Christian Herald - May 2024

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INSIDE: Behind the Loblaws boycott • Redeemer U’s The Studio Christian HERALD FREE! May 2024 Anyone Pray Crossroads’ new platform brings easy 24/7 crisis prayer support to the local church Brooke Nicholls heads out on cross-country tour Page 10 The Women’s Christian Temperance Union A legacy of faith-full, female-led social action Page 9 Page 8 Canadians perceive threats to free speech Page 6

The 2024 Toronto Prayer Breakfast


TPB celebrates its 30th anniversary, Streaming debut on May 14

More than 500 attended the 2024 Toronto Prayer Breakfast (TPB) on March 5. The event marked the 30th anniversary of the Breakfast, which began in 1994 as the Scarborough Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. Pastors, ministry leaders, political dignitaries and others from all over Toronto and beyond gathered to worship together, fellowship over a hot meal, and pray in unity for the city.

Members of the 2024 TPB platform team: [Left to Right] Robbie Rhodes, Chair of the original 1994 Breakfast, Fazal Karim, Jr, Current TPB Chair, Rev. Alexander Wilson, Vice Chair Mike Noble, Prayer Co-ordinator Rev. Donnie Persaud, Guest Speaker Rev. Desiree Sills, Mrs. Harriet Thornhill, Chancellor, Tyndale University, and Emcee Justin Kelsey

(Pictured [L-R]

Councillor Lily

led a discussion on how churches are helping with the city’s

Photos provided by Bosco Tung. The 2024 Toronto Prayer Breakfast will debut on YouTube on Tuesday, May 14. For more info on the Toronto Prayer Breakfast, or to request the 2024 prayer points, please visit

/ Christian Herald MAY 2024 2 HAPPENINGS
The Tyndale Singers led the attendees in worship to start the event. Her Worship Mayor Olivia Chow attended and addressed the crowd. After her remarks, she was presented with a gift of a Leadership Bible by the Canadian Bible Society. Jacob Birch of CBS, Mayor Olivia Chow, Emcee Justin Kelsey, and TPB Chair Fazal Karim, Jr.) Cheng refugee crisis.


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Christian Herald / MAY 2024 3

The warm weather has finally arrived and we’re about to embark on spring and summer journeys, meetings and gatherings. Of course, our faith goes with us wherever we go, so it’s a season of taking our faith outdoors as well.

It’s practically impossible to list and cover everything that the Holy Spirit is doing in the GTA, so Christian Herald tries to curate a selection of Christian news, features and current events that showcase what is happening in the GTA and beyond, with an eye on keeping local believers informed.

We try to ensure every branch of the Evangelical Vine gets its time in the sun. But again, it can be difficult to track devel-

opments in more than 70 church families, especially as the number of Christian news outlets in Canada has diminished, and it is not always practical for smaller denominations to staff a communications office and send out press releases.

If you know of a significant story we’ve been missing or is upcoming, let us know by email or comment on our social media. We’re always grateful for news tips, and for reader comments on the job we’re doing.

Enjoy the issue!

Blessings, Fazal.

/ Christian Herald MAY 2024 4
FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK CALLFOR CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNTS AUTO, HOME & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Savings of 40% and Better coverage! • CALL FOR CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNTS • CALL US ABOUT YOUR COMMERCIAL INSURANCE BEFORE YOU RENEW YOUR CURRENT POLICY, CALL US FOR A FREE QUOTE and receive a Tim Horton’s Gift Card as a Thank You. Have a coffee on us! WWW.EVANGELICALFAMILYINSURANCE.COM $15 FOR SET! Trouble on the Way* and its newly released study guide help believers understand that persecution is something all followers of “the Way” can expect to face in this fallen world. Used together, you will learn about persecution in all its forms and be enabled to stand firmly against it. For more information or to purchase, visit today! NOW AVAILABLE! *Winner of the The Word Guild’s 2021 Debra Fieguth Social Justice Award

Christian HERALD

Volume 31, No. 4 - May 2024

Founded in 1994, Christian Herald serves the Christian community across the Southern Ontario region, and is published up to 12 times a year.

Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Fazal Karim, Jr.

Editorial Contributors

Victoria Brayshaw-Driessen, Bosco Tung, Art Wormald

Volunteer Distributors (Print Edition)

John Campbell, Edgar Daniels, Sandra Diaz, Michelle Foster, Elaine Frith, Rochan Goonoo, John Howes, Cordelia McIntosh, Rick Pacholko, Terence Roberts, Henry Stevens.

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Christian Herald’s general circulation (print edition) presently stands at 24,000 copies per issue. [May 2024]


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MAY 2024 Your support means the world to us

New poll suggests Canadians understand threats to free speech

Federal government has introduced Online Harms Act ; Online News Act stifling news-sharing on social media; Online Streaming Act requiring podcasters to register

Arecent Leger poll has found that a majority of Canadians believe that free speech is under threat in Canada.

The polling firm surveyed Canadians from April 26 to April 28, 2024, to find out their opinions and perceptions on freedom of speech in their country. Some of their key findings were:

• More than half of Canadians (57%) feel that freedom of speech is threatened in Canada, while more than one-third (36%) think the opposite.

• 62% of Canadians think it is tougher to voice their opinion in their country, while 27% think it is easier.

• Most Canadians (61%) think their opinions are mostly socially acceptable, while 19% think they are mostly socially unacceptable and 19% don’t know. Conservative voters are more likely to think their opinions are socially unacceptable (25%).

