by Jesus Christ: How you can do your best for the kingdom of heaven

Page 121

connected to tavistock institute. that is why: you should not spare all of them, because nowaday all of them prepare to destroy the world completely using all measure at their disposal including now force, bilderberg group, illuminati, knights of malta, weather modification technology, global warming, insemination, immunization and vaccination, A.I.D.S., and other population reducing program. Don’t you know that is how you should destroy the mengele plan completely: you should find the location of port chalmers where tanker that is called maersk denton now ported because of low water level. That is why: do your best to destroy and ruin maersk denton completely along with destroy and ruin bloodstock ltd. warehouse completely quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. For you to know: the location of port chalmers is at latitude 45.8000 S, and longitude 170.6330 E, (b)but you should verify its exact location including bloodstock ltd warehouse location. That is the article for today. Love, Jesus Christ.



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