September 4, 2017

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cloud coverage disappoints eclipse-watchers

MonDAY, September 4, 2017

Truth Conquers All Since 1969

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Vol 51, No. 1

Summer flood may cause long-term monetary damage Rachel Schultz News Editor

The College of Lake County, like many other parts of Lake County, was damaged from the flooding that occurred in mid-July this summer. The main damage occurred in the groundfloor auditorium in A Wing, which was filled with several feet of water. “The damage was contained in the lower level of A wing and B wing,” said Mike Welch, CLC’s director of facilities administration. “We had so much water coming in so fast that the ground was saturated,” he said. “It was coming in through the windows and underneath the doors as well.” Normally, any extra rainfall winds up in a small lake near the college. But 2 weeks of almost constant rain flooded the lake, along with part of the parking lot. With nowhere else to go, floodwaters from heavy rains that occurred from July 11-26 made their way into CLC through the load-

ing dock and auditorium, which was built at a lower level than the rest of the ground floor. The water level rose above the stage and covered the seating. The facilities team on duty was able to pump the water out within hours, but not before the flooring, walls, and furnishings were soaked. The auditorium, which seated 500, is currently being repaired. The chairs, curtains, walls, insulation, and floor will need to be replaced. “We’ve removed all the carpet, all the chairs, and the stage,” Welch said. The auditorium is scheduled to reopen in mid-October. Other areas of the ground floor also sustained water damage, though not as significant as the auditorium. The Prairie, a student-run restaurant on campus that trains culinary students, was also flooded. Water soaked through flooring, drywall, and insulation, making replacement necessary. “The Prairie restaurant

A Facebook photo taken by a CLC employee went viral over the summer, showing damage that took place in one of the school’s basement theaters.

missed the first week of classes because of the flooding,” said Welch. Repairs are almost complete for the restaurant, which is set to open for business in mid-September. At the bookstore, Lancer Bookstop, some textbooks and other items were damaged, and the flooring will even-

tually have to be replaced. Renovations to the Lancer Bookstop were delayed in order to keep the bookstore open for the opening of the fall semester. Governor Rauner declared a state of emergency for Lake County, which makes it possible for CLC to apply for federal funding to cover the costs of repairs.

The monetary damage is estimated at $1.6 million. “We’re looking to see if there is any federal funding available,” Welch said. CLC is also covered by insurance. “The college was actually pretty well prepared for this,” Welch said. “We were pretty fortunate.”

CLC’s new president to focus on campus sustainability Demi Richter Staff Reporter

As part of the search process for a new College of Lake County president, campuses held forums on campus on April 23 and 24 to allow students to weigh on who the new president should be. Angela Provart, President of The Pauly Group, led these sessions, in which students were asked to provide feedback on characteristics needed in the next CLC president.

In late March, CLC President Jerry Weber announced that he would be leaving the school to accept a position as president of Bellevue College in Washington, D.C. Weber has served as president of CLC since 2009. In June, CLC’s Board of Trustees selected The Pauly Group, an academic consulting firm based in Springfield, IL. The Pauly Group focuses on technical and community colleges, to lead the search with an aim of selecting a final candidate by

March-July 2018. “Students provided feedback that they would like a president who is approachable as well as understands and values diversity,” said Rodolfo Ruiz-Velasco, CLC’s Multicultural Student Center Manager. “There was a main theme that the next president continues to have a focus on Sustainability projects.” CLC has been leading the way under President Weber in terms of improving sustainability around campus. CLC has been active in

participation in Green Initiative programs such as the STARS program (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating Systems). The major renovation the school has been (and is currently) going through, updates the building to a more sustainable level including but not limited to: geothermal heating and cooling systems, new technologies that minimize our use of natural resources, and updated building features that allow more natural light and heat into the building as part

of the Sustainability Plan laid out by Weber in June of 2016. Continuing sustainability is a prevalent concern among CLC students and our next president must share this concern as well. Whoever the next president will be, CLC students and faculty said they will remain optimistic that we will find a leader who shares its values of diversity, sustainability and community.



Page 2 | Monday, September 4, 2017

SGA inducts new executive branch for school year Diana Panuncial Editor-in-Chief

A new executive branch has been elected to the Student Government Association for this upcoming school year of 2017-18. Corryn Smith, from Grayslake North High School, is a second-year student at the College of Lake County majoring in early childhood education. Harry Fredrick, from Christian Life High School, is also a secondyear student at CLC, elected as Vice President. Fredrick is majoring in biology. Kelly Trock has been elected Treasurer and Hansel Lopez as Student Trustee. Smith stated that although she did not originally plan to be president, she was glad that the opportunity came to her. “After becoming a Senator last year, I still wasn’t able to get as involved as I desired because my courses ran right in the middle of our SGA meetings. So for this upcoming school year, I was simply excited to be able to attend whole meetings and know what’s

going on,” Smith said. “One day our advisor, Jorge Tennin, asked to meet with me; he told me he had gotten an email from a professor of mine,” she said. “This professor was encouraging him to look into getting me as the next President, as this was right around the time of searching for new SGA officers.” Fredrick recounted having a similar experience, and he is a prime example of how connecting with peers allows the individual to branch out from their comfort zone. “A fellow classmate wasn’t even a part of SGA, but I was looking for clubs [to join] and he encouraged me to apply,” Fredrick said. “I was a freshman, and I was a week in my first year when I applied. When I became a Senator, I had no idea I would end up being Vice President.” Smith was also a senator in Fall 2017, so the skills that she learned from taking on that position carried on to her new role as president. “I decided to take the challenge and push myself, and so far it’s been the best decision,” she said.