Freedom of speech has become a trending topic almost daily on social media, with the passage of several bills from the Federal Liberal government. Canadians now being restricted from sharing local news on major online platforms after the passage of the Online News Act.

The passage of the Online Streaming Act now means that podcasters have to register with the CRTC, provoking commentary about whether compelling registration with the government to share opinions in a democracy is appropriate.

Most recently, the Government has

introduced the Online Harms Act, which takes things even further in the name of protecting children online.

On April 10, The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) presented more than 50,000 petition signatures against the Online Harms Act to the Minister of Justice and all Parliamentarians.

The JCCF petition asserts that:

• The Online Harms Act threatens freedom of expression in Canada.

• Canadians’ online expression should not be censored unless it violates the Criminal Code.

• No Canadian should face an anonymous human rights complaint for what they have said.

• No Canadian should be hauled before a court or punished merely because somebody “fears” they will say something hateful.

• No Canadian should face life imprisonment for their expression.

A full statement on the Justice Centre’s concerns with the Online Harms Act is available on the JCCF website. []

Talkback: How should the Church respond to anti-Israel protests?

Shrugging off Gen Z indoctrination, denial of Israel’s right to exist is not an option

The last several months have seen an epidemic of anti-Israel protests in Toronto, with Jewish homes, businesses and places of worship being targeted and vandalized. Recently, encampments have sprung up at higher education venues across North America. Whether or not these protests have outside support and funding, it’s clear that many of the younger generation are offering support, and this concerns many Christian leaders.

“We are now seeing the logical outcome of an education system that teaches students to see the world through a lens of racialist

resentment,” said Dr. Jeff Myers, President of Summit Ministries. “Gen Z is three times as likely as the general population to deny Israel’s right to exist. Sympathy for Hamas has grown. This should be a massive wakeup call to parents, educators, and cultural leaders—we now have a generation primed to accept without question the propaganda of those who wish to overturn Judeo-Christian civilization.”

Christian Herald wants to know how you think Christians should respond to this wave of anti-Israel thought and action. Send your comments [50-250 words] to us by email or postal mail (see Page 5.)

Does Loblaws truly understand the battle against it?

For several years, a variety of left-wing and socialist organizations have been heaping public scorn on the supermarket chain Loblaws and its affiliated companies. While most of the increase in inflation has been the result of largely unchecked government overspending both during and after the pandemic (compounded by the subsequent increases in carbon taxation), the vicious campaign against Loblaws has sought to lay blame on the company for the food insecurity issues stemming from the rise in prices. This has evolved into calls to boycott the grocer and its affiliates during the month of May.

There are two reasons that left-wing activists have adopted this strategy. One is to try to hide the fact that the rise in inflation has been caused predominantly by government excess. It’s difficult to call for ever-increasing government spending and more involvement in new programs when people realize that the spending is affecting the price of everything.

The other reason is the need to obscure Loblaws’ place in the historical record. Loblaws takes it name from Theodore Pringle Loblaw, a Toronto grocer who revolutionized the grocery business in the early 1900s. In later life, Loblaw experienced a spiritual awakening and dedicated his life to Christ, making public statements about his conversion frequently. He eventually sold the company to the Weston family, who still control the company to this day.

In a recent obituary to Galen Weston, Conrad Black writes, “The ethos of the Westons for more than a century has been a novel form of Christian capitalism that is applied with great success...”

As with similar modern campaigns against reformers Egerton Ryerson and Henry Dundas, Loblaws has a particular Christian legacy in Canada that some on the left are all too eager to erase.

/ Christian Herald MAY 2024 6 NEWS

2024 Honorary Degree Recipients


Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto has announced that its honorary degree recipients for 2024 will be Mrs. Shaila C. Visser and The Rev. Canon Dr Barry Parker. Both will receive their honorary degrees at Wycliffe’s spring convocation, on Monday, May 13 in Wycliffe College’s Sheraton Hall.

For two decades Shaila Visser has provided leadership to Alpha—the church-based program known around the world for introducing people to the Christian faith. Her association with the course that has transformed the lives and beliefs of millions of people began with Alpha International in 2004, where she headed up Alpha in the Workplace globally. Today, she is National Director of Alpha Canada, a role she has held since 2010, and the Global Senior Vice-President for Alpha International. A gifted communicator who is known for her strategic leadership and her ability to bring people together, Shaila’s great passion is helping people meet Jesus, and developing young talent for the church in Canada. She will be awarded the degree Doctor of Sacred Letters (honoris causa), after which she will address the graduating class.

Though the Rev. Canon Dr Barry Parker is best known for serving 22 years as rector of St. Paul’s Bloor Street, he has given a lifetime of service to the church in Canada, beginning at a small rural Alberta parish in 1986, then a large suburban parish in Edmonton, before moving to Toronto, where he ministered until retirement. All three churches were regarded for their health and vitality during his tenure. He taught at Wycliffe College and Tyndale University and served as a Critical Incident Chaplain for Toronto Fire Services. He continues to provide leadership coaching to younger Christian leaders across denominations and across the country, and will preach at the celebratory service for graduates preceding convocation, where he will be awarded the degree Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa).

The honorary degree is Wycliffe College’s highest academic distinction. It is awarded to people whose lives and service to the church and society merit recognition.

Ministries team to triple current services to prisoners Prison Fellowship International (PFI) and Bible League International (BLI) marked their 10-year partnership with a new agreement to triple their service to prisoners over the next five years. In the past 10 years, the organizations have distributed over 550,000 Bibles to graduates of two in-prison programs: Prison Fellowship International's The Prisoner's Journey® (TPJ), currently running in 36 countries, and co-created Prison Project Phillip (PPP), a discipleship follow-on program to TPJ running in 10 countries worldwide. To date, Bibles have been provided in six languages across 900 prison sites.

