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minutes on their site, and, while the program is pretty easy to figure out without going through their tutorials, they provide great instructions, demos, etc. To hold your own Webinar, there are three basic steps. First, schedule your Webinar. The service will walk you through all of the aspects of setting up your first Webinar, including how many presenters will be a part of the session, who they are, etc. You simply fill in your title, graphics, logos, pictures of presenters (if you have them available), etc., and follow their screen-by-screen instructions. When you have your Webinar set up, the second step is to send out your invitations. And, the service walks you through this process. They provide you with a cut-and-paste text with hyperlinks for you to include in a broadcast email. The information could just as easily be posted to a Web site if you are wishing to open it up to the general public. Since, in step one, you included your presenters contact information, the service automatically sends them an email with instructions on how to log in and join you in the presentation for your Webinar. For those receiving an invitation, they are required to pre-register. You get to determine what information you wish to retain. Name and email address are basic and required. However, if you want additional information about attendees, such as the church or ministry they represent, you would receive this information from their registration. After they register, attendees will receive a confirmation, and if you wish, a reminder email minutes before the Webinar will actually start. During step one, when you were scheduling your Webinar and entering the title, graphics, logo, etc., you were given several options for the opening splash Christian Computing速 Magazine

screen. This is what attendees and offsite presenters see before the Webinar starts and everyone has the ability to see your presentation. Step three is to actually hold your Webinar. If you are familiar with programs such as GoToMyMeeting or GoToMyPC, you will easily understand this part of the service. Basically, you click GO when you are ready for people to see the contents of your computer. In most cases, attendees will be watching a PowerPoint January 2010


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