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“I felt that I did have the leadership and communication skills to lead this amazing group of senators, and was mostly encouraged because it was a chance to dive in deeper to what is going on at the college.” Although she is enthusiastic about her new role, Smith emphasized that every new role has a set of hardships that come along it. She has learned many things about herself through being inducted as president. “This position takes true commitment and time. I figured this was the case before really diving deeper, but now that I’m in the middle of it all, I truly see how timeconsuming the role is. The to do list is neverending and I have a lot of people to talk to and plan constantly,” Smith said. As Vice President of SGA, Fredrick is in charge of setting up the agendas for their meetings and overall managing the club to its greatest potential. “A lot goes on behind the scenes that I didn’t know about when I was just a senator,” he said. “Now, as [VP], I set up the meetings and lead them, and even

schedule speakers who want to attend the meetings and reach out to [SGA]. There’s a lot of leadership opportunities when you’re a part of the club.” Smith is planning to increase interaction and collaboration between clubs through SGA. “A big idea I’m really trying to work on is connecting all the different areas of CLC to make us more of a community. I want students to support our athletics, clubs and organizations and to be involved,” Smith said. Her ideas are still ideas, but she will be working on making them come true around campus. “I came up with the idea of having a team support a club’s event, and in return that club supports the team at their next game,” Smith said. “It’s pretty much a give and take, but the hope is that it can evolve into something that is natural and genuine between students at CLC.” “We also are working on connecting with our two other campuses more, as the Grayslake Campus is not the only representative of the College of Lake County,” she added. “So, students at the Lakeshore and Southlake campuses can be excited to begin to

Corryn Smith, President of SGA. Photo courtesy of Bob Booker

work with us and combine ideas to make all three campuses better places.” “Historically, there haven’t been many efforts made in increasing unity between clubs, so Corryn and I, as well as the rest of SGA, have been trying to emphasize that a lot for our plans this year,” Fredrick said. If you are interested in joining SGA, you may attend club meetings every Tuesday from 2-4 P.M. at the Student Activities Multi-purpose Room. You may also contact the club directly at


Jenn Arias

Michael Flores

Features Editor

John Kupetz

Layout Editor


Kim Jimenez

Diana Panuncial

A&E Editor

Sydney Seeber


Lead Layout Editor

Hannah Strassburger

Rachel Schultz

Graphic Designer

News Editor

Contributors: Peter Anders, Shelby Brubaker, Jeanpierre Carreon, Cassie Garcia, Maria Garcia, Kevin Tellez, Shea Walters, Samantha Wilkins



Page 3 | Monday, September 4, 2017

CLC sustainability program improves campus, cuts energy costs

CLC’s pipes located in the basement. Photo by Samantha Wilkins

Samantha Wilkins Staff Reporter

The College of Lake County has been making tremendous improvements to its campuses in terms of sustainability within these past few years. From growing produce in its own gardens to harvesting energy from its geothermal wells, CLC has been undergoing drastic changes. As stated on the CLC website, the college was recently awarded a silver rating from national organization promoting

sustainability in higher education. In fact, CLC is only one of seven community colleges to receive a current S.T.A.R.S (Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System) rating and only one of three to achieve a silver rating or better. Colleges participating in the AASHE (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) Conference can be awarded four levels: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. The new science building

being added to CLC will receive a platinum rating in terms of its sustainability. There have been so many more awards that were given to CLC in terms of its sustainability already, and with plans to redo the entire college in the future, there will be many more awards to come. Maintenance engineer Edward Popelka is very involved in all of the steps CLC has been taking towards a more sustainable future. He stresses the importance of recycling here on campus. “[The sustainability program is] trying to get people to do it right by knowing what’s acceptable [to recycle] and what’s not,” Popelka said. CLC actually only recycles certain levels of plastics, and to know what specific plastics are acceptable to recycle, people can feel free to look for signs above the trash, recycle, and compost bins in Café Willow. Popelka also shared a little known fact that even if a small amount of trash is mixed in with the recycling, the entire bag is “contaminated and trash.” This includes water bottles that still have water in them, packages that still have food inside, and more. This can ruin the attempts of many students who are trying to help the environment. “We need to be leaders in our community. Lead by example to help the sustainability program here