Intriciti commemorates 20 years with CCIFB launch

Intriciti, a marketplace ministry headquartered in Toronto, celebrated its 20th anniversary on April 3. Headed by CEO Alana Walker Carpenter, the ministry aims to engage business leaders and inspire them on their spiritual journey. At the Gala, the ministry announced the launch of the Canadian Centre for the Integration of Faith & Business (CCIFB).

Samaritan’s Purse Canada receives Emergency Field Hospital

On March 19, Samaritan’s Purse transported one of its Emergency Field Hospitals to Calgary to increase Samaritan’s Purse Canada’s capacity to launch international, life-saving medical responses.

The hospital will be strategically positioned in the Samaritan’s Purse Canada warehouse and have customizable units that include an emergency room, laboratory, surgical facilities, and everything needed for inpatient and outpatient care in the event of an international crisis.

“We are thankful that the Lord has provided us with this resource,” said Fred Weiss, executive director of Samaritan’s Purse Canada. “We’ll be able to deploy this field hospital along with Canadian disaster responders to provide expert care that will save lives and reduce suffering while sharing the message of eternal life through Christ.”

Biola University to launch new type of AI Lab, to lead in the convergence of Faith and Technology

California-based Biola University has launched a new type of Artificial Intelligence Lab (AI Lab) for research and interdisciplinary engagement where Christian principles actively guide the advancement and utilization of AI.

First of its kind, the lab will serve as a central hub for faculty from all disciplines and students from all majors with an emphasis on collaboration and theological integration to better understand AI and its impact on society and the Christian faith.

Dr. Dave Bourgeois, professor of business analytics in the Crowell School of Business at Biola, will serve as director of the AI Lab, which will be located in the Crowell School of Business building.

“The mission of the AI Lab at Biola is to educate, engage and experiment with AI in a way that reflects the Christian commitment to moral and ethical discernment, human dignity, and the unique capacities inherent in the image of God,” said Bourgeois. “We aim to be a resource center, actively shaping the future of AI by providing education, fostering dialogue, and leading innovative AI projects rooted in the Christian tradition.”

Unlike other college AI labs, the AI Lab at Bi-

ola will be grounded in theological principles that will guide discussions and practical applications and will be an interdisciplinary hub for academic programs across campus.

Research from Barna Group underscores the lab’s significance, revealing that self-identified Christians exhibit a greater inclination toward integrating AI into their professional endeavors compared to non-Christians. With 62% of Christians in the workforce reporting frequent or occasional use of AI, as opposed to 49% among non-Christians, the lab is a vital space where Christian values shape the trajectory of AI development.

“The lab not only fosters digital literacy but also advocates for the ethical and faith-aligned application of technology, addressing the need for education and dialogue in light of potential skepticism or distrust associated with AI usage in spiritual contexts,” said Dean of the Crowell School of Business, Dr. Michael Arena.

In addition to the AI Lab, Biola will launch an AI Studio designed for collaboration with local businesses and nonprofits to advance external AI solutions and businesses for kingdom impact.

Christian Herald / MAY 2024 7 MINISTRY UPDATES

Crossroads Unveils

‘Anyone Pray’

An innovative Prayer Line Platform for churches, ministries, and other Kingdom-minded organizations

One of the best-known Christian ministries in Canada is Crossroads Christian Communications, producers of the daily television program 100 Huntley Street

A key feature of 100 Huntley Street’s daily ministry has been its call-in Prayer Centre, which has fielded close to 14 million calls since its inception in 1977. Viewers have been encouraged daily to call in to the 24-hour line with prayer requests, and the Centre’s staff and volunteers have not simply prayed with callers, but have ministered to a wide variety of spiritual needs, with callers suffering from loneliness, depression, grief, addiction, heartache and more.

A 24-hour call-in prayer line is a community service that many churches and ministries would love to offer, but the barriers to entry are high.

Volunteer recruitment and training,

equipment, software, and technical support costs can make such an endeavour difficult for churches and ministries to launch. So Crossroads decided to build on the success of its Prayer Centre ministry, and partner with local congregations and ministries to increase community impact.

Could your congregation use its own 24-hour prayer-line?

‘Anyone Pray’ offers a unique service for churches seeking to deepen their pastoral care and outreach. Upon dialing, callers are greeted by their own church’s name, fostering immediate connection. The platform allows churches to manage follow-ups personally, providing that crucial touch of care and attention to individuals in need. The service’s standout feature is the innovative online Subscriber Dashboard, delivering insightful analytics on call patterns and

Designed for churches and other Christian organizations, Anyone Pray represents an innovative approach to pastoral care, offering a cost-effective solution for 24/7 crisis pastoral prayer support.

walls, addressing the needs of the wider community and potentially welcoming new members into their fellowship.

Calls can be answered either by the Prayer Centre or by a church’s own staff and volunteers. Crossroads handles the backend of the system for a fee (billed per call or annually), and allows congregations to access ‘best-in-class’ training for their prayer-line volunteers.

The Anyone Pray Online Subscriber Toolbox equips churches and organizations with all necessary materials to launch the program seamlessly, including logos, videos, email scripts, and social media graphics. Crossroads believes the Anyone Pray project will begin a new era for church and organizational prayer support, and will provide tremendous growth and discipleship opportunities for church leaders and their congregants, and ministry partners.

