October 30, 2017

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Professor reflects on culture’s love of clc

MonDAY, october 30, 2017

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Truth Conquers All Since 1969

Vol 51, No. 5

CLC continues its search for the next president Rachel Schultz News Editor

The College of Lake County is nearing the final stages of hiring a new president to replace Dr. Jerry Weber, who left CLC in the spring to take a job at Bellevue College, near Seattle, WA, according to the director of human resources, Julia Guiney. “There’s a presidential advisory search committee comprised of different groups from throughout the college, including students, faculty, staff, community members,” Guiney said. “The committee has identified semi-finalists for the president and will conduct interviews over the next week. These semi-final candidates are confidential at this time. The finalists will be made public later.” “To date, the selection committee has reviewed 38 candidates and we are conducting interviews with 11 finalists this week,” said Catherine Finger, the ViceChair of the Board of Trustees. “We hope to identify three

to five finalists to participate in additional interviews during the week of November 13th.” Richard Anderson, who chairs the Board of Trustees, described the input of the Board in the vetting process. “The role of the Board is quite significant,” he said. “The Board’s only hire is the President. The President works directly with the Board to administer the college. We create the process to hire the President and after the college search committee selects the finalists, the Board then interviews the finalists, take input from the college community and the Board makes the final selection.” These finalists are expected to be selected and interviewed by early November, according to Guiney. After this process, forums will be held on all three CLC campuses to allow students and faculty to offer their opinions. The Board of Trustees will then make a final decision, based on feedback from the forums and interviews with the candidates. The final

Former president Jerry Weber and current president Rich Haney. Photos courtesy of CLC.

decision is expected to be made by December, according to Guiney. However, the transition could take anywhere from one to six months. Anderson said that the Board is looking for a student-oriented candidate who works well with the Board and administration, and has experience in management.

“Our priorities are filling our administration vacancies, finishing the Science building and the Grayslake campus remodeling, starting construction on our Lakeshore Building, and continuing our student success initiatives,” said Anderson. Rich Haney, formerly provost, has been acting as interim president until a re-

placement is found. “Dr. Haney has agreed to stay on through June, if needed, to ensure a smooth, successful transition to the new president,” said Guiney. Last year, Haney announced that he will be retiring in 2018, after being with CLC for nearly twenty years.

Illinois senator Bush works with CLC to fight opioids Andy Pratt Staff Reporter

A state senator is working with an initiative to help fight the opioid epidemic with the help of the College of Lake County. Illinois state senator Melinda Bush works in part with the Lake County Opioid Initiative, which was co-founded by Lake County state’s attorney Mike Nerheim. The initiative meets once a month at the different locations, including the college’s Grayslake campus. The

next meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov. 16 at 10 A.M. at the Grayslake campus, in room C003. Bush wrote an amendment to the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program. The bill was referred to a committee this July. The intent of the bill was to help ensure that pharmacists check the program, whenever filling a opioid related prescription, among others, for a customer. “Currently, many do, but this will require them to check,” Bush said. The bill was written in re-

sponse to the trend of doctor shopping, a method where people attempt to gain access to prescription medications, by obtaining prescriptions from various doctors or pharmacies. According to an article published in the journal “Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment” this April, the act of doctor shopping may occur “whenever two or more prescriptions for the individual overlap in time by at least one day.” Neither the temptation nor the problem itself is new. “Some people doctor shop

to get their kids accommodations in schools, for even learning disabilities,” said CLC sociology professor, John Tenuto. The phenomenon around the opioid abuse epidemic centers on its large scale impact. “I don’t know many people who don’t know someone, who hasn’t dealt with an addiction issue,” Bush said. According to the Illinois Department of Health, “opioid and heroin overdoses claimed the lives of more than 2000 Illinoisans in

2016.” As to how legal prescriptions from doctors could contribute to the epidemic, there can be a variety of reasons. “It’s safer to diagnose a condition they don’t have than to miss a condition,” Tenuto said. Another side of the issue concerns illegal drug use, which the habit of doctor shopping may lead to, or can enable. Continued on pg. 2



Page 2 | Monday, October 30, 2017

Illinois senator works with CLC to fight opioids

Andy Pratt

the limited immunity may apply if the person has less that three grams of morphine, heroin, cocaine or lysergic acid diethylamide on them. Charges may apply if law enforcement officials have probable cause or enough reasonable doubt to suspect a criminal act. In most cases, a person seeking out law enforcement for a medical emergency will be seen in good faith. “Many can get clean, and addicted again,” Bush said. A Lake County law enforcement program, “A Way Out,” currently has 10 participating municipalities including Grayslake, along with the Lake County Sheriff’s office. The program allows for officers to connect people seeking help with inpatient and outpatient services. The College of Lake County Police Department partners with other police departments that are part of the “A Way Out” program, when needed. “If we encountered somebody, we could get that person services via the other police departments in the area, that have more frequency in this,” said CLC police chief, Tom Guenther. “Fortunately, we don’t have that many issues with the student body and drug overdoses on campus.” “[The program] helps

Staff Reporter

Continued from pg. 1 “The stuff on the streets today may be laced with things like fentanyl,” said Michelle Grace, director of health services at CLC. “These drugs are responsible for a lot of overdose deaths.” According to a PBS article, an active ingredient in all opiates called morphine “has a chemical structure similar to endorphins. Although they seem to be triggered by stress, endorphins can do more than relieve pain, they actually make us feel good.” “[People] should look at the side effects to these medications,” Tenuto said. The Lake County Substance Abuse Program can help direct people to clinics or other forms of treatment, which may include Methadone or Buprenorphine clinics. The Gateway Foundation Alcohol and Drug Treatment center in Lake Villa offers methadone treatment. According to the Illinois Emergency Medical Services Access Law, a person may not be charged for possession of a controlled substance, if in good faith they are seeking medical attention for someone experiencing a drug overdose. Among other stipulations,


Hannah Strassburger Graphic Designer Michael Flores

Layout Editor

Juan Toledo

Opinion Editor

keep people out of prison,” Bush said. “If they feel they can go to local police, we’re letting them know we’re here for them.” Bush released a statement on Wednesday, Oct. 4, praising Governor Bruce Rauner’s decision to release the Naloxone Standing Order. Bush championed legislation in 2015, to help make Narcan, a Naloxone spray, more affordable and accessible for law enforcement agencies. The CLC police department are among the municipalities which carry Narcan. “We’ve had a few kids we’ve revived with Naloxone,” Grace said. According to Grace, watching such a revival can be a scary situation, even for trained professionals. “They can be violent, mostly because you destroyed their high,” she said. As with every legal attempt to solve a problem, follow through with attempts at addressing the epidemic can come with criticism. “Some may say we’re allowing heroin usage because naloxone is available,” Bush said. “Most of the time, users are alone. We’re just trying to save people’s lives.” “[Substances can] change the brain,” Bush said. “Reach out and talk to someone. Be Graphic by Hannah Strassburger a friend.”

