April 16, 2018

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Monday, April 16, 2018

Truth Conquers All Since 1969

VOL. 51, NO. 13

Faculty says college must help promote classes Chu said that personally a great diversity require“I do feel that the school connecting with clubs and ment.” could do better in promoting Managing Editor organizations on campus is Unique courses give stu- dynamic, engaging courses also important. dents the ability to learn les- that are not prerequisites,” While the College of Lake “I advertise it to Philoso- sons and expand their mind- Chmara said. County encourages students phy Club and Pride Alliance set to incorporate others, He said that professors to take its prerequisite cours- when I am there,” she said. and possibly different career are left to “advocate for es, there is a lack of focus towards advertising the Sig n other lesser known classes up for classes here! Gen-e the school has to offer, leadds Other ing to various courses not being able to run due to lack of enrollment. While earning a degree in college, it is easy for people to stick solely to the classes they need for their major and forget about the other Graphic by Hannah Strassburger unique classes offered at particular schools. These lesser known courses are offered throughout the “I try to reach out to anyone education paths as well. themselves.” year at CLC. who may be interested in “When I went to college, I “When I create a flyer, However, due to the little this type of course.” could experiment with class- recruit from my classes and exposure these classes re“I mention my other es, the degree I started with beg colleagues to mention ceive, many do not run as a courses to my own students, was not the degree I ended my upcoming classes, I get result of low enrollment. promote my classes to the with, I got two degrees,” a solid response,” Chmara “It is tough with this class Literary Arts Society, tell Perrino said. “But you could said. “If I don’t do that, my exactly, as this is not re- folks on the speech team, do that more than, as classes non pre-required classes quired for really anything plug classes when I perform were not as expensive as struggle.” specific,” said Leslie Per- or host events on campus,” they are now, you could “Maybe what the college rino, professor of a jewelry said Joel Chmara, a commu- take a class to find out if could do is pick an obscure and metalsmithing course at nications professor. you like it.” class every semester and CLC. “There are degrees out “At this point,” he said. “Students should take focus on it,” Perrino sugthere for this medium, but “I’m willing to wear an LED advantage of the more chal- gested. “That way they have most of the people are taking hat and carry a megaphone lenging classes, as I per- it to fall back on as well, it for their enjoyment.” around campus, screaming sonally feel students grow and once they have them all There is no guarantee at folks on Student Street.” the most from those types covered, they can look back that making these classes Classes that are not neces- of course,” Chu said. onto them and update them more accessible to students sarily required still provide CLC does try to incorpo- when they need it.” would fully fill up each of learning experiences for rate advertising for as many Chmara said that one these courses, as college students that they did not of the programs and classes of the best ways to promote classes can be expensive in realize they would need in as it can; however, it is very classes through word of both time and money, but it life. difficult to incorporate every mouth is to ask what other would help keep student’s “I am always for broaden- class the campus has to offer. courses professors teach. options open. ing students critical thinking “We typically promote “If you have professors Many professors that feel and what they are exposed the registration cycles (fall, you enjoy, ask them what their classes are not com- to, and when it comes to spring, summer) and CLC other courses they teach,” monly known around cam- classes about gender, sexual- in general, not particular Chmara said. “Pay attenpus result to advertising ity, and identity, things that programs,” said Annie tion to flyers and posters for their courses themselves. people are grappling with in O’Connell, director of PR classes. Usually, they are “I always make a flyer,” different ways,” Chu said. and marketing. “Our current really unique and exciting said Shanti Chu, professor “The more people know Top Ten campaign is one courses that break the norm of philosophy. “Then I post of these topics the more em- example in which we’re pro- of most class experiences.” it where I can on campus, on powered they will be, and moting points of differen“When an instructor goes my office doors and other the more open minded they tiation that people may not through the effort of makdoors.” will be. It would make for realize CLC has to offer.” ing a flyer,” he said, “that’s

Sammie Wilkins

New project may improve course evaluations p. 2

Textbook costs pile up for students

p. 7

a great indicator that the professor really believes in that class and will teach it with passion and appreciate the students who made the effort of taking it.” “If we could submit our advertisements to a large display of some sort, that would be great,” Chu said. “It would also be wonderful if there was some sort of communication between departments, or department chairs, and counselors so that they are aware of all the classes, not just the more ‘popular’ classes, that are running each term. That way they can recommend a larger variety of classes to our students than what they can now.” Perrino said that bulletin boards are a way to advertise classes, and the posters themselves could be a fun way for students to contribute to the college. “You could put your classes poster up for other students to see,” Perrino said. “And to make it more involved, have some of the graphic design students make these posters so they that they know about these more obscure classes, and they may show their friends and so on.” “It would also be neat if we could do a video showcasing all the work the students create in classes, at least for classes like ceramics, as visual is good,” she said. “I think there are two issues here. One is letting this information on these classes out to the students that are here, but also getting it out to the community at large,” Perrino said. “Especially for something like this, where you aren’t looking for a degree.”

CLC must help instructors advertise smaller classes

p. 13


THE CHRONICLE Page 2 | Monday, April 16, 2018

Job and college fair opens doors for students Rachel Schultz News Editor

The College of Lake County Job Center hosted a job and college fair and an open house of the University Center of Lake County on April 3. Among the employers looking for CLC students to hire was Scot Forge, a metalworking company headquartered in Spring Grove, Illinois. “Scot Forge is a one-stop forge shop,” said David Cooter, a representative at their table. “We do everything from forging all the way to the finished product.” “We do internships,” Cooter said, “for everything from metallurgy to engineering, anything you can think of.” Sharnella Harris, another employee of Scot Forge, said that the company is recruiting for a large number of positions now. They also have a high school and college internship program. The company is employee-owned and is currently celebrating its 125th anniversary, and makes metal parts for a wide variety of industries, ranging from construction to aerospace.

Austin Luedtke, another representative, said the company even constructed the wheels that are currently in use on the Mars Rover. Other recruiters were on campus to offer other job opportunities, including health care positions, nursing, and financial services. Overall, the event was a success. However, some representatives expressed dissatisfaction with preparations for the event. “It was very unorganized,” said Beth Hanna, a health care representative. “There were no signs for the job fair. I drove around in the rain trying to find this place.” Kelly Mueller, another representative, agreed. “The directions were not really clear,” she said. UCLC also had an information table set up for students. Nora Mena, the UCLC admissions adviser, spoke about the history of the center, which is separate from CLC and hosts a number of programs from various Illinois colleges and universities, including bachelors’, masters’, and even graduatelevel programs. Taking classes there is much cheaper and more convenient than having to

Letters to the Editor The Chronicle welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must contain the writer’s full name and a contact phone number. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit any submissions. Send letters to: Chronicle@clcillinois.edu.

Editorial Policy The Chronicle staff is responsible for all material printed within its pages every issue. The views expressed in the Chronicle are not necessarily that of the Chronicle Staff or the administration at the College of Lake County. The Chronicle reserves the right to refuse publication of any ad that endorses bigotry or prejudice of any kind. For more information on policy or placement, please contact the Chronicle at (847)-543-2057 or at Chronicle@clcillinois.edu.

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attend an actual university campus, especially for commuter students, who can still earn a diploma at the college of their choice without having to travel to the actual campus. “It’s a consortium,” Mena said. “We were created by the Board of Higher Education when Lake County was booming.” The University Center’s purpose was to increase educational opportunities to students in the Lake County area, particularly working

adult students. “All of our classes are in the evenings,” Mena said. “Some of them are in the evenings, some online. Some of the classes meet once a month, and the rest is on online. So there’s a good variety.” Northeastern University was another campus represented. It is one of the colleges that offers courses in the University Center. Tom Bisogni, a college rep, talked about some of the classes that they offer.

