Christel House South Africa Annual Report 2011

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2012 Annual Report

Our Vision: Christel House transforms lives by providing children with an independent school education, work study support, nutrition, health care and a nurturing environment, and by empowering their families and communities through outreach services.

Our Commitment: Education:

Our working school day and academic year are longer than other schools to give our students the extra support they need for high academic achievement. Our curriculum is enhanced with technology, and complemented by strong arts and sports programmes. Christel House provides textbooks, transportation, technology, school supplies and uniforms for every child.

Result: Our students come to school and stay in school. In 2011, Christel House achieved an attendance rate of 98% and a retention rate of 99%. We celebrated as individual students and teams excelled in various sports including fencing, soccer, track and field. Others distinguished themselves in debating, theatre and orchestral performance.

Nutrition & Health Care: It is impossible for children to learn when they are hungry or ill. At Christel House, students receive two nutritious meals and a snack every day, regular medical and dental care, annual physicals, counselling from social workers and mental health professionals and regular exercise.

Result: Our

students are healthy and physically fit, as reflected by our 100% matric pass rate. Unhealthy or unhappy learners most often do not pass.

Community Outreach:

Christel House presents a variety of workshops on topics including family planning, parenting skills, conflict resolution, substance abuse, nutrition and hygiene, to help families cope with life’s challenges. Students are given transport back to their families and communities each night.

Giving impoverished children

a road out of poverty

Result: Engaged families help children succeed. In 2011, Christel House parents and families volunteered over 17 000 hours at the school and a high percentage attended parent-teacher conferences, special events and workshops. Career Guidance & Work Study: In 4th grade, students begin investigating various careers; they talk with professionals about their fields of interest and career guidance becomes part of the curriculum. After graduation, students enter our Work Study program where they receive assistance completing their university and college admission applications, securing scholarships or apprenticeships, and preparing for interviews. Christel House also assists students with bursary applications, stipends, and continued medical services and counselling. To ensure successful integration into the workforce, Christel House mentors alumni through their postsecondary education, apprenticeships and early employment.

Nontando (2009 Graduate) Now studying 3rd year chemical engineering

through holistic education


An extraordinarily high percentage of Christel House graduates - 98% - participate in the Work Study program.

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A word from the founder As I reflect on the Christel House achievements for 2011, I am pleased to report that our mission of transforming lives is moving from strength to strength. Every child’s story is unique; there are many victories and accomplishments, but still so many challenges. Nontando’s story demonstrates the power of Christel House. She grew up in a South African informal settlement where her parents’ one-room house was so small that two of the four family members had to sleep outside. Life was hard. Nontando lost her mother to tuberculosis. But she never gave up. She persevered and is now at Cape Peninsula University of Technology in her third year, studying chemical engineering. Nontando was the keynote speaker at Christel House South Africa’s 10th anniversary celebration last November. Everyone there admired her humility, her gratefulness, her confidence and dignity. She paid tribute to Christel House and her teachers for giving her the opportunity of a life time when she offered these poignant words:

“It was not just the high standard of education that helped me get where I am today, but my values were expanded. I was taught the importance of being aware of the next person. Coming to Christel House made me realise that when love and an uplifting vision are laid in one’s life, transformation takes place.” In this report we share with you more stories of our children and the transformation they have been able to achieve. Despite extreme poverty, our students are successful in their academic achievement and human development. They are well on the road to making better lives for themselves, their families and their communities. We salute them for their achievement.


Christel DeHaan Founder

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Chairperson’s Report 2012 It is with great pleasure that I write a Chairperson’s report for the first Christel House South Africa annual report. This last year marked Christel House South Africa’s 10th year of learner, family and community transformation. We have many reasons to celebrate, not least of which is our 100% matric pass rate over the last 3 years. Much has been written about the current South African education system in the last 3 years and there is no shortage of evidence showing how much needs to be improved. In spite of the substantial financial investment in education since 1994 to reverse the inequities of the past, 60 – 70% of schools today can be considered to be dysfunctional. This is compounded by the fact that for many of the learners, school is the only place that they are exposed to learning.

