December 5, 2016

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MonDAY, December 5, 2016

Truth Conquers All Since 1969

Vol 50, No. 7

Construction causes changes to wing names and room numbers Rachel Schultz Editor-in-Chief

For students that have adjusted to all the recent construction changes this semester, a whole new set of changes is coming. The College of Lake County is changing classroom locations again, come spring. Next semester, the C wing, together with the new science building, will become A wing instead. The current A wing will go under construction in January, and be renamed C wing. The construction on A wing is mostly renovation, like installing sprinklers and other updates. “A lot of our mechanical systems are thirty years old, so they’re not very ef-

ficient,” said Mike Welch, CLC’s project manager for construction management. “We’re putting in new ductwork, new HVC systems, and new sprinklers,” he said. CLC is switching to geothermal heating and cooling systems, to conserve energy. “We’re basically using the ground to heat and cool a lot of our buildings,” Welch said. Meanwhile, classrooms will be shuffled again. “The B wing will open up at the end of December, so we’ll get that one back,” Welch explained. “We will have a little bit of a classroom crunch. We’re looking at alternate ways on what we can do for classroom space.”

One strategy that CLC is utilizing is multi-purpose classrooms. Some classrooms are equipped with computers that can be tucked away when they are not in use. “That classroom is more of a general-purpose, so it becomes a computer lab, or in the front of a regular classroom,” said Welch. “This gives us more flexibility.” “Another thing we’re looking at, is where the cafeteria used to be (downstairs). That’s general space right now that we’re not using. We’re going to be putting additional classrooms in there as well,” said Welch. The hallway leading to the library will be divided

Construction workers work on completing new science building.

in half, with construction going on in half of the hall at a time, with the other half open, so students can get to the library and T wing without having to go outside. The cashiers will be moving from their current location to the main entrance to E building. The police will also be temporarily located in E building while their permanent space is renovated. “A-wing will be under construction for an entire year, starting in January,” said Welch. “Because we have so many offices there, including the president’s office, the police department, our cashier’s office; everybody needs to move.” The B wing, containing

the new science building, which is under construction, was originally going to be renamed S building. “I think a lot of the feedback that we got was, it would be very confusing for students,” Welch said, “as they go through the S building into the C building or the A building.” “You’ll have this chronological flow,” so as you enter the building, you’ll go from the A wing, to the B wing, to the C wing to the D wing.” Buildings will start being renamed at the end of December, Welch said. Notices will be given to students in December and January concerning the changes to help them find their classrooms.

Photo by Cody



Page 2 | Monday, December 5, 2016

In memory of Zachary Neir Rachel Schultz Editor-in-Chief

A CLC freshman died on Nov. 25 from complications of muscular dystrophy. Zachary Neir, 19, who started attending the College of Lake County this fall, died of heart failure at his home, surrounded by his family. Neir graduated from Libertyville High School earlier this year. He is survived by his parents, Kevin and Laurie Neir, and his brother Ethan Neir. “Our prayers go out to the family of this young man. We are sorry to hear of his passing at such a young age,” said CLC President Jerry Weber. “I was shocked to hear the news,” said Trevor Fuhrman, who attended high school with Neir. “Zach

was a sweet young man. I’m going to miss him.” Neir suffered from duchenne muscular dystrophy. He started having difficulty walking in sixth grade, and eventually needed a wheelchair. In the past two years, the disease began affecting his breathing and heart. “He made us thankful for the little things in life, as little as walking,” said Ethan Neir, Neir’s younger brother. Neir had a passion for graphic design and video games. His favorite game was Mass Effect Andromeda. He also enjoyed horseback riding, art, and spending time with his dog, Maddie. He will be missed by his family, friends, teachers, and everyone else who knew him.

Hannah Strassburger Graphic Designer

CLC freshman Zachary Neir is remembered and missed by his family, friends, and teachers. Photo courtesy of


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Page 3 | Monday, December 5, 2016

CLC, Fresh Ideas partner to please students’ tastes Robert Biegalski News Editor

The College of Lake County signed a partnership agreement with the food service provider Fresh Ideas on July 1 2016. “As part of the contract, Fresh ideas has to provide healthy, quality food for our students, faculty, and staff,” said Patricia Argoudelis, Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services-Administration. “The term of the agreement with Fresh Ideas is three years, with an additional two-year term renewal,” Argoudelis said. Fresh Ideas is considered a “vendor partner,” meaning they are responsible for responding to what the College asks of them, Argoudelis said. As part of this agreement, CLC receives a share of the profits from food sales. “Any profits remaining over and above the operating expenses are shared, the larger portion of that share going to the college,” Argoudelis said. “That’s why we really want to promote Fresh Ideas to the college community because it’s financially beneficial to the college.” There were several competing offers for agreements. “I feel that we had a pretty good response,” Argoudelis said. “We had seven different vendors that submitted proposals and they were of varying size.” A selection committee was formed to choose which vendor was the best fit. “We created a selection committee,” Argoudelis said. “The selection committee was made up of twelve people and we had student representation on that.” The committee narrowed down the seven choices to five. “I personally was hoping we could have narrowed it to a smaller number but there were five that were pretty much the same,” Argoudelis said. “The majority of those were smaller regional vendors so we liked that fact.” The selection committee examined the advantages and disadvantages of each choice. Vendors gave vendor pre-

sentations to the committee. “We also did reference checks so we called other colleges and universities to see what they thought of their current vendor,” Argoudelis said. “So I would talk to the person that was probably in my position as the contract administrator.” “What do you think about your current vendor?” Argoudelis asked them. “Then we did numerous site visits,” Argoudelis said. “That was the fun but grueling part.” “The food quality was really one of the deciding factors,” Argoudelis said. “We were really looking for hand-made,” Argoudelis said. “We wanted a vendor that would actually come in and make the food.” Argoudelis compared Cafe Willow to the old cafe. “In Lancers they didn’t have the space,” Argoudelis said. “Not much down there was handmade.” “They made what they could but they just didn’t have the space,” Argoudelis said. Sustainability efforts were a factor as well. The prices were considered. “We compared retail pricing as well as catering pricing,” Argoudelis said. “When the selection committee was created, we were not told to go out and find the cheapest vendor possible,’ Argoudelis said. “We were tasked with a quality product, sustainable systems, a vendor that would use local vendors, that would do composting.” “Those were the things that were really important to the college because that follows the college’s mission statement,” Argoudelis said. Argoudelis does think “price is important.” “Were we looking at a vendor where the pricing fell in line with everyone else?” Argoudelis asked. “It absolutely did,” Argoudelis said. “But quality is not cheap.” Argoudelis emphasized the importance of versatility in a vendor. “We wanted to make sure that we chose a vendor that would give us some flexibility, that we wouldn’t be put in a box,” Argoudelis said. “Sometimes with that larger vendor, you don’t have as

much flexibility.” “We’ve never done this before so we wanted to make sure we had a really good partner that would be responsive to the changes that we wanted made,” Argoudelis said. The cafe has already made changes to the menu without Argoudelis asking. A suggestion board was set up near Student Street outside the student activities office where students could suggest changes to the cafe’s menu. The cafe saw this and made the changes on their own. “They put the dollar bosco stick back on the menu, they’re doing the two dollar menu. That wasn’t something I came and asked them for,” Argoudelis said. “It was on the SGA rolling board and they came to me and said ‘we’ve heard the students were going to do this.’” The faculty and staff are also being considered in the changes. The cafe allows for menu items to be purchased “a la carte”, or in separate parts, if the regular item is too much food, Argoudelis said. This has been important

for the faculty and staff, Argoudelis said. Argoudelis said the transition was imperfect. “It’s been an interesting process because Fresh Ideas has had to get to know us and how we like to eat here at CLC and we’ve had to get used to them and working through a vendor partner,” Argoudelis said. “I feel there were some things that we could have done better in opening,” Argoudelis said. “It was a difficult opening. I think we could have been a bit more ready.” “We were hoping to have more of a soft opening before the students came back,’ Argoudelis said. “That wasn’t anything we could control.” “We didn’t want to hold up opening but it came down to the facility and there wasn’t anything we could do.” A single vendor system is standard for most colleges and universities, Argoudelis said. The selection committee put in a lot of work searching for the right fit, Argoudelis said. The cafe closes at 2:30 p.m. “The way we designed