“There’s education, business, arts and sciences,” he said. Bisogni also mentioned how important it is for community college students to make sure they take the classes that their intended transfer college requires for a particular program of study. “You don’t just want to get an associates degree,” he said, “you want to get one with the classes you need to take to transfer to another program.”

Graphic by Hannah Strassburger


Staff List John Kupetz

William Becker


Lead Layout Editor

Daniel Lynch

Diana Panuncial

Michael Flores

Juan Toledo

Sammie Wilkins

Opinion Editor

Managing Editor

Nick Sinclair

Rachel Schultz

Melanie Bobbitt

Hannah Strassburger

Features Editor A&E Editor

News Editor


Copy Editor

Layout Editor

Layout Editor

Graphic Designer

Contributors: Peter Anders, Karl Austria, Brianna Burgeson, Brandon Ferrara, Rebecca Martinez, Katelyn Peters, Arturo Ramirez, Peter DiPietro


THE CHRONICLE Page 3 | Monday, April 16, 2018

New project may improve course evaluations Diana Panuncial Editor-in-Chief

A new project will be introduced in fall 2018 to improve the responses of class evaluations, according to Megan Lombardi, accreditation and assessment manager at CLC. Only 39 percent of students completed class evaluations in fall 2017, said Megan Lombardi, accreditation and assessment manager at CLC. Approximately 8,200 responses were received after the college sent out 21,000 invitations to complete evaluations. The average completion rate for course evaluations has been approximately 40% from 2015-2017, Lombardi said. According to a description Lombardi sent, the new project, called Improving the Effectiveness of Course Evaluations, will “work toward a more standardized approach to the evaluation form and practices for administration of the questionnaires.” Two out of five students said that they have completed class evaluations for the spring 2018 semester at the College of Lake County. The other three said that they are either planning to

complete them, or will not complete them at all. Miguel Cortez, of Waukegan, an auto technology major, has attended CLC for five semesters. “In those semesters, I have only done one or two evaluations,” Cortez said. “The simple reason is just that I forgot.” Hope Tarleton, of Zion, who has been attending CLC for two years, has completed evaluations every semester, but understands why some students wouldn’t. “Students sometimes think, ‘out of sight, out of mind,’” Tarleton said. “If it’s not in front of them, they’re not going to think about it.” Samuel Talty, of Vernon Hills, who is in his first semester of CLC, has not yet completed his evaluations but plans to. Talty said that one reason why students are not completing them is because they are notified over email. “I only check my email maybe once every few days,” he said. “A lot of people check emails and look for professor’s names or anything else important. Everything else goes right to spam.” Students were split on whether completing class

evaluations should be mandatory or incentivized in order for CLC to receive more responses. “I don’t think they should be mandatory because some

Professor: # of Students:

Henry Jones Jr., M.Ed. 143

Graphic by Hannah Strassburger

students may not know what to say or how to judge a class,” Tarleton said. “There are some institutions that have this requirement and it may be a topic that the project will choose to explore,” Lombardi said. “There are many different opinions about the ethics and practicality of this matter and we will welcome stu-

dent feedback if this topic is discussed in the future.” Cortez said that if completing evaluations were to be made mandatory, teachers must be able to make them more accessible by bringing in a laptop cart or setting aside time in class to do them on students’ own devices. “Even though the college requires certain faculty to administer the course evaluations for their courses each term,” Lombardi said, “the course evaluations were never mandatory for students to complete.” “Even when the evaluations were conducted in class, students always had the option not to participate,” she said. “This has not changed since we transitioned to the online administration.” Vanessa Frescas, of Round Lake, an elementary education major in her second semester at CLC, said that she thinks evaluations should be made public, but anonymous. “I’m not sure who sees them, but if I didn’t like a teacher or a certain class, I would want a platform to say so,” Frescas said. “It could mean more students know the teaching style or class content of a course.” Angel Villa, of Waukegan, a psychology major in his

second semester at CLC, said that completing class evaluations are also beneficial for teachers. “Not doing class evaluations are bad because teachers don’t get feedback on what they’re teaching and how they’re teaching it,” Villa said. “It’s a way to reach out to students.” “Students don’t always understand teachers and teachers don’t always understand students,” Tarleton said. “Class evaluations are a way to bridge that gap.” Lombardi said that Educational Affairs would better answer whether or not class evaluations affect whether or not a professor stays in his or her position. “My understanding is that the course evaluations are one part of a larger faculty evaluation process that informs these types of decisions,” she said. Adjunct faculty and nontenured full-time faculty are a different story. “The current policy,” Lombardi said, “requires adjunct faculty and nontenured full-time faculty to conduct course evaluations for all their courses every term whereas full-time tenured faculty conduct their course evaluations in either the spring or fall semester each year.”

Students compromise in lieu of CLC tuition increase Brianna Burgeson Staff Reporter

Two of five College of Lake County students said they are against the tuition increase that will take place at all College of Lake County campuses starting next fall. Nick Jensen, a secondyear accounting student from Gurnee, disliked the idea of a tuition increase as a student who has to pay out of pocket. However, he said that he couldn’t say he was against raising tuition, as he believes that successful schools normally increase their tuition as a way to regulate attendance. He also talked about the

cycle of rising power institutions and failing inefficient schools, and how the two greatly affect one another and the students. “The real reason students attend colleges or universities is to either make themselves look attractive to potential employers, or to meet a requirement for a legally required license,” Jensen said, “which will then either be used as an employee in that field or as an entrepreneur conducting your own practice.” “Either way, we put ourselves through this expensive pain to satisfy somebody else because we believe it will be more valuable to ourselves in the long term,” he said. Nolan Johnson, a second-

year business management student from Fox Lake, shared his indifferent opinion about the increase. “As long as a full-time student doesn’t have to pay more than three thousand dollars, they don’t lose their affordability bragging rights,” Johnson said. Michael Petro, a thirdyear student studying photonics from Lake Villa, had a different opinion. Like Johnson, his opinion depends on what the school is using the tuition increase for and by how much it is it increasing. “If the increase is going towards some new facility or something useful on campus, then I’m okay with the increase,” Petro said. “Also I don’t

mind that it increase if it’s only by a couple dollars, because that’s relatively small compared to how much and already cost.” “However if the tuition is going towards paying or our state debt or something similar then I don’t support,” he said. “We, the college students, already have enough things to pay.” Kaylee Achtor, a CLC student from Ingleside, talked about the problems that may occur for students from this tuition increase. “It’s unfortunate for the students because most of us go here for a lower alternative, either coming from financially difficult backgrounds or just an attempt to save,” Achtor said. “So by the tuition raising, it’s

harder on students who already have a difficult time paying their current tuition.” Nicole Lennex, a CLC student from Fox Lake, also mentioned the struggles that students may face when their college raises their tuition costs, along with the expenses of class books that “cost an arm and a leg.” “Most of my friends ended up having to get two jobs along with going to school, which most of them are paying out of their pockets themselves,” Lennex said. “I wish we would do what other countries do and make community colleges free or not as expensive as it is.”