This was highlighted recently by Professor Yael Shalem (WITS School of Education) when she referred to the “dual economy of schooling”. She stresses that there are four variables that need to be in place in order for an education system to deliver learning:

Student Profile 697 students, from Grade 1 to Grade 12 Christel House SA strives to advance the social and economic transformation and participation of black South Africans in the economy. To ensure sustainable access to the economy, CHSA contributes on two levels: imparting transferable skills and enabling access to the workplace. Our beneficiaries are 100% black.

1. Learners who are cognitively well prepared for schooling, are physically healthy and whose homes are a second site of learning acquisition - access to books, internet and home tutorial support. 2. Learners who have had meaningful learning opportunities in the past and present and have access to a reservoir of cognitive resources at the school. 3. A well specified and guiding curriculum. 4. Functional school management that ensures limited bureaucratic demands on teachers’ time. Christel House South Africa overcomes the daily challenges faced by young South Africans from impoverished communities by addressing each of these four variables in

our model of education. In addition, Christel House prepares learners for life after school through a very comprehensive leadership and careers development programme. This is achieved through collaboration with the local community and business organisations, NGO’s, tertiary institutions and large corporations. The children become active citizens by becoming employable, giving back to their communities and taking responsibility for their actions. Parents or guardians of the learners are encouraged to be part of the school through volunteer work and participation in life skills workshops provided for them. At Christel House children experience real learning and interact in a loving, stimulating and safe environment. We need the Christel House model to be replicated a thousand times if we are to prepare young South Africans to make a meaningful contribution to the success of this remarkable country.

Therefore, our goals over the next five years for Christel House South Africa are to raise sufficient funds to cover all the educational costs of the school and to open at least one, if not two, more branches in South Africa. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank everyone who has contributed to the remarkable success of Christel House South Africa over the last ten years (see list of donors, Page 29). Without your help and the dedication of CHSA staff and teachers, we would not have transformed so many young lives. Finally, of course none of this would have been possible without the vision and generosity of our founder, Christel DeHaan. In an era in which society increasingly expects business to honour its side of the social contract, Christel DeHaan, through her business achievements and philanthropic activities, provides a role model for business leaders worldwide.

Elspeth Donovan Chairperson, CHSA Board - April 2012

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Gaining Perspective: SOCIO-ECONOMIC OBSTACLES OUR LEARNERS FACE “I never really grasped the social and

emotional pressures that many of these learners have to bear. It troubled me that so many students from impoverished communities who did get an opportunity to go to university failed to complete their studies. These students had bursaries and knew that a degree would lead to a better life - why were they giving up in such numbers? I had to get back to working at a grassroots level to find the answer. So many of these young learners have obligations that force them out of school. The immediacy of having to survive from day-to-day - finding food for siblings, parents or extended family, or striving to help pay the rent these challenges are all-consuming and education is a luxury that does not put food on the table today. At Christel House I realised these truths and I saw a model at work that reached beyond the school grounds to help children with these pressures and give them a better chance of completing their education and breaking the cycle of poverty. My experiences at Christel House have eliminated old doubts and fears of futility. It has given me a renewed sense of purpose and a broader understanding of how to meet these challenges.”

Louraine Rossouw (COO) has always worked in the education field, first as an academic and then as Chief Financial Officer of a provincial education department, before joining Christel House.

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COO’s Report on 2011 Operations and Finances Christel House South Africa celebrated its 10th anniversary, and we “shosholoza-ed” onward, focused on our goal of ending the cycle of poverty. In serving the most marginalized communities in Cape Town, we continued to uncover challenges that inspire us to work harder to ensure that Christel House delivers active, employable citizens who will give back to society and work hard to ensure a vastly different future for the next generation.

