Chris Baird | Portland | Basics of Real Estate Investing: Getting Started

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Basics of Real Estate Investing: Getting Started

Investing in real estate is an excellent strategy to build wealth and generate passive income. However, getting started can seem daunting, especially if you’re new to real estate.

Below are the basics of real estate investing and tips for getting started:

Understand the Dierent Types of Real Estate Investing

With more than one way to invest in real estate, rst-time investors can choose rental properties, x-and-ip properties, commercial real estate, and real estate investment trusts (REITs) It’s crucial to understand the pros and cons of each type of investment and decide the investment that best aligns with your goals and interests.

Determine Your Investment Goals

Before starting real estate investing, it’s crucial to determine your investment goals Are you looking for long-term appreciation or short-term cash ow? Are you interested in

4/13/23, 8:34 AM Basics of Real Estate Investing: Getting Started | Chris Baird | Investing

passive income, or are you willing to actively manage your properties? Understanding your goals will help you decide which investments to pursue.

Build Your Team

Real estate investing takes a team eort, and building a solid team of professionals is essential to help you succeed. This may include a real estate agent, attorney, accountant, property manager, and contractor. Choose professionals specializing in real estate investing with a track record of success.

Start With Small Investments

Investing can be expensive, and starting small and working your way up is essential. Consider investing in a single-family rental property or a x-and-ip property to get created As you gain experience and build your portfolio, you can start taking on larger, more complex investments.

Educate Yourself & Do Your Research

Real estate investing is complex, and educating yourself before getting started is important Read books, attend seminars, and network with other real estate investors to learn as much as possible about the industry. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to make informed investment decisions.

Know Your Numbers

This type of investing is all about numbers. Before investing, running the numbers and ensuring that the investment makes nancial sense is essential. This includes calculating the potential return on investment (ROI), factoring in all expenses, and considering the local real estate market

Conduct Due Diligence

Before investing, it’s crucial to conduct due diligence to ensure that the property is a sound investment. This includes reviewing the property’s nancials, running a home inspection, and researching the local real estate market It’s better to be thorough upfront than to uncover issues down the road.

Start Planning

Real estate investing requires a plan, and it’s vital to have a clear strategy in place before making any investments This includes determining your investment goals, identifying your target market, and creating a plan for managing your properties.

Real estate investing can be lucrative and rewarding, but it’s critical to approach it with caution and a solid plan. By understanding the basics of real estate investing, building a strong team, and conducting due diligence, you can set yourself up for success and achieve your nancial goals Remember to start small, educate yourself, and always run the

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numbers before investing. With hard work and dedication, real estate investing can be an excellent way to build wealth and achieve nancial freedom.

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