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it is that the interior would close at 2:30, but the exterior would remain open so that was the intention,” Argoudelis said. However, the cafe would consider extending their main hours if necessary. “Once we start building business and it warrants additional offerings we absolutely would take a look at that,” Argoudelis said. The exterior hours are not yet widely publicized. “Until 8:30 at night you can get a hot sandwich, soup, pizza, sandwiches, and salads,” Argoudelis said. Argoudelis said the change in quality from Lancer’s Cafe to Fresh Ideas was a “big jump” “I think we did Fresh Ideas almost a disservice because when you’re at where you’re supposed to be it looks like a big jump,” Argoudelis said. “I think it’s a good value,” Argoudelis said. “I eat at the cafe usually for breakfast and lunch but it’s a big plate of food so I think the value is there.” “I think they are really wanting to please their customers.”


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Page 4 | Monday, December 5, 2016

Asian Student Alliance showcases diversity through fashion Diana Panuncial A&E Editor

The Asian Student Alliance teamed up with several College of Lake County programs to host a multicultural fashion show titled “The Best Show” on Saturday, Nov. 19 at the Grayslake Campus. ASA collaborated with Latino Alliance, Men of Vision, International Club, and Phi Theta Kappa to showcase diversity and unity at CLC. “The purpose of putting on the fashion show was to provide and spread cultural awareness through the usage of modern and traditional clothing,” said Pia Lenon, secretary for the ASA. Students were able to model different clothing from their culture in “The Best Show,” accompanied by an educational description and background of where

the style originated. For example, models represented the Philippines by wearing a traditional debut gown. These elegant gowns are to be worn on a girl’s 18th birthday, similar to that of a quinceanera dress in Mexican culture. Additionally, the Japanese kimono was a hit, as well as the Korean street style that made the crowd go wild. “Students can benefit from such a show as it is incredibly informative, educational, and even inspiring,” Lenon said. “The very act of attending a fashion show will have the student engage in various social sciences and also provide them an authentic experience for what it may be like to live in such a diverse, culturally rich country.” Lenon also emphasized the importance of joining an

international/cultural club at CLC. “Each student learns more about various cultures by joining the different ethnic clubs that CLC has to offer,” Lenon said. “We have a very diverse student body.” Students were also able to showcase their talents between segments of “The Best Show.” They were given the opportunity to sing and dance, entertaining the crowd. Angelica Miclat, member of the ASA, performed her rendition of “Let It Go” by Idina Menzel in a Filipino debut dress she premiered earlier. “It was really interesting to see all the different cultures represented through fashion,” said audience member, Austin Weber. “The talent portion of the show was a nice addition, too.” “The show went phenom-

enally well,” said Adam Fritzshall, PTK officer and second-year student at CLC. “The fashion, talents, and speeches given throughout the show all reaped a significant amount of positive feedback.” Fritzshall, as well as other officers of PTK, became involved with “The Best Show” through an action project that PTK was conducting this year. “[For our action project], we picked the topic of beauty and vulgarity, and thought it would be a great opportunity to collaborate with other organizations in order to see the impacts of both of these terms in reference to different cultures,” Fritzshall said. “By attending this event, the PTK officers and I were able to conduct two different surveys and I was able to give a speech about a topic

that I consider important.” The ASA and participating programs hope that students were able to witness the unity of communities at CLC in “The Best Show.” “It is my hope that other organizations will conduct such events throughout the school in order to showcase CLC’s unique aspect of diversity,” Lenon said. “Without the help of other organizations involved, ASA would not have been able to put on such a successful night.”



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Page 5 | Monday, December 5, 2016

International fair entertains with costume, cuisine and culture Jose Quevedo Staff Reporter

CLC celebrated International Education Week, on Tuesday November 15th by holding the CLC International Street Fair. The event was put together by CLC International Club and CLC Center for International Education Team and was held in the main entrance way Student Street corridors. The fair showcased exhibitions and demonstrations from various countries across the worl, both near and afar. Presenters engaged crowds with informative displays, interactive activities and culturally significant food dishes. Presenters were students, of whom some wore traditional outfits representative of their countries of origin. Event hosts gave brief presentations, talked with participants, answered questions and socialized with crowds. Yunyi Xing is a CLC international student from China and was one of the presenters at the CLC International Street Fair. She says “International events are important because of globalization. Provide opportunity to explore many different perspectives and encourage young teen-

agers or children to explore the world.” Spectators were given printed out passports. As participants walked around exhibits, they had their passports stamped in verification of involvement by event hosts. Once participants accumulated a handful of stamps, passports were used at food tables for a plate load of assorted cultural specialties. Catering was provided by Fresh Ideas.

A dozen display tables were erected, each representing a distinct country. Display boards were arranged with both digital and handcrafted imagery. Boards and presenters provided a range of information and background on each separate country. And promoted CLC’s various Study Abroad Programs. About the decorations she commented, “The displays of each country were fabulous and interesting.

Straight to the main point of each country.” Spectators were granted general data such as, national population and densities, major industries of note, regional maps and global economic relevance. Cultural definitions were also explored, with national symbolism and colors, important landmarks and popular natural and commercial attractions. Regional mythology was also observed, with discussions on new and o| ld folklore and on the cultural significance of religion and spirituality. International Students even took social interaction to the World Wide Web by uploading their version of the internet’s mannequin challenge. Recorders kept camera angle and frame tight on the participants to avoid capturing regular pedestrian traffic all around. Of the atmosphere Yunyi Xing said, “The crowd was eager to learn about different cultures and very kind.” International Education Week (IEW), is and annual global campaign sponsored by the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs, in collaboration with the Department of State and Department of Education. IEW is “part of (Bureau of Education and Cultural

Affairs’) efforts to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences.” They encourage involvement from individuals and from institutions; schools, colleges, embassies, international enterprises and community originations. On their website, they have a promotion content recommending several ways for people to celebrate IEW. Participants can download and print out IEW promotional material. Facebook and Snapchat filters are available, as well as profile picture overlays. Everyone is welcomed to RSVP to IEW Facebook events and invite their friends. They can attend or help host one of countless global IEW gatherings local to them. They are also reminded to upload pictures of international friends, cuisine or post onto social media with hashtag #IEW2016. Much more information, promotional content and materials on IEW can be found at Information on the Department of State and the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs at

University Center welcomes new admissions adviser Grayslake, IL (October 25, 2016) When the University Center’s new preadmission advisor Nora Mena meets with prospective students, it won’t be difficult for her to anticipate their questions. She once asked them herself. Mena began her undergraduate studies at the College of Lake County, where she received an Associate of Arts degree in December of 2011. She then transferred into the Bachelor of Arts program with a major in psychology that Northeastern Illinois University offers at the University Center. After receiving that degree summa cum laude in May of 2014, Mena was hired by Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) to serve as the