The theme for our programme in 2011 was employability. We focused on improving our career counselling programme, starting from Grade 4. There was further development of the Work Study programme, and through leadership and entrepreneurship training, all learners in the school were given an opportunity to lead others on various platforms. Emotional trauma has a major impact on the ability to learn effectively and to perform consistently. Our social services department plays a

major role in providing support to our learners, helping them to make the right choices and to deal with the circumstances they encounter. Due to the increased demands on our counselling services (monitoring the admissions process and offering parent workshops to capacitate the parents in terms of the support networks available in their communities to assist with child abuse, alcohol abuse and violence in the home), it is anticipated that we will add another social worker to the ranks in 2012. Our learners need more support than CHSA can sometimes provide. Therefore the student leadership was trained during 2011 to form an additional level of peer support. These learners were skilled to assist

their co-learners by providing additional academic support and peer counselling to address behavioural and attendance concerns. This system of empowerment of student leaders became the flagship programme for Christel House International and will be replicated in all Christel Houses around the world.


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REVENUE (what we raised & support we were given for 2011) The need for Christel House South Africa to increase buy-in from South African funders and decrease our reliance on US-sourced funding for our Cape Town operations has become a real priority. This would allow us to utilise the US-sourced funding as seed-

capital to extend our services to another province where there is a need for quality education. Educational costs of extension of services and our administrative costs could then be covered by US-sourced funding.

South African Funding Local Contributions

R 9,444,233

Investment Income


International Funding

R 19,606,212



R 29,357,030


Cash Special Events In-kind Contributions Competitive Grants


International Funding


Investment Income

Christel House US - Operating fund US Contributions and Grants UK Contributions

Governance As a non-fee charging school to the poorest of the poor, Christel House South Africa is financed through various donations that are linked to performance. To

satisfy all stakeholders, CHSA establishes and maintains systems of good governance that are responsive to the needs of the organisation and the community it serves. Its well-defined governance framework and operating model ensure precise targets, clear assignment of responsibility and full implementation.

Financial Comment Revenue For the year ending 31 December 2011, 33% of funding came from South African sources, including investment income. The overall growth in funding from South African sources from 2009 to 2011 was 77%.

EXPENDITURE (how our model channelled funding in 2011) CHSA strives to keep costs not related to the core function of the school (learning) below 10%. This goal is supported by a flat organisational structure. There are no heads of department such as you will find in other schools or organisations. Every employee is fully responsible for the management

Operating Costs School Program

R 28,755,020

Fundraising Costs



Management Costs




R 31,331,676

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and execution of all outcomes related to their area of responsibility. All donations received from sources other than Christel House International are 100% utilised for the learning programme and not for fundraising or management costs.


School Program Costs Staff/Outside Services Books/Supplies/Uniforms Student Transport/Food Facilities/Medical Services Equipment/Depreciation

Costs 5% Fundraising Staff/Outside services Travel/Facilities Phone/Equipment Depreciation


Management Costs

Staff/Outside services Facilities Telephone/Equipment Depreciation

Expenditure Despite significant challenges regarding remuneration adjustments for educators in the sector, CHSA is ensuring sustainability through related increased funding achieved within South Africa. Government salary increases granted to educators have a major influence on the cost of our educational programme due to the fact that our remuneration structure should be competitive with government.

From 2009 to 2011 learner numbers at the school grew by over 6%. The full capacity of the school is 780 learners. Except for the first few years when CHSA was still being established, 60 learners are accepted in Grade R every year. It is expected that the school will reach capacity within the next 3 years. Further growth is expected in the Work Study programme from the current 48 students to its maximum potential capacity of 300 student capacity. As such any growth in expenditure is related to growth in number of learners and students supported.


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...and our results 100%

matric passrate over the last 3 years

98% 98%

pupil attendance rate staff attendance rate


of our students receive 2 full meals and a snack every day


(cont’d) In terms of investment in assets, Christel House occupied new facilities in 2009 that required extensive investment. Since then the focus has been on ICT with the view to educate technology-capable citizens, with the relevant spending of R577 437 (2011) and R1 926 456 (2010). This was implemented with the support of the Dell Foundation.