at the college by pursuing as many sustainable options for the school as possible,” Popelka said. One way CLC has been leading our community is with is the geothermal well that lies underneath the school in the basement. The geothermal well helps heat and cool our campus at costs that are much less than a standard heating/air conditioning unit. It uses the constant temperature underground to heat or cool refrigerant through large pipes and tubes, which will then go through various processes and will eventually result in warmer or cooler air that is then distributed into the building. The well has been in use since September 2016, and within the first three months of its usage,

it has resulted in savings of $164,714. With the addition of more LED lights throughout the campus as well, the energy savings are going to continue increasing while simultaneously helping the planet. Although CLC is making substantial improvements in terms of sustainability on its own, change to help the environment begins with each and everyone of us as individuals. “The future of our children [is] the greatest green investment that CLC is making,” Popelka added. “By educating the students at CLC to make environmentally-healthy decisions, the campus is relying on us to continue to further the initiatives it is making, and deliver these ideas to the rest of the world.”

Lightbulbs prepping for recycling.

Photo by Samantha Wilkins

Cloud coverage disappoints eclipse-watchers Shea Walter Staff Reporter

Everyone across the country tried to get a glimpse of the total eclipse, a rare event in astronomy, on Monday, Aug. 21. The total eclipse could be seen the best in the Midwest at a little before 1:30 P.M. on Monday afternoon. The last solar eclipse that could be seen from the United States was Feb. 26, 1979. The

sighting this year has been a long awaited event in the field of science. Millions of Americans from across the country traveled to the path of totality, where the moon’s umbral shadow was cast upon the earth and the eclipse could be seen in full effect. At the College of Lake County, the eclipse could be partially seen through the cloudy weather, and many students, faculty, and staff took time out of

the first day of school to view this rare phenomenon. However, the overcast weather made the viewing unsatisfactory for some students. “The eclipse was small, unpleasing, and the glasses were black so all [he] saw was a dot and when that dot got covered it was all black,” said Danny Vega, president of Humans for Animals Club at CLC. On the other hand, some students were simply

pleased to see anything. Shannon Bassi, staff and advisor of Humans for Animals Club, had a more pleasant experience with the event. “I caught the eclipse during max cover here on campus and then again about half an hour after that, when the sky had cleared up a bit. It was pretty awesome actually,” Bassi said. Bassi made a commitment to drive to where she can see it in totality next time

to get a more complete picture. The next total solar eclipse that will be visible in the United States will be on April 8, 2024 from Texas to Maine. The year before that, on October 14, 2023, an annular (partial) solar eclipse will be visible from Northern California to Florida. You can learn more about eclipses at CLC by taking Earth Science and Intro to Astronomy classes.



Page 4 | Monday, September 4, 2017

Theater program debuts new act line-up Cassie Garcia Staff Reporter

The College of Lake County Grayslake campus can look forward to five new plays being showcased for the upcoming 2017-18 theater season:“The True Story of the Three Little Pigs,” “Street Scene,” “A Midsummer’s Night Dream,” “Play On!: A CLC Student Showcase,” and “Cabaret.” Thomas Mitchell and Craig Rich are theater department instructors and one of their goals is to promote an appreciation of theater and to enrich the cultural, aesthetic and intellectual life of students, employees at CLC and Lake County residents by producing plays from a variety of genres, styles, periods, and cultures. “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs,” a Pulitzer prize-winning drama, will be shown on Sept. 28 through Oct. 1. In this play the big bad wolf will take

the stand in Piggsylvania’s trial of the century and he’ll get the chance to tell his side. But he is intimidated during his trial in a corrupt piggy court. The audience will help decide the fate of the big bad wolf. “Street Scene,” by Elmer Rice, will show on Nov. 10 and 11. Retiring theater faculty member Thomas B. Mitchell will be directing the play. The tragedies of daily life through the experience of working class families and new immigrants with relationships, discrimination, and identities are explored in this remarkable stage classic. “A Midsummer’s Night Dream,” by William Shakespeare, directed by Brian Gill, will be presented Feb. 23-25. In this play of a King and a Queen of the fairies, four lovers find themselves in the middle of their dispute. The mischievous Puck, equipped with a love potion capable of making anyone fall in love with the first person they set eyes upon.

CLC’s performance of “Jekyll and Hyde” over the summer of 2017. Photo courtesy of CLC’s Theater Department.

“Play On!”, will be held on April 13-15, and again on April 20-21. Join the celebration of student creativity, talent and achievement as they showcase their abilities as actors, directors, stage managers, designers and technicians.

“Cabaret,” directed by Craig Rich, will be presented July 20-22, and 2629. This award-winning musical is about the story of Berlin’s infamous Kit Kat Klub. Featuring memorable song’s such as, “Willkommen,” “Money,” “Don’t tell Mama,” and “Maybe

This Time,” the show gives a powerful message to follow your heart regardless of your hardships. All productions will be held in the James Lumber Center for the Performing Arts at the CLC Grayslake campus.

