Liverpool Waters - Heritage impact assessment

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Impact Assessment

Impact on Fabric: The gate will not be physically altered by development. The CMP indicates that all necessary repairs will be carried out to the wall and gateways. The area of stone setts on the west side of the wall together with the rail tracks will be incorporated as part of the public realm. In accordance with the criteria for assessment of scale or severity of impact set out in 2.5.1, the impact on fabric will be major beneficial.

Impact on Setting: The height of the block to the north of the gateway will make it appear dominant in relation to the gate, though it will not prevent the role of the gateway as an entrance through the security wall being understood. The proposed block is one of a series of buildings that define the new grid of the area and create a western edge to the dock road beyond the dock wall. This will have a broadly positive impact on the structure of the area, within which the OUV will be made understandable. In accordance with the criteria for assessment of scale or severity of impact set out in 2.5.1, the impact on setting would be negligible adverse. Significance of Effect or Overall Impact Combining the impact on fabric and the impact on setting, the scale or severity of impact is minor beneficial. Taking account of the value of the asset in accordance with the table set out in 2.5.3, the cumulative significance of effect or impact is moderate beneficial.

Liverpool Waters Heritage Impact Assessment

Page 136

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