Tested Platform and 2024 Launch

revealing the community’s spiritual needs. Designed for churches and other Christian organizations, Anyone Pray represents an innovative approach to pastoral care, offering a cost-effective solution for 24/7 crisis pastoral prayer support. “There are very few things in life that gives a person both the value of an eternal impact and the satisfaction of seeing lives transformed. Anyone Pray is one of those initiatives,” said Kevin Shepherd, Crossroads and YES TV CEO. Anyone Pray ensures anonymity for those who may hesitate to contact church leaders directly, and nurtures a sense of being known and cared for within a church or ministry community.

Enhanced Outreach Through Personalized Prayer Lines

With Anyone Pray, churches and organizations can extend their outreach beyond their

A number of local congregations and Christian ministries have been involved with the launch and testing of the system over the last year. On January 25, Anyone Pray officially went live.

The Perspective TV ministry launched their prayer line on the Anyone Pray platform. “Being able to direct “anyone“ at “anytime” to a prayer line where they can receive prayer, encouragement and hope is absolutely huge for our ministry” says Rev. Dr. Mike Sherbino of The Perspective. “The availability of this prayer line 24/7 means that in those dark moments of the soul there is a place where people can reach out to us for help. This is a huge boost for the effectiveness of The Perspective TV ministry as we seek to share the gospel across Canada and beyond.”

More information on the Anyone Pray prayer ministry platform, including pricing, can be found at

/ Christian Herald MAY 2024 8 MINISTRY UPDATES
Photo: A volunteer at the 24-hour Crossroads Prayer Centre in Burlington prays with a caller. [Photo courtesy Crossroads]

The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and Social Revolution An Evangelical Canadian legacy of female-led, community-based social action

In February, Christian Herald highlighted

Leticia Youmans and the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), and the fight against alcohol abuse. The Union was the engine in the fight, but there were other participants who converged with the WCTU; which resulted in revolutionizing Ontario life in the late 19th Century and early 20th Century. This convergence was one of individuals involved in various parts of Ontario society.

First, there were men’s fraternal temperance organizations like the “Sons of Temperance” that in 1848, and the “Dominion Alliance For The Total Suppression Of Liquor Traffic” in 1875. However, this Alliance was extremely anti-Catholic and anti-French. In Quebec, Francophones formed “The Anti- alcoholic League” in 1906 to combat alcohol abuse and from 1919 into the 1920s Catholic clergy preached temperance sermons, the League printed temperance literature, and led campaigns against alcohol abuse.

Secondly, Ontario was rapidly trans-

forming into an urbanized and an industrializing province by the 1850s on wards. Evangelical industrialists and Evangelical factory owners imbued with the ideas of democratic progress and Evangelical revivalism desired to have a effective and dependable work force, and so perceived alcohol abuse as a threat to society and labour productivity. So they joined the WCTU and men’s temperance groups, and the churches supported because they believed alcohol was the root of poverty, domestic abuse, child neglect, and employee absenteeism,.

Third, Evangelical churches had promoted temperance as total abstinence as of 1835, in order to encourage sobriety, thrift, duty to work, God and country, family sanctity, and community, and participating in community work. In this way, converts realized that conversion to Christ was not merely assent to a belief, but a personal lifestyle.

“Evangelical churches had promoted temperance as total abstinence as of 1835, in order to encourage sobriety, thrift, duty to work, God and country, family sanctity, and community, and participating in community work.”

Fourth, returning to the WCTU, it’s activities had developed leaders with leadership skills such as public speakers, educators, and organizers of public campaigns. The Union had leaders like Louise McKinney and Amelia Youmans in Alberta. In Nova Scotia there was Edith Jessie Archibald. All these and other women were lay preachers in their churches socialites, public speakers writers.

The failure of the national referendum in 1898 to make Canada nationally alco-

hol-free convinced the WCTU members that it was not enough to educate by speeches and printed materials. That the members had to become politically active. This was a radical idea especially because women did not have the right to vote. As the 20th Century dawned many WCTU members and other Evangelicals began to move towards other reform movements such as clean drinking water campaigns because there was no sanitation in homes, and in public places, child welfare, hospitals like Sick Children’s Hospital, the beginnings of social welfare and so on.

In summary, the WCTU was the main thrust against alcohol abuse and other addictions. The Union converged with male temperance groups, Evangelical industrialists and factory owners, Evangelical churches, strong female leaders in the WCTU who were well gifted, and well organized and well experienced, who realized they had to become politically active in politics when women did not have the right to vote. What a legacy and how will we respond?

Christian Herald / MAY 2024 9 CHRISTIAN HISTORY Hunger is not a choice. Giving is. LOVE IS THE WAY FOOD + CLOTHING + SHELTER + COUNSELLING + CHILDREN & YOUTH PROGRAMS + SPIRITUAL CARE 900+ people access Scott Mission Food Banks each month. 36% of them are children and seniors. Help us do more!

Brooke Nicholls embarks on Glory to God tour

20-city tour starts in Ontario, then on to the Prairies and Western Canada

Hamilton-based worship leader Brooke Nicholls will head out on tour through Ontario and Western Canada this May, as her ‘Glory to God’ tour stops in at least 20 Canadian cities and towns.

Nicholls is a ten-time Covenant Award winner overall, including being named the Female Vocalist of the Year four years in a row. Her latest album ‘Glory To God’ was also nominated for a 2024 Juno Award and her devotional books have been Number 1 Christian Best-Sellers on Amazon.

Recently concluding concert dates with Don Moen and Paul Baloche, Nicholls will have a number of local worship leaders join her as special guests along the tour.

