and validation from others, and we can change some things. Voting and working for candidates does make a difference. “Also, talk to our friends, and to those who disagree with us--civilly. We can’t always change others’ minds on the big issues, but sharing our stories is humanizing. Finding one area of agreement with someone opens a lot of doors. “Finally--for now--keep becoming more informed on issues important to us. In this age of ‘alternative facts’ and fake news, it can be disheartening, but knowledge and awareness are important.”



Page 13 | Monday, March 13, 2017

Sister 2 Sister offers support, inspiration for women Abbey Osborn Staff Reporter

The College of Lake County hosted the 5th Annual Empowering Women Symposium March 4. Ladies bonded over food and workshops meant to help them achieve their goals. For Beverly Phelps, Multicultural Coordinator for the Student Center, events like the Symposium serve as an opportunity to empower and inspire other women. As an advisor to Sister 2 Sister, one of the groups that organized the event, Phelps finds her inspiration in women like Mary McLeod Bethune, who founded the Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute for Negro Girls in Daytona, Florida, in 1904.

Phelps also emphasized that her work is an incredible opportunity for her. “It’s helping me grow and it’s helping me to see other women grow,” Phelps said. On her desk, Phelps keeps an image of Rosa Parks to remind her of her destiny and commitment, and why she continues to work with women at CLC. “My commitment is to really keep an open mind and to grow as an individual,” Phelps said. “I want to be able to reach someone who may want to give up on life or doesn’t have a support system and help them get where they are trying to go.” This year, the Symposium offered workshops on career skills, STEM, and advice on how to pursue one’s goals and maintain a positive

mentality in life. The event was sponsored in large part by the Carl D. Perkins grant, with additional support from the CLC Women’s Center, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. According to Phelps, the Symposium began as a way to offer women from social service agencies an opportunity to learn the skills needed not only to get a job, but to be inspired by other women. It works alongside the other resources available to these women, including a Success Starter Boutique that allows them to get gently used or brand new clothing, shoes, and accessories. The goal is to make these women feel confident in

themselves and to equip them with the skills they need to be successful. At the Symposium, women from all different backgrounds get the chance to share their life experiences. It is the recognition of these different viewpoints that makes the event more than just a conference. The Symposium is just one tool to help women make progress towards their goals by allowing them to engage in conversation and to have an open mind. Previous students have come back and shared their experiences and knowledge. It also functions as a recruiting tool for CLC, as a chance to showcase the resources available to women. While helping women achieve success is not some-

thing accomplished at a conference, there will always be a need for events like the Symposium. The Symposium becomes a place of open dialogue where women can come together to share knowledge and experiences, and to leave feeling motivated and supported. “Everybody views things from a different lens. But, the thing is, on the outside of that lens, we still see the same thing,” Phelps said. The outside, for Phelps, is the struggles and issues many of the women she works with face. “No matter what’s going on the outside, there’s still hope,” Phelps said. “You can still move forward in your dreams.”

Writing Center assists in creating better writers, showcases diversity Kyle Dalton Staff Reporter

With the spring semester in full swing at College of Lake County, the tutoring center is a-buzz with students seeking help. For anyone having trouble with those tricky personal narratives, research papers, or transfer apps, look no further; The Writing Center is here to help! No matter whether you’re struggling getting started or just want someone there next to you to help finalize the last details, tutors are available to help guide you in your writing process. CLC offers writers assistance at Lakeshore, Southlake, and Grayslake campuses. Students have a large range of options on where and when they want some help. Students who hope to revise, rework, and get some one on one time with a tutor are in luck. “Sessions do always start with the writer filling out the Student Focus Form and the tutor having a conversation with them about why there are there and about the writing they are bringing in with them,” said Jennifer Staben, Faculty Coordinator of CLC’s Writing Center since 2001. “Most sessions also begin with a discussion

of the assignment the writer is working on and sometimes a read through of the assignment sheet,” Staben said. From there, the tutor and tutee will decide who will read aloud the assignment that was brought in. This verbal reading often reveals many distinguishable areas with issues. “This process allows the writer and the tutor to focus on the draft together in real time,” Staben said. To best prepare yourself, it is highly suggested you bring all materials related to your assignment, including the assignment sheet, additional readings, and any work you have produced for the project so far. One of the greatest benefits of the center is that even if you have no work done, tutors, or “coaches” as Staben calls them, are more than happy to have a brainstorming session with you. “Students gain a lot by just talking to a tutor about their assignment, how they went about writing their drafts, and what they know about the content of their writing,” said Kim Voss, a former peer tutor of the writing center, now Writing Center Coordinator. “Tutors are guides to help students

move along from one draft to the next. “ One big taboo in the center is the perception that it is a “drop off” station or that the tutors will simply edit work why students patiently wait for the results. “We try really hard to make sure students don’t just think of us as ‘grammar checkers;’ rather, we would like to be known as knowledgeable readers who ask questions of the writers,” Voss said. Writing Centers offer a plentiful and diverse opportunity for students to explore their work by spending time with an equally diverse set of tutors. Diversity, not only in age, gender, ethnicity, and background, but also in major, involvement in campus activities, and specificity of tutoring. The center offers a wide range of both peer (student) tutors to “Tutor 3’s,” tutors with degrees, and beyond to specialists like Christina O’Connell and Patricia Eney. These CLC adjunct faculties both focus on ELI (English Language Instruction). “I started tutoring in the CLC Writing Center in both English and Spanish and developed a love for working with a diverse crowd,” says

