January 27, 2017

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MonDAY, January 30, 2017

Truth Conquers All Since 1969

Vol 50, No. 8

State budget decrease raises more concerns for CLC Robert Biegalski News Editor

For the past few years, the College of Lake County has been receiving little or no state funding because of the state budget impasse. CLC’s state funding decreased from about $8.6 million in fiscal year 2015 to about $2.6 million in Fiscal Year 2016. This year, CLC has received $3.4 million so far. “We have received funding, but it’s been drastically reduced,” said Ken Gotsch, Vice President for Administrative Affairs. The State Senate is working on a “Grand Bargain” bill in order to end the 19-month budget stalemate. There are several items included in this bill that need to be agreed upon. These include a new personal income tax rate, a twoyear property tax freeze, term limits for legislative leaders, workers compensation reform, and pension reform. The two-year property tax freeze could hurt CLC because a large portion of its revenues are made up of property taxes, said Connie Kravitz, who is CLC comptroller at the Finance Department. “While the Grand Bargain proposals fluctuate every day, we are hoping that a state budget compromise is reached,” Kravitz said. “But we must plan for the likelihood that the stalemate continues and CLC will continue to receive less funding than required.” CLC’s budget is much more stable than other colleges because state funding accounts for much less of its budget than others in the state. Chicago State University, for instance, depends on the state for 30% of its

revenue. The state budget jam has forced it to lay off over 400 emplyees in the past few years. Joliet Junior College gets 19% of its budget from the state. In contrast, 6.27% of CLC’s budget is currently composed of state funding, while in Fiscal Year 2015, 8.3% of the budget was state-funded. However, these percentages are only an estimate, not always what CLC actually ends up receiving. Typically a community college’s revenue would be distributed equally between state funding, property taxes, and tuition and fees, Kravitz said. However, this has not been the case for CLC in some time and the majority of the revenue is coming from property tax, Kravitz said. Because so much less funding is coming from the state, the other two categories, Property Tax and Tuition and Fees, have to make up for that deficit. The budget gap has impacted CLC in several ways. “The biggest impact on us has been difficulty in planning strategically,” Gotsch said. This planning could include critical investments, student retention and support services, or new academic program plans. “It makes it hard to plan for those kinds of things,” Gotsch said. “Also, from a student’s perspective, not having the state’s Monetary Award Program, or MAP funding, approved makes it hard for students to know whether they can afford to come to school, or knowing if that portion of their aid package will be there.” “Despite this historic budget impasse, the college is fortunate to have sufficient

reserves and a strong tax base to allow uninterrupted services to our students,” Kravitz said. “We’ve been absorbing the lack of state funding by being judicious in our current spend, ensuring that we are allocating resources that meet our core values and mission.” Jerry Weber, president of CLC, created a “Budget Task Force” to look for budget savings

opportunities from within. “We’ve looked at ways of saving money, including things like reducing printing costs, as a way of generating some additional resources for the school,” Gotsch said. In addition to this, the college is working with faculty members to reduce the cost of textbooks. “The Open Education Resources, or OER, is a free copy to the students,” Kravitz said. “So as a student, you would be able to get a free copy of what you needed for your class.” It is hard to determine how the lack of funding will affect CLC if it continues, Kravitz said. Currently, there are no layoffs or hiring freezes

planned, Gotsch said. “We have devised many scenarios from best to worst case and we will be discussing it with the Board of Trustees over will be a joint decision,” the next few months, so it Kravitz said.



Page 2 | Monday, January 30, 2017

Marcus Gentry has a dream about respect Jenn Arias Features Editor

The College of Lake County welcomed motivational speaker Marcus “Dr. Respect” Gentry for an activism workshop and performance Jan. 25. In honor of Black History Month, Gentry’s presentation centered around Martin Luther King Jr’s political struggles and activism. Gentry, a professional singer and speaker, stresses the importance of respect in his speeches: respect for others, but, more importantly, for oneself. A traveling activist, he speaks to younger audiences about the proper treatment of peers, how a man treats a woman, and understanding between people. Jorge Tennin, Assistant Director of Student Activities and Co-Advisor for the Black Student Union, took a group of students to hear Marcus Gentry’s Martin Luther King Jr. performance

for the first time five years ago. “He was phenomenal,” Tennin said of Gentry’s performance at the DuSable Museum in Chicago. “It sounded like Martin Luther King was in the room. I’ve seen many MLK performances, but I was just blown away. So I took his information down and call ed him. And he’s been coming here ever since.” The workshop from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. was designed to “warm people up” on the subject matter. It was focused on African American struggles in the 1960’s, touching on the famous heroes who paved a way for equal rights, but also emphasizing those unsung heroes who assisted activists like Martin Luther King Jr. by fighting behind the scenes. The presentation from 6 p.m. to 8p.m. featured the entire life of Martin Luther King Jr. from birth to death. “At the MLK presentation,” Tennin said, “he