Preparing for the Workplace The Work Study programme is still a work-in-progress in terms of the output of employed citizens. It entails the support and guidance of learners for 5 years after Grade 12. Of the 48 matriculants of 2009 and 2010 (who then entered Work Study in 2010 and 2011), 18 are at university, 6 are in learnerships, 15 are working, 5 are at college, 1 is in the Navy, 2 are awaiting entry into the Navy and 1 is still to be placed.

The measure of throughput success in Grade 12 classes of 2009, 2010 and 2011 indicates that Christel House is opening career pathways for its learners. A 100% pass rate was achieved for all these years and the university exemption rate for 2011 was over 71%.

of our students get transported to and from school everyday

The primary school’s performance is benchmarked against the Annual National Assessment Exams and Christel House learners outperformed the Western Cape average achievement in Literacy and Numeracy as follows: Numeracy......... Grade 3: +17 points; Grade 6: +17 points Literacy............. Grade 3: +12 points; Grade 6: +17 points.


Outlook ahead

of our students return to school every year

(nationally, the retention rate is 48%)


of our students are from disadvantaged communities

For the year ahead we have identified some critical areas to improve upon.The focus will be on staff development relating to ePedagogical Practices, on extending the participation in our Student Success Planning Programme and, most importantly, on appointing a CEO to drive our sustainability and expansion goals.

Louraine Rossouw CA(SA) COO/CFO Christel House South Africa


of our graduates participate in the Work Study programme

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Marketing & Development Report

Our corporate partners are integral to the continued success of Christel House, and the future spread of the model into other provinces in South Africa. These partnerships have remained strong in difficult economic times because we live by the Christel House values of Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Independence. We continue to reach our set fund-raising targets and we are always looking for new sources of either direct funding, goods and services or of skills-transfer partnerships. As the economic climate has changed, so too has our approach to marketing the CH model. Donors, funders and partners are now demanding sustainability and are more likely to support projects that develop economically active citizens. In a sense, such specific criterion has made it easier for our marketing team, as the CH model enables us to deliver quantifiable results on agreed funding objectives. We do not just educate a child, we uplift entire families and by extension, the communities they come from. This magnified impact on whole communities, creating active, responsible citizens and employable young graduates, makes our case for funding so much more compelling. While our existing partners are fundamental to our continued day-to-day operation, it is the forging of new partnerships that will allow us to develop new Christel House schools in other provinces where there is desperate need of quality education. There is always additional funding required. That we have so many blue-chip corporate partners confirms that we are on the right course, but what drives us is the evidence of the difference we are making in the lives of the children with every new donation we secure. We have an energetic, young marketing team who are constantly evolving our approach to funding and establishing the Christel House name in the minds of the public and private sector. I am confident that we will keep plugging those gaps, keep ensuring that 100% of funding benefits our learners and keep believing in the power of partnerships – with our existing and new partners.

Sharon Williams Head of Marketing and Development

Audit & Risk Committee Report The ARC is pleased to submit this report in respect of the 2011 financial year to the stakeholders of CHSA. The committee carried out its duties as required by the South African Companies Act No 71 of 2008, the King Report, and the committee’s terms of reference in accordance with its annual plan. The committee is satisfied that it has considered and discharged its responsibilities in accordance with its mandate and terms of reference during the year under review. We are satisfied with the improving trend in the results of the management’s assessment of its individual control and risk environments as confirmed by the combined assurance model implemented at CHSA. The committee formed the opinion that at the date of this report there were no material breakdowns in internal control, including financial control that would result in any material loss to CHSA. The committee reviewed and recommended the approval of the annual financial statements to the board. The full Audit & Risk Committee Report is available on our website:

Brian Stocks Chairperson - Audit & Risk Committee April 2012

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A Story on Commitment Not even one of our students should slip through the cracks. So with a 99% student retention rate, we can still do more...