O’Connell. “It was really a springboard to my current position” From Collette Ruscheinsky Robinson, mother of two, CLC/ Columbia College Alumni, and now returning tutor and student, to Sam Khan, an Iowa State Alumni now preparing to enroll in law school, the range of tutors is all over the map. For those looking to be involved as a tutee, drop-ins at all campuses are always welcome. For specific tutors, times, and during those stressful and busy midterms/finals weeks, appointments can be made on campus or by phone. The center recruits their tutors based off of professor recommendations, sending out offers to students nearing the end of each Spring/Fall semester. Anyone looking to get involved should discuss their interest with their professors or contact the Center heads directly. New tutors are required to enroll in English 260, a course designed by Staben to help ready writers for their new coaching role, as well as give them a place to discuss their sessions and develop new understandings of language and what it means to tutor. Tutors

have the ability to be reimbursed for this course and it is one of the most well crafted and fun courses at CLC. The Writing Center is an eclectic and wonderful space for writers of all backgrounds, level of skill, and stage of process to better themselves in their craft. The center not only enriches the learning experience of students, but also of those guiding them.

Tutoring times Southlake (Mon – Thurs 9 A.M. – 7 P.M.),

Lakeshore (Mon – Thur 9 A.M. – 8 P.M.) Fri 10 A.M. – 2 P.M. Sat 9 A.M. – 12 P.M.), & the

Grayslake campus (Mon-Thur 8 A.M. – 8 P.M) Fri 8 A.M. – 4:30 P.M., & Sat 10 A.M. – 2 P.M.),



Page 14 | Monday, March 13, 2017

CLC theater students test their limits Cassie Garcia Staff Reporter

Being a young woman in the performing arts is tough, but students at College of Lake County are committed to their goals. Emmalee Berger, a sophomore at CLC and a theater student, shared her inspiration to begin a career in the performing arts and what keeps her going. “My mom has been my inspiration since the age of eight,” Berger said. “Although being on stage can be a terrifying moment for me, I’m filled with adrenaline and I enjoy every minute I’m on stage.” These days, it seems that building a steady career in the performing arts is impossible, but Berger believes that it takes a strong will to stay passionate in your artistry. “I think it is more competitive to be a woman in theater. Especially at the educational level, strong female roles are hard to come by,” Berger

said. “All women are vigorous. I’ve seen many women overcome obstacles in their lives, and that inspires me to keep moving forward.” Many women face discrimination and other battles in the performing arts and

Liz Hernandez, is in her third year as a theater major at CLC. Hernandez is inspired by Latina artists such as Rita Moreno and Gina Rodriguez, who often didn’t receive roles just for the

Emmalee Berger at Everyman Photo Courtesy of CLC Theater Department

entertainment industry, but that won’t stop Berger. “Young women should follow their dreams and do what they want to do most,” Berger said. “If [something] makes you happy, then go for it!”

color of their skin. However, Moreno’s success in performances such as “Singin’ in the Rain” and Rodriguez’s role in “Jane the Virgin” continue to inspire Hernandez. “Growing up as a Latina, I

didn’t see myself becoming a performer,” Hernandez said. “But looking up to these artists made me feel like I could do it.” Hernandez enjoys working with the very talented people in the performing arts department at CLC. In the future, Hernandez hopes to become an actress, and inspire other women and young girls to follow their dreams and do what they love. She also dreams of teaching a performing arts class. “My instructors have had a lot of influence on me-- as well as other students-- to continue to with our dreams,” Hernandez said. “It’s important to let your voice be heard and don’t let anyone silence your want for an equal chance [in the performing arts].” Kassandra Phalen, a singer/songwriter and actress, is a student in the CLC choir program. Phelan started choir at sixteen years old, and is inspired by her mother,

who also has a passion for singing. “At first, I had a lot of anxiety performing in front of crowds, but I’ve gotten over it through the years,” Phelan said. “I thought perfection was expected from me while performing, but in the end, I knew that I expected that from myself.” Performing requires a lot of Phelan’s time and energy. She also has to be careful about what she eats and drinks, because those factors can affect her voice. “Being a performer isn’t easy, but it fills me with joy when she sees her music impact others emotionally,” Phelan said. When it comes to outside influences putting pressure on her, Phelan has to share one piece of advice to young girls who are dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety. “Don’t let others get inside your head too much,” Phelan said. “If you have a passion for something, hold on to it. Don’t let people tell you that your pursuits don’t matter.”