CLC’s 2017 production of “Babel in Arms.” Photo courtesy of CLC Theater Department



Page 5 | Monday, September 4, 2017

“Annabelle” prequel a strong installment to horror franchise Kevin Tellez Staff Reporter

“Annabelle: Creation” is a 2017 horror film written by Gary Dauberman and directed by David F. Sandberg. “Annabelle: Creation” is the prequel to “Annabelle,” released in 2014, and is the fourth installment in “The Conjuring” franchise. “Annabelle: Creation” is a fantastic flick for any horror movie aficionado. The film is centered around six orphans and a nun who, after the closing of their orphanage in 1955, move into the home of former toy maker Samuel Mullins and his wife Esther. 12 years prior, the Mullins had suffered the tragic loss of their 9 year-old daughter, Annabelle, who died in a car accident. Thus, the new residents struggle to coexist with the aggressive poltergeist of Annabelle who haunts their home and takes vessel in one of Samuel’s own dolls. However, it is revealed later in the film that the “ghost” is not that of

the young, unassuming Annabelle, but rather is a demon from Hell known as The Ram. The Mullins, who pray for their daughter to come back, have been taken advantage of by this demon as he attempts to steal their souls and become more powerful. Sister Charlotte and the orphans eventually defeat the demon and bless the home, but not before the demon manages to kill both the Mullins and possess Janice, one of the six orphans and protagonist of the film. The film ends with Janice in a new orphanage, under the new name of Annabelle, who, still possessed by The Ram, is adopted by the couple Sharon and Pete Higgins. Flash forward 7-8 years to the beginning of the first Conjuring movie and the murder of the Higgins family at the hands of a now grown-up “Annabelle”-- full circle! This film had an incredibly high scare-factor as one would expect from a prequel to the Conjuring series. A lot of the scares

were great, but most felt a little unnecessary. While the jump-scares do a lot of the heavy lifting in this department, not all of the creeps and spooks came from those scenes. The set design, cinematography, and CGI all work together for an all-around unnerving theater experience. The movie takes place in the 1950s in a decrepit home in the middle of a secluded Californian prairie, making it seem like the characters had very little connection to civilization. In the valley, no one can hear them scream. The camerawork also worked to the film’s advantage, causing the viewer to focus their attention on someplace else while the scare pops up when they least expect it. Finally, the CGI effects for this film were entirely unnerving. The Ram appeared as a tall, lanky, dark figure with long, exaggerated limbs and a face only beelzebub could love. Albeit being a product of special

effects, the demon was a disturbing presence to say the least. The casting was also topnotch. Anthony LaPaglia did a great job as the role of Samuel Mullins. He greatly juxtaposed his character’s state of mind from a loving and h a p p y f a t h e r i n the beginning to a broken, aggressive man later in the film. Miranda Otto also did a good job in her role as Esther Mullins. Like LaPaglia, Otto presents the livelihood of her character in the first act and exposes her true emotions in later acts. Throughout most of the film, Esther is badly scarred and unable to walk due to a horrible attack from The Ram after Annabelle had died-- Otto translates that perfectly through the raspiness, pain, and fear projected from her voice. Stephanie Sigman who plays Sister Charlotte worked well as the parental figure for the orphans whom she protects througout the film. Charlotte’s talks with Janice after she “gave

into the temptation” and looked into Annabelle’s forbidden room truly cemented Sigman’s role as the stern mother looking after her children. Finally, the protagonist, polio-stricken, orphan Janice played by Talitha Bateman did a bang-up job throughout the film. The scenes in which she wondered if anyone would ever take her home because of her debilitating disease were genuinely heart-wrenching, and the sheer terror she felt while facing the poltergeist translated stupendously on screen. All in all, “Annabelle: Creation” is a great horror film which ties back to the original series perfectly. Its religious focus on demons and the seemingly ineffective power of faith against them makes it all the more eerie to watch. Save for a couple of cliché lines (“I need something of yours. YOUR SOUL,” a line delivered by Annabelle’s ghost which felt too much like “The Exorcist”), this is a great film for those who love horror.

Taylor Swift returns with reinvented image Diana Panuncial Editor-in-Chief

Taylor Swift has returned to music after a three-year long hiatus since her debut pop-genre album, “1989,” in 2014, and it seems like she is back with a vengeance. Swift’s new single, “Look What You Made Me Do,” is the first sign of true reinvention of the onceingenue pop star’s image. It is also the introductory single from her new album, “reputation,” (with the lowercase ‘r’ being her signature) set for release this Nov. 10. The song begins with a high-pitched string choir that eventually fades into a bass-rhythm focusing solely on Swift’s voice in the first verse. Even from the very start, her lyrics, “I don’t like your little games/Don’t like your tilted stage/The role you made me play/