compares two events that occurred in the 1960’s, such as the bus boycott, the March on Washington, and he kind of talks about, how would you handle these experiences today? How would you get the word out about what we’re going to do for civil rights? He compares and contrasts differences from then and now, and then you kind of realize how privileged we are. It gives a great understanding of what people went through just for basic human rights.” The goal of the event was to create a dialogue and get people thinking about these crucial issues, not only on a racial level, but on a gender or religious level as well. The importance of uniting with knowledge is crucial to understanding the past, but also to creating a future with equality. At yet another controversial period for women’s rights, Tennin explained, looking

back and deciphering the past is the key to future growth. Each generation has made it easier for the next by desiring better for their children, then working to be that change they want for them. “People can look back to 60 years ago and see how difficult it was for people,” Tennin explained. “For instance, when Rosa Parks sat in the front of the bus. Can you imagine someone telling you to get up and move to the back of the classroom and then force you to do that? How would you feel?” We remember these political activists for their strength in the face of hatred and refusal to settle for anything less than equality. Tennin encourages students looking to get involved to come to student activities or to simply start a dialogue about these issues. The goal is respect of other’s ideas,

beliefs, and values to build trust and bridge a gap of understanding that breaches race, or gender, or religion. He urges people to see every experience as a learning opportunity and chance for mental growth. “The goal is to make people understand what True Freedom is,” said Tennin. “The significance is, we’re all alike. The late, great Maya Angelou once said, ‘We are more alike than we are unalike,’ and people need to realize that when it comes to racism, to sexism, all these -isms that people either were born with or raised with are not true.” Tennin shared the importance of recognizing our connection to society. “We are all human,” Tennin said. “We breathe the same air, we bleed, we have the same feelings. We need to knock down the privilege and understand that we’re all equal and we have rights.”


Cody Dufresne Lead Photographer

Sydney Seeber

Graphic Designer


Michael Flores Layout Editor

Hannah Strassburger

Courtney Prais Opinion Editor

Peter Anders, Michael Crisantos, Jean Pierre Carreon Maria Garcia, Kevin Miller, Ariel Notterman

Robert Biegalski News Editor

Lead Layout Editor

Rachel Schultz Editor-in-Chief

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Editorial Policy The Chronicle staff is responsible for all material printed within its pages every issue. The views expressed in the Chronicle are not necessarily that of the Chronicle Staff or the administration at the College of Lake County. The Chronicle reserves the right to refuse publication of any ad that endorses bigotry or prejudice of any kind. For more information on policy or placement, please contact the Chronicle at (847)-543-2057 or at Chronicle@clcillinois.edu.

Diana Panuncial Managing Editor

Jenn Arias

Features Editor

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Page 3 | Monday, January 30, 2017

Craig Rich inspires students to explore on way to self-discovery Diana Panuncial A&E Editor

Craig Rich, co-chair of the Theater Department, loves his job. He teaches several classes in the performing arts program at CLC, such as Intro to Theater and Diversity in American Theater, and is currently the head of the performance track at CLC. But theater hasn’t always been his dream. “When I was younger, I thought I would be going into Oceanography, but in college, I ended up focusing on computer technology my first year,” Rich said. “Like other students, I took a bunch of different classes during that time. Psychology, computer classes, and then theater. By the end of my first year, I wanted to be a theater major, so that’s what I pursued, and I’ve been working in the field ever since.” He emphasizes the importance of exploration during college, and how it often shapes how students live the rest of their lives. “Students have to find out what they’re passionate

about doing,” Rich said. “Sometimes, when you start college, you’re not sure what you want to do. But one of the things I always remind my students is that their career is something they’re going to be doing for a big part of their life. So what you pursue should be something that you’re passionate about, something that means something to you.” Rich also shared how he grew passionate about theater, stating that one of the most valuable things about plays is that it can connect to the present throughout different periods of time. “One of the reasons I got involved in theater and the arts, and how it’s stayed with me all these years, is that I think theater has something to say about the world,” Rich said. “Whether you’re doing Shakespeare, the Greeks… these plays that are hundreds of years old still have something to say about the world now. That’s how I connect to it.” To Rich, theater is more than just the art of performance--it is also the

