Liverpool Waters - Archaeological deposit model

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Archaeological issues (and listed building)matters are addressed by conditions (2), (3) and (6): Condition 2 states: Prior to any redevelopment commencing on site an archaeological survey shall be carried out, identifying, recording and publishing any archaeological and historic remains affected by the development, and be submitted to and agreed in writing by the local planning authority (in consultation with Merseyside Archaeological Service). For the avoidance of doubt, this survey shall be carried out by a specialist acceptable to the local planning authority and in accordance with an agreed written brief and specification and adhere to the following: (i)

No excavations, geotechnical or geochemical investigations, alterations of statutory undertakers equipment or piling within or adjacent to an area which is in the opinionated local planning authority of known or suspected archaeological importance, shall commence until a scheme to deal with any archaeological remains on the site has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority.


The scheme shall identify areas where open excavation and/or a watching brief is required and also appropriate measures to be taken during and after construction should any significant archaeological remains be found. It shall also provide that any archaeological works carried out on site shall be by a suitably qualified investigating body acceptable to the local planning authority,


(iii) The scheme shall include specific measures for preserving in situ the remains of any old dock related structures or other important remains discovered as follows:

(a) a programme of archaeological work that has investigated the location, nature, extent and survival of that part of any old dock structures or other remains directly affected by the development in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority; the programme shall include evaluation and excavation, as appropriate; and (b) details of an engineering solution and method statement, including appropriate drawings, showing the location and nature of any structures proposed by the development which will affect the remains. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details to secure the preservation of the remains/structures in situ, provided that this is compatible with the engineering requirements of the development. REASON: To ensure appropriate investigation, preservation in situ, protection, recording and publication of archaeological remains affected by the development. Condition 3 states: No part or phase of the development hereby permitted shall commence until: (a) An investigation and assessment methodology, including analysis suite and risk assessment methodologies has been completed and submitted to and approved by the LPA in writing, prior to any site investigations. (b) A site investigation and assessment has been carried out by competent persons to determine the status of contamination including chemical, radiochemical, flammable or toxic gas, asbestos, biological and physical hazards at the site and submitted to the LPA. The investigations and assessments shall be in accordance with current Government and Environment Agency recommendations and guidance and shall identify the nature and extent of any contaminants present, whether or not they originate on the site, their potential for migration and risks associated with them. Thedc1001 PL APPVD COND. Dot assessment shall consider the potential risks to: Liverpool Waters Archaeological Deposit Model – November 2011

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