Jenn Arias

Features Editor

Staff List Contributors:

Rachel Schultz

Peter Anders, Christina Branaman, Shelby Brubaker, Anna Erdman, Zoey Granitz, Daniel Lynch, Andy Pratt, Paul Raasch, Kevin Tellez, Samantha Wilkins Sydney Seeber

Lead Layout Editor

Diana Panuncial


John Kupetz

News Editor

Kim Jimenez

Managing Editor


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Page 4 | Monday, October 30, 2017

CLC hosts formal presidential adviser on climate To what extent are the deadly hurricanes and forest fires of 2017 related to climate change? What are Lake County residents doing to influence policy that can significantly reduce carbon emissions that are linked to a changing climate? National and local experts will provide answers and perspectives at a presentation from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 7, in the Room A011 auditorium at the Grayslake Campus, 19351 W. Washington St. The keynote speaker, Dr. Donald Wuebbles (pictured at right), is the Harry E. Preble Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Illinois and will address the science of climate change. From 2015 to 2017, Dr. Wuebbles served as assistant director with the Office of Science and Technology Policy under President Obama in Washington. Wuebbles has co-authored a

number of international and national scientific studies, including the 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change international assessment of climate science and the 2014 U.S. National Climate Assessment. He has authored over 500 other scientific publications related to the Earth’s climate, air quality and the stratospheric ozone layer. While Dr. Wuebbles will address the science of climate change, other presenters will discuss national and local policies that can reduce carbon emissions. Representatives from the Citizens’ Climate Lobby will explain volunteers’ work with Congress on developing an effective and fair climate policy and how their work is behind the growing Bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus. Local Sierra Club members will present the Lake County Climate Action Pledge, which is being circulated among county lead-

Dr. Donald Wuebbles will visit CLC.

ers for signature. The pledge’s goal is to move Lake County beyond coal, adopt ambitious clean energy goals and build climate-resilient infrastructure. Lake County Board Chairman Aaron Lawlor will discuss the impacts of local

Photo courtesy of the Illinois News Bureau

officials signing this pledge. David Husemoller, CLC sustainability manager, will moderate the event and provide an update on CLC’s award-winning efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and create a sustainable campus environ-

ment. For details, contact Husemoller at (847) 5432643 or dhusemoller@ clcillinois.edu. For more information on CLC’s sustainable efforts, visit www.clcillinois.edu/gogreen.

CLC trustees appoint Julie Shroka to fill board vacancy The College of Lake County Board of Trustees voted Oct. 24 to appoint Julie Shroka of Grayslake to finish the term of Dr. Philip J. Carrigan, who resigned for personal reasons in September. Shroka, the third-place vote getter in the April 2017 trustee election, was one of 25 citizens who submitted a letter of intent to serve on the board until the next consolidated general election April 2, 2019. Shroka worked at CLC for 30 years until her retirement in June 2016, first as a student recruiter and then as director of alumni relations and special events for the Foundation. In other news, Trustee Barbara D. Oilschlager, a member of the presidential search committee, reported that 11 candidates will be interviewed by the committee Oct. 25-27. Following that, the committee will recommend up to five finalists, who will visit CLC the week of Nov. 13 for interviews with the Board of Trustees and to participate in open forums at all three campuses.

Julie Shroka is a new member of the Trustees. Photo courtesy of Diane Rarick.

“I’m very impressed with the candidates’ level of experience, and our group has been passionate about finding a candidate who

matches CLC’s mission, vision and values,” said Vice Chair Dr. Catherine Finger, a search committee member. The target timeline is to

have a final decision made by December. The new president will start sometime between January and June 30, 2018, said Julia Guiney, executive director of human resources. Meanwhile, Interim President Dr. Rich Haney has agreed to stay until the new president starts to ensure a smooth transition. The board also approved establishing a green fund that will contain revenue generated by implementing energy efficiency projects and income from rebates, grants and recycling. Ken Gotsch, vice president for administrative affairs, said that during the 201617 fiscal year, these savings totaled more than $600,000. Administration will work with the college’s sustainability council and environmental action committee to develop guidelines and procedures and then solicit sustainability project proposals that require funding. The trustees adopted a resolution honoring Dr. Philip J. Carrigan, who served on the board for more than 10 years. “Dr. Carrigan was an

outstanding Board member with a high degree of integrity and a passion for helping others,” said Interim President Dr. Rich Haney. “He was a very active board member and worked closely with his fellow board members and the administration on projects and initiatives that furthered our student success goals. We are a better college because of his work and commitment.” Dr. Carrigan’s wife, Mary Clare Jakes, accepted the resolution and thanked the board members. “Phil cares deeply about the College of Lake County, and I hope that he made an impact on the students, staff and faculty,” she said. Finally, the trustees approved replacing seven fulltime faculty positions for the 2018-19 academic year; six of them are from retirements and one is a reallocation. The positions are in chemistry, English (two positions), heating and air conditioning engineering technology, theatre, mathematics and automotive collision repair/ welding.



Page 5 | Monday, October 30, 2017

Students say they’ll judge College seeks candidates’ ideas, not wealth vendors for holiday craft fair Diana Panuncial Editor-in-Chief

The election to be the next governor of Illinois is already on track to being the most expensive election in the state’s political history, according to an October article from the Economist. In comparison to last year’s spendings on the election, this year’s spendings have increased 741%. This means that there has been a drastic increase in candidates self-funding their campaigns in the race. However, self-funding is not an unethical thing. According to the Economist article, “More and more very wealthy men are running for and winning office as state governors. [...] Big money tends not only to

limit the field, but to catapult candidates who have never run for anything before to the front of the race.” But students at the College of Lake County say that for them, the amount of money a candidate has won’t influence their decision at the polls. “[Even if they’re wealthy], it probably won’t affect my decision if I go to vote,” said third year student, Daniel Facundo. “It’s their ideas that matter the most to me, and what they do with those ideas.” “How much money they have shouldn’t influence their platform,” said first year student Kassandra Garza. “If [candidates] are set out to do good in the office, then money shouldn’t matter to them. At the end of the day,

it’s their ideas.” One of the general fears of this new “standard of wealth” for the race is that the elected official may only cater to those of their class. Abigail Hernandez, second year student at CLC, understands how “big money” can be intimidating for minorities in Illinois. “I think that the governor-- whether they have lots of money or not-- should think about more than one demographic,” she said. “Minorities can become intimidated and even infuriated by the wealthy, upper-class, especially white, man.” “Hopefully, [if a well selffunded official] wins, they won’t only see the problems of the more fortunate, and focus on the less fortunate,” Facundo said.

Calling all crafters, entrepreneurs, photographers and artists of all types! The College of Lake County is hosting its second Holiday Gift and Craft Fair, Monday, Dec. 4 and Tuesday, Dec. 5 at the Grayslake Campus, 19351 W. Washington St. Fair hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. “The CLC Grayslake Campus is a great venue to reach thousands of CLC students and staff who are looking for holiday gifts and crafts,” said organizer Tracey Campbell. Vendors can rent a table to display and sell their gifts and crafts for $40 per day for a 72” x 30” table and two chairs. Rent a table cloth on site for $5 more. The CLC

Holiday Gift and Craft Fair is free and open to the public and will take place in the Student Street near the college’s main entrance. To participate, visit www. clcillinois.edu/aboutclc/ depts/csf and complete the facilities usage application holiday gift and craft fair PDF and pay online. For information, call CLC Central Scheduling at (847) 543-2050 or email events@ clcillinois.edu.