Program/Student Advisor at the University Center in Grayslake for the teaching preparation programs they offered there. That position provided the opportunity for her to work with traditional transfer students as well as with adult career-changers returning to school for teaching licensure via a second bachelor’s degree. Mena continued her education by enrolling in SIUC’s Master of Science in Workforce Education & Development program. She anticipates receiving that degree in December of 2016. While an undergraduate, she began serving on the University Center’s Governing Board as the student representative, a role she retained when she began her graduate

work. While her new job requires that she surrender her Board position, that’s a small downside. “The University Center has been a huge factor in my ‘success story,’” Mena said. “I would not be where I am today without it. Based on the experience and education that I received at the University Center, I’ve been able to reach my educational and career goals, as well as help others prepare to enter the workforce in Lake County as elementary school teachers. Trying to understand and weigh options for career, financial, and educational goals is a difficult task and I relish the opportunity to help students with the advisement process and to answer any questions that

they have.” Executive Director & Dean G. Gary Grace expressed delight at working with Mena in this new role. “Nora is an excellent example of the type of student the Center was designed to serve—those who want to pursue higher education while they continue to live and work in this local community. We’ve benefitted from her student perspective for some years and we will be glad to use even more of her time and talent as the initial contact for prospective students.” The University Center of Lake County is a nonprofit consortium of twenty-one colleges and universities—both public and private—from across Illinois that enable adults to com-

plete bachelor’s degrees, earn graduate degrees, or pursue professional development programs without leaving Lake County. Programs are offered via evening, weekend, or online study across a wide range of disciplines. The Center’s Grayslake facility also doubles as a Conference Center, providing space and presentation tools designed for collaborative learning as well as offering on-site catering. For more information, visit or or call 847/665-4000. To schedule a pre-admission advising appointment with Nora Mena, email or call 847/665-4014.



Page 6 | Monday, December 5, 2016

Students question effectiveness of the U.S Electoral College Amelia Larsen Staff Reporter

Katie Hageman, a sophomore at CLC, enjoys traveling

Photo Courtesy of Katie Hageman

Overseas education impacts college experience Robert Biegalski News Editor

Katie Hageman is a sophomore at the College of Lake County. Hageman was born and adopted from Moscow, Russia at 11 months old. Since then, her family has moved frequently, living in several different places throughout her adolescence. Hageman lived in Buffalo, New York for her first four years after adoption before moving with her family to the Netherlands for five and a half years. When she was ten, her family moved to Grayslake where she lived for three months. She then moved back to Buffalo, New York for three years. Following this, she moved back to Grayslake in 7th grade and has lived here since. Hageman’s favorite place to live so far is the Netherlands. “My childhood was there so I was able to grow up there and it was really nice,” Hageman said. “It’s different from America. It’s very easy going and from the perspective of a young kid, it was very fun.” “Everything was very carefree, so it was nice to grow up there.” In Hageman’s experience, school in the Netherlands is “very different” from school in the U.S. “I went to a British International School, so I was able to meet a lot of people

from all over the world,” Hageman said. The curriculum varied from the typical American school. “Each year, our grade had a different theme,” Hageman said. “Third grade was ancient, 1st grade was pirate and they would teach us math, English, and science through that theme.” School in the Netherlands seems “a lot easier” than school in America, Hageman said. “There’s not as much emphasis on getting things done at specific times,” Hageman said. “There’s also not as much pressure to go to college, or to be a certain person, or to have a certain major.” The time kids spend in school is pretty similar between America and the Netherlands, Hageman said. “For college, I’ve talked to people who I’m friends with who still live overseas and they don’t have class as much as I do,” Hageman said. “Maybe I schedule my classes for too many days, but they don’t go to school everyday in college.” People in America are generally less friendly than in the Netherlands. “I think it’s very cliquey,” Hageman said. “I feel like everyone is in groups and they don’t accept outside people. They’re not as welcoming to others.” Hageman was unsure why America seems less friendly. “At the school I went to, everyone was from different places and I feel like people

in Europe are more open to other cultures and other people,” Hageman said. “In America, it seems very separated,” Hageman added. “We have the south and the north but in Europe, you can get on a train to France if you want.” “People in Europe are more open to new things and new people and Americans seem more separated and they like things they’re used to.” “Hopefully I’ll move back,” Hageman said. “That would be nice. I miss it a lot.” Hageman has talked to friends who still live overseas regarding the election as well. “They think it’s just a big joke,” Hageman said. “They say ‘it sucks to be you right now.’” “One of my friends has been making fun of Trump.” They are generally not worried about it and are more focused on the problems of their own countries. “They have other things to worry about,” Hageman said. “But they’re happy they aren’t here right now.”

Four out of five Collge of Lake County students recently said that election results should not be based on the Electoral College results. Students at the Grayslake campus were asked Nov. 15 whether they think that the Electoral College should be eliminated altogether. “I feel like everyone is making a big deal because Trump won,” said Michael Crisantos of Round Lake. “The election was so critical because Hillary won the popular vote.” Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election with 290 electoral votes, but Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. “I feel like when it comes down to us,” said Heather Gonzales from Grayslake, “the Electoral College doesn’t properly represent us.” Charlotte Muehleman, a student from Lake Villa, agreed.

“It’s less based off of the general population vote and more on government focus,” Muehleman said. “I feel like if we’re going to have a democracy focused on the people, it should be the people’s vote.” Clinton overwhelmingly won areas that are more densely populated, while more than 80% of voters who own over one square mile of land backed Trump. “If we’re voting it should be our votes that count, not these people, because they’re not really representing the whole,” said Maggie Wise from Burligton. Ceilidh Holmes from Ingleside, however, disagreed. “It gives smaller states equalrepresentation,” Holmes said. “If we only went by the majority vote, my vote wouldn’t matter because I’m not from a highly populated area. Only the votes where most of the population is located would count.”

Letter to the editor Dear Editor,

I am with the many CLC students expressing their desire for more vegan options at Café Willow. Vegan, vegetarian, and flexitarian eating has been a huge trend for college students over the past number of years. A survey released in October by peta2 found that the number of schools offering at least one vegan option a day has more than doubled from 28 percent in 2014 to 62 percent in 2016. These numbers aren’t just meaningless statistics-these numbers represent tangible, real world results. There is overwhelming evidence that eating plant based is a great tool to prevent against the most common diseases in the United States. The United Nations recognizes that animal agriculture is one of the most destructive industries

to the earth. And of course more plant based options in cafeterias across the US represent a huge victory to animals who are suffering in factory farms. CLC has made great strides recently in offering more plant based options, and these are the reasons I stand with students requesting Café Willow to continue the progress and offer even more delicious vegan options! From, John Deetjen

nicle To The Chro



Page 7 | Monday, December 5, 2016

Student worker embraces opportunity to assist peers Liz Braithwaite Managing Editor

College of Lake County student Jose Gonzalez of Waukegan, 22, recently recognized himself as a “people person.” Whether the first or last day of a student’s career at CLC, Gonzalez remains a familiar face welcoming all to the Student Activities Office. “Everything’s like a home here,” Gonzalez said. “Since we’re in the center of the school, people come in constantly.” Gonzalez dedicates two days a week to helping at least 50 to 60 people during his usual seven-hour shift at the front desk. While working, Gonzalez directs people to their destinations and helps retrieve the correct club forms. He also answers phones and finds answers to all questions or directs questions to an available faculty member. On average, students ask Gonzalez questions about club meeting times or the different clubs available at the school. “I ask them, ‘what are your interests’ or ‘what do you like,’ and we work from

