Inex April 2018

Page 22


Take VR anywhere

Fast VR takes advantage of mobile VR headsets. Using just your smartphone, VR can be viewed with inexpensive clipon goggles, or slightly more expensive mobile headsets. With these mobile options, you have the opportunity to take VR to your clients, wherever they are located. Typically, about 80% of meetings are off site for most designers, so taking VR with you is critical if it is going to fit into your workflow. Mobile VR also provides the option to carry a VR portfolio in your pocket to share the designs you’ve created and win business. No, it’s not as immersive as full tethered VR – but the most beautiful renderings in the world won’t help you communicate with your clients if they are only available back at your office. Using mobile devices and simple headsets to deliver VR experiences means presentations are always at your fingertips and costs are minimised.


VR can just be a tool, it doesn’t need to be an experience. Don’t expect clients to spend hours strapped to a headset taking in every element of a design. Fast VR isn’t about convincing someone they’re in a room, it’s about enabling them to experience a spatial environment. There’s a very real feeling of isolation to being inside VR, and your clients may feel foolish or uncertain about putting on the headset. You don’t want to make your clients feel awkward about using technology while you’re trying to build trust. Again, the fast VR concept is the way to remove this friction. Consider VR as a pop in and out experience – show your clients a scene they spend a few moments glancing at, before removing the headset and having a discussion. Used in this way, our early adopter clients have found there are two real truths to VR. Firstly, it creates a much better sense of space and scale for clients who aren’t as comfortable as designers at working in standard heights and measurements. Secondly, it elevates client conversations through shared understanding. When your clients understand what you mean about a feeling you’re trying to evoke, or why you are recommending a certain finish, you move past explaining it and your clients have greater confidence to sign off and discuss other design elements. I N E X


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