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Page 6 | Monday, October 30, 2017

Students share favorite Halloween activities Kim Jimenez Managing Editor

College of Lake County students discussed the different ways in which they plan to spend the holiday. One student, KJ Miles, said although he likes the holiday, he doesn’t always celebrate it. “I do like the dressing up aspect,” Miles said. “And, obviously, the candy.” Yarlenny Zuniga said that she will be attending a costume party. But costumes and candy aside, Zuniga said what she likes most about Halloween is the opportunity to reunite with old friends. For many college students, Halloween is no longer an evening of going door-todoor and begging for candy. It’s a social holiday. “Now that I’m older, [Halloween is] hanging out with

friends,” Zuniga said. “Just bonding.” Zuniga also mentioned that she’ll be celebrating with her friends from high school. “It’s like a reunion,” she said. Sabrina Martinez, 3rd year student, also said she is most excited to spend Halloween with friends. “I’m actually hosting a Halloween party,” Martinez said. “It’s the first time I’ve ever done that.” Cieran Locke, first year CLC student, said that she’ll be setting up Halloween decorations and possibly going to haunted houses. Locke said her favorite part about Halloween is not only setting up Halloween decorations with her mother each year, but also seeing the kid’s expressions when they see her house. “It’s my mom’s favorite


“Not only is it the best Christmas movie, but it is also the best Halloween movie. Don’t @ me.” -Juan

Evil Dead: Army of Darkness

“The movie is so cheesy that it’s funny! It’s so bad it’s good.” -Kevin

holiday,” Locke said. “Each year we add a new section to our house and we have kids who don’t want to knock on the door, because it’s that spooky. Or we have neighbors that come take pictures of the house.” Locke described that Halloween is one of her favorite holidays. “When we were little it was such a big deal,” Locke said. “It was also nice to see the joy on my mother’s face. Each year we would have unique costumes that my mom made and we normally won every costume contest.” Locke explained that now that she is older, she is able to experience the holiday in different ways. Haunted houses, costume parties, watching scary movies with friends -- these are the ways CLC students spend their Halloween.

the Nightmare before Christmas

“Not only is it the best Halloween movie, but it’s the best Christmas movie. @ Juan.” -Sydney

Dawn of the dead

“The original set the standard for what zombie movies should be.” -Juan

Veterans Day Events

Friday, Nov. 10 Hosted by our Student Veterans Club (SVC) in collaboration with Cpt. James A. Lovell FHCC Congressman Schneider will be sponsoring a Veterans Breakfast– hosted by SVC from 9:30 to 11am located in the B Wing, Café Willow Veterans Resource Fair from 10:30a to 12:30pm – A Wing lower level lobby Veterans Day Ceremony from 12:30 to 1pm

Diversity Week

Nov. 6-9, Hosted by Multicultural Center Monday, Nov. 6th in Student Commons outside of Café Willow, 12 – 2pm Speed Cultural Networking event Tuesday, Nov. 7th in C106 (Multipurpose Room), 11:30a – 2pm Guess Who: Movie and Discussion about interracial dating and relationships

The shining

Wednesday, Nov. 8th on Student Street (time TBD) Muslim Student Alliance (MSA) Fashion show

“I remember the movie being really freaky and intense. Some scenes were unexpected.” -Kim

War of the Worlds

“I love the funny creatures that move really fast in the movie.” -Rachel

Thursday, Nov 9th on Student Street, 12 – 2pm Taste of Diversity Desserts

Donnie Darko

“It’s a creepy movie, but it’s awesome and trippy, and represents what it’s like for people with schizophrenia.” -Cody

28 Weeks Later

“It’s zombies done right, which is not often done.” -Daniel



Page 7 | Monday, October 30, 2017

Auto club gears for upcoming endurance race Diana Panuncial Editor-in-Chief

The College of Lake County’s Autosport Club is gearing up to build a new race car in hopes of participating in the 24 Hours of Lemons event next August. According to the 24 Hours of Lemons website, the event is “an endurance road racing series for cars that cost $500 or less” across the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. “When I started the club last spring, I had been looking into grassroots motorsports and [found] a concept I had never seen before,” said Diego Morales, CLC student and president of the club. “[The challenge was] racing a car worth $500 for 24 hours.” Because it’s an endurance race, Morales believes that, for the drivers from

Auto Club, it will “not only [be] a psychological challenge, but also a mechanical test of your abilities.” The event also appealed to Morales because of its accessibility to the automotive students at CLC, as well as the members of his club. “Racing is in my opinion one of the most exciting sports,” Morales said, “but it’s obvious that affordability is nowhere near a college student bank. “We get to race a car at a registered race track, against other cars that look as bad a ours-- cars at this race are known for being funny looking and obviously nowhere close to a beautiful race car-- and yet we can afford to do it and have an amazing experience while doing it,” he said. The car that was donated to the club, for use

at the Lemons event, is a 1984 Volkswagen Rabbit GTI. Members of the club have to work together to make sure the Volkswagen is eligible for participating in the race. They are currently rebuilding the engine, stripping the car of any flammable or potentially hazardous materials, and also making sure that they are prepared for anything that could go wrong in the 24-hour race. “For example, you can have a tire explode. So we have to buy an extra set of tires,” Morales said. “Brake pads, they’re just going to go super fast because you’re racing and breaking a lot. That’s part of the planning you have to do before the race that a lot of people fail to realize.” “We are also going to replace the floor that we’ve noticed has completed rot-

ted out,” said Alex Vara, member of the club. “We will also be designing a roll cage inside to protect the driver in case of a rollover.” “There will be a lot involved but hopefully we can have it ready to race by next fall,” he said. On top of being prepared for any accidents, Morales said that the event also requires more than one driver. “You’re racing the same track for 24 hours straight, so [the drivers] do have a little bit of a break at some point,” he said. “You have to have 4 or 5 different drivers because you’re not going to just have one driver racing for 24 hours.” The club has been able to fund the building and repairing of their racecar with a fundraiser at a recent car show. “We are still pretty short on funds, so if anyone

wants to contribute, it’d be happily accepted,” Morales said. “We still need to get the safety issues cleared out of the way, but need the funds.” Aside from building a new racecar, the auto club and department also received a visit from “Overhaulin’” television star, shop owner, and car designer, Chip Foose. “Getting to meet and share some words with a figure of success I believe will make anyone feel great,” Morales said. “He also did some quick sketches and signed my welding helmet. I guess I’m not welding with that helmet ever again!” “He is very artistic, and draws every design by hand,” Vara said. “He was very down to earth and humble about his talents.”