“Cherry Orchard” relays relevant message regarding change Ariel Notterman Staff Reporter

Ariel- The Cherry Orchard For two weekends in early March, College of Lake County’s theater program presented “The Cherry Orchard” by Anton Chekhov. This play looks at an aristocratic family that loses everything, including their estate and their beloved cherry orchard, as a result of the political and social change That accompanied the start of the 20th century Thomas Mitchell, the production’s technical director, scenic designer, and lighting designer, took the historical context of the play into account when designing the production. “It’s a world that is changing, that’s evolving,” Mitchell said. “It’s right as the revolution is happening and the whole Russian structure is changing, so it’s going from the rise of the middle class in Russia and the fall of the aristocracy. People that are used to living this wonderful lavish world are starting to lose it all.”

The set Mitchell created for CLC’s production certainly evoked a feeling of a lost world. The set’s high walls and minimal furniture created an atmosphere of emptiness and loneliness, mirroring the emotions of the play’s characters. Abstract elements were also incorporated into “The Cherry Orchard.” Trees and greenery were created with varying shapes and shades of green light as the backdrop for the estate. This added an element of symbolism that coincided with the symbolic themes of the story. “We don’t want to make it [the set] too real,” added Mitchell. Although the play was written in 1904 and takes place at the same time, its theme of change and how difficult that can be is still relevant today. Director Scott Mullins describes the similarities between the societal changes happening during the play and what is happening in the world today. “Whatever side of the political spectrum you might

be on, right now I think that everybody can agree that we’re going through an enormous cultural, societal, shift on a lot of things,” Mullins said. “And what’s interesting about the play is that it’s not really pointing any kind of fingers, saying ‘This is good; this is bad.’ “It’s really just creating a conversation with the audience about how people behave and exist in a time of cultural and social change, and for some people, that change is a good thing, for some people that’s a bad thing, and there’s lots of different degrees of that in the play.” Indeed, audiences observing the action onstage can empathize with the aristocratic family about to lose their childhood home and their way of life forever. They can also see the situation from the perspective of businessman Yermolai, who is frustrated with the family’s lack of action and seeks to tear down their estate and cut down their cherry orchard in order to make money off the land, saving

them from complete ruin. There is no right or wrong outlook on the situation. “A little bit of empathy, a little bit of compassion seems to be hard to come by nowadays,” Mullins said. “And I think this play is certainly making an appeal for that.” This message of human connection during times of change was brought to life by a cast of CLC students and community members. Stand-out performances include Emma Dreher as Liubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, Jessica Ellington as

Varya, and Richard Seng as Yasha. Another production element of “The Cherry Orchard” worthy of a standing ovation was the costume design by Beth Levine Chaitman. The fabrics and silhouettes of the time period were perfectly tailored to each actor, resulting in beautiful and historically accurate visuals. Once again, CLC Theater produced a high-quality production with an interesting and thoughtful message for the community to ponder.

Cast of Cherry Orchard Photo Courtesy of CLC Theater Department



Page 15 | Monday, March 13, 2017

International action film disappoints Peter Anders Staff Reporter

“The Great Wall,” a fantasy monster film, was released on Feb. 17. The film is directed by Zhang Yimou and stars Matt Damon, Willem Dafoe, Andy Lau, and Jing Tian. The premise of “Great Wall” is that two mercenaries are hired by an unknown party to retrieve gunpowder from the Chinese. However, they encounter the massive Great Wall, just as it is under siege by an enemy force unlike any other. “Great Wall” has a lot riding on its success. A historical co-production between the U.S. and China, at $150 million, it’s the most expensive film ever shot in China. It also features a mostly Asian cast, led by legendary director Yimou. This is Yimou’s first ever film that

is in English and not entirely subtitled or dubbed over. It is a shame that “Great Wall” doesn’t amount to much. With a premise that sounds fun on paper, so many resources behind it, and such great actors, it does not feel like anything audiences have not seen done before. This movie is a big ball of potential. If someone could take some of the separate elements of the film and retool them, they could have a dumb, but fun monster film-- yet what we got was a film that feels very bland, hollow, and lacking energy. For everything it does right, “Great Wall” does two things wrong: its script and its plot. The script is one of the many sins “Great Wall” suffers from. The plot has no twist, it has no turns, the characters lack serious depth, and the

