by Jesus Christ: how you can do evangelism with social media

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Don’t you know that that is why: if you do not repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly, and then you should not do properly take care your family and your people surround you, and you do not begin to love each other, and then you will find your life full of emptiness and only full of hate and anger. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John chapter 15.

Alternative solution Quote: 'More than anything, the person needs rest and security, which they will not find in current psychiatric institutions.' Mental health care: what is the alternative to psychotropic drug. Do you know that some psychiatric clinic doctor have really really really different eye, and that is their eye is so cold and cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel. Some people say that mentally disordered patient are caused by their brain never get rest. Actually some problem are caused by those patient consume a number of brain triggering stimulant, including: coffee, chocolate, tea in excessive dose, and a number of animal including sheep and cow and other animal. And that is why: do your best to do fast, in accordance with the book of Daniel chapter 1. And do not read anymore while you take sometime to get rest, literally speaking stop reading anything. Read the Bible only and promise to yourself that you will never read no more book, that is the recipe if you want your brain to get rest. You should know that each time you read, then your brain will work hard to transmit information to your hippocampus, and that is what some people call as synaptic transmission. But if you always read or calculate in front of your computer, then after a while your hippocampus will be overheated, and then you will suffer a number of symptom, including a number of serious damage to your brain. And that is why: do your best to read only as minimum as possible, and especially read the Bible only. see the illustration included in the last page of this article. See url as follows: g.lynch and m.baudry, science vol.224, 1984, url:

Do not do anything that may cause harm to you and other people surround you including your family, and do not terminate either your doctor, because they do not know either the solution or cause of your depression or aggression, except those doctor who are affiliated and associated by tavistock institute. Learn to forgive and learn to pray and say thank to your Father in Heaven, and do your best to not to say too many thing because your mentally disordered brain need time to rest, and do not spoil your life for nothing, and do not spend too many time to read or to work or to see television or movie, just do your fast from tonight at ten p.m. until next afternoon at 12 57

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