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Page 8 | Monday, October 30, 2017

Professor reflects on culture’s love of horror

Kim Jimenez Managing Editor

The College of Lake County’s English and Humanities Instructor Dr. Patrick Gonder delved into the genre of horror, what horror says about society, and how horror has changed over the years. Gonder, who teaches a class themed on horror at CLC, argues the terror produced by horror is primarily due to the figure of the monster. “From a very early age,” Gonder said, “I was drawn to that idea of what’s on the fringes. But I can think of horror films that are not particularly well-crafted that are still interesting experiences because of the power of that figure - the power of the monster.” Furthermore, in wellcrafted horror stories, the monster becomes more than just a character in the plot, it becomes a symbol. “Why we love horror,” Gonder said, “is that it’s tapping into something that is repressed or oppressed in our culture. That’s where that thrill comes from.” The genre horror is unique in that it is able to produce a particular type of thrill that is based not necessarily on danger, but rather a sense of uncertainty. Horror fiction,

Gonder mentioned, often deals with a concept called the “uncanny valley,” which is the idea that objects that appear to be human, but not quite, elicit feelings of eeriness and terror. “We’re scared by those things that are human, but yet not,” said Gonder. “Partially because we recognize something in ourselves that is also on the border.” Not only does horror deliver a particular type of thrill, but it also reveals much about society and the era in which it was created. “What tells you more about a culture than what they fear?” Gonder asked. “In most cases, especially American culture, what we fear is intimately intertwined with what we desire. Those twin pillars of fear and desire tell you a lot about us and our society.” As a result, the genre of horror becomes finely attuned to historical and cultural changes in society. It would be inaccurate to classify horror in terms of an evolutionary scale. Horror follows a “zigzag line,” Gonder said, adapting to what that particular society fears and desires at that moment. “It’s also pretty clearly a way for us to work through national trauma,” Gonder added. “Horror film popularity always goes up during and after a major war.”

However, although the fears of each era vary greatly, CLC students should not discount older horror films. Gonder recommends that CLC students watch classic horror films such as “Alien” and “Creature from the Black Lagoon.” Gonder added that he has been excited about recent “slow burn” horror films which do not rely on jump scares, but rather specialize in the creation of mood and tone. Films that would classify under this sub-genre include “The Innkeepers,” “It Follows,” “The Witch,” and “The Blackcoat’s Daughter.” For Halloween, he recommends students to read “Ghost Story” by Peter Straub, “‘Salem’s Lot” by Stephen King, or the short story “Rats in the Walls” by H.P. Lovecraft. For the bibliophile, Gonder said “an interesting experience” is to read H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Horror at Red Hook,” one of Lovecraft’s more overtly racist stories, and then read Victor Lavalle’s new novella “The Ballad of Black Tom.” “LaValle retells Lovecraft’s story from the point of view of a young black man,” Gonder said, “and by doing so, opens up fascinating possibilities in the narrative.” Gonder added that, as a resident of Lake County, students

Dr. Patrick Gonder teaches a horror-themed English class. Photo courtesy of CLC’s Facebook page.

should read a good Ray Bradbury horror story. Ray Bradbury, an American author most well-known for his novel “Fahrenheit 451,” grew up in Waukegan. “He wrote some terrifying stuff, and it’s perfect for Halloween,” Gonder said. “[Students] should read his short story “The October Game.”” Gonder mentioned that his favorite horror writers at the

moment are Kelly Link and Joe Hill, Stephen King’s son. Of all the horror films, novels, and short stories that Gonder mentions, one factor remains the same. “The monster,” Gonder said. “No matter how much you change it, over time, over the decades, the one thing that haunts all those texts is that figure of the monster.”

CLC welcomed Japanese exchange students Samantha Wilkins Staff Reporter

For its sixth time hosting foreign exchange students, the College of Lake County welcomed eight Japanese students from Ehime University, Japan, earlier this September. The students arrived on Sunday, Sept. 10 and were involved in various activities around campus and the city of Chicago during their three-week stay. While here, they were all able to visit famous landmarks such as the Bean and the Willis tower in the city, while also being able to experience fun things at CLC such as they were able to do with the nursing simulation lab. Students also used their

time to work on their English communication skills in and out of the classroom by spending a day with a host family. “Faculty and staff from CLC host students for one full day,” said Elizabeth Kubota, trip planner and program coordinator. Hosting a student for a full day offers authentic experiences to the exchange students by allowing them to get a glimpse of an average life in an American household. Some students even made American sweets like Rice Krispy treats with their host families in order to fully achieve the experience what it is like living with an American family, according to Kubota. “The exchange students are typically 18 to 22 years old

and really like the campus life,” she said. For most of the exchange students that visit, this is their first time in America and experiencing the things in the area that the natives are accustomed to. “They especially liked the food in the cafeteria,” Kubota said in reference to how the students enjoyed eating at Cafe Willow. “They enjoy college life in the U.S. and I have really enjoyed coordinating the program for three years now,” she said. “It is a lot of work, but it’s fun.” Being able to experience college life in a different country is sometimes a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and students here at CLC are offered this opportunity

Eight Japanese students visited CLC for three weeks. Photo courtesy of CLC,

as well, at a more reasonable price. CLC offers the chance to see China, Japan, Peru, and various European countries in order to deliver insightful and learning experiences to

its students. “CLC students have really great opportunities for foreign study,” Kubota said. “It is remarkable that CLC has so many programs that students can take advantage of.”



Page 9 | Monday, October 30, 2017

December marks departure of theater instructor Christina Branaman Staff Reporter

Thomas Mitchell, theater instructor at the College of Lake County, will be retiring in December after almost thirty years of involvement at the school. It was during January 1988 that a position opened for a scenic designer at CLC. Mitchell heard of this opening from his former speech teacher at Prospect High School at Mt. Prospect, IL. From then on, he was involved with the theater program. Mitchell’s interest in theatre began when he was just a freshman in high school. His sister was involved in a production of “Fiddler on the Roof” and he enjoyed it so much that theater became “a part of him.” In 1992, Mitchell became more involved with the program and began directing his

own shows for the first time at CLC. He directed productions such as “Seascape,” “Laundry and Bourbon,” and “Lone Star.” “It was one of the most exciting parts of my career,” he said. Over his almost three decades at CLC, Mitchell admits the biggest change was the actual James Lumber Center building itself merging with the campus. He and his colleagues at the time played big parts in building the JLC. “I drew out the plans [for the JLC] one of those yellow legal sheets of paper and gave it to the architect to make the plans into what it is now,” he said. In addition to the design of the building and directing shows, Mitchell enjoyed working with the students in all departments whether it be the actors, costume designers, stage crew, and

more. “The thing I’ll miss the most about CLC is the students,” Mitchell said. “I think everyone in the theater department is really going to miss him,” said Charlene Walkanoff, a student and member of the costume shop at CLC. “He’s done so much for the department and its students that [the department] will probably feel very empty without him.” Mitchell’s final production at CLC will be the upcoming play, “Street Scene.” Showings for the play are: Nov. 10 & 11, 2017 at 7:30 P.M. Nov. 12, 2017 at 2:00 P.M.Nov. 16, 17 & 18, 2017 at 7:30 P.M. According to the JLC, there will be a retirement reception immediately after on the Nov. 18 closing night to celebrate Mitchell’s accomplishments.

CLC theater instructor Thomas Mitchell will retire in December. Photo by Christina Branaman.



No costume? No problem! Here’s some super easy ones to make last-minute!

Political Geeky/ Nerdy/ Etc. Artsy/ Trendy Humor *lies and nonsense* ERROR 404:


t dis u N n o e ik str

*lies and nonsense*







OMG, let’s take a selfie! I love my iPhone!