The ‘Glory To God’ album is her first new recording in four years. The album showcases Nicholls’s songwriting at its best; simultaneously congregational and deeply personal.

Songs like ‘Glory To God’ and ‘Be Exalted’ feel like the ancient hymns that built the modern Church; songs that transcend generations, focused on God’s glory and majesty and declaring His worthiness of our praise.

On the other end of the album’s spectrum, songs like “Enough” and “Not Finished” feature the personal reflection and intimate songwriting that people have come to love from Nicholls’ music.

In its entirety, ‘Glory To God’ is a body of work with one singular focus: to point the listener’s eyes toward heaven and remind them of the wonder and glory and greatness of our God.

The Glory to God tour will stop in Ontario cities from May 9-19.

Concert Announcement!

A Toronto date for the CeCe Winans Live concert tour has just been announced for Thursday, Sept. 19!

Tickets for the event are available from

2024 Festival Season approaches The summer music festival season has started with announcements for the 2024 Christian Music Festival (CMF) at Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto scheduled for Saturday, June 15. (The CMF had previously been held on the Victoria Day weekend.)

A new festival entrant, Hubfest, will take place on July 1 in Mississauga, featuring The Torchmen, The 8th Line, Kevin Adams and Voices of Praise, and more.

CCM artists gone home to Glory but leave a legacy on Earth

Mandisa was found dead in her home on April 18. The 47-year-old music artist was well known from her rise to fame through the TV show ‘American Idol’, and for her ‘Overcomer’ album and song of the same name. (A cause of death had not been announced at presstime.)

Gabe Patillo, a mainstay on Tobymac’s concert tours and the Diverse City Band, died on April 12, after a battle with cancer. Patillo was the son of Jackie Patillo, president of the Gospel Music Association.

/ Christian Herald MAY 2024 10
Brooke Nicholls
Christian Herald / MAY 2024 11 Call for availability Shepherd Gardens Life Lease Residences 115 Bonis Ave., Scarborough (416) 609-5700 This is what you’ve been waiting for A limited number of beautiful 1- and 2-bedroom life lease suites are available at Shepherd Gardens. Canada’s Award Winning & Best-selling Titles Visit our website for 30% OFF all titles and e-books! Use discount code CQB. Pop-Pop’s Nursery Rhyme Parade Tim Hu 978-1-988928-86-9 Soft Cover, 8.5” x 8.5” 28 pages Price: $13.95 Just Act Angie Peters 978-1-998815-17-3 Soft Cover, 6” x 9” 224 pages Price: $19.95 Live Your Assignment Phil M. Wagler 978-1-988928-94-4 Soft Cover, 6” x 9” 140 pages Price: $19.95 Can I Take It To Heaven? Sandee Macgregor 978-1-998815-07-4, Soft Cover 8.5” x 8.5” 24 pages Price: $13.95 (Books also available from most bookstores and Amazon) For more info contact 416.324.9133 | 1.866.324.9133 or email ICEJ CA has reserved 22 seats on Air Canada direct non-stop return flights. Tour details to follow Join ICEJ Canada at the 44th celebration in israel *Subject to the security situation in Israel. ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 4:6 14-24 october 2024 SAVE THE DATE Join us online or in person*

Greater Toronto’s most comprehensive guide to Christian events COMMUNITY CALENDAR Christian HERALD


Canadian Christian Business Federation

Monthly Morning Meetings

Local chapters of The Canadian Christian Business Federation host monthly morning breakfast meetings for Christian business and professional leaders, men and women, in select Southern Ontario cities. For more information, or to inquire about starting a CCBF chapter in your community, visit


Gospel Music Industry Hub

Mondays; 7:00pm

GMI Hub Online is a weekly meeting and webcast of panel meetings with successful gospel music industry leaders discussing the state of the gospel arts industry and sharing their experiences and knowledge.

The River Worship

Tuesdays @ 7:00pm

[Season Nine begins May 28th]

Midweek worship has arrived in the Durham Region! You’ll find us at the Canada Christian College auditorium, 300 Water Street, Whitby.

The River exists so you can come before God in the middle of the week, leave everything else at the door, and encounter Him in a personal and meaningful way. Expect to hear your favourite current worship songs and get ready to worship. Things might get a little loud!

Whitby Christian Coffeehouse

Saturdays; 7:30-9:30pm

The Coffee House is an outreach ministry of Durham Full Gospel Church focused on spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was established over thirty-eight years ago and is still going strong. Halfway through the evening there is a 15-minute break for refreshments and fellowship. Each night there is a different Christian group ministering through songs and testimonies of what the Lord has done in their lives. Held at 419 Brock St North, Whitby. For the current schedule of performing artists, visit

Glory to God:

A Night of Worship with Brooke Nicholls

Ontario Dates: May 9-19, 2024

Join Brooke Nicholls and special guests for a Night of Worship in select Ontario cities. See page 10 for a list. Tickets and info at

Heart of Worship Workshop

Friday June 7, 2024 at 7:00-8:30pm

Come join us for an evening filled with music, inspiration, and community at Islington Evangel Centre. These workshop are designed for all music lovers, whether you’re a seasoned worship leader or just starting out. Dive deep into the heart of worship through interactive sessions, and hands-on activities. Connect with like-minded individuals and grow in your passion for worship thru dance, vocals, drumming, spoken word or the book of Psalms. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enrich your musical journey and strengthen your faith. See you there! Register at

Rise Up: A Night of Praise and Worship!

Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 5:30pm

Join us for an uplifting evening of music, prayer, and community at Islington Evangel Centre. Let’s come together to praise and worship in a spirit of unity and joy. The evening featuring dance ministries and praise teams from various GTA churches. Keynote speaker will be our very own Senior Pastor Prince Okechukwu.

The night will feature Gospel Choirs such as the Power of Sound Ministries and The Reynolds Sisters, worship dances by ServeCity Dance Ministry and United Sisters in Christ and so much more. Our God will truly be glorified! Free admission with non perishable food item for the local food banks and we are accepting love offering as well. Come as you are and let’s lift our voices in celebration together. Let us know you are coming by registering at

2024 Toronto Christian Music Festival

Saturday, June 15, 2024; 1:00pm-10:30pm

The Christian Music Festival is a celebration of freedom and faith, led by diverse and multiethnic groups of Christian musicians from a variety of churches and cultures expressed in music, drama and the arts. This annual

celebration is a platform for the Christians in Canada to celebrate their faith freely and publicly without any fear or reservations. Sadly, there are almost 100 million people in the world today who are denied this precious freedom. Become a part of this incredible move of God in our great city. Held at Nathan Phillips Square, Free admission.


Monday, July 1, 2024; 1:00pm-10:00pm

A FREE Canadian Gospel Music Festival featuring live performances from a variety of Canadian Gospel/Christian Music artists including: The Torchmen, The 8th Line, Kevin Adams and Voices of Praise, Andrew Martin, Adrian Prince, RayTo, and more! Plus Food Trucks and fun for the whole family! Held at 3434 Cawthra Road, Mississauga.

Petra: Best for Last Tour Saturday, July 6, 2024; 7:00pm Held at 1536 The Queensway, Toronto.

Lauren Daigle: The Kaleidoscope Tour Sunday, July 27, 2024; 7:00pm With Blessing Offor. At Coca Cola Coliseum, Toronto.

Kingdom Bound Festival 2024 July 29-31, 2024

Three incredible days of Live Concerts, Art, Teaching and more! All with complete access to Darien Lake Amusement and Water Parks in upstate New York! Over 50 Bands, Artists and Speakers, including Cece Winans, Casting Crowns, Anne Wilson, Matt Maher, and many more. Join thousands of Christian music fans!


National March for Life Thursday, May 9, 2024

The National March for Life in Ottawa, typically the largest annual protest on Parliament Hill, takes place in May to mark the passing of the 1969 omnibus bill which decriminalized abortion. The National March for Life is organized

by Campaign Life Coalition.

2024 Toronto March for Life

Saturday, May 11, 2024; 11:00am-3:00pm On Saturday, May 11th, 2024, join us in the largest city in the country and stand united with the pro-life movement against the injustice of abortion.

Toronto Prayer Breakfast - Online Premiere

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Watch the online premiere of the 2024 Toronto Prayer Breakfast. Debuting on the TPB’s YouTube channel. Featuring worship by the Tyndale Singers, Prayers for the City led by Pastor Donnie Persaud, Remarks from Mayor Olivia Chow, and Guest Spekaer Rev. Desiree Sills.

Rise Up Canada presents Dr. Jonathan Cahn Various Dates and locations - May 2024 Dr. Cahn is a leading voice on Bible Prophecy, and the bestselling author of The Harbinger, The Oracle, and The Dark Trinity.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024; 7:00pm Canada Christian College, 300 Water Street, Whitby.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024; 7:00pm Faith Alive Christian Centre, 3595 Nashua Drive, Mississauga.

Thursday, May 16, 2024; 7:00pm Rivers of Life Church, 9111 Keele Street, Concord.

Friday, May 17, 2024; 7:00pm Malvern Christian Assembly, 6705 Sheppard Avenue, Scarborough.

Saturday, May 18, 2024; 6:30pm Redeemer University, 777 Garner Road East, Ancaster.

Events are free of charge (freewill offering will be taken.)

The Big Give

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Big Give believes that kindness and generosity are an integral part of our Christian faith. Every year, the group mobilize churches across the country to bless their neighbourhoods

To list your event in the Community Calendar, format your listing exactly as those on this page and email it to us at Submissions which are incorrectly formatted may not be published. All submissions are subject to space and taste considerations. Christian Herald reserves the right to decide what is appropriate, and may edit submissions. Placement in the Community Calendar is NOT guaranteed. All persons and organizations submitting events to the Community Calendar must agree with the Statement of Faith as found on our website at Events sponsored by churches which distribute Christian Herald will be given priority. Your calendar listing should reach Christian Herald by the 18th of the month preceding the issue in which you would like it to be printed. (For example, the listing should arrive by the 18th of May to be included in the June issue.)

/ Christian Herald MAY 2024 12


through a unified day of giving extravagantly –everything is free! To find out more about having your church or ministry join in, visit

The Timothy Conference: Igniting This Generation June 12-15, 2024

The Bill Prankard Evangelistic Association is hosting this Timothy Conference for you. Revival that is breaking out everywhere and we want you to be ready! We have assembled some of the most outstanding ministries for a time of mentoring, impartation and Holy Ghost outpouring that we believe can ignite all generations. Prepare your heart to be transformed! With speakers Bill Prankard, Jacob Walda, Roberts Liardon, John Arnott and Terry Pearsons. Held at Catch the Fire, 272 Attwell Drive, Toronto. Cost: $50 includes 6 daytime sessions. Free evening services. Fore more information and to register, visit

Jesus In The City: 25th Anniversary Gala

Friday, July 12, 2024; 7:00pm

Enjoy an elegant evening of dining, live entertainment, auctions, awards and more, celebrating 25 years of Jesus in the City. At the Canada Event Centre, 300 Water Street, Whitby. Tickets: $125.