experience. “I’ve always been really interested in storytelling,” Rich said. “I like the theatricality behind performing. I like going to the theater and seeing a combination of the story and how the directors and actors play with the scene. It’s different than television or film because you’re seeing it in person.” As for teaching his students, Rich stated that all artists, performers, and directors should broaden their horizons to other forms of art to grow more familiar with their field. For Rich, modern dance has been a big influence on his work as a director. “I really like modern dance,” Rich said. “When I got out of college, I began working for a company that does modern dance. I got to see some of the most amazing, world-class companies where I worked in Cleveland, Ohio. The dancers and choreographers really used the stage, and their sense of composition has influenced me a lot when I direct. “So when I teach my students something like

directing, I tell them, ‘Go to the art museum. Go see modern dance. Go to a music concert.’ All of those things outside the theater are going to help you with your work inside the theater.” Rich’s favorite part about directing at CLC is making each play unique. “I love coming up with the vision for the production,” Rich said. “How am I going to tell this story? How can I connect to this play? How will that influence the directing

choices I make? After casting the show, working with the actors and discovering the different ways that the play moves, is such an exciting and creative part of theater for me. You make mistakes, find out what works, and you change things. The process can be exciting, it can be frustrating, but that’s where the art happens.”

Craig Rich, a theater teacher at CLC, loves his job. Photo courtesy of the theater department

Grayslake Women’s Center offers ‘Informed Choices’ for pregnancy Rachel Schultz Editor-in-Chief

Students working their way through college, even community college, can feel tremendous pressure. College students who are suddenly faced with an unplanned pregnancy can feel even more overwhelmed. Who do you talk to? Where do you find help? What do you do? What will your parents say? Informed Choices, a nonprofit organization with locations in Grayslake and Crystal Lake, was founded to help women, their partners, and families address these issues. Its director, Cheryl Hansen, knows all about the pressures faced by students at CLC. She was a student here herself, starting in 2008. “I started out wanting to do social work,” Hansen said. “I wanted to help people, but I didn’t exactly know what I wanted to do specifically.”

She started volunteering at Informed Choices in 2009, which at the time was known as Tri-County Pregnancy and Parenting Services, and stayed with it, becoming director in 2014. Informed Choices operates two women’s help centers; one in Grayslake and one in Crystal Lake. It also operates two thrift stores, New Life Resale in Grayslake, and New Life Resale and Donation Center in Wauconda. All services are completely free, and most of the workers are volunteers. Services include ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, baby supplies, parenting education, and counseling. Informed Choices also offers the Men’s Life program: services for men who feel overwhelmed by the prospect of parenthood or need someone to talk to about other issues. Her experience with helping women face crisis pregnancies has given her a

broad perspective. “Things are rarely black and white. Sometimes, you can’t understand what someone’s situation is like or why they make the decisions they make until you actually walk through it with them,” she said. She also doesn’t sugarcoat the situation. “When I talk to girls about what they face with a pregnancy, I have to tell them that, chances are, statistically, that the guy won’t stick around.” Facing a pregnancy can seem even more impossible when women suddenly find themselves dealing with it alone. If their parents kick them out of the house or their boyfriend leaves them, abortion can seem like the only way out. Informed Choices provides other options and hope for women who need support at an incredibly vulnerable time in their lives. For scared young people facing tough situations,

Hansen and her motherly staff provide a homey, nonjudgmental, caring environment. Counselors are always available to talk clients through whatever situations they find themselves in, and help them deal with the curveballs that life throws. “I love everyone here,” gushed Ashley Nickels, one of Hansen’s clients. “They are the most caring women. I highly recommend this place. They were there when no one else was.” “They treat me as if I were family,” said Eliza Dumeng, another client. Reducing broken relationships and unplanned pregnancies is another major goal of Informed Choices through another community outreach program called Healthy Choices. Healthy Choices currently works with 9 schools in the Lake County, Kane County, and McHenry County areas. Teams of two adults, a man and woman, speak to 6th,

7th, and 8th graders about how to avoid choices that they will regret later in life. Schools invite Healthy Choices presenters in as part of their health curriculum. Last year, Healthy Choices counselors made over 450 presentations to about 4,000 students. By reaching students before they become sexually active, Healthy Choices shows them how to have lasting, satisfying relationships and avoid STDS and other problems. The Healthy Choices program gets high marks from up to 98% of the students and teachers in the schools where it is available. “I would like to thank the speaker for giving me things to think about before I make a choice I might regret later,” said one student who went through the program. “The information she shared really stuck with me and I’m thinking about my future now.”

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Page 5 | Monday, January 30, 2017

Cartoons by Jean Pierre Carreon

2+2=4 Pythagorean theorem is important




Excuse me Professor, but where is the clock?