I’ll never own real estate!

1) Politician= suit+ tie (preferably red or blue)+ small picture of flag on lapel+ speaking lies and nonsense 2) Trump= (see above)+ orange paint or makeup+ yellow hairspray+ stuffed cat+ lego wall 3) The Wall= 2 pieces of cardboard+ drawn-on brick pattern+ 2 strings for straps+ American and Mexican flags 4) Error 404= white t-shirt+ “error 404: costume not found” drawn on in washable marker (makes shirt reusable) 5) Finals Week= tape old papers to self+ calendar with one week highlighted+ menacing face+ “F” taped to chest 6) Life= light-colored shirt+ “life” written in washable marker+ a lemon+ lemonade recipe 7) Cactus= green sweatshirt+ white yarn or drinking straw pieces superglued or hot glued where spikes are on cactuses 8) Frida Kahlo= flower crown (twist together fake flowers, available at Dollar Tree), unibrow drawn with eyeliner or washable marker, bright colored clothes, preferably with ruffles 9) Stereotypical Millennial= sweatshirt+ coffee+ avocado toast+ phrases like “I love my iPhone!”, “OMG, let’s take a selfie!”, and “I’ll never own real estate!” 10) Nudist on Strike= a bunch of clothes+ cardboard sign with “nudist on strike” written on it, string to hang sign around neck 11) Every Weight Loss Commercial Ever= you+ a friend who looks NOTHING like you+ very similar, simple outfits+ before and after signs+ if desired, picture of a weight loss program taped to backs of each person

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Page 13 | Monday, October 30, 2017

Audiences relive horror mediocrity in ‘Death Day’ Paul Raasch Staff Reporter

Photo by Richard Termine

“Happy Death Day” is a new slasher flick directed by Christopher B. Landon which premiered on Friday, Oct. 13. The film centers around Theresa “Tree” Gelbman, played by Jessica Rothe, a self-centered and, for the first quarter of the film, very unlikable character. Tree wakes up in her friend’s dorm room one morning after a night of partying. The film later reveals that it is actually her birthday, and we proceed to follow her through her daily routines as she heads to class and prepares for her surprise party later that night. On her way to her party, however, Tree is attacked and murdered by a masked assailant. But instead of Tree’s story ending right then and there, she is instead brought back to the same dorm room from that morning, waking up on the exact same date and time. All the events from the day before, leading up to the moment she is killed, are repeated. In a desperate attempt to rewrite her own

“Happy Death Day” was released on Friday, Oct. 13.

history, Tree tries to deviate from the path she took the previous day in order to prevent her untimely demise. Despite her efforts, however, she cannot seem to avoid her unlucky fate. Tree is, again, murdered, only to find herself waking up afterwards in the same, exact position as before. And so it goes. “Happy Death Day” is a fun mystery-thriller in which Tree must discover

the identity of her masked killer to prevent the cycle of reliving the day she dies before her body wears out and she perishes for good. Rothe pulls in a surprising amount of range in her role as Tree. As mentioned before, she is rather unlikeable at the start, but the audience begins to warm up to her later on as the repetitive sequence of the film manages to include moments of clever

Photo Courtesy of IMDB

characterization. The other actors, although they perform their roles well, do not deliver those same charismatic nuances as the protagonist. The only exception to this would have to be Israel Broussard who plays Carter Davis, the classmate whose bed Tree keeps waking up in, in the film. Broussard manages to rise above the typical love interest to become a pretty likable character who is also

important to the plot. The first quarter of the film had a derivative feel to it that gave me the sinking feeling that the film was going to be predictable, or worse, boring. However, after Tree is murdered the first time and begins to uncover her murderer’s identity, the film manages to keep the viewer invested just long enough to find out how the story ends, holding their interest on a string the entire time. The filmmaking is competent, yet tight. Stylistic moments are few and far between, but the film manages to keep a steady pace where you find yourself having more fun with the film than you are scared of it. “Happy Death Day” has a few moments of genuine suspense and throws in enough twists near the end to keep the film from becoming too familiar. Despite my fears, “Happy Death Day” proved to be a horror film that goes above mediocrity and just past average.


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Page 14 | Monday, October 30, 2017

Weezer releases ‘Daydream’ of an album Daniel Lynch Staff Reporter

Weezer, a Los Angeles based band formed in 1992, has released “Mexican Fender” as a preview of their new album, “Pacific Daydream,” which made its debut on Friday, Oct. 27. “Pacific Daydream” makes the band’s tenth album. “Mexican Fender” is one of the singles the band released to promote the new album. Oddly, the summer themed album dropped during the fall. “Mexican Fender” matches the criteria of a lot of pop music that comes out in this day and age, with typical themes of falling in love with a girl and having a summer fling. The song layout isn’t anything unique with its repetitive chorus, and the lyrics aren’t something that are going to leave a lasting

The cover of Weezer’s “Pacific Daydream” album, released on Friday, Oct. 26. Photo courtesy of Billboard.

impression on you. While that might all sound negative, rest assured that by the time you get to the end of the track you’ll be singing the chorus, “Oh, she loves me, she loves me, she loves me not.” The lyrics themselves are classic to the band’s style of

being a bit weird yet oddly specific, with an underlying meaning. For old fans of Weezer, the new sound of the singles so far from “Pacific Daydream” are a tad more “poppy” than what you might be used to. But Weezer’s charm comes from the band’s original

sound, which still manages to resonate in their newer music despite being musicians for 20 years-- that old sound being their garage band-esque, “no class, beat down fool” vibe. This isn’t your classic relatable to everyone “bop”-- the song describes

a very specific relationship where the boy meets girl, how she has a college degree, and how to act properly at a concert. Its these quirky details that sets Weezer apart from other bands in its genre. The production value of the song deserves high praise with an upbeat guitar and frontman Rivers Cuomo’s voice. Undoubtedly being one of the most popular bands in the world spares nothing when it comes to creating a new album. Everyone would enjoy this song if it came on their radio because of its themes, but it might not be something you’re going to look up on your own if you don’t follow the band’s cult reputation. Fans will hopefully enjoy the band’s new album.

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Page 15 | Monday, October 30, 2017

Chicago cover band takes fans to the ‘Beginnings’ Kevin Tellez Staff Reporter

Beginnings, a cover band of the classic rock group Chicago, delivered an electrifying performance at the James Lumber Center on Saturday, Oct. 21. The band’s performance, which marked the band’s Chicagoland debut, managed to radiate enough energy and positive force to bring the audience to their feet. The band illustrated their genuine admiration and love for the music of the band Chicago by performing a medley of their classic hits, but they made it their own by adding brass instrumentals which created a lively mesh of fast-paced jazz and Rock ‘n’ Roll. Beginnings’ setlist consisted of a range of songs from across the history of the band Chicago.