Jose Gonzalez

there,” Gonzalez said. Gonzalez said, all of CLC’s student activities are important for the community. “You can’t pick,” he said. “I’ve wanted to go to many club meetings, but since I have to work to pay rent, it stops me.” Sometimes students’ questions vary and approach lighter, even humorous topics. “Since we have a bunch of events, students will come and ask, ‘is there food’?” Gonzalez said. “We’re college students and that’s what we have on our minds more than half of the time.” There is usually something in the office to “munch on,” Gonzalez said, and when possible, his co-workers and he will give it out to students. For Gonzalez working with faculty members in the office has its advantages. “You get to joke around with them,” he said. “There is a boss and you know there is, but it feels like a family. I’ve been here for two and a half years, and you grow on them, you know what they like, you get to talk to them on a personal level. “As students, sometimes we don’t know certain

things that are going on, and they’re always the back up. They know everything there is to know about this school.” Gonzalez occasionally comes across students who request help in negative ways, but he reminds himself there is not much he can do about someone else’s mood. “Anything can get them a lot angrier, so they taught us to never say, ‘calm down,’” Gonzalez said. “I try to be the difference. If they’re talking negatively, you respond positively. Show them you’re not against them.” Gonzalez also has an answer for how to behave when he is not feeling positive. “Not everyone has the best day and sometimes you want to be alone,” Gonzalez said. “At the same time, we’re here doing our jobs and we have to be the best at what we do. We’re pretty much the face of student life, so we have to give the students – or clients, the best customer service we can give.” Concerning his job as a receptionist, Gonzalez doesn’t see it as “actual work.” Instead, it is an opportunity to

Photo by Cody Dufresne

help people. “There are people who have bad days and need someone to listen to them,” Gonzalez said. “We’re here to work, but it doesn’t hurt to take the time to listen to a person’s problems if that’s going to help.” Gonzalez’s goal is to act as more than just a receptionist. When students enter the Activities Office, Gonzalez makes himself available to help, whether the issue is academic, emotional, or otherwise. “If you just talk to them and ask them ‘what’s wrong,’ after they finish talking, they’re completely different people,” Gonzalez said. Gonzalez helps both English and Spanish speakers. “When people come in and they don’t speak languages, it won’t hurt me to get up and guide them to their place,” he said. His first language is Spanish, and Gonzalez disciplined himself at an early age to learn English. “Until eighth grade, I was in bilingual classes,” Gonzalez said. “They didn’t speak English as much as you would think. It wasn’t until high school that I started to use English more. It came with a bunch of struggles. “I had trouble pronouncing things and I didn’t understand much of what the teacher would say.” Through years of selfimposed education of the English language, Gonzalez still does not think of himself as “fluent.” “Little by little, I’m trying to expand my vocabulary,” he said. “I want to learn as much English as I can before starting a different language.” In contrast to his amiable nature, Gonzalez lives in a stressful, highly scheduled world. “For me, silence is a luxury,” Gonzalez said. “Even though I do like going out and interacting with people, I absolutely need my alone time. I like being in a quiet room and thinking about life, where I’m at, what I’ve done so far, and what’s next.” Sometimes, Gonzalez prefers being at school because of daily conflicts and feelings “you just can’t run from.” “If it seems like the

world’s falling apart, you have to think,” Gonzalez said. “First of all, if I display that sort of emotion, it’s not going to help me. If I’m in a negative mood, I’m going to end up having my co-workers in a negative mood and it’s going to put other people in a negative mood. “You just don’t want to be that type of person, you know?” Gonzalez learned a strong work ethic from his family, which helps when he occasionally desires to “slack off.” “That’s not how my parents raised me,” he said. “My mom always told me I have to be very disciplined with my life and how I get things done. I’m very big on budgeting and time management. Having a balance between those two is what helps me the most.” Gonzalez applied for his current position at CLC when he recognized a need for a convenient job. He is focused on completing his degree before solidifying future plans. Taking classes in massage therapy, Gonzalez plans to get certified to make money before attending chiropractic school. Gonzalez has held an interest in the human body since he was young and currently works another job as a preparatory chef at Lifetime Fitness in Vernon Hills within the gym’s restaurant. “It can be stressful at times, especially because it’s a job outside of work,” Gonzalez explained. “They’re not really flexible and I can’t miss many days.” Gonzalez deals with clients who are “very picky” about calorie counts or specific preparations, but in all, enjoys the simplicity of the work and the opportunities posed. “It’s a big gym,” he added. “It has a restaurant, chiropractor, salon, and child care within the gym. That’s where I’ve been looking to get some experience.” Gonzalez said, being a “face of student activities” made him nervous. “I really don’t think about it too much,” he said, “but it’s big for us, giving the first impression.”



Page 8 | Monday, December 5, 2016

“Doctor Strange” visuals do not disappoint Marvel fans Peter Anders Staff Reporter

“Doctor Strange” is a superhero film produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios. It stars Benedict Cumberbatch as the titular character, and was released in the United States on Nov. 4, 2016. “Doctor Strange” is the fourteenth entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or MCU. Normally, when a franchise such as this goes on that long, the entries see a substantial decrease in quality. Thus far, Marvel Studios have managed to buck that trend, and thankfully, they have continued to do so with “Doctor Strange”. “Doctor Strange” is directed by Scott Derrickson, most famous for directing horror movies like “The Exorcism of Emily Rose,” “Sinister,” “Hellraiser: Inferno,” and most recently, “Deliver Us From Evil.” Derrickson brings his horror sensibility and love for weird imagery to “Doctor Strange,” and it is a natural fit. One of the best aspects of “Doctor Strange” is the visuals: think “Inception” meets “The Matrix” with a bit of “Lovecraft” thrown in. The visuals manage to be both outlandish and fantastical, yet still grounded enough to come off as “realistic.” “Doctor Strange” is the most visually spectacular movie since 2009’s “Avatar” and it demands to be seen in IMAX for optimum viewing. The film’s action scenes are strange, yet amazing. They are well shot and extremely fun to watch. Even though you know

the hero isn’t going to die, the scenes are still intense and gripping with an incredible sense of scale. “Doctor Strange” is worth seeing for the visuals alone, but it also has a good script to back it up. The story structure is indeed familiar, and yet it is still well done in “Doctor Strange.” The dialogue is well written, with a solid story and likeable characters. T h e

absorbing as Mordo. Even small side characters, like Benedict Wong, have their moments to shine througout. The film brings true magic for the first time into the MCU. In the past, Marvel Studios had avoided magic directly by claiming it was “too complex for mortals to

plained in a simple easy to understand way, and yet leaves you with a sense of wonder and discovery. Audiences grasp the concept of magic and yet it feels like it contains limitless possibilities. We are learning the concept of magic in the MCU along with Stephen Strange, and it helps the film become more immersive. While “Doctor Strange” excels in most areas, it

film also carries a sense of P ho to co urtesy o humor that captures f audiences and elevates the film further. understand” or “what you The good script is also call magic, we [Marvel] call helped by its cast. science.” Benedict Cumberbatch “Doctor Strange” does not is terrific in the titular role handle magic in this way. and even though he plays a It flat out introduces true really self-absorbed jerk as mysticism into the MCU “Doctor Strange,” he is still for the first time and it is a easily likable and audiences surprisingly natural fit. want him to succeed. In the same way the Tilda Swinton is great as nature of the “Force” is The Ancient One, and Chi- explained in the original wetel Ejiofor is immensely “Star Wars,” magic is ex-

handles some aspects less than gracefully. One of the parts of the film that is not as strong as the rest is the villain: Kaecilius. This character is a mixed bag in terms of how the movie handles him. While actor Mads Mikkelsen plays the part really well and is appropriately intimidating, he does not have much of a personality. Although it makes sense in terms of the story and the

character, his personality makes it harder to understand his point of view. When the movie wants the audience to understand the villain’s point of view and ponder if the villain “is in the right,” that becomes a problem. On the other hand, Kaecilius is not the true villain of the movie, and merely a slave to a greater foe. He serves his purpose well enough but nothing beyond that. Kaecilius has a pretty good motivation to do what he does, so if he had just been given some personality, it would be easy for audiences to sympathize and possibly even agree with him. But audiences still could not make a proper connection. A n o t h e r weaker aspect of the film lies in one or of the key side characters. Rachel M c A d ams plays Christine Palmer, who is a love interest of sorts for the titular character. The way her character is handled is also a mixed bag. On the one hand, she avoids the typical trope of a “love interest” but on the other hand, she really does not do anything to help the plot move forward. McAdams plays the part well but she’s rather useless here. She does not have much depth to her character, and she could easily be cut out of the film. “Doctor Strange” excels in almost everything it tries to do. With a phenomenal A-list cast, a solid script, good direction, mesmerizing visuals, and a sense of fun and adventure, “Doctor Strange” stands as one of the best blockbusters of the year and a great entry into Marvel’s lineup. Derrickson’s only fault is: his film falls short on its character development.