The Christel House Model:


Sh ow m e an accounta ble proce ss an d I’ ll pro m ise you good res ult s.”

M a rt h a When Martha disappeared, the school investigated. Our social worker tracked her movements to the west-coast steel town of Saldanha. Using all of her contacts in the township there, she found a lead on her whereabouts, and asked the police to investigate. They found Martha but she was reluctant to return. Principal Ronald Fortune did not give up on her and drove back out to Saldanha, armed with a solution for her every objection. He personally brought her back to Cape Town and oversaw her studies until she graduated.

Christel DeHaan Founder


Perhaps fittingly, Martha is now studying Drama at the New African Theatre.

(Ronald was named Christel House International Principal of Distinction for 2011) Annual Report I Page 14

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The Christel House Model: Holistic Education

Holistic Management


Performance management is a core focus area. We set clearly defined norms and standards on all aspects of the holistic intervention we expect our educators to practice with our learners. There are clear measures for educators, learners and parents that are aligned with our annual business plan, with timeframes that we report on monthly. Our continuous monitoring processes allow us to identify problems, so we can intervene and implement appropriate corrective measures in a timely manner.


Guidance and Support Clear Goals and Career Guidance

Caring Environment:


Performance Measurement



Food, clothing & learning material.. transport, health services, social services.




Service Learning



People a

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The Christel House Model Cont’d Cost Per Learner Of Running Christel House SA Average cost per Learner = R 44 952 pa R 4 238


Christel House transports

697 Students... to all of these locations... twice a day.

R 729 Outreach & Service learning

R 1 444

Health & Wellness

R 865 Uniforms R 1 241

Learning Material

(Books/computer supplies)

R 3 310 Nutrition

R 196

Work-Study/ Career Guidance

R 29 232 Education 65% of Total

R 2 284

Fundraising Costs

R 1 413

Management Costs

The per capita cost per annum for government public schools are stated to be at R10 007 for primary school and R11 621 for secondary schools. In addition to this there are public schools that charge additionally between R20 000 to R28 000 in the Cape Town area. As such the per capita cost at Christel House of R44 952 is quite remarkable considering that it includes school clothing, course material and supplies, excursions, 2 meals and a snack per day, transport to and from school (including to and from extramural interschool events), social services, remedial classes, fundraising and administrative costs. All these services are offered at a premium of 13%.

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Access to quality education is a major challenge for the children in marginalized communities. The provision of transport is a key factor in addressing this challenge and providing opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities such as service learning, sports and debate.

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Transforming lives... At six years old, after her father died in prison, Lericia was living on the streets of Cape Town, sleeping in a shopping trolley. Today, after graduating from Christel House, she is at university studying to be a teacher.

“Investment in education may well be the highest-return investment available in the developing world.”

“I want to tell them... get an education, earn good money, and then give back to your community.” Lericia, 2009 CH Graduate

Laurence Summers

(written in his capacity as World Bank Chief Economist)

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Midge Hilton-Green

Principal - Christel House Junior School “I made a personal decision to come to Christel House after a 22 year career as a Principal at Kingswood College Junior School and Bishops Prep School. Today I have an overwhelming sense of making a tangible difference in the lives of children who are in desperate need of an education on par with the best in South Africa. It gives me a great sense of pride to be able to say that I am part of this transformation.”

An MBA graduate and PHD student himself, Principal Ronald Fortune hails from the same deprived neighbourhoods as the students he nurtures. He has an implicit understanding of the challenges they face and life-lessons they must learn to break the cycle of poverty.

Principal’s Report

Creating Active Citizens

Christel House Junior School 2012 Review In our efforts to create citizens able to take their place in the adult world one day, and make a positive and meaningful contribution to society, two aspects of our own curriculum are worth mentioning: Public Speaking and Financial Awareness.