THE CHRONICLE Page 4 | Monday, April 16, 2018

Chronicle wins 18 awards in state competition The Chronicle, the student-run newspaper at the College of Lake County, recently won 18 awards, including four first places, in statewide competition among community college newspapers. The awards were presented April 6 at the Illinois Community College Journalism Association’s spring conference in Springfield, Illinois. The annual contest put The Chronicle in competition with Division I stu-

in associate degree programs. Her news column award was for her March 17 “CLC should stop worrying about window dressing,” and her winning staff editorial was for her Oct. 16 “Disregarding experience over master’s degrees loses credibility.” The judge described Schultz’s Oct. 16 piece as “a strong editorial that certainly must resonate with its student readers.” “This is an ongoing is-

Graphic by Hannah Strassburger

dent publications produced at the state’s biggest community colleges. Professional journalists judged the entries. Opinion writing was among the strongest categories for 2017 Chronicle staff members, who won five awards for their commentary on the publication’s news and sports coverage. The five awards include first places in news columns and staff editorials, both by Rachel Schultz, the current news editor who was The Chronicle editor in fall 2016 and spring 2017. Schultz’s winning pieces related to the publication’s ongoing coverage over a debate about requiring adjunct instructor’s to have master’s degrees to teach

sue,” the judge added, “and the author was wise to write on it – nice work.” The judge who awarded Schultz her first place in news columns for her March 17 article cited her for its “interesting and effective organization – from global analysis of the issue, to faculty example, to the friend example, to the personal observations.” Current editor Diana Panuncial also won awards for her opinion writing, including winning honorable mention as “editorial writer of the year,” an award based on a writer’s body of work in writing coverage-based commentary. Her submissions included her Oct. 2 “Lakeshore renovations must be weary

of state budget crisis,” which also won an individual award with a second place in news columns. The judge of that category described her column as a “well-organized, excellent, fact-based analysis.” In awarding her an honorable mention as editorial writer of the year, the judge cited the Oct. 2 piece as well as Panuncial’s Dec. 4 “College forgets mission when canceling classes” staff editorial. “Your curiosity and frustration are good qualities to have in opinion writing,” the judge said. Lead layout editor William Becker also won an award for his opinion writing. His Nov. 13 “CLC athletes, students split on NFL protests” won third place in sports columns whose judge cited the article for “good, solid reporting.”. “You took a national issue and made it local,” the judge added. The Chronicle’s other two first place awards were in graphic design and photography.Graphic designer Hannah Strassburger won first place in graphics for her graphic accompanying news editor Robert Biegalski’s page 1 “Board of Trustees plan CLC improvement over summer.” “I really enjoyed this graphic,” the judge said. “It was funny but made a clear point in a memorable way. This is very impressive.” Staff reporter Rhonda Sutton won first place in feature photos for a photo she took to accompany her March 13 “MSA promotes tolerance, battles misunderstanding” article. “I like the angle of the photo and the clarity,” the judge said. Strassburger won two additional awards, a third place in editorial cartoons and an honorable mention in advertising design. Her March 13 cartoon, “Getting Hired as a Professor,” commented on the debate over requiring master’s degrees for adjuncts, and her Nov. 13 ad was designed for International Education Week. Panuncial and Schultz also won additional writ-

ing awards in categories that included sports, features and news. The Chronicle’s ongoing coverage of the debate over requiring adjunct instructors to have master’s degrees to teach in associate degree programs won second place as the state’s news story of the year. The package of news stories included Biegalski’s March 13 “Faculty at CLC face threat of losing jobs over new requirements” and two articles by Schultz – her April 3 “CLC seeks legal advice in degree vs. experience dispute” and her Oct. 2 “CLC reaches compromises on master’s requirement.” The package also referred to accompanying editorials as well as cartoons. “Great work explaining what could have been a difficult situation -- I appreciate your use of multiple, credible, relevant sources,” the judge said. “Keep up the good work.” Schultz also won second place in feature writing for her April 17 “CLC grad stays active with Native American activism.” “Nice job getting lots of colorful details about your subject – those will help the story stick in readers’ minds,” the judge said. “Your story also shows good judgment in choosing when to quote and when to paraphrase.” Panuncial won two third place awards for her work in feature writing and sports news. Panuncial won her feature award for her Jan. 30 “Craig Rich inspires students to explore on way to self-discovery,” and her sports award was for her Sept. 18 “Former women’s basketball player signs to Trinity International.” “Good decision to use lots of quotes – he’s well-spoken,” the features judge said. “Your writing helps those quotes shine and gives them structure. The sports-writing judge also cited Panuncial for her use of quotes and for getting sources to talk. “Nice job on this story

-- it was great that you had another voice with the quotes from her future coach,” the judge said. “That extra effort to quote a second person makes a difference.” Former managing editor Kim Jimenez won an honorable mention in this category for her Oct. 30 “XC teams take home Skyway Conference championship.” The judge cited Jimenez’s use of details and quotes. “You did a nice job recapping and highlighting the cross-country teams’ successful seasons,” the judge said. “You include some good details throughout.” Staff reporter Demi Richter also won third place in news photography for a photo she took to accompany her Oct. 2 page 1 “CLC students fuel passion for firefighting with internship” article. “I like the framing of the shot,” the judge said. The Chronicle staff also won a second place in headline writing and a third place and an honorable mention for frontpage design. The winning front pages were for the publication’s Oct. 2 and Jan. 30 editions. The Jan. 30 page was the third place winner and was cited for its use of a dominant graphic by layout editor Michael Flores to accompany Biegalski’s “State budget decrease raises concerns for CLC” news article. The Oct. 2 front page, which earned the honorable mention, was cited for its “clean presentation” of Richter’s article. Besides Becker and Flores, the layout staff also included former lead layout editor Sydney Seeber. The Chronicle also won second place in its division for the general excellence category assessing the entire publication. The judge cited the publication for its layout and for providing “lots of great local content.” In the last 10 years, The Chronicle has won 130 awards, including 36 first places, in the statewide contest.


THE CHRONICLE Page 5 | Monday, April 16, 2018

Milwaukee native hosts reading at CLC Kevin Tellez

Features Editor Award-winning Latina author Jennifer Morales held a writing workshop and public reading session at the College of Lake County’s Grayslake Campus on Thursday, April 12. The excerpts which Morales read were from her book “Meet Me Halfway,” a novel regarding the experiences of several different racial groups of people living in heavily segregated Milwaukee during the 1970s. The reading session attracted several different individuals, from English majors to instructors, as well as potential authors looking for advice. The Q&A session following Morales’s reading garnered many questions from potential authors as well, ranging from inquiring about her writing style, to the process of generating storylines. “I come from a mixedrace, multilingual family in the Chicago area and grew up with a diverse group of friends,” Morales said. “When I moved to Milwaukee in 1991, after graduating

college, I was shocked to see how bitterly divided the city was along racial lines.” “In addition to the many forms of institutional racism in the city, I observed Milwaukeeans making dozens of small choices every day to uphold those divisions,” she continued. “I wanted to write a book in which I explored a different question: ‘What if Milwaukeeans from different groups decided to cross the lines that divide them?’” “While there are a few people or situations in ‘Meet Me Halfway’ that are loosely based on real life, the characters are mainly composites of many people I’ve observed over the years,” she said. “And just like in real life, some of my characters do choose to risk reaching across divisions of race, age, and neighborhood, and others back away from that challenge.” “I haven’t been able to find an agent to represent my work and I think that’s due in part to a lack of enthusiasm among typical New York agents for books that deal with race and with post-immigrant Latino narratives,” she said. “That said, I am work-

ing on finding an agent for a new manuscript, a speculative novel about a diverse group of activists dealing with climate change.” “The United States is an increasingly diverse nation,” she said, “and we will be a healthier, more vibrant, and more sustainable country if everyone’s experiences and needs are taken into account.” “I don’t see how we get through some of the enormous challenges our country faces,” she said. “Climate change, racism, a shredded safety net that leaves many in desperation, an underfunded and inequitable school system—if we don’t hear the stories of all communities.” “I encourage CLC’s students to write and to seek out audiences for their work— and where those audiences don’t yet exist, build them,” Morales said. “Our voices are getting louder all the time. I’ll admit, it’s hard to make your living as a writer, but with creativity and focus, I believe it’s possible.” “Write whenever you can and build a writing community around you,” Morales said as she gives a parting piece of advice.

