Castings 2012

Page 59

I pulled tight on the laces of my right boot. It was new and it bore into the sides of my feet. I had saved up a while for these new boots. I bought them on a Monday. Now it was finally Saturday. I hate the workweek. I hate my job, but now it’s Saturday, and Saturdays are for hunting. As I finished knotting the boot, I looked down at its beautiful camouflage. The seams were hardly visible above the rubber line. I glanced over to my wall, where my trophy would hang. I already had a plaque picked out. I’ve shot one big deer before. It was on a Tuesday. I had just gotten fired for incompetence, whatever that means, and me and my friends decided to take a weeklong hunting trip. Well, after one day of no luck, it was about noon-thirty on the second, and I got sight of this deer. I aimed, fired, and down it went. We took it back to my house and put it in the skinning shed. I was going to skin it, but we got to partying, and by the time I woke up it was Thursday. I went to the shed and saw the door lying in the yard, a trail of blood, and some mashed down grass. I guess a bear, or Bigfoot, or whatever mythical creature you believe in drug my deer off. I stood up and brushed of my camo-jacket. It doesn’t matter. What I shoot today will be way bigger. I looked at the plaque;; I’d have to buy a bigger one. The deer I’ll shoot today will take up the whole wall. Forty points, a couple thousand pounds, ten-feet tall, that was today’s aim. I shut the door behind me, walked to my truck, and drove to the best hunting spot in town, my neighbor’s farm. I got out, loaded my rifle, and began walking through the wheat. I had been walking nearly an hour and was down to my last sixpack when I saw the deer I had been waiting for. I saw him run at the sight of me. I followed him with my gun and fired. He moved a little too quick, but from the sound, I knew I hit something. There had been an explosion behind the deer, but I didn’t know what I’d hit. I walked up closer and saw Jacob Smith, my neighbor, only he had no head. “I killed him,” I whispered frantically to myself. I stood shocked for a second, and then I heard Mrs. Smith coming. I ran as fast


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