Of the fool” single out an enemy (or enemies)-essentially, whom the whole song is all about. What we usually expect from Swift’s radio singles is the opposite of what we get from “Look What You Made Me Do,” but it has been a long time since we have heard her come out with a romantic pop ballad-- think her curlyhaired era of 2009-2011. She showed signs of this metamorphosis through her album, “1989,” but in “reputation,” we see that she has fully completed her transformation. And what caused this? Most speculate that it was her long feud with both musicians, Kanye West and Katy Perry. Some of us may remember the West x Swift feud from the 2009 Video Music Awards, but that was so long ago-- why is it still important? Well, the two supposedly became friends

before West released his song, “Famous,” when he asked for her permission to write a provocative line about her in the lyrics. It came out later that Swift never gave West that permission-- at least, about those particular lyrics. “Look What You Made Me Do,” is not the first sign of revenge that Swift has shown through her music; look at “Bad Blood,” allegedly about Katy Perry, and even “Better Than Revenge,” a throwback from her 2010 “Speak Now” album (from when she was still in the country genre) about a girl who stole her ex-boyfriend. The song itself is something that catches you offguard, especially if you are one of the older Swift fans, but it is undeniably catchy. Its bridge, “But I got smarter/I got harder/ In the nick of time/Honey,

I rose up from the dead/I do it all the time” gives us the idea that we are seeing not only a new Swift, but a stronger, smarter Swift. This new image is Swift’s way of empowering herself despite the media drama. It also carries mystery; its repetitive chorus of “Ooh, look what you made me do/Look what you made me do” is not a particularly happy set of words like what we might see in everyday pop. Instead, it makes our stomach turn with curiosity on what the popstar might say next. Although it is a step away from the “Old Taylor” and into the new, Swift will remain to do what she does best: catch everyone’s attention. Notably, the bridge contains Swift’s signature style of spoken word over the phone, like we have seen in “We Are Never

Ever Getting Back Together,” but it doesn’t prove to be overdone. We are revisited by the same high-pitched strings that we heard earlier, and the words, “I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me/ I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams.” Then finally, the phone conversation we didn’t know we were waiting for, but were overjoyed to hear as if it sealed the purpose of the song shut: “I’m sorry, the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now./Why?/Oh./ ‘Cause she’s dead.” Overall, “Look What You Made Me Do,” paved a new road for Swift’s album, “reputation.” It seems as if she has made a full cycle, and at the age of 27, has officially began to introduce us to the New Taylor.



Page 6 | Monday, September 4, 2017

Luke Cage, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist band together to defeat all evil.

Photo courtesy of The Wire

Marvel’s “Defenders” engages superhero fans Peter Anders Staff Reporter

Marvel’s “The Defenders” is a Netflix original series based on the Marvel comics characters Iron Fist, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage. It was created by showrunners Douglas Petrie and Marco Ramirez and was released Aug. 18, 2017. “The Defenders” is the culmination of everything the Netflix Marvel shows have been building towards. The seeds were planted in the first season of Daredevil, continued in Jessica Jones, Daredevil season two, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. This is truly the Netflix Marvel version of The Avengers, but if you are hoping that this is the quality equivalent of The Avengers then lose those hopes right now. That being said, The Defenders is good in its own right and serves as a redemption for Marvel TV. In “The Defenders,” New York City is under attack by an organization known as The Hand. The Hand is led by the

mysterious Alexandria, who has plans for New York that will end with the city in ruins. The only thing standing in her way are four misfits known as The Defenders: The Immortal Iron Fist, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, the private investigator Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage. Out of the many aspects of the show, there are three things that are truly phenomenal: Sigourney Weaver as Alexandria, the way the Defenders come together, and their interactions with one another. Sigourney Weaver is the best villain the TV side of Marvel has ever created. We are not told much about her. She is always mysterious yet she brings a sense of fun and humor to her role. Her shadow looms large throughout the series, even when she is not onscreen you can feel her presence. She is shown to be smart, cunning, a master of martial arts, and relentless. Death itself is something she does not fear. The way the heroes

come together is really well done. While it never reaches the heights of the Avengers films, the relationships between each of the heroes is fascinating to watch and the interactions between them is just as tense as any action scene. You can tell they do not plan to be lifelong friends. There’s a sense that after this is over, neither of them ever want to see each other again. That level of drama is what truly makes the show as good as it is. Yet the chemistry they have with one another feels unique and engaging to watch. The actors all perform well in their roles. Even Finn Jones, who was one of the worst aspects of Marvel’s “Iron Fist,” is good here and brings something interesting to the show. The Hand is a fearsome fighting force, truly a big enough threat to warrant all of these heroes having to band together. This is not a group where the leaders are frail, elderly people. Bakuto, Gao, Sowande, and Murakami are all forces to

be reckoned with and are worthy opponents for the Defenders, commanding the screen whenever they are in-frame. It’s a real shame then that they are overshadowed by Elektra, who is forced into this show in a villainous role that I will not delve into for fear of spoiling the show. Her character’s arc, however, is not very well executed. She does not belong in the show and is extraordinarily out of place. Her being in the show does not feel organic and feels like it was done only because she is a popular character. Most of the action is really well done and a blast to watch. All of the fights are beautifully shot and choreographed, except for the ones in the seventh part, “Fish in the Jailhouse.” The editing in that episode for some reason makes it come across as choppy. Considering how well done the other episodes are this makes it stand out even more so. The music also feels inappropriate at times. For instance, the end battle

has a song playing that sounds like Wu Tang Clan. It is supposed to be a dark and high stakes fight but the music feels like something that belongs in a more “fun” scene. Also can Marvel stage a fight in an arena that is not a small enclosed hallway? This is becoming a cliche at this point. Is The Defenders “the end all be all” that many were hoping it would be? No. But does that make it bad? I do not believe that it does. But that does not change the fact that The Defenders is high-quality television and redeems the Marvel TV brand after “Iron Fist” severely tarnished it in the eyes of many. It has it’s flaws and it may seem like I have spent this review tearing the show apart, but it is a really good show. Some aspects are so welldone that it makes flaws more glaringly obvious and all the more irritating. But nevertheless, “The Defenders” is worthy of a viewing for anyone who is into superheroes and people who like good TV.