It is my belief that these two skills, normally taught at a much later stage, should be introduced in the Elementary Grades, when children are more open to change, when they are naturally enthusiastic to “try new things”, when they are less encumbered by the stress of exams or the turbulence and insecurities of puberty. These are the years when solid foundations can be laid and when habits can be inculcated for life!

From Grade 4 to Grade 7 learners are taught basic parliamentary procedure - how to conduct a meeting and how to act as secretary. Topics are either introduced by the “chairperson of the day” or elicited from the class itself, thus keeping subjects relevant. A record is kept of attendees, absentees, decisions made and officiating officers, times and dates. Every learner is given an opportunity to chair and act as secretary. The exercise hones listening skills and encourages learners to support reasons for their opinions and also to evaluate opinions of others through the use of Edward De Bono’s thinking skills lessons. I believe “Financial Awareness” should also be introduced at the Grade 6 or 7 level in all schools. It covers entrepreneurship, setting up of companies, the appointment and roles of directors, business plans, marketing, raising capital, running a business and job interview skills. We also teach “budget planning”, and through practical exercises like shopping trips learn how to apportion finite funds between spending, saving, investment and social responsibility. Too often our education systems ignore the lessons that need to be taught in order to survive in the real world in favour of purely academic subjects. It is my belief that both can be offered without detracting from the academic focus.

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The leadership writer Mark Sanborn defines leadership simply as “those people who make things better”. When 68% of our high school students did not miss one day of school during the academic year, it is because the student leadership programme at CHSA is preparing students to honour the school credo. They are already pledging to be ACTIVE CITIZENS, and understand the value of dedication.

You know the leadership programme is working when students and teachers make the same choices when electing student leaders. In the 2012 student leadership election, teachers voted based on academic and leadership ability. Popularity was not one of their criteria. The students chose the same names, showing an understanding of merit and respect beyond that of many school environments. It is heart-warming to witness our academic advisors (a student leader category) summoning fellow students who did not achieve a 50% exam mark to a meeting, to discuss their performance and then structure improvement plans that include peer tutoring. These same leaders also work with top performers, motivating them to aim even higher and become merit students (the highest exam pass rate category). When the students themselves bring such vibrancy to the school’s academic programme then

we know CHSA is creating ACTIVE CITIZENS. The CHSA Work Study programme is also reaping rewards. This programme assists CH graduates with college admissions, securing scholarships, jobs or apprenticeships and preparing for interviews. There is continued contact and assistance until graduates are integrated into the workforce. 95% of CHSA graduates are employed or are furthering their studies (the school continues to work with those who are yet to achieve this goal). Our graduates in the workplace are doing very well. It is always deeply gratifying to have potential employers approach the school requesting our graduates for their “character”, “calibre” and “upbringing”. Those graduates who are studying further are also doing well. There are CH graduates at all three Universities in the Western Cape as well as the local technical colleges. These former students return to CHSA to give back to their school, volunteering 10 hours each in various capacities. When CHSA students tell you excitedly what they will do for their Alma Mater one day when they have a job and are successful, then you know CHSA is producing ACTIVE CITIZENS.

Ronald Fortune Principal - Christel House High School

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FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Ch riste l Hou se Sout h Africa a lso ce le brated its 10t h a n nive rsa ry of exce lle n ce i n f i n a n ci a l m a n a g e m e nt. On ce a ga i n we a chieved a n u n qu a lif ied a u dit re port. T h e co mplete set of a u dited f i n a n ci a l st ate m e nts is a va ila ble on ou r we bsite at www. sa. ch riste lhou se. org. The financial statements were compiled in accordance with the International F inancial Reporting Standards for Small to Mediu m Sized entities and in the manner required by the Companies Act of South Africa 2008.