Author Jennifer Morales visited CLC on April 12. Photo by Kevin Tellez

“It’s so important to create an environment that nurtures your work as a writer, even if that’s just one other person you check in with once

a month and share your work with,” she said. “Your stories and the way you tell them matter, so please keep writing and supporting other writers.”

Author and LGBTQ+ activist encourages self-love

Marsh, author of “How To Be You: Stop Trying to Be Staff Reporter Someone Else and Start Living Your Life” had a unique Author and LGBTQ+ way of motivational speakactivist Jeffrey Marsh was ing. invited to speak to CLC stuInstead of standing at the dents and faculty on Thurs- front and speaking to studay, April 12. dents, Marsh sat with them

Arturo Ramirez

Author and activist Jeffrey Marsh posing with his newest book. Photo courtesy of Affinity Magazine

and easily became intimate with them. Shanti Chu, professor of philosophy and head of the event, explained that she invites speakers like Marsh to CLC as a way to “promote freedom of knowledge, identity, and empowerment to students, and bringing unity to students as well.” “Jeffrey came to talk about their book and their presentation about ‘How To Be You,’ about living an authentic life, how one can express oneself in a society that is heterosexist and homophobic and things like that,” Chu said. The event was open to the public. Staff and faculty were also present for the event. Cheyenne Baker, a secondyear student and English major at CLC, said that she was initially interested in the event after seeing a poster.

“Jeffrey talked about their control, and about you can’t really control the things you think you could control; thus, you gain more freedom from not controlling the things you cannot control,” Baker said. “Shanti explained that there were a lot of LGBTQ+ students, and that we could have a nice talk about what we could do next in their lives,” Marsh said. “That’s what I love to do, so I said of course. Let’s do it,” Marsh said. They also said that going to talks and events is enjoyable for them. “I always always always talk about what we have in common as human beings, and I always talk about how you can learn to accept who you are,” Marsh said. “How we can get over feeling bad over ourselves, how we can get over what

we were taught was wrong with who we are, and have a good life?” they said. Marsh shared why speaking at events to young people was important to them. “It’s important for me because I love doing it,” they said. “And so it’s important to do what you love, but hopefully it has some value for everybody else because we were all taught we’re ‘bad,’ or ‘wrong’ somehow.” Marsh also said that being LGBTQ+ is about perspective. “Being LGBTQ+ is just a metaphor, and I’m just a walking metaphor for whatever your thing is that you were told to change about yourself,” they said. “Hopefully, if I could help people to stop forcing change on themselves, it’ll be a starting point for people to make the world a better place.”


THE CHRONICLE Page 6 | Monday, April 16, 2018

Writing Center hosts Night Against Procrastination Diana Panuncial Editor-in-Chief

The College of Lake County’s Writing Center encourages students to beat deadlines at their “Stranger Things” themed Night Against Procrastination event on Wednesday, April 25, from 5:30-10 p.m. in Room C106. Night Against Procrastination, originally called International Write-In, provides a quiet, concentrated space for students to come in and write their essays. Waffles and other snacks will be available for participants, as well as encouragement and advice from Writing Center staff members. For every hour students participate, they will be entered into a raffle for a $25 Amazon gift card and may also receive other prizes provided by various clubs and departments at CLC. Jennifer Staben, faculty coordinator of the Writing Center, shared how the idea for a Night Against Procrastination began. She said that the International Write-In originated in

Germany, but many writing centers in America were implementing the event in their schools. After hearing about the idea at a writing center convention, Staben and other staff decided to have their first event in spring 2016. Jessica Cole, writing center and TriO tutor and art major at CLC, said that she does most of the promotion and planning of the event. “It just turned into my little child,” Cole joked. “It’s really blossomed over the five semesters that we’ve been doing it.” Cole shared that the main goal of the event was to prioritize writing during the week before finals, which is something that many CLC students struggle with. “It’s hard to sit down and get a specific time in to finish writing,” she said. Staben said students also struggle with procrastination, which generated the name and purpose of the event. She advised students to work on time management. “From my own struggles,” Staben said. “I think that sometimes just setting a tim-

er and saying that you’re gonna sit down and write for thirty minutes, turn off your phone or emails, and actually writing, can be effective.” She also shared a technique that she teaches in class called the Pomodoro Technique. “You set 30 minutes to focus on something then reward yourself at the end,” Staben said. “You can go for a walk, eat a piece of chocolate, or something else just to thank yourself.” “Sitting down and actually writing is the hardest part. Starting can be the hardest part, too,” she said. “If it’s not going too well, at the end of 30 minutes, you can stop and know your limit.” Cole said that in order to battle procrastination, “being most honest with yourself is the best piece of advice.” “You know you have this eight page paper to do in a week and you need to get it done,” she said. “You need to be honest with yourself and set aside time to really write it.” “Just allow yourself the

Graphic by Hannah Strassburger

time for one thing at a time,” she said. Staben said there were a few issues during the last event with students having side conversations. “This year, we’re actually going to have people sign a writing pledge when they come through the door,” she

said. “It’ll just be a pledge that says they’re here to write and get work done.” Tutoring sessions will hopefully be available at the night as well in case students need writing assistance, but they will be held outside the room so that writers will not be disturbed.

CLC hosts biannual student ceramic sale Nick Sinclair Layout Editor The Community Clay Association’s Biannual Ceramic Sale, which marked the completion of their 12th year of having a fall and spring sale, was held from April 3-4 at the College of Lake County. The CCA is a club for ceramics students at CLC, but it is also an extension of the ceramics curriculum. “Through the club, students learn how sell and market their work,” said David Bolton, head professor of ceramics. Not only is the ceramic sale a great experience for the students to showcase their artwork, but it is also a way to raise money to fund many aspects of the ceramics program, including field trips, external ceramic artist programs, and new studio equipment.

“Over the years, we sold just under $170,000 worth of ceramics,” Bolton said. The rewards of the sale, however, come with a big price in terms of preparation. Ceramic students spend hours upon hours refining their craftsmanship through practice and research, and a lot of thought is also put into scheduling, advertising, and pricing the pieces in the sale. “Although ceramics is a difficult art form, students will tell you, pricing is often most difficult,” Bolton said. Bolton said the minimum price for a piece starts at $10 to make it accessible while maintaining a standard. “A goal of many of our students is to cover the cost of class so they can continue their passion for learning about ceramics,” Bolton said. Ceramics class is not just about learning to create ceramic pieces, it is also about

learning to value and appreciate what each student is capable of, whether that be encapsulating an idea, an emotion, or even themselves through their artwork. “Students learn how to

explore ideas and express themselves in a visual way, and in ceramics, a physical way,” Bolton said. “That expression could be an idea of beauty, social commentary, or something in-between.”

The ceramic sale allowed for ceramic students to share their pieces of exploration and expression with the rest of the Lake County community.

The Community Clay Association’s Biannual Ceramic Sale held its 12th sale this year Photo by Nick Sinclair


THE CHRONICLE Page 7 | Monday, April 16, 2018

Textbook costs pile up for CLC students Katelyn Peters

Staff Reporter

Textbook costs are piling up for five College of Lake County students who believe that the cost of textbooks are too high. “I feel like it’s a waste of money because in all the classes I’m in I’ve only used one textbook that I’ve bought,” said Giosi Galati, a first-year student from Lake Villa. Over the course of 10 years the average cost of college textbooks has risen four times the rate of inflation. This is primarily because textbooks now come with “access codes” to use for online workbooks which expire at the end of the semester; this essentially makes the textbook unable to be resold. “I think that the student should get to decide if they want the access code in order to make the books cheaper,”

said Joanne Gorski, a firstyear special education student from Lindenhurst. “You shouldn’t be forced to spend money on an access code that you’re not going to use,” Gorski said. At CLC the price of textbooks that students have had to pay ranges from $200 to $1000. This varies based on how long a student has been attending CLC and how many classes they’ve been taking. “I’ve paid about $1000 [in textbooks] for all of my classes, all brand new,” said student Priscilla Pasillas. Teachers have started posting their textbooks on Blackboard for student use as opposed to having the students pay for the actual paper textbook. “Since it’s right there, available, and easy-access, why wouldn’t I use that resource that’s given to me for free?” said Stephanie

Huber, a first-year psychology student. Many students prefer for their teachers to post their textbooks on Blackboard for them to use because of the many benefits that come

along with it. “I think it’s easier with technology being dominant in education nowadays. It’s easier for the students to access and obtain,” said Jonathan Hayman, a first-

year fire science technology student from Lindenhurst. “I think it’s a lot better for the students saving money, especially because of the price of the class itself,” Hayman said.