The band started off with 1970s Chicago hits like the slow-paced love song that bleeds with emotion “Will You Still Love Me?” The band also covered the 1980s era of Chicago with more confident, fast-paced, and hard-hitting songs like “Skintight.” Despite the range and variety of the setlist, one thing remained the same: each song and each Beginnings member radiated an energy that brought the crowd to life. After the performance, each member of the ensemble held a meet and greet session at the JLC lobby. They all continued to radiate a contagious energy and enthusiasm that one would imagine after a tremendous performance. Beginnings bassist/vocalist Mason Swearingen and guitarist/vocalist Johnny Roggio gave their own thoughts on the night’s per-

formance. Swearingen remarked that he had felt great and completely energized during and after the show. He also gave credit to how fantastic the crowd had been all night. Similarly, Roggio had also felt energetic and happy to have performed at the JLC. “The smiles of the crowd make our performances that much greater,” Roggio said. “Their smiles bring smiles for us on the inside.” The show, Roggio added, is always based off of the crowd reactions. Indeed, the audience at the show was incredibly energized and that translated to the musicians. If the crowd had a great time, then it was a successful show. “The stage crew was fantastic,” Swearingen said. “The lights, the sound, everyone who helped us put it together made our performance very easy.” Swearingen said his fa-

Photo by Kevin Tellez.

vorite part of the night was playing his favorite song “Just You and Me.” “Everything about it,” he said, “from the lyrics to the score, is just incredible from beginning to end.” Roggio said his favorite bit was during the middle of the second half of the concert when saxophonist Adam Seeley took hold of the mic and gave lighthearted introductions of each

band member. “It was all laughs because, at the end of the day, we’re not just bandmates,” Roggio said, “We’re friends.” Beginnings brought their own brand of passion and energy to their performance at the JLC. Their passion for the music of Chicago was evident in every cover they played, which the audience seemed to enjoy every minute of.

‘Geostorm’ brews a disastrous sci-fi film

Peter Anders Staff Reporter

“Geostorm” is a fantasy/ science fiction film directed by Dean Devlin released on Friday, Oct. 20. The film, which is Devlin’s directorial debut, takes place in the year 2019, after a series of catastrophic natural disasters caused by the melting of polar ice caps. The world’s politicians come together and create a think tank to find a way to stop it, thus, the satellite system nicknamed “Dutch Boy” is created which is designed to manipulate the weather. The weather-controlling system is powerful enough to make any natural disaster disappear without a trace; however, when an unidentified party manages to hack their invaluable device, it becomes a devastating weapon. “Geostorm” looks like a terrible movie; that should be obvious to anyone who has gone so far as to watch the trailers. With terrible visual effects, a mediocre script, sloppy direction, and a never-ending sequence of cliches, the list of the film’s shortcomings seems like it can go on forever.

The premise of “Geostorm” itself is so absurd that it is already on thin ice with the viewer. The amount of plot holes present in the film is dumbfounding. The film is constantly contradicting itself and going back on what it had previously revealed to be true. For example, its plot mentions certain consequences to the character’s actions that never seem to come to fruition once the actions have happened. The disregard for the plot ultimately makes the film even more shallow than it already is. “Geostorm” becomes a strange mix of genres with both an absurd spy-thriller and a science fiction plot happening concurrently. The blending of genres only succeeds in making the film sloppy. The science fiction aspects do not mix well with the more grounded attempts at a political thriller. The film, ultimately, seems indecisive on what reaction it is trying to gain from audiences. Jake, played by Gerard Butler, is the engineer who heads the think tank group and has a huge hand in creating the complex weathercontrol system.

Jake’s daughter, Hannah, is played by Talitha Bateman, and Jake’s brother, Max, is played by Jim Sturgess. These three actors are the only positive aspects of the film. Their characters are likeable due to the actors’ genuine on screen chemistry and charisma. Every other character in the film is either too hammy, too stoic, or too deadpan, and their acting is atrocious. Furthermore, the marketing of the film is misleading. “Geostorm” is not really a disaster film, since there is roughly 15 minutes of actual natural disaster throughout the film. Mostly, “Geostorm” involves unremarkable drama between its characters and plot-- unremarkable since the characters are so lacking in depth. Although the world is at stake, the film’s plot is more focused on the relationship between the two brothers than the satellite system gone haywire. But audiences do not come to see these films for the drama-- they come to see mass annihilation. For a director who has worked in this genre in 1994’s “Star-

gate,” and 1996’s “Independence Day,” Devlin seems to not quite grasp that. As for the 15 minutes of pure destruction, those scenes are pretty boring, and the monuments destroyed in the film are hardly iconic, except for the Burj Khalifa. Other films like “Independence Day,” “The Day After Tomorrow,” “Armageddon,” and “San Andreas” are terrible as well, but they at least deliver on their promise of great spectacle. These films truly show destruction, whereas “Geostorm” simply skimps out on it. For a film with a budget of roughly $120 million, it all boils down to one question: where did all that money go? The final nail is put in the coffin once we find out who is the mastermind behind the hacking and is responsible for the millions of deaths. The revelation makes no sense whatsoever. It is so cliche, so obvious, and yet so stupid that it boggles the mind. Its execution, too, is extremely clumsy. It’s also worth noting that “Geostorm” had a rough production given that it was originally scheduled to release in March of 2016.

Warner Brothers reportedly spent over $20 million on reshoots to fix parts of the film that did not test well with audiences. A different director and producer were brought onto the project, Danny Cannon and Jerry Bruckheimer respectively. Just by looking at the trailers one can already see the evidence of what was changed during the reshoots. What was initially teased as a serious disaster film seems to have sold out for something a little more “fun.” Just how bad was the original film that Devlin created, if this is what the studio views as a better film? But despite its unoriginality and terrible filmmaking, “Geostorm” is still somewhat of a fascinating film. The bad acting, the stupid premise, the terrible effects, the meaningless political drama, these all will put a smile on the face of any viewer who loves bad movies. It is so bad that it ends up being entertaining. “Geostorm” is pure junkfood cinema. It may not be good for you, but it manages to provide plenty of amusement. The best (unintentional) comedy audiences may have seen all year.

A gathering of kindred spirits who feel that reading, writing, language and all of the literary arts are a celebration of life... and we intend to celebrate! We meet to inspire and share our own literary learnings and those of others. The Literary Arts Society has four major events throughout the year. For more information, contact faculty advisor Bridget Bell at bbell@clcillinois.edu or club president Sydney Seeber at sseeber@sseeber@stu.clcillinois.edu



Page 17 | Monday, October 30, 2017

Substance epidemic can be overcome Andy Pratt Staff Reporter

What once would have served as a legitimate national emergency may have come to be seen as a right of passage. The heroin epidemic that has affected the nation since the onset of the “Great Recession,” comes with a bitter sweet mystery as to why it happened. According to an Boston Globe article, “Walgreens to pay $200,000 settlement for lapses with opioids,” which ran earlier this January, a sizable number of employees had failed to monitor the opioid use of some Medicaid patients that were deemed high risk, by the prescription monitoring program of the state of Massachusetts. “Most of those who died had illicit fentanyl, heroin, or tranquilizers in their sys-

tems, rather than prescription opioids,” the article said. “Four of five Massachusetts residents who became addicted to heroin started by taking painkiller pills, usually before the age of 18.” There are many dangers with the current epidemic with prescription opioids, of which can include doctor shopping. What happens after the drugs are picked up leads to a variety of other concerns. Friends sharing pills, children stealing from their parents bottles. In some cases, adults stealing medications from a young person. For example, an older person took my vicodin pills in early 2006. It was only after I found the empty bottle I realized it. The pills had been prescribed after a procedure on my wisdom teeth. I was fortunate to not be tempted by the pills, and

felt the pills didn’t affect me. If he had found them effective, I’m not sure. I never could tell with that guy. On the other hand, I’ve known of individuals who at some time or another I called friends, that were otherwise intelligent and avid learners. For reasons of their own, they chose to give into senseless addiction and abandon, into the world of illicit drugs. I wish I could say I know for sure if they turned out all right. Since the body remains physically disposed to being addicted, even after successfully quitting a habit, I’m not sure how anyone can know for sure when they’re no longer addicted. I recall believing I would drop out of college if I couldn’t handle my first semester, fall 2005, at the College of Lake County. The following years provided a lot of chaos: friends