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Year ended 31 December 2011

Accumulated Surplus

Total Equity

Balance at 1 January 2010

R 38,373,290

R 38,373,290

Balance at 1 January 2011

373,570 38,746,860

373,570 38,746,860



R 36,772,214

R 36,772,214

Changes in equity Surplus for the year

Changes in equity (Deficit) for the year

Balance at 31 December 2011

The auditors were Henri Grove & Partners Registered Auditors, Bellville

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year ended 31 December 2011



Non-Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Temporarily restricted funds Trade and other receivables


Total Assets



R 36,267,142

R 38,480,065

22,471,845 737,210 649,574 23,858,629

578,657 734,988 1,281,072 2,594,717

R 60,125,771

R 41,074,782

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Accumulated surplus Liabilities Current Liabilities Deferred income Temporarily restricted funds held Trade and other payables

Total Equity and Liabilities




20,859,709 737,210 1,756,638 23,353,557

469,074 734,988 1,123,860 2,327,922

R 60,125,771

R 41,074,782


Revenue Operating Expenses Operating (deficit)/surplus Investment revenue

(Deficit)/Surplus for the year

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R 29,050,445 (31,331,676) (2,281,231)

R 27,032,220 (26,880,740) 151,480



(R 1,974,646)







R 49,867,185 (26,943,009)

R 26,930,116 (24,812,931)





Net cash from operating activities



Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant, equipment



Total cash movement for the year Cash at the beginning of the year

21,893,188 578,657

(1,530,911) 2,109,568

R 22,471,845

R 578,657

Cash flows from operating activities Cash receipts from donors Cash paid to suppliers & employees Cash generated from operations Interest Income

Total cash at the end of the year


Note to Cash Flow and Deferred Income: *Due to fluctuations and uncertainty in the exchange rate of the US Dollar, US Donors made available funds for 2012 operations in 2011 when the Rand dropped to its lowest level since 2009.

Tra n spa re n cy a n d Accou nt a bility Ch riste l Hou se Sout h Africa (Associ ation i n corporated u n de r Se ction 21) CHSA is a registe red Non Prof it Orga nisation i n te rms of Se ction 18A. T h e Ch riste l Hou se Boa rd e n dorse s t h e pri n ciple s i n t h e Code of Corporate Pra ctice s a n d Con d u ct a s re co m m e n ded by t h e K i n g Co m mitte e. T h e se gove rn a n ce pra ctice s a re t h e fou n dation of ou r su cce ss. T h e ex e cutive m a n a g e m e nt of CHSA re ports a d mi nist rative ly to Ch riste l Hou se I nte rn ation a l. T h e Sout h Africa n boa rd provide s ove rsight i n te rms of its lega l a n d corporate gove rn a n ce m a n date. T h e boa rd m e ets 3 ti m e s pe r a n n u m. T h e co m mitte e s of t h e boa rd m e et at lea st twice pe r a n n u m. All m e m be rs of t h e boa rd a re n on-exe cutive i n de pe n de nt dire ctors. T h e mont hly re porti n g syste m to Ch riste l Hou se I nte rn ation a l a n d t h e re porti n g syste m to t h e boa rd a n d its co m mitte e s a re critica l to ou r gove rn a n ce syste m d u e to t h e e n h a n ced t ra n spa re n cy a n d a ccou nt a bility requ ired fro m exe cutive m a n a g e m e nt. Annual Report I Page 25

Board of Directors


Nationality, Experience and Committee Status

Elspeth Donovan (SA)

Workforce Profile


Christel DeHaan (USA) Business, Education, Fundraising, Marketing & Public Relations. Nominations Committee

Business, Education, Social Development Education Committee, Remuneration Committee

Wayne Grews (SA) Business, Infrastructure Development, Marketing & Public Relations Audit Committee

Top Management



Professionally qualified & experienced Specialists Brian Stocks (SA)

Melvin King (SA)

Business, Finance, Infrastructure Development Audit Committee

Education, Social Development Education Committee


Academically qualified workers, junior management and supervisors










Semi-skilled 1



Unskilled 4

Total Permanent Staff

Shaun Lamont (SA) Lanice Steward (SA)

Business, Infrastructure Development, Marketing & Public Relations Audit Committee