CLC students pay from 200 to 1,000 dollars on textbooks. Photo by William Becker

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Features Paying student athletes Karl Austria

Staff Reporter

Five College of Lake County students were asked between April 5-12 if they think colleges should pay their athletes to play sports. Of those five students, three said that athletes should get paid. Darnell Stockstill, a biological science major from Waukegan, looks at college athletics with disgust. “The NCAA is the new plantation,” Stockstill said. “For players to be free, they must get financial freedom.” An argument repeated with the three agreeing students is that colleges make too much off of athletes to not pay them. “NCAA makes lots of money from March Madness but doesn’t distribute it fairly to athletes,” says Cristian Ramirez, a CLC student from Island Lake. The three is that colleges use student athletes as assets since they get so much money off of their programs. Paying student athletes will provide them compensation since the college uses their body and athleticism to make money. Jesse Hernandez, a graphic design major from Waukegan, said that paying student athletes will educate them. “I think athletes should get

paid because it can be a job and will teach responsibility and management,” he said. All students agreed that all sports should be paid since they are still making money. Regarding how much they should get paid their answers were alike. “I believe there’s a finite number that college sports brings in that the college should compensate them with,” Stockstill said. “I think they [college athletes] should get a little bit despite scholarship, free institutes, etc, as the school profits off of them,” Ramirez said. On the other hand, Marie Hogan, a communications major from Waukegan, said that the athletes should get expenses paid instead of having a salary. “I think that there’s so much more important stuff the college should pay for,” she said. The other student who disagreed had arguments of their own. “I believe a scholarship should be all the motivation you need,” said Trevor Britton, an information technology major from Wadsworth. He believes that education and showing your talent should be all you need from college. He called college “a development period” and said that athletes “shouldn’t take incentive to play.”

THE CHRONICLE Page 8 | Monday, April 16, 2018

Speech team competes in nationals

Rachel Schultz News Editor

The College of Lake County speech team competed in the Phi Rho Pi national finals in Daytona Beach, Florida from April 9-14. After their good performance in the state tournament, Tomani Raimondi, a new team member, winning the novice competition, and Teresa Snarski placing seventh and fourth in poetry and oral interpretation, the team headed to the regional competition. The competition was held at Moraine Valley Community College in Palos Hills. Although Moraine Valley and other community college teams gave CLC a run for its money, with Moraine Valley ultimately winning gold, CLC still displayed a strong showing. Snarski, the strongest team member overall, came in first in POI (program oral interpretation), which involves performing several works together as one piece, such as poems, essays, or drama. She also came in 3rd overall in the Speech to Entertain category.

Raimondi also did well, coming in fourth, third, and fourth in the three preliminaries for program oral interpretation. Snarski and Raimondi teamed up for the duo oral interpretation event, which is like POI, except performed by two speakers instead of one. They came in third place in each of the preliminaries. Snarski competed in the poetry category as well. Charlene Walkanoff, who barely missed placing in the state event, made a respectable showing again, placing, with a second place and two fourth places in the

speech team has been a great experience, said Snarski, who signed up after hearing about it from Walkanoff, a fellow member. “It’s a really great community,” Snarski said. Like many other people, Snarski was nervous about speaking in front of others. “It’s pretty scary,” she said. “That’s the reason that I joined speech team, because I had this huge fear of public speaking. So I wanted to throw myself into it. Eventually, I got used to it.” Snarski likes interpretation events best, like POI. “You combine a bunch of literature together to make an argument,” she said. “That’s my favorite.” Raimondi was also introduced to the speech team through Walkanoff, as well as Joel Chmara, one of the team coaches. “I took Joel Chmara’s oral interpretation class,” she said. “I needed an extra English elective, and I found that I really liked it, so I joined speech team after that.” As of this writing, reGraphic by Hannah Strassburger sults have not been officially announced for the national competition, but preliminaries. having done so well thus Jenny Graham, another far, the CLC team should team member, came in make a respectable showfourth in each of the pre- ing in their final event of liminaries for prose. the season. Being part of the CLC

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THE CHRONICLE Page 10 | Monday, April 16, 2018

CLC International film series shows ‘Salesman’ Daniel Lynch

A&E Editor

From award-winning Iranian director Asghar Farhadi, “The Salesman” (2016) was the third foreign film to premiere at CLC this semester. “The Salesman” tells the tale of a traumatized couple recovering from an assault. The characters in the story work at a theater company as actors, and the husband as a film instructor. The overall plot ends up being a bit too thin, but on a scene to scene basis, Farhadi knows how to bring tension to the screen. Scenes where characters are sitting in a tense silence, washing their hands, or rat-

tling with internal conflict makes you feel invested in each moment. The sound design and camera work is stand out. It unfortunately feels almost like incredible talent is being put to work on a story you’ve already seen. There is a motif throughout the film of feeling unclean due to the assault occurring in the bathroom and then a PTSD feeling of being unable to go in there alone out of fear. There is also a concept of being driven by revenge, and the difficulties of helping people close to you through trauma. The film itself doesn’t end up changing your life or teaching you something drastically new, but the skill

of the scene design is undeniable. There is also a bit of a story of this director and his history with filmmaking. When he won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film at the 2017 Oscars, he was not there to receive the award as he stood in solidarity against the travel ban affecting Iran. “I’m sorry I’m not with you tonight,” Farhadi said during the show. “My absence is out of respect for the people in my country and those of other six nations whom have been disrespected by the inhumane law that bans entry of immigrants to the U.S.,” he said. “Dividing the world into the ‘us’ and ‘our enemies’ categories creates

fear, a deceitful justification for aggression and war.” The next film in the series is French film “Nocturama” (2016). “Nocturama” tells the story of a group of multi-

racial radicals committing a series of terrorist attacks on Paris and hiding out in a shopping center. It will premiere at CLC on May 4 at 7 p.m. in Room C105.

“The Salesman” will be shown at CLC on May 4 at 7 p.m. Photo courtesy of Arts DuPage

‘Play On!’ show explores complicated relationships Diana Panuncial


“Play On! A CLC Theatre Student Showcase” will return to the main stage at the Grayslake Campus on April 20 and 21 at 7:30 p.m. “Play On!” is an annual celebration of student creativity, talent, and achievement, containing three shows produced entirely by students.

Students are able to showcase their abilities as actor’s, directors, stage managers, designers, and technicians. This year, the one-act plays are edgy comedies that examine the complications of romance and love. The three acts include “A Relationship - Abridged,” “Self Torture and Strenuous Exercise,” and “Post-its (Notes on a Marriage).” “A Relationship Abridged,” written by Seth

Kramer and directed by Alexander Gray, starts with main protagonist Edward, who meets Abby at a bar. The play’s style is rapid fire yet revealing. Audiences are able to see every phase of Edward’s relationship, including the pickup, the first date, and the morning after. The play’s final act leads to analysis of the relationship. “Self Torture and Strenu-

ous Exercise,” written by Harry Kondolen and directed by Oguzhan Ucak, takes place at a innocuous dinner party, following four characters tangled in each other’s relationships. Carl tells Alvin that he is in love with another woman-- Alvin’s wife, Beth. Beth feels dizzy and spends most of the act on the floor. Adel, Carl’s wife, bursts in claiming that Carl is trying to murder her.