Aisle 6 of Walmart, I believe.

The clocks exist, they’re just not here.

Thermostat when





Cartoons by Hannah Strassburger







Let’s turn on the A/C!

Let’s turn on the heat!




Page 6 | Monday, January 30, 2017

First horror film of the year “Bye Bye Man” misguided Peter Anders Staff Reporter

The “Bye Bye Man” is a horror/thriller film directed by Stacy Title and written by Jonathan Penner. It stars Douglas Smith, Carrie Anne Moss, and Doug Jones and was released on Jan. 13. Based on the chapter “The Bridge to Body Island” from Robert Damon Schneck’s novel “The President’s Vampire,” the “Bye Bye Man” is yet another ghost story following a mysterious figure that murders those who speak his name. The film begins with three college students who unleash the Bye Bye Man, whose victims are those who know and speak of his existence. In an effort to keep the Bye Bye Man’s existence a secret to save others, the students are terrorized and inevitably fall victim to the Bye Bye Man. Compared to other horror movies with a similar supernatural premise, the “Bye Bye Man” is incompetent. Director Title and her crew do not understand how to effectively pace a scene, how to incorporate noise, mood, or atmosphere to truly create a movie in this genre. In terms of the plot, the Bye Bye Man’s character has no rules about what he can and cannot do when it

“The Bye Bye Man” released in theaters on Jan. 13. Photo courtesy of IMDB

comes to breaking into the “human” world. Because of this, the audience never sees a glimpse of his power-- in fact, we are never even sure what he is. If he can force people to say his name in the film,

which is an automatic death sentence in his favor, then why doesn’t he just do that? The entire concept of the Bye Bye Man being a supernatural and deadly being who travels and hunts through literal word of

mouth, is so flawed that it makes him one of the most ineffective horror villain that we have seen in theaters recently. The actors’ performances range from mediocre to laughably unbelievable. Cressida Bonas plays Sasha, one of the three college students, and her performance is worthy of a razzie. Even Faye Dunaway, who is classically trained and featured in films such as “Bonnie and Clyde,” and “Mommie Dearest,” fails to perform at her best in the “Bye Bye Man.” Like most of the Hollywood movies in its genre, the “Bye Bye Man” could have been a perfect horror movie-- if it had the right director. In “Bye Bye Man,” Title cannot decide on what tone she wants the film to have. At times, it seems like it is trying to be a horror-comedy along the lines of “Scream,” and other times it is trying to be a true jump-scare laden horror film like “The Grudge.” The “Bye Bye Man” tries to be quirky and different from other horror films, but it falls flat because of its inconsistent atmosphere. Special effects and even scene production in the “Bye Bye Man” aren’t extraordinary, either. There are never many extras present in a scene,

which makes the film’s setting of a college campus awkward. Whenever the Bye Bye Man shows up (which is very rarely), he brings along with him a fake looking CGI hellhound creature, which is just cheesy to the horror lover’s eyes. Halfway through the film, you are desperate to find a redeeming quality in the “Bye Bye Man.” The film has a promising flashback storyline from the 1960s as a way to show the origins story of the Bye Bye Man, but even that isn’t enough to call it decent. 2017’s first horror release in the theaters hits a new low for horror filmmaking in the “Bye Bye Man.” When it comes to the “Bye Bye Man”: Don’t think it. Don’t say it. Don’t watch it. CLC International Film Series Winter Sleep (2014) February 3, 2017 at 6:30 PM Room C005 The Lobster (2016) March 3, 2017 at 7:00 PM Room C005 A Touch of Zen (1971) April 14, 2017 at 6:30 PM Room C005 Dheepan (2016) May 5, 2017 at 7:00 PM Room C005

Art gallery at CLC welcomes members’ original work Ariel Notterman Staff Reporter

The 2017 “Members Exhibition” is now on display at the Robert T. Wright Gallery of Art, located at the library of CLC’s Grayslake campus. A variety of fine art media, created by over 90 Lake

County artists, is available for all to view from now until Feb. 25. The exhibition is an annual event at CLC. It is titled “Members” because the artists behind the displayed pieces each hold a membership that supports the Robert T. Wright Gallery.

“Untitled” by Patrick Tanner on wood.

“Members” celebrates these local artists and gives them with opportunities to showcase their work. A reception launching the exhibition will be held on Friday, Jan. 27 from 6-8 P.M. at the Robert T. Wright Gallery. The free event includes

refreshments and live Irish music by Daphne Freund and Tom Bradfish. The Robert T. Wright Gallery of Art has been recognizing Lake County and Illinois artists since it was established in 1981. The 2,500 square foot glass-enclosed gallery is

home to over 600 works, all of which are free for visitors to enjoy. The gallery is open Monday through Thursday from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M.., Friday from 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., 9 P.M. to 3 P.M. on Saturday, and closed on Sunday.