Transfer Spirit Day! College Fair 35+ Colleges and Universities Wed., Sept. 13 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Student Street • Win Cool Gear at College Tables • Popcorn Machine • Bake Sale • Music See participating transfer schools at



Page 8 | Monday, September 4, 2017

Solar Eclipse: Expectations V.S. Reality

By Jeanpierre Carreon

Where is Facts you probably didn’t know about your daily cup of liquid energy

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The Nickname “Cup of Joe” refers to WWII’s G.I. Joes, who were known to obsess over coffee.

Americans spend $40 billion on coffee each year.

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Famous composer Johan Sebastian Bach wrote an opera about a lady who had a coffee addiction. A 9th century ethiopian goat herder discovered coffee when his goats ate the beans and began acting strangely, prompting him to investigate.


“Coffee by the Numbers.” News, Harvard University, 28 Feb. 2014, Seth. “Coffee Drinking Statistics.” Statistic Brain, Statistic Brain, 3 Sept. 2016, Walton, Justin. “The 5 Countries That Produce the Most Coffee.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 14 Sept. 2015.

new president? Comic by Michael Flores

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Page 10 | Monday, September 4, 2017

Hurricane Harvey unifies country through disaster Jenn Arias

Features Editor

Hurricane Harvey pounded the Southeastern Texas area earlier this month, taking residents by surprise and sweeping debris from their houses along its path. Before this natural disaster, there had not been a hurricane category 3 or higher in the U.S. in the past 12 years. The Houston area was pounded by more than 1 trillion gallons of water in four days, and it is estimated that 30% of the land was flooded. 30,000 people have already been evacuated from their homes. What is truly amazing about this disaster is the unification it has brought along the entire country. Neighbors who would bicker about whose turn it was to trim the apple tree along the property line were pulling each other into their speedboats, jet skis, and life rafts, anything that would stay afloat and bring them to

safety. People in neighboring cities dropped what they were doing, feeling an obligation to Houston’s time of need, rushing to help rescue those trapped residents. It began with local officials and a huge volunteer effort. Active and retired Service Men were asked to remember their training, and jump in police boats to aid in the rescue. It’s incredible, how someone can see something on TV and feel a pull to assist these strangers, recognizing that this time of need is perhaps more important than their own, realizing that the loss these people are experiencing is greater than their own. Humans really band together in a crisis situation, and though they may not act like it most days out of the year, we are truly passionate, empathetic creatures who can’t turn a blind eye to loss and suffering. The Houston area used every resource it could, even utilizing the Border Patrol

speedboats, adding an addition terror to some residents. Undocumented immigrants were assured that the only place they would be taken would be to safety, local officials stating that the rescue took high precedence over citizenship. These visitors were also guaranteed that their citizenship would not be checked at shelters or food banks, their safety being far more important. However, not everyone is utilizing every resource to assist in the rescue efforts. The Border Patrollers apparently found keeping people out to be more vital than aiding in freeing people from homes and wreckage. They refused to leave their posts, so dedicated to keeping illegal immigrants out of the flood zone. While many people may not have wanted to sneak across the border when a natural disaster is raging on the other side, residents of the southeast Texas area could have found refuge in Mexico. Maintain-




ing the guard simply put more lives at risk as they stood idly by while a flood erupted behind them. Others in the Houston area seemed oblivious to the disaster. Joel Osteen, celebrity televangelist and multi-millionaire, owns a church in Houston that can hold 16,800 people, and yet he refused to open his doors or his heart to the cold, injured, and terrified residents. He simply put a note on the door explaining that services were cancelled until further notice. After a great backlash, Osteen claimed the only reason he hadn’t opened his church was because he wasn’t approved as a registered shelter site. 48 hours of criticism later, he finally opened up, but people will remember that he hesitated before getting involved, choosing his own safety over helping others. I’m not sure his bible calls for that sort of brotherly love. President Trump visited the Houston area once to survey the damage, but all has been quiet on that front ever since. His visit, though, did not prove to be consolation for the victims of the hurricane since there is proof he knows very little about hurricanes or how we can predict the changing weather patterns. Already since he has been in office, his budget has cut funding from crucial weather programs including 6% from the National Weather Service, 16% from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, 26% from NOAA’s ocean and atmospheric budget, and 22% from the satellite division. A simple biology class will tell you that hurricanes are mostly caused by the rising and cooling of temperatures, due mostly to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is mainly present because we take such terrible care of our planet. It’s only getting worse, and some scientists say it’s too late to reverse the damage. Here’s an idea: as an administration, let’s do major cuts to the funding of those programs that make it possible for us to predict these national disasters. Even those who aren’t scientists can say that isn’t a