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Page 10 | Monday, December 5, 2016

Faculty art show debuts, inspiring students to create Jenn Arias

Features Editor

The College of Lake County’s faculty members are showcasing their artwork in the Wright Gallery from Nov. 18 to Jan. 14. The initial reception, held on Nov. 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. was open to the whole of CLC’s community. The show featured refreshments and live music by the Rich Embach and Jim Seidel Duo. “CLC holds a faculty art show every two years to utilize the gallery to display what the art faculty do professionally on their own as artists,” said Hans Habeger, department chair, art instructor, and artist. Any part-time or full-time art staff were welcome to submit personal artwork. The only guidelines were that they had to submit new pieces; no previously shown work would be accepted. This year, there were 19 submissions, ranging from photographs, paintings, sculptures, pottery, and a variety of original art pieces. There was even a twisted metal sculpture reflective of several bird-like sprinkler heads atop silver pipe-arms called “Museum of Water History (Rainbird).” This special piece was called “a plumber’s night-

mare” by one observer during the recption. These professional faculty artists used creative mediums such as watercolor, acrylic, pastel, pencil, clay, metal, graphite, and wood. The main message behind this art show, according to Habeger, is to expose the artists, but also to utilize the opportunity to teach about artwork. “It emphasizes that we’re not just teachers, but we’re also artists and we’re engaged with art-making,” Habeger said. “I’ll be able to take my classes down there and talk to them about some of the work or have them take a look at the show and discuss it and maybe relate it to some course content.” Landscape pieces were prevalent among submissions from photography to paintings, including Habeger’s oil painting called “4874 Dempster,” which displays an almost whimsical urban landscape. Another display at the show are Erick Rowe’s photographs entitled “Bloomington IL/ A & B,” which focus on a more architectural aspect. Abstract or figurative pieces were also common, but these similarities were purely coincidental. This show will not only benefit the faculty artists by

4874 Dempster, Oil on panel, Hans Habeger

giving them exposure, but also benefits the students and community. The gallery is already being utilized by art classes for observation and discussion of techniques and styles. “For anybody here at the college, it’s a good resource to have the art gallery to see artists from around Lake County, but also Illinois artists,” Habeger said. “I think that’s a great resource for the college, to have a gallery that displays a diverse group of artists’ work and promotes the arts as well.” Habeger, who went to school for drawing and painting, emphasized the importance of professionals to continually create artwork as a way to increase their skill as an artist. “For professional artists, a big part of being an active artist is showing your artwork,” Habeger said. Habeger also emphasized the importance of seeking critical feedback as an aspiring artist. “To be recognized as an artist, you have to put your work out there; it has to be critiqued or judged, or accepted or rejected in a way,” Habeger said. Students should also strive to improve from their feedback. “It’s good for students to understand that and see that,

and obviously see what we do, and see what the materials look like, what is the texture of the surface, how was it made, what’s the quality of it, what were the marks that the artist used, and you get a sense of touch,” Habeger said. “For me, when I look at a piece of artwork, that’s what I want to see. I want to see the touch of the artist in the work, a sense of their hand.” While Habeger insists that the final stage of creating artwork is putting the piece on display in order to be purchased, judged, or simply observed, this creative form of expression also assists the artist in communicating their ideas and developing a sense of self and style. “As an artist, you keep growing through each piece that you do,” Heberger explained. “You learn from each piece and you develop different thoughts from each piece. You remain thoughtful about your artwork, you remain in touch with it and with the act of creating. You enhance your skills with each piece.” While most artists would admit that they have to “keep creating or else they’re going to go crazy,” the main focus of the art show is to inspire other artists and students to get creative, to ask questions, and to push them into action concerning

their own work, Habeger explained. “I hope that students will come away with a feeling of being inspired in some way,” Habeger said. “I think its important for students who are aspiring artists, if they really want to become an artist or learn more how to paint or draw or sculpt, I think that a big part of that is looking at other artists’ artwork… It gives people a different sense of the artwork.” Students are welcome to stop by the gallery and check out the faculty art pieces through Jan 14. Many artists, including Habeger, hope it will serve to teach about the many forms of art, but also stimulate student participation. “Hopefully they are impressed with the pieces there and kind of look at them as professional artwork, and also ask questions,” Habeger said. “Maybe come away with creating a little bit of a dialogue with their teachers, saying, ‘I saw your piece in the gallery and I really liked it’ or ‘why did you do this,’ or ‘I thought this piece was strange.’ At least it will provoke some sort of conversation about the arts and I think a conversation that way is a good thing.”

Photo Courtesy of Hans Habeger



Page 12 | Monday, December 5, 2016

Southlake hosts Indian culture events for International Week Ariel Notterman Staff Reporter

The College of Lake County’s Southlake campus hosted two events highlighting Indian culture as part of the college’s International Education Week. The first event, held on Nov. 15, invited CLC students to experience Indian art, and the second event, held on Nov. 17, showcased Indian dance. Students at Southlake had the opportunity to experience Indian art firsthand. A henna artist came to the campus and decorated students’ hands and arms with intricate designs. Henna is a type of dye made from a plant of the same name, and is mixed with lime juice and essential oils to form a paste. The henna artist used the all-natural mixture to pipe floral and spiral designs onto students’ skin. The second, and perhaps the most eye-catching cultural event at the Southlake cam-

Henna artist pipes floral designs on students’ skin. Photo by Roxana Betka

pus, was the live performance of Indian dance. Gauri Jog, director of Indian Dance School in Schaumburg, performed a few pieces of Kathak dance, a classical Indian dance that emphasizes footwork, graceful movements, and spinning. Jog has been dancing since the 1970s, when she was a little girl, and emphasizes that being a Kathak

Gauri Jog performs the traditional Indian dance of Kathak.

dancer is very similar to being a ballerina; training can take between 12 and 15 years to complete. Another impressive feature of Kathak dance is its metal bells, called ghungroos, which are worn around the dancer’s ankles. Each set of bells weigh about 5 pounds on each leg, and create a sharp sound when the dancer

stomps her foot. Jog gave a brief yet educational lecture on Indian culture and Kathak dance to her audience before performing each routine. Kathak means “to tell a story,” which is precisely what Jog did with her movements. One dance told a story about two lovers playfully searching for one another. Kathak dance tells its story by using hand movements to signify specific objects or actions, such as scissors or the act of putting on earrings. Jog demonstrated a few of these hand movements in her dance, and then independently to her audience of Southlake students and staff, encouraging them to follow along and learn. Additionally, Jog encouraged audience members to learn a short routine alongside her. The resulting performance consisted of many quick spins and hand movements, and also a lot of laughter. Not only did students get to experience henna art

and watch classical Indian dance, they had the opportunity to get a taste of Indian culinary traditions as well. Available at the dance event was Burfi, an Indian dessert made primarily of condensed milk and sugar. The confection resembled fudge, but was flavored with different types of nuts. Students could enjoy their treat while watching Jog perform. CLC’s Southlake campus offered students many opportunities to learn about India’s rich culture by inviting both a henna artist and a Kathak dancer to share their talents with students and staff. These events were not only fascinating for students to watch, but they also prompted a lot of questions about Indian culture. The interactive introductions to Indian art, dance, and food raised students’ awareness of Indian culture and provided an entertaining and educational window to the country and its traditions.