dialogue has no spark to it. For a screenplay with three different writers credited, this feels like a first draft. Matt Damon’s character is the only one who undergoes any sort of transformation, though his reasons for doing so are not conveyed well to the audience and come off as forced. Willem Dafoe’s character is such a onedimensional cartoon villain. But the movie does have some positives. The cinematography is phenomenal, with the look and feel of a comic book in the best possible way. Each of the armor types the warriors wear are distinctly colored, almost like a medieval version of the “Power Rangers.” The action is acceptable, with the first initial siege actually being really well done. Sadly, the CGI on the creatures is a mixed bag: at times it looks really good;

uk at times it looks almost unfinished. Matt Damon is pretty good in his role as William, if not remarkable. He is easily one of the most likable characters in the film, but that is almost by default. They hint at a dark backstory he supposedly has, which sounds like a much more interesting movie than the generic monster film we ended up with. The actor who steals the spotlight here is Chinese actress Tian Jing, who plays the commander of the forces guarding the wall. She instantly commands the screen whenever she is present and you want to see more of her. The fact that she and Matt Damon work well together also is an added bonus. They never become romantic, which would have been such an easy trope for the writers to force in here.

What could have been a historical collaboration between two film industries amounts to nothing but another forgettable blockbuster wannabe. While it does at times have some great visuals and a cool set piece in the initial act, the film fails to live up to what it could have been.

Great Wall Photo Courtesy of IMDB

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Page 16 | Monday, March 13, 2017

New gallery exhibit showcases unique art form Jenn Arias Features Editor

The College of Lake County welcomed seasoned artist Jeana Klein and her collection of artwork entitled “Forgotten Narratives” on March 3 in the Robert T. Wright Community Gallery. The reception from 6 to 8 P.M. included refreshments and live music. Klein, Associate Professor in the arts at Appalachian State University and recipient of the Craft Artist Fellowship from the North Carolina Arts Council, has been creating artwork ever since she can remember. “Forgotten Narratives” has been in the works for six years and incorporates Klein’s talent and love of digital art, acrylic painting, and quilting into each piece. Each one

tells a story, a forgotten item, a discarded past that piqued an interest for Klein many years ago. “I had been looking at abandoned houses for awhile,” Klein said, “and I always wondered about the story behind it, what kind of lives were lived there before they became abandoned. It’s like recognizing humanity.” Klein originally went to North Carolina State University to pursue Architecture as a perfect fusion of art and math. However, after less than a year, she realized that she enjoyed working with her hands much more than sketching, and she slowly transitioned into surface design and quilting. “Forgotten Narratives” carefully displays all of the steps to the final polished

product. It began with poking around abandoned houses with a friend, taking many pictures, and utilizing photoshop to “make one massive photo that speaks to [Klein].” Klein also used sketches to prepare the image with quilting patterns, using her love of math to create a numeric code to break the image into 500-1000 pieces. She used fabric from her late grandmother’s quilting group to create the warm, homey quilting pattern behind the images. She would then print these images on the quilt, adding acrylic paint to create the desired look and wipe away sections to reveal the quilting beneath. Finally, she would sew the pieces together to create one large piece. Having shown these pieces in other locations, when

Klein noticed a call for exhibition proposals at CLC, she jumped at the opportunity. “Everyone [at CLC] has been fantastic through the process, really professional, helpful, kind, and supportive,” Klein said. Working on one show for so long may deter some artists from completing so many pieces, but Klein found that the multidimensional creation process has been the key to sticking with this creative exhibit. “The beginning and the end are my favorite parts,” Klein said. “I love the excitement of starting to figure out how it’s going to come together. The end is also satisfying because there are so many processes. The ability to change it up is crucial so you won’t get sick of it. There’s just

so many things you can do with it.” “Forgotten Narratives” will showcase in the Robert T. Wright Community Gallery until April 1. Students are encouraged to take a peek around and become inspired by a modern form of art that incorporates many different methods and styles. Klein also encourages aspiring artists to be active in creation to better their work. “There are only two things you need to do to make it,” Klein said. “One, keep making art, no matter what, even if it’s unrelated to your day job. And two, get your art and yourself out into the world. Be involved. If you do these things, you will find your niche in the world.”


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Page 17 | Monday, March 13, 2017

Depression one of the challenges students face during midterms Maria Garcia Staff Reporter

Midterms are either currently happening, or have just finished, which means students are in a rush trying to finish projects, essays, and whatever else professors have thrown at them. While we have been taught not to let our private life interfere with our studies, most students have many burdensome responsibilities that take a toll on us, both physically and emotionally, from the tremendous weight that we’re expected to carry. Depression, for example, is a mood disorder that is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and a loss of interest -- especially in activities that were once very enjoyable. The onset of depression often occurs during the transition to college or once in college. This is a real and relevant issue and one that many students grapple with, but isn’t necessarily normalized enough to be included in everyday conversation. Yet, many college students face challenges, pressure, and anxiety that can cause them to feel overwhelmed and bring about mental illness. They may be living on their own for the first time; they might feel homesick; they have to deal with adapting to new schedules and workloads. Students also have to figure out how to be independent, while still navigating social circles.