“The Piratress” by Robin Schultz “Winthrop Harbor Spring” by Phil Schorn on color pencil/ink. on oil. Photos by Diana Panuncial




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Page 8 | Monday, January 30, 2017

CLC students encouraged to “Fear No Art” at festival Jenn Arias

Features Editor

College of Lake County’s Grayslake campus will be hosting its 19th annual Fear No Art Festival this spring to celebrate diversity in the arts. The festival will showcase several art forms including poetry, dance, singing, drama, and painting. Valerie Alpert, CLC dance instructor and Artistic Director for the Fear No Art production, has been crucial in assisting with rehearsals, feedback, and guidance. Students have all semester to prepare their works of art and approximately 20 artists will be featured during the casual, interactive festival. “The drive behind it is to build bridges and connections across the arts and our community,” Alpert said. “We have a lot of creative students and community members in this area and this

is an opportunity for them to showcase their talents.” CLC students began auditions on Jan. 24, which was followed by open auditions to the community. There was not a set criterion for submissions a wide variety of talents was on display. According to Alpert, emphasis was put on showcasing original creativity, supporting other artists, and introducing audience members to a new art form they may have not previously been familiar with. “I like to encourage collaborations among the artists,” Alpert said. “It’s about building a community; it’s not just about putting on a show. To me, it’s about the process, the creativity. It’s about sharing and exchanging ideas.” “As a dancer, when I work with musicians or visual artists, it helps me gain more insight into my own discipline.

It makes me think about how I work, changes my attitude, and gives me a new perspective.” The main goal of the event is to assist in getting student artwork seen and appreciated. Performing or showcasing in front of an audience is a stepping stone for professional opportunities and a chance to learn and gain experience in the arts. “There’s a lot of talented students walking around here, and there’s not always an opportunity to showcase your work,” Alpert said. “That’s what we’re here to do at CLC. We’re here to help them with the process. “I get many students who say, ‘I always wanted to be on stage, but I never had the courage, or I didn’t know how, or I thought I needed to have a bunch of experience,’” Alpert said. “But no, that’s why you’re here! You’re here to get the experience;

we’re here to teach you.” While many of the students may seem to have been practicing since infancy, Alpert didn’t discover her love for dance until her college years. “The arts are what make us fully human beings,” Alpert said. “Even if you’re not going to be a professional dancer or professional musician, these are all experiences that help us be better humans.” “We get one life and you should follow your passion. If you have a passion about something, absolutely. A lot of times people say you can’t make money in the arts, but there’s no guarantee to that in your life. You’ll find a way.” Any students with curiosity or interest in the arts are encouraged to attend the Fear No Art festival this spring and also to check out the many classes and resources CLC provides in the art field. CLC offers the opportunity to earn a degree and explore

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interests without making sacrifices to one’s personal life. Students are encouraged to become actively involved in their college community to find oneself, but also to discover a passion or two. “It takes a lot of courage to do something new,” said Alpert. “If you’ve ever had the inkling to try something, then go for it, because college is the place to do it. Through the process of going through anything new, you build selfconfidence, you gain new knowledge, and the scariness goes away.” Alpert’s final advice to students is to fear no art when it comes to discovering what they want to do as a career. “If you ever have the desire to take a dance class, an art class, a music class, a painting class, go for it. Alpert said. “And we at CLC will help you through the process.”



Page 9 | Monday, January 30, 2017

Into the future: Trump’s presidency Kevin Miller Staff Reporter

The Trump Administration will have a plethora of issues to face in its first hundred days. Below is a forecast of what to expect from the new administration in both foreign and domestic policy. Latin America: What was once referred to as “America’s backyard” has now become a toxic part of the world, with consequences far beyond the Western Hemisphere. Navigating the relationship with the countries that share America’s side of the world will likely be a long, hard slog. Europe: Trump has implicitly endorsed far-right candidates in both France and the UK. And though he has remained mum about his plans for what Ian Bremmer has called Europe’s “most important year since the end of World War II,” it is safe to assume that his plans will not be business as usual. This could mean a dismantlement of NATO and the Transatlantic alliance, the bedrock of United States foreign policy for the past 70 years. Likewise, it may result in

between the U.S. and Taiwan, the U.S. can expect a proportional response to such maneuvers. This threatens incoming Defense Secretary James Mattis, as well as increasing the chances of deploying an aircraft carrier to the Straits of Taiwan, and America’s West Coast. Needless to say, China will present challenges in the next year Iran: Iran is a country which many administrations have wrestled with and have failed to grasp. In fact, it wasn’t until the Obama Administration explicitly threatened Iran with nuclear war and deployed the STUXNET virus against their nuclear program that they came to the bargaining table, and the results were less than satisfactory. Having said this, the Trump Administration’s backing off of the nuclear agreement will most likely not lead to war. However,President Trump’s policies, such as explicitly banning Muslim immigrants and promising to send Mexican immigrants “back” will only make countries such as China, Russia, and North Korea anxious to further