Photo by Roxana Betka



Page 12 | Monday, December 5, 2016

“Battle of the Bands” a new opportunity for young musicians Crystal Best Staff Reporter

The College of Lake County’s Program Board hosted the fall semester’s Battle of the Bands on Friday, Nov. 18. A total of four bands competed against each other for audience satisfaction to win one of three prizes. First place prize was a “Blu” microphone; second place prize was an “Innerface” microphone; third place prize was a portable microphone. All prizes were generously donated by CLC. The participating acts were band act “Save the Planet”; rap artist Vivid; solo act Vafa; and then a duet by musicians Vafa and Marrow. The show also welcomed back last year’s first place winners “Foreign Sunsets.” The audience was comprised of many supporting friends and family members of the bands, as well as music enthusiasts who came to see the competition. “Save the Planet,” band

led by Ben Russano, came in third place. Russano showcased a multitude of his talents, merging his skills in electric guitar, deejaying, and rapping to create a performance. Russano was inspired by world issues and wants to encourage others to be social activists through his music. “Save the Planet is an open band. I welcome others to join and help create a greater vision,” Russano said. “I want to become a positive influence for children in the future.” The second place winner was rap artist Vivid, a solo rapper at CLC. Vivid debuted his original song, “50 Bars,” at the Battle of the Bands, and it quickly became a crowd favorite. His act was interactive with the audience and his charisma encouraged the crowd to have fun. The first place winners, Vafa and Marrow, performed improvised acoustic guitar performances.

Vafa and Marrow performed two songs. The first song, “Coffee Shop Music,” was reminiscent of studying at a coffee shop. Their second song, “Memories,” was more upbeat and got the crowd tapping their feet. Vafa was also part of a solo act which included Christmas tunes such as “Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer” and “Silent Night.” “I was first introduced to music by my mother who is a classic piano teacher, then encouraged by my friends and family to pursue what I wanted to do,” Vafa said. “I too was inspired by his family to pick up music since my father was in a band as well,” Marrow said. Marrow hopes to have a career in EDM, electronic dance music, in the near future. Vafa and Marrow first met in the main foyer of CLC and found that they had similar interests in style, encouraging them to start a band together. Arthur Zdrinc, Michael

Kozien, and Andre Perez are members of the Program Board who created and curated the Battle of the Bands. “[The show] is a great way for students to grow by bringing them together,” Kozien said. “It’s a great incentive for students to start off with in their careers in music.” Zdrinc also emphasized how CLC students use music as a creative outlet. “Music is a great way to get young musicians’ feet wet in the business,” Zdrinc said. The Battle of the Bands was a great performance to watch and learn from. The show is held every spring and fall semester, giving students and musicians opportunities to perform and improve.

Lake Forest Symphony shares history with CLC performance Diana Panuncial A&E Editor

History was brought to life at the College of Lake County as the Lake Forest Symphony performed pieces by classical composers Johannes Brahms and Antonín Dvořák on Sunday, Nov. 13. The concert was prefaced by Jim Kendros, professional composer, lecturer, and resident music historian for the Lake Forest Symphony. “Most audiences love Brahms and Dvořák, and are eager to hear their music,” Kendros said. Kendros delivered a 45-minute lecture on the background and compositions of Brahms and Dvořák, as well as how the two composers’ lives were intertwined through friendship. “The LFS joins with countless orchestras around the world in celebrating the wonderful teacher/disciple relationship between these two great composers,” Kendros said. “Their music beautifully compliment each

Conductor Vladamir Kulenovic and lead violinist Netanel Draiblate Photo courtesy of

other.” “Brahms gave the younger Dvořák his start, and if you go back further, it was Robert Schumann who mentored the younger Brahms,” Kendros said. “So there is a magnificent trilogy in the 19th century of great composers, and the LFS has always supported this priceless treasure to the world.” The concert then began at the James Lumber Center, with Vladimir Kulenovic as

the conductor and Netanel Draiblate as the lead violinist. The symphony began with Brahms’ “Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op. 90.” “Symphony No. 3” consisted of Brahms’ “Allegro con brio,” “Andante,” “Poco allegretto,” and “Allegro- un poco sostenuto.” After a brief intermission, Kulenovic shared a few anecdotes about Brahms and Dvořák. Kulenovic spoke of Dvořák’s love life, and how it influenced

Dvořák’s compositions. “Some of Dvořák’s pieces have a theme of unrequited love,” Kulenovic said. Dvořák’s “Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104, B. 191” was played as the second half of the concert. “Cello Concerto” featured Dvořák’s “Allegro,” “Adagio, ma non troppo,” with a finale of “Allegro moderato,” “Andante,” and “Allegro vivo.” Solo cellist Allison Eldredge took center stage and was all

smiles during her solo. The audiences were captivated by her skill. “The LFS is always attracting concert artists of the highest calibre,” Kendros said. “Allison certainly carries on this tradition of great soloists.” “I was surprised she was able to perform without sheet music,” said Iris Garza, CLC student/audience member. The LFS is no stranger to performing concerts at CLC. “CLC has been home to the LFS for many years,” Kendros said. “I think we’ve been performing here since 2005.” Audiences can expect many more performances from the LFS. More information can be found by going to www.lakeforestsymphony. org. The LFS is also hosting a new series of talks called “The Listener’s Circle,” held at the Lake Forest Library on Thursday evenings before each concert.



Page 13 | Monday, December 5, 2016

Cafe could use more fresh ideas Stress-less tests? Rachel Schultz Editor-in-Chief

When the Willow Cafe opened at CLC this semester, students had reason to hope that a new food service and cafe would mean better food for their stomachs to go with classes that satisfied their hunger for knowledge. The name “Fresh Ideas” sounded like a natural for students who wanted to learn on a full stomach. So far, however, students have not been satisfied with what’s on their plates at Cafe Willow. They like the service and the facility, but the quality and price have been hard to swallow. The fast food is the cheapest option, with a slice of pizza priced at $2, a hot dog and fries at $5, and a smashburger at slightly over $4. The salad bar does have a lot of options, but it’s expensive. At 48 cents an ounce, an average-sized salad can easily cost around $11 to $12. A pre-packaged sandwich or salad costs $5.95. A 12-ounce cup of fruit from the salad bar costs almost $6. At that price, students who like fresh fruit would be better off bringing their own. The Chef’s Table is $7.95, and includes one main item and two sides. A plate of stir-fried veggies and rice at

the International Fusion station costs the same. Add a drink, and your lunch could easily top $10. Fresh Ideas, the Missouri company that runs the cafe and the other food stations on campus, brands itself on its website as higher-thanaverage quality, but many students have said they disagree. At the end of October, a comment board was set up for students to post notes on what changes they would like to see at the cafe. Virtually all the comments posted were asking for lower prices, better quality, and more variety. A few months after the cafe’s opening, the Chronicle was told that a food service director had been fired because of disappointing sales. One reason for lowerthan-expected business is probably that community college students can’t afford the prices. The three-year contract that CLC has with the Fresh Ideas company also stipulates that organizations on campus must order all their catering from the cafe when using college funds, even though ordering from outside might be cheaper. This is unfortunate, and understandably irritates campus groups. Allowing competition would likely improve quality and prices,

besides giving students, staff, and faculty better options. In three years, when the Fresh Ideas contract expires, the College should change the stipulation to allow for catering from outside campus. CLC should also look at other institutions that have invited multiple restaurants on campus to encourage competition. That would drive down prices and improve quality. Fresh Ideas is attempting to address student’s complaints. Recently, it unveiled a $5 menu. The facility and staff are also strengths. Students like the service and the ambience. For now, CLC and Fresh Ideas should keep listening and responding to students. Currently, the Willow Cafe closes at 2:30, leaving a small coffee bar with some limited food options open. CLC should extend the cafe’s hours to at least 5 p.m. to accommodate students attending night classes at CLC after work. Meanwhile, students should consider sending a strong message with their wallets. If they don’t like the options or prices offered at the cafe, they should pack their own meals.