“Post-its (Notes on a Marriage),” by Paul Dooley and Winnie Holzman and directed by Jeff brain, is both comic and profound. It explores the rollercoaster of a relationship captured on several Post-its. The performance contains mature language and subject matter. Previous showings of the showcase were on April 13, 14, and 15.

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Page 11 | Monday, April 16, 2018

‘A Quiet Place’ shouts minority representation Rebecca Martinez

Staff Reporter American horror film “A Quiet Place,” the directorial debut of actor John Krasinski, released April 6. The film, narrated mostly through American Sign Language, follows a family forced to live in silence as they combat their own personal tensions, while lethal creatures drawn to sound loom over their fates. The main strenuous relationship is between Regan, a headstrong deaf teenager played by Melissa Simmonds, and her hearing father, Lee, played by John Krasinski, who stops at nothing to protect his family. The film focuses on their argumentative relationship, stemming from Lee’s apprehensiveness of Re-

gan not being able to hear the sounds she’s making, without her cochlear implant properly functioning. In a twist of irony however, Regan’s acceptance of the final cochlear implant her father made for her, ends up saving her mother and brother, due to its high frequency that wards off the creatures. While the film mostly depicts one night in particular when the family’s safe haven comes under attack by the creatures, the most prominent storyline is the one in which Regan embraces the teachings of her father in order to save her family. Though Regan was never depicted as a burden to her family, her guilt is evident in her grieving over her brother whose death she feels responsible for, and anger at her father who tries to repair her deafness, albeit good naturedly so

she can protect herself, but appears mainly disrespectful to Regan’s own wishes. Regan’s dynamic shift from naive child, to protective heroine of her family allows her to redeem herself of the guilt from her brother’s death, demonstrating that deaf people are not a liability. “A Quiet Place” debuted successfully with $50 million in sales, surpassing all other original horror film weekend openings. The film was directed by and stars Krasinski as Lee, alongside his actual wife, Emily Blunt, including young deaf actress Simmonds, as Regan, who brought deaf representation to the story. In an interview with IGN, Krasinski discussed the importance of casting a deaf actress for the role of Regan. “For many reasons I didn’t want a non-deaf

actress pretending to be deaf,” Krasinski said. “Most importantly though, a deaf actress would help my knowledge and my understanding of the situ-

ing is admirable and something we need to see more of from Hollywood. “A Quiet Place” defies all preconceived notions of how a film should be

John Krasinski plays Lee Abbott in his new movie “A Quiet Place” Photo courtesy of Business Insider

ation tenfold.” Straying from the familiar path of Hollywood that willfully ignores minority representation, Krasinski’s reasoning behind his cast-

presented, in terms of spoken dialogue as well as the casting of minority actors to play actual minority roles.

‘Pacific Rim’ sequel storytelling disappoints Peter Anders

Staff Reporter “Pacific Rim: Uprising” is a science-fiction action film, directed by Steven S. DeKnight, released on March 23. “Uprising” is a sequel to “Pacific Rim,” directed by Guillermo del Toro, that released back in summer of 2013. “Uprising” takes place a decade after the events of the first film. With the “breach” having been closed by the heroes of that film, the world has been experiencing a relative peace against Kaijus, the universe’s large extraterrestrial creatures. We follow Jake Pentecost, the son of war hero Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba), played by John Boyega, as he is forced to join the Jaeger program to address the threat of the possibility of the Kaiju returning from the breach to finish what they had started. The plot here really doesn’t matter whatsoever. With a committee of seven writers, four uncredited, having worked on this shows this movie like a tug

of war between three different movies, with all of them going on at the same time and fighting for control of the screen and the attention of the audience. One movie deals with the idea of drone Jaegers and automation, another one deals with the strife at the academy and the rivalry between Jake and Nate, played by the block of wood known as Scott Eastwood, and the last one is the movie that audiences actually want to see involving the return of the Kaiju and their battle with the Jaegers. In theory, all of these could work as movies in of themselves, but mashing them all together leads to a clash in tone and a lot of plot threads being set up and forgotten about later on. The weirdest aspect of this movie is the fact there is not much Jaeger-onKaiju action in the film, in fact most of the action involves Jaeger-on-Jaeger combat. The biggest foe for our heroes in the movie is the rogue Jaeger known as Obsidian Fury, who arguably should have been the main

focus of the movie and should have been there for the films climax. The design of the Obsidian is incredible and he proves to be quite formidable and it leaves you wondering who the pilot could be. The answer to that question comes as an interesting, if rather obvious and way too telegraphed, twist. Addressing a small elephant in the room, there is a sense the studio did not have faith in this project. “Uprising” is a sequel that I do not think anyone expected. The original film landed with somewhat of a thud back in 2013, grossing a mere $102 million in North America on a production budget of $180 million, even though the del Toro flick earned positive word of mouth from audiences and critics. The reason the sequel exists though is because of the original’s overseas grosses, which helped leg it to a surprising $411 million worldwide, much of it coming from China. Not a box office success, but it made enough to

show there was interest in this new IP. So here we are five years later, with a new director, DeKnight, known for his directorial work in TV, taking over the reins from del Toro to make this his directorial debut. To go from the renown and expertise of del Toro to fresh blood lends itself to the idea that the studio may not have been willing to invest in the project where it counted. No offense to DeKnight, who I could see being something interesting someday, but for right now it’s an obvious detriment as del Toro’s beautiful visual style from the original is entirely absent here. They waited five years to release the movie, which is a larger than normal space between a film and a sequel, especially for an original that was not all too successful. The normal idea is to release a sequel as soon as possible, preferably three years after the original if not sooner, and it has had its release date moved at least three times by the studio, never a good sign. Allegedly, Universal Stu-

dios did not want to fund the sequel, and actively tried to cancel it numerous times, which is what led to del Toro leaving the project, since they had more than enough franchises to keep them afloat and they did not want to throw money after such a risky proposition. The film enlisted a bunch of “unknowns” for the most part, a classic tactic to pad the budget. “Uprising” is not a movie I hate, I do not even dislike it. In fact, I rather enjoyed it for being the fun schlock that it is. The first act is really strong and interesting, and feels like a good example of how to do a proper sequel in that instead of rehashing what we saw in the first film it expands on it, and shows us new aspects of this universe. For “Uprising,” the biggest threat to the world is not the giant monsters, it is the frankenstein-script that went through a committee of different writers with different ideas on where they wanted the story to go.