Donald Trump waves to the audience at his campaign.

intractable magnitude of the problem with North Korea will require a deft, but firm hand in order to keep a potentially explosive situation from getting out of hand. However, with the previously mentioned Iranian agreement torn up, the chances of an escalation on the Korean peninsula, coupled with President Trump’s inability to adequately grasp

North Korea leader Kim Jong Un is one challenge that the U.S. faces in the year ahead. Photo courtesy of CNN

a gradual drift to a quasiRussian, United States cooperative. China: China has already stated that with the Trump Administration’s insistence on deepening contacts

denigrate American values to their core constituencies, and embolden such countries if any actions are made by the U.S. or its partner nations against them. North Korea: The

nuance in relationships with countries like China, would probably escalate tensions. Africa and the Middle East: This area of the world has probably not seen such an overtly hostile transition

of power since the switch from JFK to Lyndon Johnson. The lack of foreign basing rights in Africa, along with the historical enmity between the U.S. and African nations, make it an outlier. Education: As for Trump’s Education policies? His nomination for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, has created panic for some- mostly teachers and unions- yet, is seen as a godsend to others, notably advocates of deregulation and charter schools. The end result is emulated in Michigan, where the DeVos’ have, for better or for worse, firmly and favorably established school choice and charter school initiatives throughout the state. This is not unlike the turnaround in public schools in my home state of Florida, which went from last tier to top tier under the guidance, and watchful tutelage, of Governor Jeb Bush. Perhaps an unforeseen additional benefit from Mrs. DeVos’ leadership in Michigan is the issue of fiscal prudence, and the novel way in which she handled the fiscal crisis at the University of Michigan, establishing solvency and re-establishing it as one of the premiere schools in the country. As for CLC and what it can expect? The addition of what most are considering a radical departure from the current leadership at

Photo courtesy of The Nation

the Department of Education will probably be felt most administratively. This would mean less regulatory guidance when considering issues such as online vs. face-time classes, and instructor’s pay, as well as how they are paid, could see some changes. Economy: For all of Trump’s faults, the economy does seem to be a silver lining for him. The addition of another round of tax cuts is likely to be a net inflation stabilizer, as well as a positive for jobs in the country. Obama is handing Trump an economy which has an almost 100% net GDP-todebt ratio, and, yet, by all economic indicators (and a majority of economist opinion), the United States has never been more prosperous for so many. One indicator of the U.S.’s markets’ tangible feeling towards the Trump Administration is the growth in the stock markets since the elections took place: a growth of 1,471.98 in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, or an almost 14% increase in the markets since election day. The end resultant for the Trump administration has yet to be written, however by almost any professional opinion, if Trump can address the pressing issues facing this nation, his administration will be seen as a success.



Page 10 | Monday, January 30, 2017

Renovated atriums must balance space with seating Courtney Prais Opinion Editor

CLC has brought many new, up-to-date features to its students through the 2016-2017 renovations. Cafe Willow and the Lancerzone are two of the largest highlights of the renovations, adding both space and style to the oncedull halls of CLC. With the start of the Spring 2017 semester, the college unveiled its most recent facelift- the reopened, remodeled Brandell Court. I, like many students, have supported and anticipated these renovations since the beginning. The start of the Fall 2016 term was exciting; CLC felt like a completely different school, one on par with some four-year universities. However, I am saddened to say that I was not as enthusiastic as I thought I would be about the B court remake. I was disappointed by the lack of student space. Whereas the former Anderson Court (now a part of the C Wing) provided stu-

dents with plenty of tables and chairs to socialize and do work before class, this new B Court is comprised of barely enough seating for a small crowd. Large, square tables were traded in for tall, slim tables for two. A few cushioned chairs are available for the lucky individuals who arrive early enough to nab them, but are hardly adequate enough for friends to gather. CLC may have made the changes with visitors in mind, as the B Court is situated in front of LancerZone and congested halls might make touring the college challenging. Yet, the changes should also have been made with the comfort of students in mind. During peak hours during the week, the courts are quiet study zones for those with breaks in their schedules. The courts are small enough that running into peers from mutual classes is a common occurrence, whereupon finishing up incomplete or confusing homework is made easy- a collaborative effort.