Christmas time in Florida Courtney Prais Opinion Editor

I am a self-proclaimed homebody. There is nothing I look forward to more towards the end of my day (or a particularly awful social interaction) than going home, throwing some pajamas on, and- after two or so hours of Netflix- sleeping. This is not to say I don’t enjoy traveling or activities outside my home. I do, but home is where I feel the most safe and comfortable and where the bulk of my favorite memories are. Fall and winter are the prime holiday seasons, which means they are also the two seasons where we see a lot of (maybe even too much of) our families.

Christmas especially is one part of the year I always look forward to. My family’s Christmases are not spectacular; they’re usually small-scale gatherings with immediate family, lots of food, and, of course, presents. Even though there is nothing particularly unique about my own holiday celebrations, I still feel that attachment to staying local for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It might have to do with the fact that most people in general come home for the holidays. “Oh, there’s no place like home for the holidays,” Perry Como crooned in the 1954 rendition of the famous Christmas song. It’s true- there really is no place like home.

For the first time in my nineteen years of existence, however, I am faced with the opportunity to travel for the holidays, to warm, sunny Florida. Not only would I have to pay virtually nothing to travel there, I would also have somewhere to stay. Sounds like a good deal, right? After a stressful semester, busy, late nights, going to-and-from and back-andforth from school and work and other destinations, I can’t help but be torn. On this trip to Florida, it would be six of us in one vehicle, plus a puppy. Traveling does take a lot of time and energy. On the other hand, it would be a welcome break from routine.

Maria Garcia Staff Reporter

Christmas is just around the corner, which can only mean one thing: end-ofthe-year finals are only an arm’s length away. It also means stress and anxiety are at an all-time high, since most students fill themselves with worry, dread, and fear of failure, which can negatively affect learning and performance. Instead, students should plan out a time for studying. Students should plan a schedule ahead of time of when their finals take place, and come up with a study plan. Some exams may require more study time than others, so finding a balance is key. Many students (including me), think that by staying up all night, the information will stick better. But is going through the next day exhausted worth it? A study set to be published in the January issue of Behavioral Sleep Medicine found that students who regularly pulled all-nighters tended to have lower GPAs than those who got a full night of sleep. Instead of trying to cram as much as possible into one night, students should try to get a good night of sleep so that they are up, alert, and focused to ace that exam the next day. One tip is to practice with old exams- finals usually consist of everything that one has learned over the course of the semester, so by looking at old tests, you can get familiar with how the professor formats their questions. Timing yourself can also serve as an effective method for making sure you are spending enough time on each section. Remember to take breaks! If you study better in the morning, you should start early before taking a break at lunchtime. Or, if you are more productive at nighttime, you should try taking a larger break earlier in the day so you are ready to buckle down in the evening. For your breaks, try putting down the book, get out of the chair, and

stretch your legs. Doing some yoga or going for a jog helps to relax the brain and will result in less stress and reduced anxiety. Focusing on that certain yoga pose or reaching that milestone during a jog will definitely take the worry away. Don’t forget Vitamin D is important for a healthy brain! Snack on brain food; as hard as the temptation hits, try to stay away from junk food. After long hours of studying, it is natural to want to grab some cookies, or go for your favorite candy bar. But all that unwanted sugar can have negative results to a student’s energy level and focus. Keeping the brain wellfueled by choosing nutritious foods such as nuts seeds, berries, and yogurt has been proven to help in concentration and memory. The same can be said for on exam day. Eating a well-balanced breakfast before the test can help you stay focused and prepared. While reaching for that energy drink may sound like a good idea at first, it comes with a crash that will leave you completely drained. Not only that, but the caffeine can stay in the body for hours, making it difficult to fall asleep and disrupt sleeping patterns. Research indicates that mild dehydration can negatively affect your mood and ability to think. Drinking water can help the body function better and reduce fatigue. Personally, how I prep for finals is pretty simple. I get up from my desk, and grab my running shoes. Headphones in; voices out. As I’m running, I get lost in my own music, each one of my feet pressing down with the beat of the song. Before I know it, I forget about my exams, whether I was going to fail or not, and that feeling of being super stressed-out. It amazes me what an hour of relaxation can do to my health, both physically and mentally.



Page 14 | Monday, December 5, 2016

CLC should take a stand as student sanctuary Liz Braithwaite Managing Editor

What does it mean to be a “sanctuary”? For the sanctuary city of Chicago, this means protecting illegal immigrants within the city’s boundaries from deportation. Local laws are prohibiting government officials and police from investigating the immigration status of Chicago residents, the Chicago Tribune said. Many universities across the United States have ongoing petitions for becoming sanctuary schools, especially for students involved in DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy. The College of Lake County has not made any statements similar to this, though if they were to participate in this nationwide conversation it may provide a percentage of students with a highly beneficial sense of security

and support. According to the Chicago Tribune, DACA allowed roughly 742,000 young, undocumented immigrants, who entered the U.S. as children, up to two years to live and find work in the United States. Universities in support of retaining DACA will allow a safer space for these students, in which they do not have to fear coming to school, participating on campus, or having their family members visit their college. President-elect Donald J. Trump has vowed to eliminate DACA and deport millions of undocumented immigrants, said The Chronicle of Higher Education in an article Nov. 17. On Thursday, Dec. 1, the “Statement in Support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program and our Undocumented Immigrant Students” from Pomona College had reached 441 signatures from

different university presidents. The statement addresses U.S. government leaders in order to uphold, continue, and expand the 2012 DACA policy on campuses throughout the nation. The schools have agreed this is a “moral imperative and a national necessity.” “We call on our colleagues and other leaders across the business, civic, religious, and non-profit sectors to join with us in this urgent matter,” the statement read. The Chronicle of Higher Education wrote, “the call for sanctuary campuses becomes the starting point of a broader conversation about how best to help vulnerable populations.” Some schools have added to the call to action, including the decision of many schools to neither enforce nor facilitate federal immigration enforcement. “OSU will vehemently oppose any federal effort to create a registry based on

protected characteristics, such as national origin, religion, sexual orientation, race, or other identities,” wrote OSU President Edward J Ray. Other schools have declared specific situations or guidelines for when and if they would comply with federal immigration laws. “Portland State University will not facilitate or consent to immigration enforcement activities on our campus unless legally compelled to do so or in the event of clear exigent circumstances such as an imminent risk to the health or safety of others,” said President Wim Wiewel of PSU. Loyola University Chicago is one of 28 colleges involved in the “Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities,” or AJCU, which represent over 215,000 students, 21,000 faculty, and more than 2 million living alumni, according to their statement published Wednesday, Nov. 30.