THE CHRONICLE Page 12 | Monday, April 16, 2018

College feels lasting effect of state budget crisis Juan Toledo

Opinion Editor

For years, the College of Lake County has been left staggered by the state’s inability to devise any sort of long-term budget plan. The untimeliness of the impasse from July 2015 to the fall of 2017 forced the college steadily raise tuition rates over a two year span, and make significant cuts to faculty and career programs. Meanwhile, students and faculty have had to bear the brunt of the state’s indecision by succumbing to delayed constructions, cancelled classes and programs. In 2015, Evelyn Schiele, the executive director of public relations at the time, said the college was expecting the state to help fund some of the renovations at the Grayslake campus. “The total cost of the Master Plan is $163 million,” Schiele said. “It’s being funded through several sources. One is state funding for the science building and the Lakeshore

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campus expansion. Those two have been approved for state funding, but currently, state funding is being held because of the budget impasse at Springfield. The rest will be coming from college resources: the reserves and through bonding.” The root of this problem is Governor Bruce Rauner, who currently sits in Springfield with a 30 percent approval rating, according to the New York Times. In response, the college has done just about the best it can and should be doing to maintain its low-cost affordability, but if the state continues to operate with the uncertainty that it has been for the past few years, then college’s best efforts will gradually devolve into their worst. In 2016, a $6 increase per credit in tuition was approved at by the Board to counteract the decrease in funds from the state. Former CLC President Jerry Weber said $5 of the increase will pay for basic tuition and academic cost, while the remaining $1

will be put towards CLC’s technology fund; the tuition increase was predicted to draw an additional $1.2 million in revenue. “We don’t like to raise tuition it makes it harder for some students to afford,” Weber said. “But, on the other hand, (tuition) is the only reliable source of revenue because we haven’t gotten state funding this year.” Nine months into the 2016 fiscal year, CLC had yet to receive any sources of state funding. While the tuition increase helps alleviate pressures of the lack of funds, the college still has concerns that it might lose students. The college has raised tuition prices four times over three years, and if less people continue to enroll, then it’s reasonable to assert that costs could foreseeably go up. However, students don’t seem to be concerned with rising cost of affordability. Five students were asked April 5 and April 10 for their opinions on the Grayslake campus, all unanimously stated that

the increase would not affect their decision to enroll at CLC. “It wouldn’t affect me, I’m actually shocked this is my first time hearing about the increase,” said Javier Salgado, a CLC student and former Marine Corp. veteran. “In my case specifically no because I can support myself financially, but I can see how an increase can effect some people who aren’t as financially stable.” Although all students were unaware of the tuition increase, all shared the same sentiment that the increase wouldn’t deter students even had they not already planned on transferring prior to the fall semester. In fact, Diana Galarza and Naa Moreno, two CLC student who are planning on transferring after the spring semester, believe the college is still the best viable option for low-cost education. “It’s still cheaper than all other options like a typical four-year school, so it won’t affect me,” Moreno said. “CLC is still an afford-

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able option,” Galarza said. “I think it’d have to have a greater impact on the college before I considered dropping out and I don’t see CLC getting to that point.” Student Joseph Pascual gave a similar point-ofview. “It’s not much of an increase,” Pascual said. “I’m not going to be here next semester and even if I was it still wouldn’t affect me.” All of this stems from the issues with the state budget. When asked, all students said they hadn’t voted in the primaries even if they felt they should have. Thus we have to ask ourselves, if students want state efficiency to prevent further economic burdens students must recognize the consequences of state politics. With state political election turnout as low as it is, at 9.3 percent of the state population, students becoming involved could genuinely swing elections and have their interests be represented.

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THE CHRONICLE Page 13 | Monday, April 16, 2018

CLC must help instructors advertise smaller classes Sammie Wilkins

Managing Editor

Prerequisite courses are a must when attending a community college, but does that mean the other nonrequired classes available at a college deserve less attention? Advertising and emphasis on the courses a student needs in order to transfer and/or get their degree at the College of Lake County is well understood, as there are many people who come into CLC wishing to transfer or earn their degree as fast as possible. On the other hand, while at a community college, some undecided students may want to experiment with their course choice in order to find out what it is they wish to pursue in their life. That being said, many interesting courses go unnoticed at CLC, as students do not need these classes to graduate. As a result, these classes either do not get run every semester, professors need to advertise for the classes themselves, or both. Not only is this heartbreaking for the professors themselves when their courses are not run due to low enrollment, which can most likely be linked towards the general lack

of awareness for said courses, but it harms the college as well. Professors pour their hearts into these classes. Many create posters, tell their current classes, and even tell their students to tell their friends about their course, just so their classes can run from semester to semester. When a college cuts out some of the unique classes it offers, in order to emphasize the required math, science, english courses, it loses a sense

These unique courses are often meant to do a various number of things. They can promote a more open-minded community, allow students to gain unique skills and perspectives, or they can just be a fun class to take while gaining credit. The skills and lessons students learn in these classes are just as important as those taught in prerequisite courses, so why do they not get as much attention brought to them?

information about their unique classes. For instance, a bulletin board, which the college has been working on replacing with screen monitors, can be helpful because it could be a central place for all professors across all departments to place their unique classes. That way, if a student is waiting for a class to start, they can just look over the board and take note of classes they may be interested in. Or a student

Graphic by Michael Flores

of its own diversity within it. Some of these courses, such as PHI 129, Philosophy of Gender and Sexuality, are offered to help inform students on the various identities of their peers. It is a course that is not needed for an associate degree or to transfer, but can be taken as an elective.

This is where the situation gets increasingly more difficult, how can colleges fix this issue, and shed more light onto the more “unpopular” courses. One solution would be a large display, somewhere populated in the college where students would actually see it, where teachers and professors can post their signs and

may walk past the board every day, and see a class that peaks their interest as well. Another solution would be to have counselors become more aware of these courses that run on campus. Odds are, when speaking with an academic advisor, said advisor learns the interests or the course of study for that par-

ticular student. Instead of rushing them straight towards what courses they need, advisors can take an extra couple of minutes to point out some other unique courses that the college offers in regards to said students interests. It would be a smart idea to give students full access to what the college offers, as some of these courses, or the opportunities that these courses bring, may not be available to these students again once they leave CLC. CLC should allow students to take advantage of all that the school offers, and part of that is to help make students, and other faculty, aware of the diverse courses this school has available. Faculty should not be the only ones having to advertise their class on social media, creating their own posters to tape along the school, or spreading the word in order to ensure their class is up and running for the upcoming semester. While that shows a great amount of effort and initiative on the faculty member’s part, it should be a joint effort between the college and the faculty to make sure that both parties are optimally meeting the college’s mission.

Cartoon by Hannah Strassburger Written by Peter DiPietro


THE CHRONICLE Page 14 | Monday, April 16, 2018

Supporters of Planned Parenthood must rethink Rachel Schultz News Editor

Planned Parenthood’s website states it was “founded on the idea that women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives and fulfill their dreams.” That would be wonderful, if only it were true. In reality, Planned Parenthood, originally called the American Birth Control League, advocated for and promoted racial “purity” and eugenics. The term “birth control” had a double meaning in 1916, when the organization was formed. Instead of just women having the ability to control their own reproduction, it also meant governmentbacked control of the birth rate of certain “undesirable” populations including blacks, American Indians, immigrants, and those deemed mentally disabled, among others. The American Birth Control League’s founding principles include the following: “To create a race of well-born children,” “Sterilization of the insane and feebleminded and the encouragement of this operation upon those afflicted with inherited or transmissible diseases,” and educating every mother to “realize her basic position in human society.” Planned Parenthood’s main founder, Margaret Sanger, did advocate for birth control access for

women. But in one of her books, “Woman and the New Race,” Sanger spelled out what that meant for her, “Birth control is nothing more or less than facilitating the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or those who will become defectives.” Until the 1960s, when eugenics became increasingly unpopular, Planned Parenthood was closely aligned with the American Eugenics Society, which successfully backed sterilization laws in 30 of the 50 states, forcibly sterilizing as many as 70,000 Americans against their will. These people included anyone labeled sexually deviant, blacks and other minorities, poor whites, and those with Down Syndrome or other mental disabilities. Should an organization with a history like Planned Parenthood really receive federal funding? Planned Parenthood has a history of cooperating with federal and state governments on eugenics-related policies. Doesn’t this raise troubling historical precedents? With the legalization of abortion, Planned Parenthood changed its focus. Instead of just birth control, it began providing abortions in as many of its clinics as possible. Planned Parenthood’s annual reports indicate that only 3 percent of its services are abortions, but this is a misleading statistic. Each of the services provided during a clinic visit is counted separately. For