Students at CLC take advantage of renovations to study.

CLC students enjoy the renovations while they study.

Of course, there are other places for students to congregate at CLC. Both Cafe Willow itself and the area just outside of the cafeteria offer a lot of seating options. The Atrium is also an option, as is the area just underneath, where the A Wing is now located. To me, though, these areas

don’t carry the same atmosphere as the courts. It might be the open-floor plans of Cafe Willow and Atrium, or, in the case of the space beneath the A Wing, the area is too removed from the heart of the campus. The courts are a good balance between high campus energy and relaxing work-

Photo by Cody Dufresne

place. It seems as though some of these renovations were made based solely off of image, and not enough off of student happiness. I suppose, as they say, all that glitters isn’t gold.

Photo by Cody Dufresne



Page 11 | Monday, January 30, 2017

New year brings new opportunities for students Maria Garcia Staff Reporter

New Year, New Semester Classes have begun; the homework starts piling up and many find it difficult to get back into the swing of things, much less stay concentrated into the new semester. If you’re anything like me and spent the majority of break curled up in bed watching Netflix all day, then you share my pain. Luckily, I found a few easy ways to stay centered this semester and get right back on track again. Create New Challenges Changing approaches can help one stay interested in what they are doing. For example, if the professor has given you an assignment similar to one that you did in the past, try thinking about the material in a different way. Or, let’s say there was an essay for a creative writing assignment last year, try writing a poem this time.

Or, maybe try picking a history book instead of another biography for a book report. Focus on High-Impact Activities The key to success in school is to stay focused. Try making a list to get an overall picture of the workload before tackling any of it. Then, make a plan. Although it’s tempting to do the simplest assignments first, those that take more time and effort to accomplish are probably the most important down the road. To determine priority, try ranking the assignments in the order of their importance. Then rearrange them by the time it will take to complete the assignment, and devote more energy toward those that have the greatest impact on grades. Even though homework assignments are important, studying for a midterm exam takes priority over writing a paragraph for English class. Completing each task should be viewed as another step on the way to college success.

Personally, as the days start dwindling down to the last days of the winter break, I find I lose some motivation just looking at my desk stacked high with papers from last semester. After a few minutes of debating whether or not I should tackle it, I end up doing a “spring cleaning” of my workspace and immediately get rid of papers and notebooks that I know I will no longer use and start shredding. After all that is done, I feel relieved and happy. It feels like a welcome wakeup call for my brain after winter break. Set Attainable Goals If writing a 25-page paper for class seems too difficult because it seems like such a big job, do not solely focus on the final number. Simply break the paper down and consider each section of the paper individually. Handle any big project in small chunks. Acknowledge Accomplishments Enjoy a treat when finish-

ing an assignment or task! Take a walk, send an email, and get a snack— whatever works. Then move on to the next item. Whenever I finish a long essay or a project that seemed too hard to handle, I reward myself. I grab as much junk food as I can carry and watch my favorite show or a good horror movie on Netflix. It was time to sit back and relax after hard work is done. Take Advantage of CLC Events CLC also offers many ways to destress after a long week of studying. A Members Exhibition featuring a diverse collection of works runs through Feb. 25. On February 27th, the college will also be hosting a “Poetry and Jazz in Motion” dinner and performance. Advance ticket options are $20 for just the show, and $30 for dinner as well. At the door, ticket prices for the show will be $25. Phenom, a Chicago-based poet and rapper, will be

there. Other artists include poets Deana Dean, K-Love the Poet, Awthentik, Odyssey and Moe Mentum and saxophonist Tim Cunningham. To order tickets, contact Beverly Phelps at (847) 5432778 or bphelps1@clcillinois.edu, or Jorge Tennin at (847) 543-2290 or jtennin@ clcillinois.edu. What better way than to relax, enjoy some good food, poetry, and music? CLC’s Spring International Film series also kicks off February 3rd and features four highly acclaimed international films. The films are presented Friday nights at CLC. The Spring Semester films are “Winter Sleep” Feb. 3 (6:30 p.m.), “The Lobster” March 3 (7 p.m.), “A Touch of Zen” April 14 (6:30 p.m.) and “Dheepan” May 5 (7 p.m.). The films will be shown in the A Wing Auditorium, Room A011. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on upcoming events, and strive to make this a positive, fun, hard-working semester!