great idea and leaves many in fear of the future. However, there is hope for the present. The majority of people all over the country have decided to get involved in any way they can. Some beer companies include Budweiser and Coors have stopped canning beer and started canning water to send to Houston. These unspoken heroes do this every year, just in case of some sort of disaster occurs around the country, so we can be ahead of the game. Celebrities have also been donating money, including Sandra Bullock, who gave $1 million to the cause. Corporate America has raised a total of $40 million so far, including Verizon $10 million, Toyota $3 million and a donation of preowned Toyota and Lexus vehicles to help move people, and Coca-Cola $1 million and 25,000 cases of water, milk, and other beverages, and many other major corporations. There are things you can do to get involved as well. Several corporations are accepting donations of money, clothing, and food and water. The Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund is accepting tax-deductible food relief donations and the Houston Humane Society is accepting monetary donations as they go around and rescue animals that were forgotten in the panic. Facebook is also willing to match a $1 million donation from social media users and it’s an easy way to help the cause. It’s very encouraging to see people around the country lending a hand, or giving a few of their extra bucks to those in severe need. It speaks a lot about humanity, how we are willing to give up time, money, or even the shirts off our backs to fill part of that hole for all the hopes of Houston that Hurricane Harvey drown. The only take away from a terrible disaster such as this is that we can and will stand together in a crisis. We are all American, yes, but first and foremost, we are human, and we recognize our strengths in numbers, but also in passion. Our greatest capacity is that of empathy, of the ability to feel. And we utilize it well.



Page 11 | Monday, September 4, 2017

Journalists must be dedicated to uncovering truth Diana Panuncial Editor-in-Chief

I am a young, active, American journalist in the 21st century. To the leader of our country, Donald Trump, that makes me an enemy of the state. President Trump believes that journalists and the media in general lack integrity, which is true-- but only to a certain extent. There are journalists who seek truth and justice for the betterment of the people, for society to be aware of what’s going on around them; but then there are journalists who only want to manipulate public opinion and feed their audience bait for the sake of profit. In other words, I see journalism with good guys and bad guys. Although some journalists lack integrity, couldn’t you say that about every industry in the world? Corporations have good and bad. The entertainment industry has good and bad. There are good ice cream places and bad ice cream places, but you don’t see anyone calling the bad ice cream places “enemies of the state.” I believe that President Trump only calls journalists

enemies of the state because he sees that some create rumors to sensationalize his already-bad status as President. President Trump only calls journalists enemies of the state because he sees that some create rumors to sensationalize his alreadybad status as President. But there’s also a greater chance that he sees some journalists exposing his true behavior: articles spreading across the globe about his use of “locker room talk” or how he sees his young daughter, Ivanka Trump, or even articles that are analyzing his pardoning of condemned Arizona sheriff Jeff Arpaio. No one likes bad press, just like none of us everyday people like to hear that our friend has said

something bad about us to another friend. It’s normal not to like bad opinions about ourselves, but that’s what they boil down to:

said about him. Whether it be the truth or someone’s opinion, he wants to look good as the President, and these “journalists” aren’t helping him. If you don’t want journalists writing negative articles about you, don’t do anything negative. Of course, it’s impossible to ward away all negative things, but the journalist should not be at blame for covering a story. What President Trump is doing is shooting the messenger. It’s the journalist’s duty to cover what’s happening, and if the things that are happening Graphic by Hannah Strassburger are bad, then there’s no sense opinions. in sugarcoating them for the President Trump is call- sake of preserving someing journalists enemies of one’s status. As a journalist, the state because he simply it’s our job to uncover truth. doesn’t like what is being During this peril-

ous time in history, I think being a journalist is one of the most important things that you can be. Society is riddled with journalists who only want to manipulate public opinion, who only want to publish to sensationalize, who only want to please their corporation. We need more journalists who challenge authority, not only because they want to enrage the public, but because they have a genuine concern. You have the opportunity to stand up for what you believe in, and not many people can say that they have done that for their job. Being an “enemy of the state” should be worn as a badge of honor, not of shame or fear. You’re doing your job right as a journalist if you’re asking questions, uncovering and stating the truth, and overall challenging authority. No job in the world pleases everyone and keeps them happy. As a journalist, if you have someone like President Trump questioning your integrity because you have written a “negative” article about him, then I think you’re doing your job right.