Jesus In The City Parade

Saturday, September 7, 2024; Noon-4pm Festival of Praise International again joins with churches across Toronto for its annual Jesus In the City Parade. The parade starts in front of the Ontario Parliament at Queen’s Park and winds through the busiest downtown intersections of our city proclaiming the love of Jesus. Grab your comfortable shoes (it’s a 3km walk) and prep your voice for praise. To register your church or ministry to participate in the parade, call 416770-8699 or visit


Unsung Hero

In select theatres now

When David Smallbone’s successful music company collapses, he moves his family from Australia to the United States in search of a brighter future. With nothing more than their six children, their suitcases, and their love of music, David (for KING + COUNTRY’s Joel Smallbone) and his pregnant wife Helen (Daisy Betts) set out to rebuild their lives from the ground up. Based on a remarkable true story, a mum’s faith stands against all odds; and inspires her husband and children to hold onto theirs.


In select theatres now

Starring Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning Greg Kinnear, and Terry Chen, Sight is based on the true story of Dr. Ming Wang, a poor Chinese immigrant who defies all odds to become a world-renowned eye surgeon in the United States. Set in 1970s rural China, a young Ming faces persecution and despair at every turn; but with the support of his dedicated family and his own unwavering determination, he finds his way to America, attends Harvard and MIT, and helps develop an innovative technology that restores sight in millions.


24 Hour Worshippers Toronto


The mission of 24HW is to exalt God through worship and prayer as one body, while standing in the gap for the city, the country and the church. Worship and prayer teams from congregations in Toronto take 2-hour slots and pray through a weekend each month, starting on Friday at 7:00pm and running for 24 hours.



Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about life, faith and Jesus. The same Alpha content is run all over the world, by Christians of all traditions, and provides a common expression of faith. Over 1 million people in Canada have experienced Alpha, and millions more have taken Alpha in over 100 countries and over 100 languages around the globe. Find a local Alpha course at


DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. Find a local group at

DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K)

Are your children angry, hurt, and confused about your separation or divorce? A DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) support group is a safe, fun place where your children can learn skills that will help them heal. DC4K groups blend, games, music, stories, videos and discussion to help kids process the divorce and move forward. Groups meet weekly and are designed for children ages 5-12. Find a group at


GriefShare is a weekly support group for those facing the loss of a loved one through death. You will be most welcomed into a warm caring environment in which you can receive hope and encouragement by relating to others who are facing similar emotions. Find a local GriefShare group at

Parents of Human Trafficking Victims: Online Support Group

First and Third Thursdays, 7:00-9:00 pm

(Family members suffer greatly when a loved one becomes entangled in the sex trade. If you are a parent or family member of a young person exploited in this way, we offer a safe space for you to be understood. Zoom in or meet with us in person to process your feelings without fear of judgment. We also work with families, individually, to bring an end to the exploitation. Parents Hope is part of the Christian ministry of Lifeworthy - SIM Canada. For more info, please email Lynda at or visit:

Pure Desire

Pure Desire Ministries International is a biblically-based and clinically-informed ministry committed to true revival in the church through the healing of the present day epidemic of sexual brokenness. Pure Desire groups offer a

roadmap to recovery from sexual addiction, betrayal, and relationship issues by providing a safe, confidential place to process your life story: learning how family of origin, traumatic experiences, and wounding messages impact relationships.

Sharing The Burden

There is Hope! Come and take life-healing steps. Addiction, anxiety, depression, co-dependency. Don’t be alone with it any longer. Group support, all welcome. email: or visit



PraiseMoves, called the Christian alternative to Yoga, is a series of stretching and strength-building postures, each linked to a verse of Scripture we focus upon while doing the posture. Classes include PraiseMoves Gold (for seniors and anyone with limited physical mobility) PraiseMoves, PraiseBarre (a fusion of PraiseMoves and Barre exercises to Power up your workout with low impact high intensity exercises) and MIRA! (dance as a celebration of Praise to the Lord.) Classes are held at Richview Church, 1548 Kipling Ave., Etobicoke. An exercise mat is recommended. Held at Richview Baptist Church, 1548 Kipling Ave, Etobicoke. Cost: Free. For more info contact: Inez Cann RN, CPI, CMI (Certified PraiseMoves and Mira Instructor) 416-237-1794 or email inezcann@

Moms in the Making

Christian Infertility Support Group

First and Third Tuesdays; 7:00pm Moms in the Making exists to support and encourage women on their journey to becoming a mom by sharing the hope and truth of God’s Word. One way we accomplish this mission is by hosting in-person groups, which meet twice a month as we together focus on scripture and our hope in Jesus. Moms in the Making groups are for married women who, in partnership with their husband, are looking to expand their family. Whether you are taking a natural approach or pursuing treatments, adoption, foster care or a different route, you are welcome. The Newmarket, Ontario group which meets at 7pm on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month.