Women’s march one step closer to taking action Michael Crisantos Staff Reporter

Ever since Saturday, my Instagram feed had been bombarded by “cute” pictures of the Women’s March. For me, the march was to show the intersectionality of women from different groups and how they can come together to show unity among problems of gender, race, sexuality and the like, in hopes of raising awareness and, ultimately, change. Some pictures on my Instagram featured girls with their sororities, others showing off their pussycat hats. There were many with babies, and men wearing pink shirts to show their support. As I kept scrolling, I ran across a picture which showed an African-American woman in the middle of a crowd holding up a sign which read, “Don’t forget: white women voted for TRUMP.”

In the background, three women stood on a platform wearing their pink pussycat hats, phones in hands, trying to get a selfie of themselves at the march. Now, what makes this picture so powerful was that the women on the platform were all white. I have no place to say that these white women had no place being at the march since they don’t recognize their own white privilege or don’t know what it feels like to be oppressed because, the truth is, I don’t know them. For all I know, they could have been oppressed in more ways than one, which I cannot tell on the surface. For some reason, I felt compelled this morning to discuss the matter with my mother, who is fifty-two years old. When discussing my feelings about the march, I remembered the video I saw of Sophie Cruz, a six-yearold girl who has two un-

documented parents speak at the Women’s March in Washington D.C. As my mother watched the video, I saw the tears gather in her eyes. This little girl was speaking about unity, telling children they should no worry because there are people who will help them. After giving her speech in English she then gave it in Spanish, as well as ending it with, “SI SE PUEDE ! SI SE PUEDE!” My mom wiped the tears from her eyes and began to talk to me. “If I am scared being here and I am documented,” my mother said, “how do you think these kids feel?” I am nineteen years old and I myself cannot imagine my parents being deported- and then it hit me. I was not at the march with the thousands of people who attended. I was not there wearing pink carrying a clever sign about supporting the oppressed.

But that doesn’t matter. What matters is what people do after this march. That the people who went didn’t go just to take a cute selfie or feel like they were making a dif-

ference because they were wearing pink, but actually take action, check their individual privilege, and make things happen.

Graphic by Hannah Strassburger

Basketball UPCOMING Men’sPrairie state V.s. College Home GAME february 2 7:15 p.m.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Truth Conquers All Since 1969

Vol 50, No.8

Students honored with Keith Ryan award Diana Panuncial A&E Editor

The Keith Ryan Scholarship was given to three College of Lake County students on Jan. 21 during halftime at the Elgin vs. CLC basketball game. The students awarded the $1,000 scholarship were Brianna Rosales, the student who performs as the Lancer mascot and prefers to remain anonymous, and Rachel Schultz. The award is given by the Keith Ryan Scholarship Fund. Keith Ryan was a sportscaster for Lake County, and spent almost 25 years dedicated to promoting local athletic events in the region. On Feb. 23, 1989, Ryan died after a 15-month battle with cancer. In April 1989, shortly after his death, Ryan was inducted into the Illinois Basketball Hall of Fame at Illinois State University. In May of 1988, the inaugural Keith Ryan Scholarship Fund and Sports Banquet was held to raise funds

for students across different fields of study. Over the years, the fund saw great success in donations, and now offers three annual scholarships to students at CLC. The three scholarships are for a student who is pursuing media and communications and a male and female student who are sophomore athletes. Rosales is a sophomore women’s soccer player for CLC, and she has been recognized for her outstanding achievements in both academics and athletics. As well as being a campus leader, Rosales is captain of the women’s soccer program. Among her many recognitions, she has received the NJCAA Award for Exemplary Academic Achievement, and has earned Academic All-Skyway Conference honors. Another winner of the Keith Ryan Scholarship is the Lancer mascot of Lindenhurst, who became the first Lancer mascot at CLC as a freshman in 2015. Since

Rachel Schultz and Brianna Rosales pose with the Lancer mascot after winning the Keith Ryan Award.

Photo courtesy of Bob Booker

then, he has continued his work as a performer, active in both events at school as well as in the classroom. He has received above a 3.0 GPA throughout his career at CLC, and plans to transfer to a four-year university with hopes of continuing his work as a mascot performer.

CLC Lancers basketball team shoots for points during a free throw.

Photo by Cody Dufresne

Rachel Schultz of Zion is the last recipient of the scholarship. She is currently Editor-in-Chief at the Chronicle, which is CLC’s student-run and -produced newspaper. Outside of her work at the newspaper, she also writes a history column in her family’s published

magazine in Zion, the Town Sound. In 2016, Schultz’s sports features from the Chronicle were nominated for entry in the Illinois Community College Journalism Association’s statewide competition.

CLC Lancers attempt to catch a rebound. Photo by Cody Dufresne

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