By 1930, the human population had reached two billion; no more than three decades later, after a surge of survival and reproduction, the human population tripled in the span of one lifetime reaching three billion by 1960. Four billion by 1975. And by mid-century, twothirds of the human race will live in cities, as now, people are becoming urban dwellers. While urbanization may have its benefits unclear to us today, its downsides imply a drastic change to Earth’s geologic future. Meanwhile, peoples total energy use quintupled between 1950 and 2015; the most greenhouse gas emissions recorded in human history. According to a study conducted by Colombia’s International Centre for Tropical Agriculture, food production accounts for one-quarter to one-third of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, and the brunt of responsibility for those numbers falls to the livestock industry. “Most people don’t think of the consequences of food on climate change,” says

Tim Benton, a food security expert at the University of Leeds. “But just eating a little less meat right now might make things a whole lot better for our children and grandchildren.” Marco Springmann, a researcher at the Oxford Martin School’s Future of Food programme, calculated just how much better: he predicted what would happen if everyone became vegetarian by 2050. The results indicate that– largely thanks to the elimination of red meat–food-related emissions would drop by about 60 percent. If the world went vegan instead, emissions declines would be around 70 percent. “When looking at what would be in line with avoiding dangerous levels of climate change, we found that you could only stabilize the ratio of food-related emissions to all emissions if everyone adopted a plantbased diet,” Springmann says. “That scenario is not very realistic – but it highlights the importance that food-related emissions will play in the future.” All this is, admittedly, spirit sagging, but the last essays in the book see op-

attempting suicide, or being taken advantage of while drunk. There were worries if friends were caught in the gunfire during the massacre at Northern Illinois University on Valentine’s Day, 2008. And the onset of the “Great Recession,” the debatable proof that no economists or career planners knew what they were talking about. If the professors at CLC had not cared, I would not have stayed in school. I’m now 30, hold a bachelor’s degree in English from Northeastern Illinois University, and if any readers speculate on the legitimacy of my “success,” I would applaud them for critical thinking skills. Most of my peers are married or have careers farther along than my own, and I never had a drug problem. In fact, I quit smoking in 2010. I would challenge any

readers, who have been tempted by drug culture, to utilize their critical thinking skills in their own lives. They should ask themselves what they could do today, to make their life more fulfilling. Life is not guaranteed, nor is any long-term plan. What is guaranteed is change. Experiencing setback is inevitable. The loss of friendships, a sad byproduct of the passage of time. State prescription-monitoring programs do work, but that’s just part of the problem. Heroin will commit to you, but will not love you. It will not save you. In every class or occupation, you will get out what you put in. This will happen with the passage of years, and maybe it can one day make sense.

Climate change nears its last straw Juan Toledo Opinion Editor

The Earth is becoming overpopulated with humans, John Kress, veteran Smithsonian Institution scientist and curator of botany at the National Museum of Natural History claims in the new book, “Living in the Anthropocene: Earth in the Age of Humans.” However, this shouldn’t be anything new to us, though, as overpopulation is theme that commonly appears as function of milieu in some of our favorite pop culture films like ‘Caring for 7 Billion’, ‘Wall-E’ and ‘Children of Men.’ In fact, countries like India, China and South Korea have already regulated their rapidly growing populace; with some even enforcing a single-child policy. But, ‘Anthropocene’ refers to the period-in-time in which the Earth is predominately inhabited by humans, but, according to the word’s creator Dutch chemist Paul Crutzen, the term was intended to serve as a warning for the environmental crisis we are witness to, despite what Trump’s administration contends.

Graphic by Hannah Strassburger

portunities to move forward in the Anthropocene by conservation and habitat restoration, all predicated on a cooperative spirit between “citizens, governments, social and religious institutions, the marketplace, and the private sector. While the idea of the entirety of the human population suddenly switching to a purely plant-based diet seems a bit too optimistic, it’s still a crisis we must stride towards resolving; after all, crisis denotes a

temporary situation potentially remediable through sacrifice and coordinated efforts. Change can occur, even in the most minuscule ways, as demonstrated by JD Wetherspoon, a United Kingdom pub that decided to stop serving their drinks with straws, which are made from plastics such as polypropylene and polystyrene, which unless recycled take hundreds of years to decompose.



Page 18 | Monday, October 30, 2017

Nutrition should be personal, not a fad Zoey Granitz Staff Reporter

Trial and error: that’s what real nutrition is. On every social media site, we’re bombarded everywhere we look with fad diets and cookie cutter workouts. And there’s plenty of accounts promoting the latest health advice and workout craze. Television “doctors” and nutritionists continuously shill products we’re supposed to be eating more of, and never eat again. Most trials backed by companies that would profit, and the discovery of a new, better diet is up within a week. The cycle is endless, and it can even be dangerous for human health-- starving yourself for two days a week to boost metabolism, eating only baby food twice a day, being fed through a feeding

tube. People are going to extremes to get to the image they believe makes them healthy. “I don’t think there’s one magical diet for everyone, and I think that diets are going to affect people differently,” said College of Lake County freshman Emma Uren, who has been on two different diets in her life. Everyone’s body reacts differently to food based on what you eat, how much you eat, even when you eat, as well as how active you are on a daily basis. As Heba Abdellatif, sophomore, explained, “[..] If someone doesn’t happen to gain weight it’s going to show up in their skin, or more internally. They could become diabetic, or, they might not be overweight or anything but they’re going to have something on the ef-

fect of their body like their brain.” It’s not how you look on the outside that makes you healthy; and sadly, most people fail to remember this. We live in a world where people still believe that eating 1200 calories a day is healthy. Spoiler alert: it’s not. An average resting metabolic rate (basal metabolic rate) for a college age girl is about 1350 calories, and for a male it’s about 1600. It’s actually healthy to have a little extra fat in your body in case of illness, so that if you do lose weight, it doesn’t put your health in jeopardy. In fact, the United States is one of the few nations that believe being toned and skinny is beautiful, according to a 2015 Huffington Post report titled “What the Ideal Woman Looks Like in

18 Countries.” So now that we know to avoid these fad diets and what is healthy for an individual, where is nutrition heading? “I don’t think we were meant to be doing anything extreme, diet wise,” said Professor Michele McCormick of CLC, a master in biology. “When we’re too restrictive [with our diet] we can’t maintain it forever and that usually causes more problems.” According to McCormick, we have learned a lot of things since the time when we thought fat caused people to get fat, back thirty years ago. Nutrition is a very young science that “we can expect it to adapt and change, and be refined,” she said. Agreeing with the two students, she believed that nutrition is very personal-

ized, and believes that diet can be restrictive, and that isn’t necessarily the best for the body. So, can we take any advice seriously for dieting? It would seem there is one thing among all others that all scientists and your average teen agrees on; that would be to drink a lot of water. In fact, it’s more than the 8x8 rule. Depending on your weight, you will most likely need more than that - a good rule of thumb is multiply your weight by .67, and you’ll get the ounces of water you need per day. So, go out and do what’s right for you. Try different diets and workout routines. Don’t give up. Know your body and you will have success.