2nd Annual Women of Faith Expo

Saturday May 18, 2024; 2:00pm-5:00pm

You are invited to the Women of Faith Expo, where we celebrate the strength, courage and resilience of women who stand firm in their faith. Join us we come to uplift, inspire, and empower one another on our journey of faith. Prepare to be blessed by a dynamic group of guest speakers to delve deeper into discussions about, faith, identity in Christ, purpose, belonging and community, knowing that we are stronger and better together. May this expo be a time of renewal, growth, and transformation. Free admission and light refreshments. Held at the Ellesmere Community Centre, 20 Canadian Road, Toronto. To register, visit, Word of Life Ministries Women’s Department. For more info, email

Christian Herald / MAY 2024 13
BE A LIFELINE OF PRAYER AND MAKE A LASTING IMPACT. praying for others and sharing God’s love and His Word on the Prayer Line!” - Sylvia “I wanted to ‘give back’ to the Lord by serving Him on the Prayer lines, as a way to thank Him for how much he has helped me when was in a bad place spiritually” - Jason Lines was what gave me the heart and compassion to truly pastor.” - Alex Is God calling you to join our team? Help us meet the growing need for home-based prayer volunteers, ensuring no call goes unanswered. 1-855-856-6868 • CROSSROADS.CA ANSWER CALLS FROM YOUR HOME VOLUNTEER ON YOUR SCHEDULE INTRODUCE OTHERS TO GOD’S TRANSFORMING LOVE! 13.7M PRAYER CALLS ANSWERED SINCE 1977

Redeemer students launch The Studio

An initiative of the Redeemer University Innovation Centre, The Studio is a for-profit student video production company offering affordable and professional services.

When organizations have digital storytelling needs, Redeemer University students have them covered. Redeemer’s Innovation Centre is celebrating the launch of its first student-run venture, The Studio, that provides video creation and editing services to businesses, ministries and churches. The Studio empowers student creatives and gives them opportunities to use their skills and God-given talents to provide quality services at prices well below industry standards.

The Studio offers a suite of video production services, such as recording, editing, graphics and animation, drone photography, copy writing and music sourcing. Clients are able to choose from a variety of video types, such as inspirational company videos, testimonials, product tours, real estate videography and special event recording. Video production services are available at half of industry and market rates, which, locally, start at $1000 per finished minute. The Studio offers packages that begin at two to five finished minutes, though custom projects will have their own unique pricing models. Completion timelines vary by project scope and student schedules, though the average project can typically be completed within four to six weeks.

As a fully equipped company, The Studio supplies students with professional cameras, lenses, lighting equipment and editing software. The Studio has started with a roster of six student videographers/editors, as well as one business/project manager. The Studio content creators are gifted videographers and editors, and the majority are honing

their craft through their studies in the media production program. Under The Studio, students operate as independent contractors, working directly with clients to create and complete video projects. Supervision and oversight is given by the director of the Innovation Centre, Harold DeVries.

“The Studio provides a unique skill-hardening and entrepreneurial experience to students while responding to the digital

storytelling needs of internal and external stakeholders of Redeemer University,” says DeVries. “I can’t wait to see all the creative ways students will use their gifts and talents for the benefit of others in the community.”

The Innovation Centre, which opened in 2023, is Redeemer’s campus hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. In the future, the centre hopes to explore additional student venture opportunities where students can

grow their creativity in professional environments.

To get in touch about your next video project, visit The Studio’s website and fill out the embedded project form, or email

Victoria Brayshaw-Driessen is a Communications Specialist at Redeemer University. []

Want to serve your city? Volunteer Distributors needed

Connecting over 500 churches in over 50 denominations across the entire Greater Toronto Area is no easy task. Getting an issue of Christian Herald out takes time and effort.

The job gets done with the help of our team of committed, responsible Volunteer Distributors who devote 2-4 hours each month out of their busy schedule to getting the newspaper delivered to churches, bookstores, colleges and businesses within their local communities.

Please keep our distribution team in prayer as they venture out to deliver Christian Herald each month.

We are currently in need of volunteers in cities and towns across Greater Toronto. An average route takes about three hours to complete, once a month Deliveries need not be made during business hours.

For more information about volunteering in your community, contact Christian Herald by phone at 905-874-1731 or send an email to

/ Christian Herald MAY 2024 14 EDUCATION
Christian HERALD



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Attain your real estate buying, selling, or leasing objectives - whether for yourself, your business, or your Christian ministry. Contact Alex Rascanu, Real Estate Agent at Right at Home Realty, Brokerage (and mention ‘Christian Herald’)

Small Business Website for only $199. Free website hosting for one year. Rank on the first page of major search engines. Call 1-888- 491-1211 Ext. 3 or visit



Classifieds cost 70¢/word, plus H.S.T.

Send by mail, along with cheque or money order. Be sure to include the text of the ad & the cheque, along with your name, address and phone number to the address on page 5. Christian Herald reserves the right to refuse or edit submissions and ads on the basis of legal, space or taste considerations. In order to appear in our next edition (June 2024), ads must reach Christian Herald (with payment) no later than May 24, 2024.


Basement apartment available for renting in Pickering. Please call: 647-202-6012.


Attain your real estate buying, selling, or leasing objectives - whether for yourself, your business, or your Christian ministry. Contact Alex Rascanu, Real Estate Agent at Right at Home Realty, Brokerage (and mention ‘Christian Herald’) •


Small Business Website for only $199. Free website hosting for one year. Rank on the first page of major search engines. Call 1-888- 491-1211 Ext. 3 or visit


Reliable musician wanted for small ministry in seniors building, Saturdays at 3:30pm for one hour. Salary to be negotiated. Call 647-217-6592.


Seniors ministry looking for donation of a Small “ Podium”, new or used. Call 647-217-6592.

Christian Herald / MAY 2024 15
first his kingdom and his
and all
things will be given to
Waterloo, ON N2L 6J2
/ Christian Herald MAY 2024 16 647-979-3220 For Sponsorship & Vending Scan The Qr Code To Register Now Free Admission At Nathan Phillips Square - 100 Queen St. W Toronto, ON 15TH 2024

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