Abstracts of DRHA Dublin 2015

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and dream, a fictitious spatiotemporal experience that forms a complex warren of thoughts. The journey of the listener is unclear and unresolved by the end, a mysterious excursion that is ultimately unfathomable. We intentionally produce vagaries between realism, recollection, and insentient thoughts. The role of this joint project is not simply to present a story, but to summon one from within the listener, to embody this, and to affect its outcome. A stereo preview of the work is available here: https://youtu.be/wG2K_CKD__c

Category Installation

Places I've Never Been Conor McGarrigle Places I’ve Never Been is a data project that mines four years worth of personal location data to generate a locative data portrait of my movements and activities to highlight glitches and anomalies in location information reported from my mobile phone. Since 2011 I have recorded and tracked the locations that my phone reports it has been. I say reports because while this data is on the most part reasonably accurate it contains anomalies. Major anomalies. In fact it sporadically reports my location in places I've never been. Countries I've never visited, cities I've never explored, country lanes that I've never had the pleasure of, as well as streets, avenues and buildings that are new to me. At a time when our data shadows provide a portrait in data that describes and defines our digital existence, not to mention providing locational evidence in court, what do these glitches mean and in what way can they highlight and problematize ubiquitous data collection regimes that define out digital everyday. This proposal is for an exhibition of prints of images captured from Google Street View of places I've never been to but my phone thinks I have. These will be accompanied by an interactive time-based animated map -using cartodb torque mapping techniques and displayed either on a screen or projected - of my complete locational history since 2011. The number of prints and size will vary between 10-30 depending on venue and in consultation with the curators.

Category Installation


Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.