Issues of money and romantic relationships also play a prominent role in regards to depression. Juggling these changes during the transition from adolescence to adulthood can trigger or unmask depression. Depression is not to be confused with feeling sad or anxious, as these emotions, for the most part, pass after just a few days. Rather, depression affects how a person feels, thinks, and behaves over a long period of time, and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. Signs and symptoms that a student might be experiencing depression during college include: feelings of sadness, emptiness or hopelessness, angry outbursts, loss of interest in normal activities, sleep disturbances, lack of energy, changes in appetite, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things, frequent or recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, and unexplained physical aches/pains. 44% of American college students report having one or more of these symptoms; yet 75% of college students do not seek help for mental health issues. Furthermore, suicide is the third leading cause of death among college students. With mental illness being so prevalent, why isn’t help sought out more often? Usually help isn’t immediately made available to them

,or the stigma which surrounds mental illnesses is so overwhelming that people would rather suffer in silence than reach out and risk being beaten down even further. The College of Lake County has addressed student struggles by issuing an email on March 6. One key element of the email was that it suggested meeting with an academic coach or peer mentor if students are having difficulties prioritizing school while still handling life outside of the academic sphere. It also allowed students to reply directly to the email to be connected with a coach or peer. This direct action by the college demonstrates genuine empathy for students. The letter emphasized that CLC is here to support its students and outlined resources for students feeling overwhelmed to take advantage of, such as: The Tutoring Center offers services to students seeking help with homework, projects, or papers; no appointments are needed and tutors are available at each campus. Hours for the center can be found on the school’s website, but the center itself is tucked into the back of the bottom floor of the library. The Counseling and Advising Center also has trained staff to help plan a student’s future and cope with current challenges hindering a student’s success. Whether you’re looking to map things out and re-

duce some stress or work on personal development, the Counseling Center has got you’ve covered. Remember: it’s okay to not be okay. Everyone deserves to take some time for themselves; a hiatus from the workload we, as students, have to shoulder each day, is necessary in order to stay sane. Remember, also, that it’s okay to need other

people. Living in a very individualistic society, and as college students -- where individualism has an even greater emphasis-- it’s easy to feel pressured to suck it up and trudge on forward. However, it’s important to take a step back from time to time; or rather, take a healthy step forward and seek the help that is needed.

Graphics by Hannah Strassburger

Panel provides students with a platform to voice opinions Courtney Prais Opinion Editor

On Mon., Feb. 27, CLC hosted an event which allowed students to meet the candidates for the College of Lake County Board of Trustees. Questions were submitted ahead of time by students via email, but the candidates also spoke directly to the audience and answered questions while the panel took place. Voting for candidates to the Board takes place April 4. There are two open seats available for this year, and

terms are six years long. While many students probably don’t care about such information, as I once didn’t, this voting opportunity provides students with a direct way of advocating their interests. Unlike at the high school level, where voting wasn’t accessible to students, at the college level we have a chance to voice our concerns. We have a choice. Of course, the turnout might not be what we expect (or want), but we are able to try to push our way in there. Our voices will be harder to ignore if we decide to take

part and vote. For example, at the Feb. 28 Board of Trustees meeting, the Board voted to raise tuition fees. They also voted on new programs and confirmed the academic calendar for 2019. These decisions are not made, however, without some consideration of the students’ wants and needs. Through active participation by students, we can at least have some deliberation in who should be on the Board, and what should be addressed at their meetings. At such panels, we can press candidates on tuition

increases, on cutting classes for low enrollment even though students need and want said classes, on publishing results of student evaluations of faculty, on making sure who is teaching a class is listed at the time of registration, and on better food options. We can raise these concerns, if students decide to care. We can challenge the college to take a stand on its status as a sanctuary clear; challenge the college on making clear that it is a safe space for undocumented students and family members. Transgender students, Muslim students, students of color- we

want to see them accepted at CLC, as they rightfully deserve to be. Perhaps our candidates take a different approach to these issues. Maybe some support them, and some don’t. As students, as the heart of CLC, we need to press them to take a clear stance and run for office on what they believe and value. In other words, let’s make sure we know who we’re electing to make choices for us, and let’s make them make choices with our voices loud and clear in their minds.