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Page 19 | Monday, October 30, 2017

CLC’s Honors Scholars visited the Kenosha Civil War Museum as part of a Carthage College visit on Friday, Oct. 20. Pictured from left: Connor Sinclair, Nathaniel Leichty, Harry Fredrick, CLC professor Dr. Nick Schevera, Katie Hauck, Shelby Brubaker, Yesenia Cardenas, Kevin Tellez, and Felicia Rivas. Photos by Diana Panuncial.

The Athletics Department celebrated Disability Awareness Month with a wheelchair football exhibition on Tuesday, Oct. 17.

Photo by Craig Kotlinski.

ROSSE C A L Circa 1636 C.E. A Native American Invention

Monday, october 30, 2017

Truth Conquers All Since 1969

Vol 51, No.5

XC teams take home Skyway Conference championship Kimberly Jimenez Managing Editor

The College of Lake County’s men and women Cross Country teams both placed first, winning the championships at the Illinois Skyway Collegiate Conference on Friday, Oct. 13. The Lancers men’s cross country team managed to put all five scorers in the Top 15 to secure the Skyway Championship. The Lancers men had hitherto consistently ranked at the bottom all season long. At the men’s conference race, an 8K course, CLC finished with 49 points, only three points ahead of runnerup Waubonsee Community College, who finished with 52 points. Also competing was Morton College, who finished with 54 points, and Moraine Valley Community College, who finished with 57 points. Only eight points separated first from fourth place,

making the conference race one of the closest the Lancers team has experienced in recent history. A handful of key performances were able to secure the championship for the Lancers men’s cross country team. One of these performances was delivered by freshman athlete from Zion-Benton Township High School, Michael Schonter. “He didn’t commit until late August,” said head coach Jorge Colin. “He didn’t do the preparation in the summer because he didn’t think he was going to run. “All season-long, he’s been coming to practice, doing exactly what he’s told, and getting everything he can out of every single workout. On Friday, he was a big reason we were able to secure that championship.” Also ensuring the championship for the Lancers men were runners Jeremy Wallace, who finished third

place overall with a time of 27:31, Jeffrey Meverden who finished in 12th place, Frederick Mascorro who finished in 13th place, and Cameron Detweiler who finished in 15th place. “I was extremely surprised to see us win as a team,” Schonter said. “We were ranked to get last so I felt that the teams didn’t really think we were a threat.” Also competing at the men’s conference were sophomores Tyler Glassman and Oscar Arteaga, and freshmen Matthew Leyva and Nicholas Zblewski. The Lady Lancers cross country team were also able to secure a championship that Friday. The women’s team finished with 24 points, seven points ahead of their competitor Moraine Valley Community College, who finished with 31 points. Also competing were Waubonsee and Oakton Community College. The women’s race marked

the Lady Lancers first conference title since 2000. “I think the women were really shocked that they actually did it,” Colin said. Outstanding performances on the women’s side were delivered by the Alcala sisters. Freshman Cindy Alcala delivered a strong, runnerup performance with a time of 20:15. Colin called it a “smart race,” adding that she didn’t wear herself out. Sophomore Paloma Alcala, her sister, also helped secure the win by establishing her position early on in the race. “She really pushed the pace and actually ran her season and personal best that she’s ran here at CLC,” Colin said. Additionally, the Alcala sisters and freshmen Stephanie Paredes and Jacqueline Betancourt placed in the top ten and were named to the All-Conference Team. Also competing for the Lady Lancers were fresh-

man Sophia Martinez and sophomore Linda DeLaFuente. Colin expressed how proud he and David Acevedo, Assistant Coach for both teams, were for their athletes. “Our men and our women had a goal at the beginning of the season,” he said, “and it really was to bring back the championship here to Grayslake. “I say goal, but it was really more of an expectation for us.” The mens and womens teams have shifted their focus to the NJCAA Region IV Championship, which took place on Saturday, October 28 at Sauk Valley Community College in Dixon, IL. “By winning the Conference,” Colin said, “we put that target on our back.” “The [Regionals] competition is going to be looking at us. For us, now, it’s how are we going to manage that?”

Men’s soccer team accomplishes yearly goals Shelby Brubaker Staff Reporter

The College of Lake County’s Men’s Soccer Team wrapped up the 2017 season with high hopes for next year. Coach Aron Gentry set some initial goals for the team in the beginning of the season. The Lancers did not disappoint. Not only did they improve their record from last year, but they kept four other teams from scoring any goals on them. “Overall we met a number of our goals which included winning six games in total-two more than last year-and also beating Elgin C.C. to earn our first Conference win in two years,” Gentry

said. “The men’s soccer program had many successes throughout the 2017 season including four shutouts as a team.” The Lancers were able to make these accomplishments with a fairly fresh team. Only three players had previous college soccer experience. Gentry explained how this was a barrier at the beginning of the season. “The main struggle this season was becoming familiar with each other,” he said. “We had 30 players chosen out of a pool of over 50 interested student athletes.” “Of those 30, only two had previous experience on the CLC team from last year, Cruz Renteria and Chris Quiroz, and Noe Al-

cantar was a transfer from Rockford University,” he continued. “Even though a number of our current players had either gone to high school with each other, or played with or against each other during their club seasons– we still needed to become our own team and that always takes time. “As the season progressed and our trainings continued we have become a team both on and off the field,” Gentry said. The team atmosphere definitely did improve. Gentry recalled the four-hour bus ride home from Carl Sandburg College as one of the best memories of the season. “The match against Sandburg was a turning point for

our team,” said team captain Noe Alcantar. “We had a couple of key players missing and everyone stepped up. It made us realize that we were competition amongst other schools once we were able to focus.” “After that game, everyone started to connect as a team. The ride home was long and throughout the entire ride there was high energy, laughing, and music,” he said. “Some of the players even started dancing and singing. “I noticed at our last game that players who ordinarily wouldn’t talk to each other in the beginning of the season were in groups passing the ball around. We were all goofing around and getting

along.” For next season, Gentry would like to focus on improving the athletic abilities of his team, but also encouraging them to be just as academically strong. “Our first goal next year will be to improve upon our overall team GPA, and as always we would like to improve our record from the previous year,” he said. “We will have goals set to decrease opponent’s time of possession, and opponent’s shots on goals. We want to increase our number goals scored, shooting percentage, and team time of possession.”

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