“Trust calls us to embrace the entire human family, regardless of their immigration status or religious allegiance,” the AJCU presidents wrote. A student at Pomona College, Xavier Maciel, made a spreadsheet to track the amount of schools, which formed petitions to become sanctuary schools. The list was created a week after the presidential election results were released. On Thursday, Dec. 1, the student-made spreadsheet of colleges with on-going petitions reported 150 universities. CLC should join the ranks of schools that have publicly supported their undocumented and DACA students, in order to facilitate a stress-free environment where CLC students can rightfully receive their education.

from many Americans who claimed that the nation could not have a president who wasn’t aware of his own (and their own) rights. Social media was rampant with arguments-- some who agreed with him and some who disagreed. Both sides of the argument were butting heads, attacking each other until the argument was no longer even about the comment-just about who could be the nastiest and meanest to the other. Truth is, this isn’t old news. Our nation is so diverse that it is going to be difficult-- if not nearly impossible-- for everyone to agree on an issue. But it was that principle in itself that the First Amendment was built upon. Its rights to freedom of expression are meant to protect those with unpopular opinions, and meant to allow all of the voices of our melting pot of a nation to be heard. So, do you think Trump is right when he says that flagburners should be stripped of their American identity? Yes? No? Maybe? Do you even care? Regardless of your answer

to that question, the point is that you were able to answer at all. We all have the right to answer how we want to. We all have the right to express ourselves-- even Trump. While I may not agree with everything he says and may not even respect his character, I do respect the right he has to speak-- just as I hope others respect my right to speak. My point is that we often forget, in our bouts of anger towards others and what they have said, that we are also fueling the flame. We forget that, in demonizing others for the things they’ve said, we are infringing their right to freedom of speech-- just as we feel like they are infringing ours. For example, we can say that Trump is wrong for saying that nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag, but we are infringing his right to have freedom of expression. In demonizing each other, both sides of the argument are eliminating the right to have an unpopular opinion. Regardless of who is taking the presidential seat, there will always be someone who

doesn’t support them. It’s all just a never-ending cycle. The only thing left to do now is hope that Trump’s words are just to show off on social media and that he doesn’t actually plan on taking away people’s rights.

As a nation facing such a disliked president-elect, it’s very important to remember our strength in unity rather than divided by petty internet fights and comments.

Why we protect the right to offensive speech

Diana Panuncial A&E Editor

Many of us were taught that if we “didn’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” However, president-elect Donald Trump doesn’t seem to follow this rule very well. Recently, yet unsurprisingly, Trump was on another social media rant. On Tuesday, Nov. 29, he took to Twitter with the following statement: “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!” Unsurprisingly, his comment caused controversy. The main concern is that Trump, who is taking his seat in the White House in just a little over a month, is not even aware of the Constitution that the White House was built upon. Flag-burning is protected in the First Amendment of the Constitution, which advocates for freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and other rights of expression. Trump received backlash








Page 15 | Monday, December 5 , 2016

Men’s basketball struggles against state school Brad Stevens Sports Editor

“I don’t think we played well offensively in any way,” said Head Coach Chuck Ramsey after the Lancers men’s basketball team lost to University of WisconsinWaukesha (UWW) Thursday Dec. 1. The Lancers have definitely gotten out to the start they were hoping for being 2-8 as of this loss. If they continue at they will end the season at 6-24, which is not where they were hoping to be after being one game behind first place last season going 1713. “You know every year is different in junior college basketball,” Ramsey said. “We’re just trying to find our way here. We’re trying to find what works. I’ve got a lot of players who not only are inexperienced at this level, but inexperienced at any level. While they do have some bright moments, they have a lot of times when they break down fundamentally. We lost some guys right before the first game that were really good players and that really

set us back. You can’t replace guys at this level.” A lot of the Lancers struggles came from poor shooting and allowing the other team to read them too easily. The Lancers shot 32.9% from the field, 18.8% from 3 point range and 45.2% from the free throw line. UWW shot 54.1% from the field, 50% from 3 point range

and 69.6% from the free throw line. Ethan Sage was one of the few bright spots in an otherwise dull night for the lancers. Sage led the team in points scored and total rebounds with 20 and 14 respectively. Donovan Knox came through big on the glass with 8 offensive rebounds and several put backs. He

ended just boards short of a double-double. With about 3 minutes left in the first half the Lancers were able to go on a run to bring the score differential within points but UWW was able to regain their footing after a timeout. With about 3 minutes left in the second half the game was clearly out of reach with the Lancers being down by

Jalen Deere caught fire and rattled off seven unanswered points. He then got into a heated argument with one of the referees. He received a technical foul and ended up being ejected from the game. “He got hot, hit some shots and then couldn’t keep his mouth shut,” Ramsey said.

Mass on Campus Feast of the Immaculate Conception Thursday, December 8th, Noon Multi-purpose Room Sponsored by the Catholic Club The Catholic Club meets weekly – Tuesdays, Room A112, at 11am. More info:

Happy Holidays from the Chronicle Staff! The Catholic Club

Mass on Campus

Striving to help one another on the journey of faith as a college student.

Feast of the Immaculate

Fall Semester Weekly Meetings – Tuesdays, Room A112, at 11am


Join us for our ‘Thanksgiving Potluck’ Tuesday, November 22nd during our club meeting!

Thursday, December 8th, Noon Multi-purpose Room

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Photo courtesy of /Chronicle Illustration by Sydney Seeber

Monday, december 5, 2016

UPCOMING Home GAMES Men’s Basketball


Rock Valley College December 6

7:15 p.m.


STREET REACT Truth Conquers All Since 1969

Vol 50, No.7

College of Dupage

December 17

2:00 p.m.

Should athletes boycott White House?

Jake Parmley Staff Reporter


Morton College

January 12

7:15 p.m.


Moraine Valley cc January 17

7:15 p.m.

Five College of Lake County students responded to athletes stating they may not visit the White House for a championship celebration with President Elect Trump in office. Richard Jefferson a member of the 2016 NBA Champion Cleveland Cavaliers predicts the Cavaliers will be the last team to visit the White House until Trump is out of office. “Words cannot express the honor I feel being the last team to visit the White House tomorrow.” Jefferson said. Lebron James who was also a member of the 2016 NBA Champion Cleveland Cavaliers who is a strong Hilary Clinton supporter was non comital if he would visit Trump in the White

House after visiting President Obama three times in the White House. “I don’t know. That’s something that we’ll cross. We’ll have to cross that road if we get to it. We’ll see. I would hope to have to cross that road,” James said. CLC students gave various responses to these athletes’ comments. Jalen Deere of Gurnee was asked if he thinks athletes will visit Trump in the White House. “People don’t respect him. I don’t think players will like his comments about certain races.” Deere said. Anthony Martin of Vernon Hills also believes that athletes will not visit Trump in the White House. “He’s like Swiper the Fox and I do not trust him and I don’t think the players will trust him. He gets people to believe in him and has

caused riots in our country,” Martin said. Anthony Serdar of Fox Lake had a different stance and believes that player will visit President Elect Trump in the White House. “Yes it’s an honor to receive an invitation to visit the White House,” Serdar said. “I think most Cubs players will visit Trump but I do think some of the Hispanic Cubs player’s won’t visit.” Serdar does not believe it will divide locker rooms if certain players will visit trump while others do not support him. Chris Cuvaus of Waukegan also believes not as many players will visit Trump as they did with Obama. “Players don’t relate as well with Trump as they did with Obama.” Cuvaus said “I don’t think him making fun of kids with disabilities

helped his relationship with players.” Jack Tenbusch of Winthrop Harbor believes teams will follow the first team’s actions if they decide to go or not. “I don’t think I would visit because I wouldn’t be able to take it,” Tenbusch said “I disagree with a lot of the stuff he says like his policies, deportation, building the wall, and the replacement of Obamacare.” Tenbusch also believes players will be afraid to speak up if they do support Trump and Obama was much more relatable to the players. “I think some players will visit and some wont,” Tenbusch said. “I hope players don’t visit to send a strong message to Trump.”

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