Page 18 | Monday, March 13, 2017

Transgender bathroom policy hits home for students Michael Crisantos Staff Reporter

When I told my nephews I was transgender, they said it was okay. When I asked if they still loved me they said, “Yes.” The next day my seven-year-old nephew called me, “uncle.” It took everything I had to not break down into tears. My nephews, who are eight and twelve, have become the most supportive people in my life. One of the most memorable experiences I’ve had with them is when we went to the mall together to do some shopping. After enjoying some big slurpees on the way to the mall, one of the boys had to use the bathroom. When we got to the mall, we looked for bathrooms that were closest together. Once we found one, I told the boys I would wait

outside the door for them. They turned around at the same time with a bewildered look in their eyes; one of them asked, “Aren’t you coming?” I had used the men’s restroom several times before, but never with family there- especially my nephews. I just shook my head “yes” in acceptance of his invitation and walked into the men’s restroom with them. As they walked towards the urinals, I made my way to a stall. We all washed our hands and headed out together- just me and my boys. Today, it is hard to go into the bathroom alone. I stand an outstanding 5 ft, 2 in.. I’m a chubby guy with little-to-no facial hair. Walking into the men’s restroom is hard. I try my best to go during times when the restroom should be emp-

ty. I try to go to bathrooms in parts of the school that no one remembers exists because of the construction. I just want to avoid people seeing me in the men’s restroom altogether because I want to avoid any and all confrontation. Going into the men’s restroom is hard, but going into the women’s restroom would be a nightmare. The last time I was in a women’s restroom I was laughed at. They assumed that I couldn’t read the sign outside the door. I was looked at as a joke, not an actual person. The fact that the Trump Administration has pulled federal protection for the transgender community to be able to use whichever bathroom that matches with what they identify with scares me. I think about how much my government doesn’t believe

in me. to support the oppressed It feels like I am communities is now. being laughed at by my If my nephews can be alcountry, and it hurts. lies, who says you can’t? The College of Lake Country is making progress for their transgender students. There are gender neutral bathrooms in the renovation plan, and the LGBTQ+ Resource Center is having a handful of events which will bring to light the transgender community here at CLC. But, there is still so much more that can be done. Now is the time for us to stand together for justice. We need to protect the transgender community. As a part of the CLC community, get involved with the events the LGBTQ+ Community is hosting; allies are welcomed into the community. If you have never been to the Pride Alliance meetings, go. The time Graphic by Sydney Seeber

The challenge of finding time in college to do what you love Courtney Prais Opinion Editor

In middle school, I discovered poetry.Always an avid reader, I had never quite fallen head-over-heals in love with the English language until I had my first lesson on poetry in the seventh grade. I don’t even remember what poems we read in class; I don’t remember any substantial discussions or compelling pull towards a particular poet. The only thing I remember is composing a book of poems for a project and revelling in every moment of it. After that, I began to write poems in my free time. I already had a history of writing what I would now deem as poorly-developed short stories about dogs and my American Girl dolls (believe it or not, I conjured up some pretty dramatic scenarios), but poetry seemed to be a reprieve from the chaotic world around me. Middle school was a tumultuous time. A fun time, looking back, but tumultuous indeed. I dealt with an eating disorder, feelings of isolation, unwanted acne, unre-

ciprocated crushes, desperately trying to live up to a religion which constantly rejected me, and, well, just being a miserably awkward tween. I know I’m not the only one who went through these struggles; almost everytime I mention the words “middle school” to someone, I see their eyes darken and their soul retreat to a very dark place. Yet, I found an outlet in writing -- it was cathartic. In writing, I didn’t have to be anyone. All I had to do was spill what I was feeling, or let the inspiration “blow” over me, like the great poet Percy Shelley. It’s been almost two years since I’ve been able to let inspiration blow over me. Since starting college, and probably somewhat prior to that even, I have written less and less for pleasure, yet more and more because of deadlines. Sometimes, I notice my assignments are losing their creative touch -- whatever piece of me I was able to interject in the past has been superseded by the pressure to forge something which impresses. One of the worst acts, I believe, a writer could commit, is succumbing to the

pressure of writing for the audience rather than for the self. This has plagued me lately because I’ve realized that, as a society, we wholly undermine the creative arts. When it comes to talk of cutting a budget, the first things to go are theater, music, literature, and English programs. However, without these programs, how are students to express themselves, grow in both academia and as individuals? During one of the lowest points in my life (I say “one of” because there’s still room!), I turned to a practice which is now deemed as dying. I know writing and the arts in general hasn’t had such a profound affect on everyone, but if we maintain a healthy balance between work and creative expression, I think we could be churning out brighter, healthier individuals. Since I now suffer from perpetual writer’s block, I want to suggest some tips to fellow college students seeking more creativity: Plan to Create Set time aside each day to create. It doesn’t have to be much time -- a 10 minute minimum, for

instance -- so long as you make or do something within that time. Painting, writing, music, photography, etc. It all applies. Be in a Good Environment Surround yourself with creative people. There are many clubs/organizations on campus that strive to draw like-minded people together. The Literary Arts Society, for example, is perfect for book-lovers or poetry enthusiasts. Even Philosophy Club or Psychology Club can be creative; they are both platforms for conversation and discussing new ideas. Take Interesting Courses Take courses that appeal to you, not just classes you need. Some people might not agree with this notion, but I know individuals taking both English classes and watercolouring classes in the same semester. The English course is to satisfy degree requirements, but watercolouring class is just for fun. When you make your schedule, plan your more serious classes for the morning, and allow yourself a break in the afternoon by taking something for your personal gain. Again, not everyone may have time to take such an