Business, Fundraising, Marketing & Public Relations Education Committee, Remuneration Committee

Stewart Van Graan (SA)

Ron Haylock (UK)

Business, Fundraising, Information, Communication and Technology, Marketing & Public Relations Marketing Committee

Business, Fundraising, Infrastructure Development, Marketing & Public Relations Nominations Committee

Annual Report I Page 26


African, Coloured or Indian men




African, Coloured or Indian women


White women


White man


Human Resources CHSA values employees who display Integrity, Innovation, Enthusiasm and Passion for our learners. Hard work is at the core of our achievements. Our educators dedicate more hours than is the norm at other schools, and avail themselves of only 27 days leave per annum - far less than the national average. Overall, our level of time-on-task exceeds the national average by 30%. Continuous Professional Development does not interfere with the 200 normal school days per annum and 15 days are set aside during the year to ensure we develop our staff appropriately to live up to the challenge of transforming learners into active, employed citizens. A staff recognition programme was established in 2011, on top of the normal performance bonus programme that compensates effective teachers for achieving goals and objectives. This programme strives to show appreciation, on a continuous basis, for excellence and innovation displayed by staff members.

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Kristen’s Story...

Celebrating Christel House Partners

Like many of our students, Kristen’s early schooling was interrupted by deprivation and family obligations - looking after younger siblings and trying to help the family survive.

Without the continuous support of the Western Cape Department of Education, large corporations, companies, foundations and individuals, Christel House SA will not achieve its short term goal to become operationally self-reliant and, in the long term, to expand its services to other provinces.

When she first came to Christel House, Kristen brought with her some of the anger and frustration of her hard early life.

“The teachers and other kids were very kind, like family. At this school, I learnt how to deal with what I had been feeling.” Kristen was introduced to fencing as a way to channel this energy. She flourished in the sport, and went on to compete nationally, then internationally. After graduating from Christel House in 2010, Kristen was selected by Fencing SA to become one of only four fencing coaches in South Africa. She is currently studying under a master in Dakar, Senegal to become the first internationally accredited coach in Africa.

These - and other stories still to be written - are only possible with the help of our partners...

Annual Report I Page 28

matric passrate over the last 3 years

A full list of donors is available in the Christel House International Annual Report, found on our website at: As part of our 10 year celebration, this South African Annual Report acknowledges specifically our donors who have extended a hand of partnership over the past 10 years, with a special thanks to Dell Inc. for funding the production of this, our first annual report.

Corporates, Foundations and Funds Christel House International, Inc Dell Development Fund The Engage Network Flexi Club Members GUD Holdings Ltd Brendalyn Stemple Foundation National Lotteries Distribution Trust Fund Club Leisure Group Investec Bank Pioneer Foods Anglo American Chairman’s Fund Awnmaster Nedbank Ltd RCI South Africa Puma SA VOASA Autozone Retail and Distribution Pty Ltd Toy Run Charity Trust AEPA Educational Supplies Dell Computers (Pty) Ltd Dell Development Trust Stone Corner Bldg Momentum Bidvest DG Murray Trust Brait Foundation Fedics

Government Western Cape Department of Education National Development Agency City of Cape Town

Individuals Peter and Pirjo Carr Andre Crawford Brunt Brett Archibald Bernadette Thomlinson Brendalyn Stemple Stephen Van Coller Judy Kleiner Sven Thiele Peter Hutchinson Jerry Graber Di Gordon Claudia Atkins Staff Members of Christel House South Africa Service providers to CHSA that support our events and activities

Annual Report I Page 29

Do we succeed?


Our matric pass rate?

3 years running.

With your help, we can make it four. Christel House South Africa Phone: +27 21 704 9406 / 7 / 8 Email: Website: Banking Details: NAME OF ACCOUNT: NAME OF BANK: TYPE OF ACCOUNT: ACCOUNT NUMBER: BRANCH CODE: SWIFT:



Dell Powering the Possible

* This report made possible by Dell Inc.

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