Charlottesville reminds us of country’s racial problem Maria Garcia

Staff Reporter

The pot had been boiling for some time now and people knew it. The outrages and uproars had been increasing in Charlottesville to a point where marches were held to try and protest against the removal of the statues. It all started in February when the City Council voted to rebaptize two parks named after Confederate generals and to remove a bronze statue of one of those generals, Robert E. Lee from a downtown park. But, many were not too keen on the idea. Fast track to May and that is when the violence started. White nationalist Richard Spencer led a rally in midMay that served as a opening to all the violence. Not only that, but also angered by the city’s decisions, residents

armed with tiki torches began to march throughout the city. They were met with counter-protesters who held banners that read “black lives matter” and others such as “screw white supremacy.” The fights continued to escalate, with people kicking and swinging at each other, while other protesters tried to reduce tensions without police intervention. One side chanted, “Blood and soil!” an old Nazi slogan, while counter protesters cried, “Nazi scum off our streets!” A while later, President Donald Trump issued a controversial statement on the violence, saying, “Deepest condolences to the families & fellow officers of the VA State Police who died today. You’re all among the best this nation produces,” rather than addressing the white nationalists who are causing

the violence. Once I read the tweet, it made me feel even more repulsed. How can someone be as blind as to what is going on in the country? While I believe that violence is never the answer, it certainly is not okay to just look the other way. In my view, I feel like it made the United States look like a joke. We stood up for what was right, cared for our neighbors, we protested for moral reasons, and made laws for moral reasons, and yet President Trump could not address the situation gracefully. The first step in solving any problem is realizing that there is a problem. The country still has a long way to go. Back in my elementary school days, we were taught that Ellis Island in New York City is where immigrants first came to this

country, and hopefully start with a clean slate. We were all taught that no matter where we came from, what the color of our skin is, that we are all the same equal. Hating someone by their color of their skin does not in any way make anyone a better person. This series of unfortunate events teaches us that no one is inferior. No one should just look away when things get out of hand. We must take a stand against prejudice, discrimination, and overall infringing on another person’s rights. It is our civil duty as residents of this country to defend it, especially in this time of history when our President won’t even stand up for us. That being said, having a college prejudice-free is now more vital than ever. It is necessary that we stay united any help each other

out as much as possible. Not only that, but it makes the learning environment happier and friendlier. CLC is committed to maintaining an environment free from harassment and discrimination and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other protected status. Additionally, the College does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any educational, employment, or extracurricular activity. If students have any issues or concerns regarding non-discrimination policies around the campus, they can contact Teresa Aguinaldo, Title IX Coordinator at (847) 543-2288 or Crandall Collins, Deputy Title IX Coordinator -- Human Resources at (847) 5432217.






Monday, september 4, 2017

Truth Conquers All Since 1969

Vol 51, No.1

Women’s soccer team kicks off season with new coach Shelby Brubaker Staff Reporter

The College of Lake County women’s soccer team is introducing new head coach, Nick Carter, for this upcoming season. Coach Nick Carter played for Richmond International University and the Academic Soccer Academy in London, where he earned his Master’s degree in sports and exercise psychology. Coach Carter, who is originally from England, came to the United States to coach soccer for three years at Averett University in Vermont. According to the Lancer’s Athletics website, at Averett, Carter helped develop 5 All-Conference Selections, an All-State Selection, and a CoSIDA (College Sports Information Directors of America) All District Selection during his tenure as an assistant coach. “I am thrilled to join the

CLC athletics department and would like to thank the Director of Athletics, Nic Scandrett, and the entire hiring committee for this opportunity,” Carter said. “CLC matches my ambitions for the program and represents values that I hold myself. It is a great time to be a Lancer and I am looking forward to working with our student-athletes to create a successful team, on and off the field.” Coach Carter is experienced and ready to take on the season for the women’s soccer team, but he also has new goals in mind. Coach Carter hopes to establish good character and attitude on his team on and off the field. “We’ve been focusing a lot on how we want to play this season, and how we want to act this season,” he said. “We want to show good character on and off the

field to represent the college well.” “We had a great preseason with committed, dedicated, energetic women,” Carter said. “As a team, their characters and personalities are shining through.” Although the Lancers had a disappointing 0-10 loss on Saturday, Aug. 26 against Joliet Junior College, they are not letting it disrupt their game plan for the rest of the season, thanks to Carter’s core values. “The team played better and smarter after a half-time talk with Coach Carter,” said Alyssa Brey, a secondyear player for the team. “I don’t believe that just one game defines who we are as a team. We’re ready to work harder and get better for future games.” “I hope they will prove [their skills] and earn every game, take control, show the character of CLC, and perform to their potential.”

New CLC women’s soccer team coach, Nick Carter. Photo courtesy of the CLC Athletics page

UPCOMING home and away GAMES woMEN’s Soccer

MEN’s Soccer

V.s. oakton cc

@ south suburban

september 6 4:00 p.m. V.s. elgin cc

september 9 1:00 p.m.

@ waubonsee cc

Volleyball v.s. mchenry county college

september 7 6:00 p.m. @ waubonsee cc

12 september 15 september 13 september 4:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

woMEN’s tennis @ carthage college

september 7 4:00 p.m.

baseball @ waubonsee cc

september 8 2:30 p.m. @ elgin cc

september 15 september 14 2:30 p.m. 2:45 p.m. @ oakton cc

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