approach when registering for classes, but those who really want to commit to leading a more creative life should consider doing so. Explore New Environments Start going to funky coffee shops or just coffee shops in general; seriously, they help. It’s probably the ambiance of the shop: some mellow, Indie music and art on the walls. Try locally-owned coffee shops, too, as they sometimes have live performances. The artist vibe is a lot stronger when you’re sitting in a coffee shop with a journal and a cup o’ joe, as opposed to sitting on your bed in your pajamas. Relax! Stop pressuring yourself. When I say that, I mean go with your gut instinct. Write about what stands out in your mind, what interests you, what flows naturally. If you need help expanding on your ideas, the tutors at the Writing Center are there to help. So are your professors. The point is, don’t confine yourself to a box. If you like something, don’t give up on it, no matter how hectic life gets. The state of your mental health will thank you later!



Page 19 | Monday, March 13, 2017

Women’s History Month celebrates diversity of women Nayely Estrada Flores Staff Reporter

With the recent 2016 film, “Hidden Figures”, surpassing box office sales with approximately 182.7 million, it seems apparent just how necessary this movie is. “Hidden Figures” depicts strong black women fighting against societal constraints. The film serves as a reminder of the unsung female heroes that have gone unrecognized by our society. And with it already being March, Women’s History Month is finally here; a month devoted to helping individuals remember the women that helped to progress the standing of women within society. This celebration started in 1980 as a way to recognize women fighting for equality. The month focuses mainly on women like: Susan B. Anthony, a major player in the women’s suffrage movement, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, an American suffragette and leading figure of the early women’s rights movement, Sojourner

Truth, an African American abolitionist and women’s rights activist, and Harriet Tubman, an American abolitionist who was heavily involved with the Underground Railroad. Information on prominent women figures is spread through websites like (National Women’s History Project), which offer resources applicable inside and outside of the classroom. . What makes NWHP a crucial source is that it includes women of color. While this shouldn’t be an amazing or unique feat, it unfortunately is. Too often, white women are given focus over women of color, but organizations such as NWHP helps to fight against such subtle discrimination by depicting a unified vision of women. Division among female figures is a challenge because it goes against the message of Women’s History Month being a way to remind the public of the need for equality amongst all citizens. It’s difficult to celebrate women’s history when it turns into an argu

Women are not always equal to other women either; some women are elevated due to their race, religion, or socioeconomic status, showing that there is still much work to be done. It is necessary that every individual realizes and understands these very real issues -- they make up the reality we are living in. Here on campus, the Women’s Center is bringing such inclusion to students through events taking place during the month of March. On Thursday, March 30, Sexual Assault Awareness and SAFE Training will take place from 11 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. in room A013. Through the program, students have a chance to learn the facts of sexual assault and get hands-on safety tips from the Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center and the CLC Police. Every Monday,, the Reclaiming Eve discussion group meets from 2:30 until 3:30 p.m in room B105. Faculty members Mick Cullen and Kathryne Starzec head the group, which has informal discussions on a variety of popular gender-

related topics. Reclaiming Eve meets all year long and is open to anyone and everyone. Some events on campus are tailored specifically to Women’s History Month. On Monday, March 13 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in B105, Reclaiming Eve will host a themed discussion on the topic “Where Do We Go from Here? The Futures of Feminism, Women’s and Gender Rights and Equality.” Tuesday, March 14 at 5 p.m. (room TBD), the LGBTQ+ Resource Center and Women’s Center will present a film screening of National Geographic’s 2017 documentary “Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric,” which explores the multi-faceted notions of gender around the globe. A Q&A session will follow the screening of the film. Also, from Tuesday, March 28 until Thursday, March 30, CLC student posters will be displayed in Student Street on the topic “Key Moments in History in Women’s and Gender Movements.”

she believed

she could

so she did

and made it


for us.

Graphic by Hannah Strassburger

More events are to follow through the course of Women’s History Month, so keep your eyes peeled for posters, advertisements, and the student newsletter!

CLC should stop worrying about window-dressing

Rachel Schultz Editor-in-Chief

A proposal by CLC administrators that would require adjunct faculty members teaching associate degree programs to have master’s degrees as a condition of employment is not only bad judgment, but also ignores a key passage in the Higher Learning Commission’s standards for hiring teachers. The passage says “tested experience” can be considered as a qualification instead of a degree At least 16 CLC adjunct faculty members, including two from the music department, have received letters notifying them that they must either obtain a master’s degree or face termination by fall 2017. This proposal to ignore a standard is unjust to these teachers, and it denies students the benefits of learning from qualified instructors who practice what they teach. The college should reject it.

