Winter Revelry

Page 18

The Clinic The Importance of


By Samantha Watts Two outdoor activities I do a lot of are trail running and hiking. One component of training that many people choose to ignore and that I find very important when training for these activities—as well as in helping to become a well-rounded athlete, preventing injuries, and improving speed—is cross-training or strength training (I will use these two terms interchangeably throughout this article.) Whether you strength train on a regular basis or want to focus on it during your offseason, it will increase your overall performance. In the past, not as many trainers and coaches paid

attention to developing stronger or more functional muscles in their athletes. The main focus for athletes was to constantly practice their sport. However, as time has progressed, athletes began to focus on building the overall strength in their entire body. Thus, trainers and coaches began to see cross-training as an essential component of regular training. One of the most fundamental questions about strength training is the reasons behind it. After all, if you start a program without clear intent, you are not likely to achieve great results.


Cross-training has several benefits, whether you are a competitive athlete or simply want to improve your overall fitness to become a stronger hiker.

▶ It provides a total body tune-up, something you will not get if you concentrate on just one type of activity.

▶ It includes a variety of activities in your exercise program that will help prevent boredom.

▶ Exercising various muscle groups will help your muscles adapt more easily to new activities.

▶ Since you will not be using the same muscles in the same way all the time, you may experience few overuse injuries.

▶ If you do become injured, you usually will not have to give up your entire fitness program. You may be able to modify or substitute exercises.

Switch It Up to Get Fit

Hiking is great exercise in and of itself. Think about how much easier and enjoyable it is to function with a strong core, legs, and upper body from following a consistent strength training routine. We all know that doing the same 30-minute workout at the gym day after day can get a little monotonous. And if you are bored, you are more likely to want to skip it all together. Cross-training provides variety to workouts, so you don’t reach a plateau and stop progressing. This is stated perfectly by one of my clients, Jan Mitchell, “I had been a competitive athlete most of my life. I had stopped training, became overweight, and lost my fire for competing. I finally got to the point where I needed to do something about my body and my spirit. Sam helped me push through the really hard times of getting back into shape. I am back in the saddle enjoying century bike rides again. I am 55 and boot camp will keep me going until I’m 100.” A strength training boot camp session will range from upper body workouts (Tuesdays and Fridays) to lower body workouts (Mondays and Thursdays) to all around body workouts (Wednesdays). Every class has strength, cardiovascular, and core training 16

Trail & Timberline

incorporated into it. Each class is completely different, so no two classes will ever be the same. Exercises range from lunges, squats, push-ups, burpees, jumping, etc., to many different combinations and creative plyometric movements. The main goal is to focus on the specific muscle groups being targeted to get the most out of your workout. When you cross-train, you are strengthening parts of your body that may not get much of a workout during your current routine. That is why doing resistance training is so beneficial in order to have a well-rounded fit body. If you are only working the same muscles, those particular muscles will become stronger, but the rest of your body will become a great deal weaker. The saying, “use it or lose it,” definitely pertains to us as we age. Strength training increases certain skills that will help your performance in your chosen activity:

▶ Improved balance ▶ Increased flexibility ▶ Greater agility

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