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instance, if a patient receives an abortion, is treated for an STD, and goes home with 10 packs of birth control pills, abortion only counts as 1/13, or about 8 percent, of her visit. The organization also does not provide mammograms, although it does do some cancer screenings. The combination of legal abortion and birth control was seen by some as a symbol of women’s liberation, but for others, it smacked of the same old policy of eliminating minorities. Some civil rights activists, including Jesse Jackson, began speaking out against Planned Parenthood. Hugh Carey, a Democratic representative and governor of New York, agreed. “There is a campaign to bombard the poor with pills and potions,” he said. “If this movement continues, we may soon be accused of fighting poverty by eliminating the poor and overcoming hunger by removing the hungry.” Today, in urban areas, the abortion rate for blacks can be as much as 5 times that of whites. Nationally, black Americans accounted for twelve percent of the population in 2014, but 28 percent of the abortions reported. In New York City, the abortion rate for African Americans has surpassed the birth rate. Hispanic abortion rates, traditionally low, are also climbing. While this is due to a variety of factors, including a higher incidence of unplanned pregnancies

in the black community, Planned Parenthood has been implicated in contributing to this trend by pressuring vulnerable women to have abortions. Abby Johnson, the former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas and recipient of its 2008 Employee of the Year award, described a troubling meeting with her supervisor. “She told me that they (the national organization) were imposing an abortion clinic quota,” Johnson said. “We were expected to double the number of abortions that we had provided the previous year.” When she confronted her supervisor with her concerns, the supervisor stated that since the majority of Planned Parenthood’s income came from abortions, it was in the best interest of the organization to increase the numbers of abortions performed. At the time, Johnson’s clinic made at least $350 per abortion performed. “I said we were a nonprofit organization,” Johnson recalled. “They said, non-profit was a tax status, not a business status.” Planned Parenthood also has a history of not reporting cases of rape, incest, or other sexual abuse cases that have come to its attention. In a sting conducted by a pro-life organization, a Planned Parenthood nurse was filmed telling an investigator posing as an underage patient with a much older boyfriend, “Don’t tell me

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the age (of the boyfriend). I don’t want to know.” Multiple clinics were also caught giving actors posing as pimps information on how to obtain abortions for undocumented and underage sex workers. Given that sex trafficking victims are one of the most vulnerable groups for forced abortions and other abuse, with trafficking often going undetected for years, this is particularly troubling. Since the 1970s, Planned Parenthood has been suspected of profiting from the sale of fetal tissue for medical research. In 2000, an undercover ABC producer recorded video of bioresearch companies buying and selling fetal organs obtained from abortions. In 2015, in yet another sting, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services and other senior officials were filmed discussing procedures for harvesting fetal organs like livers, hearts, and brains; describing how clinics alter abortion procedures to preserve certain body parts previously requested by clients, and discussing acceptable price ranges per specimen. The videos prompted an investigation by the Justice Department, which is still ongoing. Any other organization with the record that Planned Parenthood has would have disappeared by now. Why taxpayers who disagree with its mission should have to fund it is beyond me.

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Monday, April 16, 2018

VOL. 51, NO. 13

Truth Conquers All Since 1969

New women’s soccer coach to start next fall Brandon Ferrara Staff Reporter A new women’s head soccer coach was named at the College of Lake County. Kevin Talbot has coached at Elgin Community College High School and the Illinois Olympic Development Program for the past five years. He has also been an assistant coach at Harper College. Talbot was chosen by Nic Scandrett, CLC’s director of athletics and physical activities. Scandrett was searching for eligible head coaching candidates during the team’s offseason. “If you look at his resume and what he’s all about, he’s one of the most committed people to the sport of soccer that I’ve ever been around,” Scandrett said. “He is very knowledge-

able in the sport, but what’s most important is his personality,” he said. “He’s got a great demeanor and approach about him and I know that our athletes are really going to like him. They’re impressed with him already.” In 2011, 2012, and 2013, CLC women’s soccer never lost a conference game, and won regionals every year, but in recent years, the team has not performed up to that level it was once at. In an effort to get back to that level of play, Scandrett decided that it was time to hire a new head coach. “I think that this is a great opportunity and I know that there’s been some great teams at CLC in the past,” Talbot said. “The surrounding area is a great place for soccer in the recruiting aspect of things.” “As a coach, I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of the skills you need for

the sport,” he said. “I have been coaching for a while, so I can effectively point out what an athlete needs to work on.” Recruiting has always been a main focus for his sports teams. In Illinois, the women’s high school soccer season is in the spring, making it very important to have a coach that would be able to recruit players for the CLC season in the fall. “After only being on the job for a couple of weeks, I have already been to mul-

tiple high school games,” Talbot said. “I am most excited about recruiting some new players to compliment the ones who are already on the team. “Hopefully in the future we can win a conference, a region, and go to nationals,” Talbot said. Next fall, Talbot will continue coaching the Arlington Aces Club in addition to the CLC Lady Lancers. When he can, he will still be working as a lawyer.

“Being a lawyer in addition to coaching allows me to have an outlet,” Talbot said. “Coaching has always been a way to blow off steam by focusing on something I really love doing.” Talbot and Scandrett are both excited to see what the future holds for the CLC women’s soccer team. They are working together in hopes to forming a team that will regain top spot in the conference.

Graphic courtesty of CLC PR

Health and Wellness Promotion program collaborates with Blackhawks William Becker

Lead Layout Editor The College of Lake County prides itself in creating real life opportunities for its students through its unique programs and fields of study. The Health and Wellness Promotion program has made it possible for select students to get experience testing Chicago Blackhawks athletes to further their knowledge and opportunities in their field. The students selected in this competitive program run individual rookie, prospect, and veteran strength and conditioning camps that take place in summer. The students facilitate a series of 20 different tests. These stations range from individually

testing athlete’s flexibility and cardio to muscle strength and endurance tests. As they go through the camp, students will have the opportunity to test every athlete. Professor for the Health and Wellness Promotion program, Francis Ardito, Ed.D., said students who go to the camps are given the opportunity to see human performance at a level they have never seen before. He said every year he and his students see what they think is peak performance. Nearly every following season, that performance is surpassed. Sometimes, athletes even perform at high level that is by all accounts humanly impossible. “Everything is evidence and science based that we do,” Ardito said. “But

sometimes performance happened that science just can’t explain; that’s cool.” Ardito started teaching at CLC in 2009 after founding the Health and Wellness Promotion program with the school’s full support. Soon after, he reconnected with Kim Rostello, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist for the Blackhawks and professor at CLC. Ardito worked with Rostello part-time in the late 80’s and early 90’s after getting a student employment job with the Blackhawks through Rostello. Rostello was more than happy to give the students at CLC the opportunity. “Not only does [Rostello] support CLC students to facilitate annual training camps for the Blackhawks, but she’s a great

gifted teacher,” Ardito said. “When students have a chance to connect with someone, who is directly involved with high level athletes, it is always great for them.” Students who go to the camps not only develop experience and knowledge but earn credibility. The training camps are an event students can put on their resumes. Former student Khoogas Mekalion experienced this first hand. Mekalion came to CLC with a bachelors in exercise science, after he couldn’t find a job he wanted in his field. He took classes in exercise science with the school and also attended the Blackhawks training camp. He developed more knowledge and experi-

ence for himself, as well as enhancing his credibility. Recently, Mekalion was hired full time as a strength and conditioning coach for the recent 2017 World Series Champion Houston Astros. The success Mekalion reached are the kind of opportunities Ardito said he likes to make available for his students. The relationship Ardito and Rostello have created with the Blackhawks has lasted for over thirty years. Ardito hopes the connection between CLC and the Chicago Blackhawks will continue into the far future to further student knowledge, credibility, and create opportunity for hardworking students now and ones who have yet to come.

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