The discussion of this issue coincided with a scheduled tour of CLC by the Higher Learning Commission, which is in charge of accrediting institutions like CLC. The college has not explained how teachers are supposed to keep teaching and simultaneously work toward and pay for needless master’s degrees in time for the fall semester. Administrators have said this proposal is an effort to follow the Higher Learning Commission’s requirements. But it does the opposite and creates a bizarre standard of CLC’s own making. Was the college concerned about the accreditation visit? Did someone fail to read the Higher learning Commission’s document? In CLC’s eagerness to retain accreditation, did it emphasize appearance over substance?. Other community colleges, and even four-year institutions like Northwestern University, accept tested experience as a qualification for their professors. Why

isn’t it good enough for CLC? How CLC came to this decision is puzzling, since one of the teachers who stands to be fired is John Mose, who was specifically recruited nine years ago by CLC because of his decades of experience and expertise with playing, teaching, and performing music. His performances include sessions with Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra, Jr., and Frankie Avalon. He has a Bachelor’s in music education, and has taught music since 1978. It is also troubling, especially for students who already are getting the message that the only thing that counts is a degree, not life experience. At traditional colleges, students often go heavily into debt to get a four-year degree, only to find that after graduating, they are unable to find a job. They often find that their teachers with advanced degrees and no experience or industry contacts are useless in helping them find work.

This happened to one of my friends, who graduated from Carthage College, only to have no job-hunting success. Her dream was to be a veterinary assistant, and she then decided to enroll in a course at CLC. Her teacher, a veterinary assistant, taught from actual experience. Upon graduation from the one-semester program, my friend was hired by the veterinary center that she interned with at CLC. I was skeptical about going to college. I didn’t know whether college would be worth my time and money after all the stories from other young people about being unable to find work after graduation. The attitude exuded by many colleges seemed to be “You need us; we don’t need you,” .” I disliked the arrogance I detected in most academic circles. Having a degree doesn’t make you more of a human being, after all. My friend’s good experience at CLC was a major factor in convincing me to

attend here. One of the most important things to me, as a student enrolled in a transfer program, is to have teachers who have experience in their fields. Otherwise, isn’t teaching just theoretical? How can this help students when they leave a college or university’s protective cocoon and venture out into the real world? My first teacher was my dad, who taught me to read at age 4. My dad never went to college, but he had a way of explaining things that helped make subjects like math easy to understand. My unconventional schooling has made college subjects much easier for me to grasp than they otherwise would have been. In the end, I hope CLC shows more consideration for faculty who have devoted years to this institution and lives to their profession, as well as to their students’ desire to learn from popular professors whose experience enriches their teaching.

Monday, march 13, 2017

Truth Conquers All Since 1969

Vol 50, No.11

Lancers baseball season off to promising start Ryan Haass Sports Editor

For Lancer athletics fans, this time of year can be super exciting, as Baseball season has arrived. Currently, the Lancers are in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for a tournament against opponents from across the country. They’ll be playing a total of ten games at the tournament before coming back home In their first five games in

the sunny south, the Lancers are standing tall with a respectable 3-2 record. Two of those wins were against Carthage College, a four-year institution located in southern Wisconsin, with a positive run differential of six. The other win came against another four-year institution, Muhlenberg College, from Pennsylvania, with the Lancers winning 18-5. Though the season is very young, the Lancers have fared well against

larger institutions with respectable athletic programs, which should have Lancer fans chomping at the bit to have their boys back on the diamond in Grayslake. The Lancers’ Baseball team is coming off a winning season. However, it was very close, as the Lancers record was 27-26. Without a doubt, this year’s team is looking to improve upon last year and they’re off to a good start. Last year, the team lost all of

their first five games, meaning fans have yet another reason to be excited about this group of Lancers. Players come from a wide range of areas throughout the state and the country. In fact, this season the baseball team has nine players who attended high school in a different state. Attending out of state tournaments, such as the one they’re currently at in South Carolina and the one they attended in Florida last

season, should serve as a recruiting tool for the Men’s Baseball Head Coach, Heath Cummings. Underneath the leadership of Cummings, the Lancers seem to be trending in the right direction. Lancer fans should be prepared for an exciting season, which will encompass eighteen games played right here in Grayslake-- starting with a 2 P.M. game against Milwaukee Area Technical College on March 15.

21 Universities, Endless Possibilities. Join us for a FREE OPEN HOUSE to learn more! Thursday, March 30, 6-8 p.m. 1200 University Center Drive Grayslake, IL 60030-2614 • Find the ideal program for your career path. • Meet admissions representatives who are ready to help you. • Network with peers on the same educational journey. • Enjoy light refreshments.

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