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Dr. Dilligaf

Dear Dr. Dilligaf, How do I attract more women when I am on my Bike?



Dear Anonymous,

Since you didn't send a picture or give any other important information: such as physique, looks, age, or even gender I can only help with general things.

First, be confident.

It's a big attention getter. Next, be funny.

People are attracted by a sense of humor.

Radiate calm. Humans are naturally drawn to those who seem comfortable regardless of circumstance. But, I have to warn you, that if you follow these suggestions, the end result is that you may find someone. You may even fall in love. But given time the things that drew you together: Confidence, Humor and Calmness will become the reasons you can't be together. For Confidence will become Ego. Humor will mean immaturity and Calmness suggests that you don't care. So, my question to you is: Are you SURE that you want to attract one?

Dr. Dilligaf

Dr. Dilligaf PSA

I just wanted to put out a couple of reminders about safe summertime riding. Everyone can stand to be reminded of a few things that will make summertime riding both more comfortable and safer.

When riding in dry, hot weather on the highways make an effort to get behind a large GM automobile or an Ice Cream truck. These two vehicles produce the most air conditioning condensation and will provide needed hydration while riding.

If you ride a bagger or if you sport a backpack, you should always have another shirt. Be certain to put summer air in your tires so they don't get as hot. Remember to look where you want to go. Slowing down as quick as you can beats laying it down.

When on a motorcycle you are invisible. On a loud motorcycle you are both invisible and noisy.

The really big bugs hit you like kamikazes. "Yep, I'm dying but this is going to hurt you long after I'm gone."

Be careful when you are maneuvering around other people, bikes only fall over when others are watching.

When you are two-up be twice as careful. Have a safe summer and fall riding season.

~DR Dilligaf

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